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The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
higher up appears the Saviour of mankind , Avith the Holy Ghost hovering OA'er Him iu the form of a dove . Ancl Avhat is A'ery remarkable , be is connected Avith Vishnu by means of a band or chain composed of lotus leaA'es ; thus uniting the symbols of Christianity AA'ith those of initiation into the Spurious Ih'eemasonry of Hindostan . It is an undoubted fact that the hierophant , at a certain point in the initiation , announced the resurrection of the deity , Avhose death had been preA'iously bewailed , in this explicit formula : " Be of good cheer , 0 ye Myst-as , our god is risen from the dead
aud AA'e are saved . " From these facts and authorities it will appear evident that it AA'as an ancient and AA'ell-receh'ed belief , throughout the AA'hole Avorld , that dominion should be p laced in the hands of the JBAVS by the appearance of a Great Deliverer , AVIIO AA'ould restore mankind to their primitive purity . If then it be proved that the esoteric doctrines of the Spurious Freemasonry included a knoAA'ledge of this fact , ancl also of a
Middle god , who should act in the character of a Mediator betAveen the creature and the Creator ; if they preserved ancl transmitted throughout all time a belief that salvation Avould be obtained by the shedding of blood , and that the sacrifice of one would be accepted as an atonement for tjie whole ; if they taught that the Logos , or Word of God , Avas preordained to bo a SaA'iour , an enlightener of darkness aud a regenerator of the soul ; if they inculcated a belief that His advent would be announced by a Blazing Star ,
or supernatural appearance in the heavens ; if the allegorical aphanism and enresis of the Spurious Freemasonry actually shadoAA'ed forth His death ancl resurrection ; why , then it Avill scarcely be denied that the Mysteries AA'hicli embodied all these fundamental truths , however they might be misinterpreted or imperfectly understood , Avere designed by a superintending Providence to keep alive in the minds of those AA'ho had been seduced to the Avorship of false gods a knowledge of the principal features in the process of our redemption , that they might be prepared for the deA'elopment AA'hen the appointed time should come .
The Platt Memorial.—Oldham.
r jPHE dull monotony which usually pervades this quaint Lancashire toAA'n AA'as broken - *~ a feAV weeks back on the occasion of the unveiling of a statue of the late John Piatt , Esq ., M . P ., Avhich ceremony took place in presence of thousands of spectators , AA'I IO occupied every available inch of space from Avhich a glimpse of the figure coidd be caught . Everybody seemed to A'ie with his neighbour in showing respect to their late noble benefactor , by a display of bunting , flags , etc ., which met the eye AA'hicheA-er way
itturned ; ancl this , too , notwithstanding the dull weather ancl the fall of sli ght sho \ A ers during the day , Avhich made the streets A'ery uncomfortable to the feet . About 2 . 30 the various bodies , societies , etc ., Avhich took part in the procession , began to assemble in the appointed places . First , the Memorial Committee , then the Borough and County Magistrates , inembers of the Town Council , Board of Guardians , members of the various institutions , gentlemen of the IOAATI and district . Next came the Lodge of
Tudor ( No . 407 ) of Freemasons , Avho hsd previously met at the Lodge Eoom , in the folloAving order :- —Appentices , Craftsmen , Master Masons , Officers , Past Masters and Worshipful Masters ; then the Brethren from other Lodges fell in ( according to rank iu their respective Lodges ); all appearing in black clothes , white ties , ancl gloves ; together Avith regalia of office as used in Craft Lodge , and headed by an excellent band ' Afterwards came the Foresters , Odd fellows ( TJ . 0 . ) , Shepherds , OddfelloAvs ( M . TJ- )> Druids , Oddfellows ( U . I . 0 . ) , Oddfellows ( Bolton Unity ) , Smiths , Plumbers , employes of Mefsrs . Piatt Bros , and Co ., Operative Spinners , Skip Makers , with the Brass Founders brin ging up the rear . The procession , having marched through the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Origin And References Of The Hermesian Spurious Freemasonry.
