Article AN HERMETIC WORK. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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An Hermetic Work.
made by the help of the sweet moistening Mercury of the Herb Baccabangy , Brooklime or Red ColeAvorts : As out of the External signature of those Herbs is A'ery easie to judge the specifick internal remedy , against these divers Scorbutical Diseases . Verily my friend ; if this be well observed , a prudent Physician will doubt of the universal Medicine . Elias . I shall easily grant all Avhich thou hast Argued , yet the feAvest of
Physicians observe this Method . In the Interim it is not at all impossible that there is also in the Kingdom of Minerals ( being the highest ) an universal Medicine , by whose only benefit Ave may affect ancl afford all which are recounted by thee of many Eemedies out of the lowermost Kingdom of Vegetables . But our most great and good God for some Aveighty Reasons , hath not gh'en this kind of magnificent Charismal gift or supereminent Science promiscuously to all Philosophers ; but hath revealed the same to a
few , though all the Adeptists agree that this Science is true , and that none ought to doubt of the truth thereof in the least . Physician . Sir , besides the mentioned things , there are yet other observations strenuously opposing the operation of an universal medicine ; Partly in respect unto men ' s age and strength ; - Partly by reason of the Sex , ancl other circumstances , Avhilst there is a plain difference between the tender and strong : Either by nature
or education , and between tho male ancl the female ; young man ancl maid ; and betAveen the beginning , middle , or end of the disease ; Ancl it must be known if the disease be inveterate , or but lately haA'e invaded the party ; ancl lastly , if the Ferment iu this disease be promoted , or in another be precipitated : I ^ or the Effervency of the Ferment is made in the Stomack , or intestines , ancl indeed many contradictions are against the Universal Medicine , and feAV Physicians haA'e . Thomas a Didymus' Spectacles at their lingers' ends . . Elias . Ton haA'e argued A'ery Philosophically for so many men , so many minds .
And as sweet Musick pleaseth not every M ydas ears , or tlie same meats ancl drinks please every Pallate : So the judgments of unskilful persons are very different concerning this Uiih'ersal Medicine , both for humane and Metallick Bodies ; And certainly the operation of this differs much from particular Medicines ; Some whereof nevertheless are in a maimer universal , or so esteemed , as the Herb Scurvy-grass , curing all sorts of the Scurvy , marked with Azure spots ; Sorrel , every Scurvy with red spots ; Beecabungia ( red ColeAvorts or Brooklime ) , Atrophiaor the Consumptive kind : and Fumitary
, Tumors of another kind : Especially with such Physicians to Avhom the abovesaid observations are in high esteem . Besides there is a A'ast difference betAveen the universal Medicine of true Philosophers , Avhich revives all the vital spirits , ancl the particular Medicament of a slight cure ; Avhere only the venome of humours boyling against nature ( in this man soAA'er , in another bitter , & c , ancl in one Saline , in another sharp ) is corrected ; And if these corruptions be not presently removed by the usual Emunctories
of Mouth , Nostrils , Stool , Urine , or Sweat ; then certainly the Corruption of one , begets another disease ; for every spark of Fire having food , ancl not quencht , AA'UI arise to the greatest conflagration . But if there be a defect in the motions of the Vital Sp irits , then this is impossible to be effected by particulars ; wherefore it concerns every conscientious Physician to learn how he may promote the motion of the vital spirits , to a natural digestible heat , Avhich is most securely and best performed by our universal
Medicine by which the sick aro notably recreated ; for as soon as this more than perfect Medicine removes the mortifying seeds , Nature is restored , ancl so lost health recovered ; and that only by a harmonious Sympathy between it and the vital Spirits ; Wherefore the Adept do call it the Mystery of Nature , defence of old Age , ancl against all Sicknesses , yea , of the A'ery Plague and Pestilence ; For this being a kind of Salamander , communicates its virtue and ( as a Salamander ) makes a man live till his last appointed time against all the Fiery Epidemical Darts of the angry Heavens or their Malevolent Influences .
