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Our Archaeological Corner.
toune to have sorvyse be noo maner crafte ne collusioun but in the forme aforeseyde . Also they byn acorded that no master of the seyd Crafte shal not susteyhe ne sucour noo servant otherwyse thanne the seyde constituciones and ordynance afore seid specefie .
Also thei byn acorded that from hennesfortheward whenne eny stranger cometh to London to have a servise oni of the servantes knoweth that he will have a servise he shall brynge him to a mastir to serve and to warne the wardeyne that is
here governour that he may be at the covenant makyng . Also they ben acorded that the seyd servantes shal come and geder into the place the wheche is nessesari to hem at sevene of the bell in here elothyng of here Bretherhed
soo that they mai come to Seynt Thomas of Acres be ix of the bell to goo fro thennes before the Maistres of the Crafte to the Grey Freres to here mas in the worshup of the holy seynt afore seyd apon the payne aforesejule . Also they byn acorded that the seyd
articles be treweli and duely ikepte apon the payne of xx s . And that the same persone that is founden in ony definite he to be corrected be the wardeyne that is here governoure and be the wardeynes of the Bretherhed of yonien to stonde at here
discrecioun in alle maner degre . Also he that cometh . nat at all maner of somons the wheche is worship and profit to the seyd Bretherhed of yomen shall pay ateveri tyme a pounde of wax but if he have a resonable excusacioun .
Also thei ben acorded that there schall be a bedell of the yonien and the seyd bedel to take for his salari be the quarter of every brother of the seyd Brethered ob . And wanne eny distaunce other thyng that perteyneth to the seyd Bretherhed the wheche that is profit and worshi p to the
seyde Brethered he to have for his labour j cl . ob . And whanne eny brother other sister be passed to God the seyd bedell to have for his traveylo ij . cl . Also they byn acorded that if hit soo be that ony servant heiinesfortheward be
foundeu false of his hondes or in eny other degre at the first defaute he to be corrected be the overseer that is ordeyned to the Bretherhed of yomen and be the wardeynes of the same . And at the secounde tyme
he that is founde m such a defaute schalhe put oute of the Crafte for evere . And at the first defaute hoo that is founde in that degre shal make a fyne to the Crafte that is to seye iiij s . halfe to torne ( sic ) to turns to the box of the Blaistres and halfe to the
box of the yomen . Also they byn acorded that they sliull chese newe Mastres at the fest of Seynt Loy . And that the olde Maistres yeve un here aeountes to the newe at the fest of Cristemasse . Aud thenne that to be here
quarter day . And the newe Maistres be bounde to the olde . And that this art ycul be treweli and deweli to be kepte apon the peyne of xiij s . iiij d . Also ther shal not on brother plete with another at no maner jdace withouten leve
of the wardeynesse and xij of the bretheren in the peyne of xiij s . iiij d . Also if ther be eny brother that forsaketh here elothyng schal paye to the boxe of the seyde yomen xij d . Also they byn acorded whosoever be
wardeyne withoute the gate he schall not have the box in kepyng nother the wex in governance but he shall have a key of the box and another of the wex . Also they byn acorded if therbe eny brother that telleth the counseyle of the seyd Brethered
to his master prentis or to eny other man he shall paye to the box ij s . halfe to the Maistres and that other halfe to here oiure box . And the seyde money to be reysed of the Mastres .
Also they byn acorded if therbe eny brother that revylet the wardeyns or eny of here brethren he shal pay xij d . halfe to the master box the tether halfe to there oune box . Also if the wardeynes be niys governed ayenest ony brother the foreseyd brother
shall pjlayne to the Master of the Crafte and the Mastre forto correcte the foreseyd wardeyns . Also a remembrance that in the tyme that William Fercur was wardeyne of blakesrnyth . es and governour of yomen of
blakesmythes in that tyme John Water , John Specer , Jheferey More , and John Lamhora Mastres of the yomen aforeseyd and xij" ° < the same company : We have ordeyned that every brother shall pay the firsts dai vj '' . and eveii wif of the seyd brethren iiij ^ and also at the quarter day everi man an " bis wif iij d , And also if eny of the seid
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Archaeological Corner.
toune to have sorvyse be noo maner crafte ne collusioun but in the forme aforeseyde . Also they byn acorded that no master of the seyd Crafte shal not susteyhe ne sucour noo servant otherwyse thanne the seyde constituciones and ordynance afore seid specefie .
