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Lost And Saved ; Or, Nellie Powers, The Missionary's Daughter.
" Shipmates , I hold that the passengers have got no right to vote ; they Avere passengers aboard the ' Sparkler , ' ancl let them be passengers aboard the raft . Ain't I right ?" Eadshaw looked around for an answer from the men , Avhile the cook stood before Nellie Availing for their reply . " You are , ain't he , shipmates ? " said Crony . Mr . Evans , AA'ho seemed to have been called upon as the spokesman for the captain ' s
party , said , — " To be sure , when Ave AA'ere aboard the ' Sparkler' our passengers had nothing to say in regard to sailing the vessel , or as to Avhat should be done on board . But UOAV as Ave are not aboard the ' Sparkler , ' but are out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a raft , ancl as they are to share our good or bad fortune , live or die Avith us , I say that they haA'e as much of a right to vote who shah be put in charge of them as any of us
, especially as Ave have decided not to sail as Ave were aboard the vessel , but as an entirely different set of persons , under different circumstances and about to choose our captain . Those AA'ho are in favour of giving the passengers equal rights Avithjburselves raise their rig ht hands . " All of the hands came up , with the exception of those of the third mate , Crony , ancl Dick Flynn .
" As the majority are in favour of their voting , Ave Avill proceed Avith the vote , " said Mr . Evans . The vote AA'hen cast was found to stand eleven for the captain and four for Eadshaw . As there were only fourteen aboard the raft , it Avas difficult to account for fifteen votes , but the supposition Avas , among the captain ' s party , that Eadshaw had made two out of his one , as two of them were found to be thinner than the others . This little discrepancy , however , did not make any material difference , for Captain Dill Avas declared captain by a majority of seven .
Captain Dill immediately set to Avork to make everything as comfortable as possible . Each man Avhen he left the vessel had taken as many things with him as he could carry . The first mate , being the acting carpenter aboard the vessel , had , when he left , brought his bag of tools . The captain had brought a compass , a barometer , and a chart , ancl seA'eral minor articles AA'hich he found room for in his pockets . The second mate had brought the ship ' s tobacco , as that was always his main solace , and he had throAvn oA'er
on the raft the flying jib , AA'hich had been unbent that morning for repairs . Every man had brought something , and often , Avith a lot of men in their situation , most any trivial thing has been found to be of great importance . As it Avas noAV late in the ni ght , after the customary Avatch had been set , the men laid themselves CIOAVU to sleep , each one , hoAvever , before closing his AA'eary eyes , instincth'ely turned them toAA'ards the brig , AA'hich AA'as still burning brightly about a mile from them .
When the sun rose on the folloAving morning , ancl cast its beams upon the Avater , it looked CIOAATU upon a scene of sorrow . The beautiful bri g , AA'hich on the eA'ening before it had left sading gracefully on a smooth sea , ancl under a fair sky , UOAV lay a blackened mass of smoking nuns on the surface of the water , and round and near floated charred pieces of her fair design . About a mile to the leeward it looked CIOAA ' on the company of joyous voyagers it had left the ni ght before in contentment , UOAV saddened
and care-Avorn , on a small raft IAVO thousand miles from the nearest land . As the sleepers aboard the raft aAvoke one by one , they cast their eyes toAvards the spot Avhere they had last seen the " Sparkler . " She had changed her position someAvhat , but the charred hull coidd easffy be seen by all on board . As they aAvoke from their sleep they also aAvoke to a realizing sense of the helplessness of their condition . What coidd they expect to do on such craft ? they asked themselves the storms Avhich the
a , as S parkler " had passed through came into their minds . They had thought the voyage of so many miles in the " Sparkling Sea " Avas fraught Avith many dangers , ancl they Avould now have been satisfied if they only had her yawl boat instead of the clumsy raft . ( To be continued . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lost And Saved ; Or, Nellie Powers, The Missionary's Daughter.
" Shipmates , I hold that the passengers have got no right to vote ; they Avere passengers aboard the ' Sparkler , ' ancl let them be passengers aboard the raft . Ain't I right ?" Eadshaw looked around for an answer from the men , Avhile the cook stood before Nellie Availing for their reply . " You are , ain't he , shipmates ? " said Crony . Mr . Evans , AA'ho seemed to have been called upon as the spokesman for the captain ' s
party , said , — " To be sure , when Ave AA'ere aboard the ' Sparkler' our passengers had nothing to say in regard to sailing the vessel , or as to Avhat should be done on board . But UOAV as Ave are not aboard the ' Sparkler , ' but are out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a raft , ancl as they are to share our good or bad fortune , live or die Avith us , I say that they haA'e as much of a right to vote who shah be put in charge of them as any of us
, especially as Ave have decided not to sail as Ave were aboard the vessel , but as an entirely different set of persons , under different circumstances and about to choose our captain . Those AA'ho are in favour of giving the passengers equal rights Avithjburselves raise their rig ht hands . " All of the hands came up , with the exception of those of the third mate , Crony , ancl Dick Flynn .
" As the majority are in favour of their voting , Ave Avill proceed Avith the vote , " said Mr . Evans . The vote AA'hen cast was found to stand eleven for the captain and four for Eadshaw . As there were only fourteen aboard the raft , it Avas difficult to account for fifteen votes , but the supposition Avas , among the captain ' s party , that Eadshaw had made two out of his one , as two of them were found to be thinner than the others . This little discrepancy , however , did not make any material difference , for Captain Dill Avas declared captain by a majority of seven .
Captain Dill immediately set to Avork to make everything as comfortable as possible . Each man Avhen he left the vessel had taken as many things with him as he could carry . The first mate , being the acting carpenter aboard the vessel , had , when he left , brought his bag of tools . The captain had brought a compass , a barometer , and a chart , ancl seA'eral minor articles AA'hich he found room for in his pockets . The second mate had brought the ship ' s tobacco , as that was always his main solace , and he had throAvn oA'er
on the raft the flying jib , AA'hich had been unbent that morning for repairs . Every man had brought something , and often , Avith a lot of men in their situation , most any trivial thing has been found to be of great importance . As it Avas noAV late in the ni ght , after the customary Avatch had been set , the men laid themselves CIOAVU to sleep , each one , hoAvever , before closing his AA'eary eyes , instincth'ely turned them toAA'ards the brig , AA'hich AA'as still burning brightly about a mile from them .
When the sun rose on the folloAving morning , ancl cast its beams upon the Avater , it looked CIOAATU upon a scene of sorrow . The beautiful bri g , AA'hich on the eA'ening before it had left sading gracefully on a smooth sea , ancl under a fair sky , UOAV lay a blackened mass of smoking nuns on the surface of the water , and round and near floated charred pieces of her fair design . About a mile to the leeward it looked CIOAA ' on the company of joyous voyagers it had left the ni ght before in contentment , UOAV saddened
and care-Avorn , on a small raft IAVO thousand miles from the nearest land . As the sleepers aboard the raft aAvoke one by one , they cast their eyes toAvards the spot Avhere they had last seen the " Sparkler . " She had changed her position someAvhat , but the charred hull coidd easffy be seen by all on board . As they aAvoke from their sleep they also aAvoke to a realizing sense of the helplessness of their condition . What coidd they expect to do on such craft ? they asked themselves the storms Avhich the
a , as S parkler " had passed through came into their minds . They had thought the voyage of so many miles in the " Sparkling Sea " Avas fraught Avith many dangers , ancl they Avould now have been satisfied if they only had her yawl boat instead of the clumsy raft . ( To be continued . )