Article AN HERMETIC WORK. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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An Hermetic Work.
most high , great aud good God , AA' 111 in this our Age afford Ins Spagyrick Sons the Metallick mysteries gratis yet , by praying , ancl labouring to attain them . Physician . I grant God affords his commendable good things gratis , yet he hath seldom given or doth easily sell to his Sons this Medicinal Nectar for nothing . For Ave know certainly that Infinite numbers of Chymists haA'e and do still draw AA'ater through a SieA'e , whilst they presume to prepare the Universal Stone of
Philosophers , and out of the Books of triumphing Adeptists , none can learn the manner of preparing it , or know their first matter . Ancl whilst one searcheth on the loAvest root ancl foot of the Mountain , he never ascends to the highest top , Avhere only he can eat and drink the Ambrosia and Nectar of the Macro-Sophists or Phdosophers . In the Interim it is the part of a good Physician , for AA'ant of that universal Elixir , to keep a pure and safe Conscience , and apply to diseases such restoring remedies in Avhich he
certainly finds the effect ancl Virtue of Curing them . Therefore in all desperate Diseases I use such most simple Medicaments , that the Patients either speedily recover , or are brought into some way of their former better health . Eor there are various lands of Salts generated in the Glandules ancl Lymphatick A ' essels , after the putrefaction of this or that received nourishment , which afterwards llourish out in various humours , ancl cause either internal or external distempers , For
experience teacheth us , that as many constitutions or Complexions , so many diversities of Diseases , although it be the A'ery same Disease in general . As Ave haA'e experience in them AVIIO drink Wine , AA'here divers operations presently manifest themselves . Por Peter , having drunk Wine , presently begins to be angry ancl furious ; on the contrary : Paul seems to haA'e a Lamblike timidity ; but Mailmv sings , and Luke weeps . Item . From the contagious Scorbutica ! poison , the Eaclical Juice of Peter in his
Lymphatick Vessels and Kernels is turned into Acidity , which obstructs the passages ancl Organs of all the whole body . From Avhence springs up under the skin discoloured Azure or Side-colour spots ; but in the time of the Plague they bud forth in the likeness of Comes of Pepper . But the Juice of the same parts in Paul is changed into an opening bitterness from Avhence in the skin groAv red spots under the Anns and Legs , like unto flea-bites ; but in the plague time Carbuncles .
But the Juice or humidity of the same parts in Maiheiu is turned somewhat sweet and easie to be putrefied , whence bud forth under the skin watry Tumors on his Arms and Legs , the like almost you may see in Hydropical patients ; but in the pestilence riseth pestilential Tumors . But of the same parts in Luke , the Juice is changed into a sharpe salty driness , whence come forth under the sldn of his Arms ancl Legs , precipitations of the ordinary
ferment of the flesh , and such exsiccations as commonly fall out in the consumptive Atrophia ; yea , most often into the true Atrophia : But in the Plague , come forth most ardent swellings , Avith distractedness until death . Behold my friend ! No Physician , by one universal Medicine , can Cure this only Disease of the Scorbutick-pestilential or Pebrile-poyson , but indeed by means of a particular A egetable or Mineral granted in nature from God , Ave may ; for I can succour ancl
handle all Scorbutical patients , with one Scorbutica ! Herb , as Scurvy-grass , or Sorrel , or Fumitary , or Baccabungia , called Brooklime or Eed Coleworts ; yea , much less can Ave succour them with one remedy compounded of all these divers species ; for as much as there is such an Antipathy between Scurvy-grass ancl Sorrel , as there is betAveen fire and water , ancl the same Antipathy is also observed between the Herb b limitary , and Baeealmngy : Therefore
_ The Corrector of Peter ' s Scorbutical , colouring Salty , and soAver Poyson , is made with the bitter Volatile Salt of the Herb Scurvy-grass . The Corrector of Paul ' s Scorbutick , tinging , salty and bitter povson , is made with the fixt sower salt of the Herb Sorel . And the Corrector of Matlimv ' s Scorbutick , salty , tinging SAveetand moistening poyson , i < made AA'ith the help of the fixt bitter and drying Sulphur of the Herb Fumitary . But the Correctcr of Luke ' s Scorbutical Tingent , Salty , sharp ancl drying poyson , is
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An Hermetic Work.
