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Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
AA'hatever form it may take , pure ancl spotless ; but a healthy state of public opinion—a spreading abroad of the genuine principles of Freemasonry—will always secure comparative purity , ' whether it bei n a monarchy or a republic . And every Mason ought to knoAV that , though he should be prepared , if necessary , to forfeit his life before he would divulge any of the secrets of the order to those not duly entitled to receive them ; yet he is not only at libertto propagatebut it is his bounden duty to do soin his
y , , words and in his actions , the glorious principles of the Craft . Bro . Dr . R . A . Dougals-Lithgow , E . R . S . L ., a respected medical practitioner at Wisbech , and one of the Honorary Local Secretaries to the British Archaeological Association on its recent Congress at that place , has published a volume of poems , under the title of Pet Moments , dedicated by permission to the Poet Laureate , which Eliza Cook , no mean authoritycharacterizes as far " superior to which demand the world's notice" and
, many , declares that " the whole of them carry the germ of intellectual and poetic power . " In a future Note Ave may glance at those " charming ancl fresh inspirations of the Muse , " as Public Opinion terms them ; for the present , this passing notice must suffice . Medical men as a rule are not very poetical . Eor myself , I neA'er could see why Science ancl Poetry should be looked upon as antagonistic . All truth is beautiful , and eA'erything that possesses material or spiritual beauty is , so far , poetical . Ghastly as a human skeleton
appears to those ivho have never thought on the useful purposes it was constructed to perform by the Avisdom of T . G . A . O . T . U ., in the eye of those who . carry their researches in the least " into the hidden mysteries of nature ancl science , " it loses at once the horror Avith Avhich it strikes the ignorant , ancl becomes beautiful for its line adaptation for the support ancl motions of human beings in the highest purposes Avhich they hai'e accomplished in any age or clime . Above all men , the Freemason shoidd be thoroughly imbued Avith the true spirit of poetry . Rose Cottage , Stokesley .
F PULL of a high ambition , rendering best homage above , I Imbued with a holy fear , strong in a perfect love , D Devoted to works of kindness ; AA'ith one great object in view , E Eager to aid in His service , honest , and staunch , and true ; L Learning to find in His chastenings more reason for thankfulness deep ;
E Embracing life ' s dangers e ' en gladly , —so of your fruits shall ye reap ! F Faulty may be our endeavour , weak our most fervent prayer ; I In love He will deign to pardon , only leave all to His care ; *> Doubt not , for strength He has promised , His word AA'ill always stand sure
E Each innermost thought He knoweth , strive that each one may be pure . L Living ancl loving so faithfully , no trouble shall banish your joy , E Embittered on earth though it may be , —hereafter there'll be no alloy . Eroii / E .
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Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
AA'hatever form it may take , pure ancl spotless ; but a healthy state of public opinion—a spreading abroad of the genuine principles of Freemasonry—will always secure comparative purity , ' whether it bei n a monarchy or a republic . And every Mason ought to knoAV that , though he should be prepared , if necessary , to forfeit his life before he would divulge any of the secrets of the order to those not duly entitled to receive them ; yet he is not only at libertto propagatebut it is his bounden duty to do soin his
y , , words and in his actions , the glorious principles of the Craft . Bro . Dr . R . A . Dougals-Lithgow , E . R . S . L ., a respected medical practitioner at Wisbech , and one of the Honorary Local Secretaries to the British Archaeological Association on its recent Congress at that place , has published a volume of poems , under the title of Pet Moments , dedicated by permission to the Poet Laureate , which Eliza Cook , no mean authoritycharacterizes as far " superior to which demand the world's notice" and
, many , declares that " the whole of them carry the germ of intellectual and poetic power . " In a future Note Ave may glance at those " charming ancl fresh inspirations of the Muse , " as Public Opinion terms them ; for the present , this passing notice must suffice . Medical men as a rule are not very poetical . Eor myself , I neA'er could see why Science ancl Poetry should be looked upon as antagonistic . All truth is beautiful , and eA'erything that possesses material or spiritual beauty is , so far , poetical . Ghastly as a human skeleton
appears to those ivho have never thought on the useful purposes it was constructed to perform by the Avisdom of T . G . A . O . T . U ., in the eye of those who . carry their researches in the least " into the hidden mysteries of nature ancl science , " it loses at once the horror Avith Avhich it strikes the ignorant , ancl becomes beautiful for its line adaptation for the support ancl motions of human beings in the highest purposes Avhich they hai'e accomplished in any age or clime . Above all men , the Freemason shoidd be thoroughly imbued Avith the true spirit of poetry . Rose Cottage , Stokesley .
F PULL of a high ambition , rendering best homage above , I Imbued with a holy fear , strong in a perfect love , D Devoted to works of kindness ; AA'ith one great object in view , E Eager to aid in His service , honest , and staunch , and true ; L Learning to find in His chastenings more reason for thankfulness deep ;
E Embracing life ' s dangers e ' en gladly , —so of your fruits shall ye reap ! F Faulty may be our endeavour , weak our most fervent prayer ; I In love He will deign to pardon , only leave all to His care ; *> Doubt not , for strength He has promised , His word AA'ill always stand sure
E Each innermost thought He knoweth , strive that each one may be pure . L Living ancl loving so faithfully , no trouble shall banish your joy , E Embittered on earth though it may be , —hereafter there'll be no alloy . Eroii / E .