higher up appears the Saviour of mankind , Avith the Holy Ghost hovering OA'er Him iu the form of a dove . Ancl Avhat is A'ery remarkable , be is connected Avith Vishnu by means of a band or chain composed of lotus leaA'es ; thus uniting the symbols of Christianity AA'ith those of initiation into the Spurious Ih'eemasonry of Hindostan . It is an undoubted fact that the hierophant , at a certain point in the initiation , announced the resurrection of the deity , Avhose death had been preA'iously bewailed , in this explicit formula : " Be of good cheer , 0 ye Myst-as , our god is risen from the dead
aud AA'e are saved . " From these facts and authorities it will appear evident that it AA'as an ancient and AA'ell-receh'ed belief , throughout the AA'hole Avorld , that dominion should be p laced in the hands of the JBAVS by the appearance of a Great Deliverer , AVIIO AA'ould restore mankind to their primitive purity . If then it be proved that the esoteric doctrines of the Spurious Freemasonry included a knoAA'ledge of this fact , ancl also of a
Middle god , who should act in the character of a Mediator betAveen the creature and the Creator ; if they preserved ancl transmitted throughout all time a belief that salvation Avould be obtained by the shedding of blood , and that the sacrifice of one would be accepted as an atonement for tjie whole ; if they taught that the Logos , or Word of God , Avas preordained to bo a SaA'iour , an enlightener of darkness aud a regenerator of the soul ; if they inculcated a belief that His advent would be announced by a Blazing Star ,
or supernatural appearance in the heavens ; if the allegorical aphanism and enresis of the Spurious Freemasonry actually shadoAA'ed forth His death ancl resurrection ; why , then it Avill scarcely be denied that the Mysteries AA'hicli embodied all these fundamental truths , however they might be misinterpreted or imperfectly understood , Avere designed by a superintending Providence to keep alive in the minds of those AA'ho had been seduced to the Avorship of false gods a knowledge of the principal features in the process of our redemption , that they might be prepared for the deA'elopment AA'hen the appointed time should come .
The Platt Memorial.—Oldham.
r jPHE dull monotony which usually pervades this quaint Lancashire toAA'n AA'as broken - *~ a feAV weeks back on the occasion of the unveiling of a statue of the late John Piatt , Esq ., M . P ., Avhich ceremony took place in presence of thousands of spectators , AA'I IO occupied every available inch of space from Avhich a glimpse of the figure coidd be caught . Everybody seemed to A'ie with his neighbour in showing respect to their late noble benefactor , by a display of bunting , flags , etc ., which met the eye AA'hicheA-er way
itturned ; ancl this , too , notwithstanding the dull weather ancl the fall of sli ght sho \ A ers during the day , Avhich made the streets A'ery uncomfortable to the feet . About 2 . 30 the various bodies , societies , etc ., Avhich took part in the procession , began to assemble in the appointed places . First , the Memorial Committee , then the Borough and County Magistrates , inembers of the Town Council , Board of Guardians , members of the various institutions , gentlemen of the IOAATI and district . Next came the Lodge of
Tudor ( No . 407 ) of Freemasons , Avho hsd previously met at the Lodge Eoom , in the folloAving order :- —Appentices , Craftsmen , Master Masons , Officers , Past Masters and Worshipful Masters ; then the Brethren from other Lodges fell in ( according to rank iu their respective Lodges ); all appearing in black clothes , white ties , ancl gloves ; together Avith regalia of office as used in Craft Lodge , and headed by an excellent band ' Afterwards came the Foresters , Odd fellows ( TJ . 0 . ) , Shepherds , OddfelloAvs ( M . TJ- )> Druids , Oddfellows ( U . I . 0 . ) , Oddfellows ( Bolton Unity ) , Smiths , Plumbers , employes of Mefsrs . Piatt Bros , and Co ., Operative Spinners , Skip Makers , with the Brass Founders brin ging up the rear . The procession , having marched through the