most high , great aud good God , AA' 111 in this our Age afford Ins Spagyrick Sons the Metallick mysteries gratis yet , by praying , ancl labouring to attain them . Physician . I grant God affords his commendable good things gratis , yet he hath seldom given or doth easily sell to his Sons this Medicinal Nectar for nothing . For Ave know certainly that Infinite numbers of Chymists haA'e and do still draw AA'ater through a SieA'e , whilst they presume to prepare the Universal Stone of
Philosophers , and out of the Books of triumphing Adeptists , none can learn the manner of preparing it , or know their first matter . Ancl whilst one searcheth on the loAvest root ancl foot of the Mountain , he never ascends to the highest top , Avhere only he can eat and drink the Ambrosia and Nectar of the Macro-Sophists or Phdosophers . In the Interim it is the part of a good Physician , for AA'ant of that universal Elixir , to keep a pure and safe Conscience , and apply to diseases such restoring remedies in Avhich he
certainly finds the effect ancl Virtue of Curing them . Therefore in all desperate Diseases I use such most simple Medicaments , that the Patients either speedily recover , or are brought into some way of their former better health . Eor there are various lands of Salts generated in the Glandules ancl Lymphatick A ' essels , after the putrefaction of this or that received nourishment , which afterwards llourish out in various humours , ancl cause either internal or external distempers , For
experience teacheth us , that as many constitutions or Complexions , so many diversities of Diseases , although it be the A'ery same Disease in general . As Ave haA'e experience in them AVIIO drink Wine , AA'here divers operations presently manifest themselves . Por Peter , having drunk Wine , presently begins to be angry ancl furious ; on the contrary : Paul seems to haA'e a Lamblike timidity ; but Mailmv sings , and Luke weeps . Item . From the contagious Scorbutica ! poison , the Eaclical Juice of Peter in his
Lymphatick Vessels and Kernels is turned into Acidity , which obstructs the passages ancl Organs of all the whole body . From Avhence springs up under the skin discoloured Azure or Side-colour spots ; but in the time of the Plague they bud forth in the likeness of Comes of Pepper . But the Juice of the same parts in Paul is changed into an opening bitterness from Avhence in the skin groAv red spots under the Anns and Legs , like unto flea-bites ; but in the plague time Carbuncles .
But the Juice or humidity of the same parts in Maiheiu is turned somewhat sweet and easie to be putrefied , whence bud forth under the skin watry Tumors on his Arms and Legs , the like almost you may see in Hydropical patients ; but in the pestilence riseth pestilential Tumors . But of the same parts in Luke , the Juice is changed into a sharpe salty driness , whence come forth under the sldn of his Arms ancl Legs , precipitations of the ordinary
ferment of the flesh , and such exsiccations as commonly fall out in the consumptive Atrophia ; yea , most often into the true Atrophia : But in the Plague , come forth most ardent swellings , Avith distractedness until death . Behold my friend ! No Physician , by one universal Medicine , can Cure this only Disease of the Scorbutick-pestilential or Pebrile-poyson , but indeed by means of a particular A egetable or Mineral granted in nature from God , Ave may ; for I can succour ancl
handle all Scorbutical patients , with one Scorbutica ! Herb , as Scurvy-grass , or Sorrel , or Fumitary , or Baccabungia , called Brooklime or Eed Coleworts ; yea , much less can Ave succour them with one remedy compounded of all these divers species ; for as much as there is such an Antipathy between Scurvy-grass ancl Sorrel , as there is betAveen fire and water , ancl the same Antipathy is also observed between the Herb b limitary , and Baeealmngy : Therefore
_ The Corrector of Peter ' s Scorbutical , colouring Salty , and soAver Poyson , is made with the bitter Volatile Salt of the Herb Scurvy-grass . The Corrector of Paul ' s Scorbutick , tinging , salty and bitter povson , is made with the fixt sower salt of the Herb Sorel . And the Corrector of Matlimv ' s Scorbutick , salty , tinging SAveetand moistening poyson , i < made AA'ith the help of the fixt bitter and drying Sulphur of the Herb Fumitary . But the Correctcr of Luke ' s Scorbutical Tingent , Salty , sharp ancl drying poyson , is