Also thei byn acorded that from hennesfortheward whenne eny stranger cometh to London to have a servise oni of the servantes knoweth that he will have a servise he shall brynge him to a mastir to serve and to warne the wardeyne that is
here governour that he may be at the covenant makyng . Also they ben acorded that the seyd servantes shal come and geder into the place the wheche is nessesari to hem at sevene of the bell in here elothyng of here Bretherhed
soo that they mai come to Seynt Thomas of Acres be ix of the bell to goo fro thennes before the Maistres of the Crafte to the Grey Freres to here mas in the worshup of the holy seynt afore seyd apon the payne aforesejule . Also they byn acorded that the seyd
articles be treweli and duely ikepte apon the payne of xx s . And that the same persone that is founden in ony definite he to be corrected be the wardeyne that is here governoure and be the wardeynes of the Bretherhed of yonien to stonde at here
discrecioun in alle maner degre . Also he that cometh . nat at all maner of somons the wheche is worship and profit to the seyd Bretherhed of yomen shall pay ateveri tyme a pounde of wax but if he have a resonable excusacioun .
Also thei ben acorded that there schall be a bedell of the yonien and the seyd bedel to take for his salari be the quarter of every brother of the seyd Brethered ob . And wanne eny distaunce other thyng that perteyneth to the seyd Bretherhed the wheche that is profit and worshi p to the
seyde Brethered he to have for his labour j cl . ob . And whanne eny brother other sister be passed to God the seyd bedell to have for his traveylo ij . cl . Also they byn acorded that if hit soo be that ony servant heiinesfortheward be
foundeu false of his hondes or in eny other degre at the first defaute he to be corrected be the overseer that is ordeyned to the Bretherhed of yomen and be the wardeynes of the same . And at the secounde tyme
he that is founde m such a defaute schalhe put oute of the Crafte for evere . And at the first defaute hoo that is founde in that degre shal make a fyne to the Crafte that is to seye iiij s . halfe to torne ( sic ) to turns to the box of the Blaistres and halfe to the
box of the yomen . Also they byn acorded that they sliull chese newe Mastres at the fest of Seynt Loy . And that the olde Maistres yeve un here aeountes to the newe at the fest of Cristemasse . Aud thenne that to be here
quarter day . And the newe Maistres be bounde to the olde . And that this art ycul be treweli and deweli to be kepte apon the peyne of xiij s . iiij d . Also ther shal not on brother plete with another at no maner jdace withouten leve
of the wardeynesse and xij of the bretheren in the peyne of xiij s . iiij d . Also if ther be eny brother that forsaketh here elothyng schal paye to the boxe of the seyde yomen xij d . Also they byn acorded whosoever be
wardeyne withoute the gate he schall not have the box in kepyng nother the wex in governance but he shall have a key of the box and another of the wex . Also they byn acorded if therbe eny brother that telleth the counseyle of the seyd Brethered
to his master prentis or to eny other man he shall paye to the box ij s . halfe to the Maistres and that other halfe to here oiure box . And the seyde money to be reysed of the Mastres .
Also they byn acorded if therbe eny brother that revylet the wardeyns or eny of here brethren he shal pay xij d . halfe to the master box the tether halfe to there oune box . Also if the wardeynes be niys governed ayenest ony brother the foreseyd brother
shall pjlayne to the Master of the Crafte and the Mastre forto correcte the foreseyd wardeyns . Also a remembrance that in the tyme that William Fercur was wardeyne of blakesrnyth . es and governour of yomen of
blakesmythes in that tyme John Water , John Specer , Jheferey More , and John Lamhora Mastres of the yomen aforeseyd and xij" ° < the same company : We have ordeyned that every brother shall pay the firsts dai vj '' . and eveii wif of the seyd brethren iiij ^ and also at the quarter day everi man an " bis wif iij d , And also if eny of the seid