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BY BRO . JOHN SAFFERY , M . P . S . WnEUE are the fields of Avaving golden grain , With slender stems ancl heavy hanging heads , That bend Avith grace AA'hen oA'er hill and plain The summer breeze its ling ' ring SAA'eetness sheds ?
To swell the garnered haiwest they haA'e gone ; A fair reward for skilful patient toil , The treasured food that nations feed upon , — Abimdant yield of tdled and fertile sod . Although the stubbled land is sere ancl bare , And verdant leaves have turned to reddish-broAvn ,
The orchards SIIOAV a sign of plenty there , Ancl ripened fruit the spreading boughs AA'eigh doAA'n . Thick hangs th' enclust ' ring grape from trailing vine , That stretches o ' er the trellised porch embowered , Where cozy cot is turned to Nature ' s shrine , By wealth of fruit and climbing floAA'ers endoAA'ered .
When fields are stripped ancl grassy meads look broAvn , Autumnal floAvers make tasteful gardens gay , These fragrant blossoms do the season CTOAATI , Their beauty vying AA'ith the gems of May . When Winter ' s near ancl leafless are the trees , The branching boughs bare-tAvigged look stiff ancl cold ; When Autumn ' s gloom has deepened o ' er the leas , The ruddy sunset ' s sadd ' nbig to behold . Eemembrance , then , comes Avith the waning year ,
01 htes decline , of loved ones IIOAV no more ; We lift a hand ancl brush aAvay a tear , As passing thoughts just touch on mem ' ry ' s shore . HOAV fast we journey on from stage to stage ! 'Tis infant Spring , then youthful Summer next , With manhood ' s Autumn joined to Winter ' s age , A round of life UOAV pleasant UOAV perplexed
, , Made bright by hope , but darkened most by fear , Still rolling on as spins the Avheel of Time , Advancing clay by clay and year by year , Age piled on Age by silent poAA'er sublime . This Avorld to us is but a place of change , Ancl truly so ; for seasons vary much
, Ancl climates alter with the Avidest range From Cold to Hot ; the Temperate UOAV we touch . E ' en nature ' s revolutions we can trace , In mountains , seas , ancl fossds from the earth , Ancl cyclic changes season-like efface Existing termsby those of newer birth .
, " So generations in their course decay , " They fall successive ancl successive rise ; "So flourish these when those have passed away , " Ancl Autumn ' s yield the Coming Surino- sunnlies .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BY BRO . JOHN SAFFERY , M . P . S . WnEUE are the fields of Avaving golden grain , With slender stems ancl heavy hanging heads , That bend Avith grace AA'hen oA'er hill and plain The summer breeze its ling ' ring SAA'eetness sheds ?
To swell the garnered haiwest they haA'e gone ; A fair reward for skilful patient toil , The treasured food that nations feed upon , — Abimdant yield of tdled and fertile sod . Although the stubbled land is sere ancl bare , And verdant leaves have turned to reddish-broAvn ,
The orchards SIIOAV a sign of plenty there , Ancl ripened fruit the spreading boughs AA'eigh doAA'n . Thick hangs th' enclust ' ring grape from trailing vine , That stretches o ' er the trellised porch embowered , Where cozy cot is turned to Nature ' s shrine , By wealth of fruit and climbing floAA'ers endoAA'ered .
When fields are stripped ancl grassy meads look broAvn , Autumnal floAvers make tasteful gardens gay , These fragrant blossoms do the season CTOAATI , Their beauty vying AA'ith the gems of May . When Winter ' s near ancl leafless are the trees , The branching boughs bare-tAvigged look stiff ancl cold ; When Autumn ' s gloom has deepened o ' er the leas , The ruddy sunset ' s sadd ' nbig to behold . Eemembrance , then , comes Avith the waning year ,
01 htes decline , of loved ones IIOAV no more ; We lift a hand ancl brush aAvay a tear , As passing thoughts just touch on mem ' ry ' s shore . HOAV fast we journey on from stage to stage ! 'Tis infant Spring , then youthful Summer next , With manhood ' s Autumn joined to Winter ' s age , A round of life UOAV pleasant UOAV perplexed
, , Made bright by hope , but darkened most by fear , Still rolling on as spins the Avheel of Time , Advancing clay by clay and year by year , Age piled on Age by silent poAA'er sublime . This Avorld to us is but a place of change , Ancl truly so ; for seasons vary much
, Ancl climates alter with the Avidest range From Cold to Hot ; the Temperate UOAV we touch . E ' en nature ' s revolutions we can trace , In mountains , seas , ancl fossds from the earth , Ancl cyclic changes season-like efface Existing termsby those of newer birth .
, " So generations in their course decay , " They fall successive ancl successive rise ; "So flourish these when those have passed away , " Ancl Autumn ' s yield the Coming Surino- sunnlies .