Physician . Sir ! I understand by your discourse , That this Medicine doth nothing to the correcting of depraved or corrupt humours , but only by strengthning the Vital Spirits , and our Balsamick Nature ; but other practical Chyinists teach how to separate
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An Hermetic Work.
made by the help of the sweet moistening Mercury of the Herb Baccabangy , Brooklime or Red ColeAvorts : As out of the External signature of those Herbs is A'ery easie to judge the specifick internal remedy , against these divers Scorbutical Diseases . Verily my friend ; if this be well observed , a prudent Physician will doubt of the universal Medicine . Elias . I shall easily grant all Avhich thou hast Argued , yet the feAvest of
Physicians observe this Method . In the Interim it is not at all impossible that there is also in the Kingdom of Minerals ( being the highest ) an universal Medicine , by whose only benefit Ave may affect ancl afford all which are recounted by thee of many Eemedies out of the lowermost Kingdom of Vegetables . But our most great and good God for some Aveighty Reasons , hath not gh'en this kind of magnificent Charismal gift or supereminent Science promiscuously to all Philosophers ; but hath revealed the same to a
few , though all the Adeptists agree that this Science is true , and that none ought to doubt of the truth thereof in the least . Physician . Sir , besides the mentioned things , there are yet other observations strenuously opposing the operation of an universal medicine ; Partly in respect unto men ' s age and strength ; - Partly by reason of the Sex , ancl other circumstances , Avhilst there is a plain difference between the tender and strong : Either by nature
or education , and between tho male ancl the female ; young man ancl maid ; and betAveen the beginning , middle , or end of the disease ; Ancl it must be known if the disease be inveterate , or but lately haA'e invaded the party ; ancl lastly , if the Ferment iu this disease be promoted , or in another be precipitated : I ^ or the Effervency of the Ferment is made in the Stomack , or intestines , ancl indeed many contradictions are against the Universal Medicine , and feAV Physicians haA'e . Thomas a Didymus' Spectacles at their lingers' ends . . Elias . Ton haA'e argued A'ery Philosophically for so many men , so many minds .
And as sweet Musick pleaseth not every M ydas ears , or tlie same meats ancl drinks please every Pallate : So the judgments of unskilful persons are very different concerning this Uiih'ersal Medicine , both for humane and Metallick Bodies ; And certainly the operation of this differs much from particular Medicines ; Some whereof nevertheless are in a maimer universal , or so esteemed , as the Herb Scurvy-grass , curing all sorts of the Scurvy , marked with Azure spots ; Sorrel , every Scurvy with red spots ; Beecabungia ( red ColeAvorts or Brooklime ) , Atrophiaor the Consumptive kind : and Fumitary
, Tumors of another kind : Especially with such Physicians to Avhom the abovesaid observations are in high esteem . Besides there is a A'ast difference betAveen the universal Medicine of true Philosophers , Avhich revives all the vital spirits , ancl the particular Medicament of a slight cure ; Avhere only the venome of humours boyling against nature ( in this man soAA'er , in another bitter , & c , ancl in one Saline , in another sharp ) is corrected ; And if these corruptions be not presently removed by the usual Emunctories
of Mouth , Nostrils , Stool , Urine , or Sweat ; then certainly the Corruption of one , begets another disease ; for every spark of Fire having food , ancl not quencht , AA'UI arise to the greatest conflagration . But if there be a defect in the motions of the Vital Sp irits , then this is impossible to be effected by particulars ; wherefore it concerns every conscientious Physician to learn how he may promote the motion of the vital spirits , to a natural digestible heat , Avhich is most securely and best performed by our universal
Medicine by which the sick aro notably recreated ; for as soon as this more than perfect Medicine removes the mortifying seeds , Nature is restored , ancl so lost health recovered ; and that only by a harmonious Sympathy between it and the vital Spirits ; Wherefore the Adept do call it the Mystery of Nature , defence of old Age , ancl against all Sicknesses , yea , of the A'ery Plague and Pestilence ; For this being a kind of Salamander , communicates its virtue and ( as a Salamander ) makes a man live till his last appointed time against all the Fiery Epidemical Darts of the angry Heavens or their Malevolent Influences .
Physician . Sir ! I understand by your discourse , That this Medicine doth nothing to the correcting of depraved or corrupt humours , but only by strengthning the Vital Spirits , and our Balsamick Nature ; but other practical Chyinists teach how to separate