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Untitled Article
Ancient Becords of Leicester . By "William Kelly . Leicester : Crossley and Clarke . —This is the substance of a paper read before the Leicester Literary Society , by one of the "best archaeologists , and , we may add , efficient Freemasons , in a Province notedly famous for both . It appears that a vast accumulation of valuable historical
details is preserved in the muniment-room of Leicester , and lhat , by the exertions of Bra . Kelly and Mr . Thompson , the necessity of the preservation of these papers from ruin having been urged upon the town council , the latter , with a public spirit that does it infinite credit , voted a sum of money for binding twenty-four volumes of State Papers , and thirty-eight of Chamberlain accounts . Prom
this mass our worthy Brother has selected several of the highest importance and interest , which , from the fact of their long oblivion by other collectors , and their own especial reference to points of historical detail , are a valuable addition to the literature of the whole kingdom . The compendious condensation and singularly good arrangement of the various topics by Bro . Kelly evince as much , taste , as the remarks interspersed by him attest knowledge .
JFuneral Oration on the Death of Bro . H . Vernon , J . JD . Jfo . 786 , delivered by Bro . James Downes , B . A ., Chaplain . "Walsall : Eobinson . — "We drew attention to this excellent discourse in our Obituary for May ; we can only express our satisfaction at seeing it in print , and heartily commend it to the perusal of the Craft generally , and to the numerous admirers of the deceased Brother individually .
The Church o f England Quarterly Review . London : Partridge and Oakey . —The articles in this number are of th £ usual rate of talent : that on the poets , Smith , Massey , and Bigg , being the best . As for such a magazine enunciating the Church of England , it might be much more regarded as the exponent of Ephesus in its fall , or Laodicsea in its lukewarmness . "We find much literary garbage , with
few grains of sound doctrine . In order to make the medley complete , and literally to verify the Horatian line , " varias inducere plumas" we have an article on " birds ; " whilst another on military engineering reanimates the belligerent party in the Church . This periodical also is noted for novel spelling , as well as for novel reviewing : thus we have the word cite" spelled with an " s . " We
are Church of England to tho back-bone , but we do not recognize her lineaments in a production which smacks strongly of the " Yicar of Bray ' s" theology . With Lear we say , " We like not the fashion of these garments : let them be changed !"
Embassies and Foreign Courts . By the Roving Enolishma . K . London : Routlcdge . —Second notice . —We so seldom see any of our own publisher ' s books , that the circumstance of our being indebted to the courtesy of its author for a copy of this work might engender the suspicion of our being bribed to favour it . To corroborate , therefore , our previously expressed op inion of its merits , we shall favour our readers with a quotation illustrative of the temper and VOL . I . 5 3 D
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Untitled Article
Ancient Becords of Leicester . By "William Kelly . Leicester : Crossley and Clarke . —This is the substance of a paper read before the Leicester Literary Society , by one of the "best archaeologists , and , we may add , efficient Freemasons , in a Province notedly famous for both . It appears that a vast accumulation of valuable historical
details is preserved in the muniment-room of Leicester , and lhat , by the exertions of Bra . Kelly and Mr . Thompson , the necessity of the preservation of these papers from ruin having been urged upon the town council , the latter , with a public spirit that does it infinite credit , voted a sum of money for binding twenty-four volumes of State Papers , and thirty-eight of Chamberlain accounts . Prom
this mass our worthy Brother has selected several of the highest importance and interest , which , from the fact of their long oblivion by other collectors , and their own especial reference to points of historical detail , are a valuable addition to the literature of the whole kingdom . The compendious condensation and singularly good arrangement of the various topics by Bro . Kelly evince as much , taste , as the remarks interspersed by him attest knowledge .
JFuneral Oration on the Death of Bro . H . Vernon , J . JD . Jfo . 786 , delivered by Bro . James Downes , B . A ., Chaplain . "Walsall : Eobinson . — "We drew attention to this excellent discourse in our Obituary for May ; we can only express our satisfaction at seeing it in print , and heartily commend it to the perusal of the Craft generally , and to the numerous admirers of the deceased Brother individually .
The Church o f England Quarterly Review . London : Partridge and Oakey . —The articles in this number are of th £ usual rate of talent : that on the poets , Smith , Massey , and Bigg , being the best . As for such a magazine enunciating the Church of England , it might be much more regarded as the exponent of Ephesus in its fall , or Laodicsea in its lukewarmness . "We find much literary garbage , with
few grains of sound doctrine . In order to make the medley complete , and literally to verify the Horatian line , " varias inducere plumas" we have an article on " birds ; " whilst another on military engineering reanimates the belligerent party in the Church . This periodical also is noted for novel spelling , as well as for novel reviewing : thus we have the word cite" spelled with an " s . " We
are Church of England to tho back-bone , but we do not recognize her lineaments in a production which smacks strongly of the " Yicar of Bray ' s" theology . With Lear we say , " We like not the fashion of these garments : let them be changed !"
Embassies and Foreign Courts . By the Roving Enolishma . K . London : Routlcdge . —Second notice . —We so seldom see any of our own publisher ' s books , that the circumstance of our being indebted to the courtesy of its author for a copy of this work might engender the suspicion of our being bribed to favour it . To corroborate , therefore , our previously expressed op inion of its merits , we shall favour our readers with a quotation illustrative of the temper and VOL . I . 5 3 D