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has been argued once before , but the interest of the proprietors ( two at least of whom are members of the lodge ) , was paramount for the time ; but the clang of Mr . T . ' s Cavalry Band ( as he terms it ) bore down every argument before it , even that most powerful one , the breech es ' -pocket . This question decided , there came the more serious one of the banquet . It was proposed that the Members dine with the Star of Brunswick ( No . 185 ); but it was ultimately determined , that
inasmuch as two dinners are preferable to one , they should dine on the day of St . John Baptist , thereby enabling those who were Members of both No . 185 and No . 224 to do honour to the good things of this life at both , as No . 185 would hold theirs on the day of St . John the Evangelist . We regret to say there was a very slight attendance , thereby showing but little courtesy to their talented W . M . Among
those present we observed , Bros . Hancock , S . W . ; J . P . Mann , J . W . ; Gilhard , S . D . ; R . R . Rodd , J . D . ; W . Gr . Close , I . G-. Great regret was expressed at the absence of their " Sheet Anchor , " Bro . L . Tripp , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . D ., & c . Bro . R . Lidstare , P . M ., was most cordially received , and delight expressed at his being once again among them . Lodge was closed at 9 . 30 , the Brethren retiring to refreshment ( at their own homes ) at a very early hour .
St . John the Baptist ( No . 83 ) , Commercial Hotel . — -The Members of this thriving Lodge met on Tuesday , the 6 th inst . The acting W . M ., most ably initiated two gentlemen into the Order , Messrs . Clark and Mullens . A certificate of a deceased Brother , and petition of his widow were presented , praying for assistance ; but it being discovered that the widow had lived three years since the decease of the Brother , it was therefore argued that it was not a case for 83 rd assistance , but must be deferred to the Lodge in which the Brother was initiated ( save
the mark i ); this was carried without a dissentient voice , and the question dismissed in less time than would be taken to discuss the merits of a glass of brandy and water . At the refreshment board that followed the Lodge , the acting W . M ., Thos . Pollard , P . M ., P . P . G . T . for Devon , proposed the health of the newly initiated Brothers , and presented each with a Masonic glass , wishing them many years of health and happiness here below , and when the G . A . O . T . U . should call them from labour , he hoped they would depart with no more flaws in their character
than were to be found in the vessels just handed to them . Bro . Clark returned thanks in a very modest speech . Bro . Mullens said that he felt obliged to the Brethren for their kind wishes , and as h e had always been am ornament to the society in which he had hitherto moved , he had no doubt he should conduct himself to the satisfaction of the Brethren (!) Bro . Faulds , S . W . in proposing the health of the
W . M . said that although that respected Brother would very shortly resign his exalted office and retire into comparative obscurity , yet the suavity of manner , kindness of heart , and , in fact , all the Masonic virtues displayed in his conduct towards the Members of No . 83 in particular , and of the Masonic body generally , would prevent his services to the cause being ever effaced from their memories while they had life and being .
LANCASHIRE . Blackburn . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 29 th October , at the Old Bull Hotel , the W . M ., Bro . Charles Boardman , presiding , assisted by Bros . Backhouse and W . Harrison . There was a good attendance of Members and visiting Brethren , there being present Bros . Stocks , P . M . ; Sames , P . M . ; Eaves , P . M . and Sec . ; and Haworth , all of No . 336 ; and Bros . John Shayler , P . M . of No . 177 , and W . M . of No . 928 ; Samson , of No . 916 ; and Radcliffe , of No . 434 , & c , & c . After the usual
business of the Lodge was transacted , the Brethren listened to a lucid exposition of the proposed scheme for establishing a Benevolent Annuity Fund for this Province , from Bro . Shayler , who is Secretary to the Committee formed in furtherance of that object , and unanimously concurred in the same . The Lodge then stood adjourned till Friday , the 2 nd November ; on which occasion the W . M . was duly installed , in a most able manner , by Bro . Shayler , P . M ., No . 177 , and W . M ., No . 928 ; and the following Officers regularly invested—viz ., Bros . Backhouse , S . W . ; Wm . Harrison , J . W . and Sec . ; John Yates , S . W . $ Henry Harrison ,
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Untitled Article
has been argued once before , but the interest of the proprietors ( two at least of whom are members of the lodge ) , was paramount for the time ; but the clang of Mr . T . ' s Cavalry Band ( as he terms it ) bore down every argument before it , even that most powerful one , the breech es ' -pocket . This question decided , there came the more serious one of the banquet . It was proposed that the Members dine with the Star of Brunswick ( No . 185 ); but it was ultimately determined , that
inasmuch as two dinners are preferable to one , they should dine on the day of St . John Baptist , thereby enabling those who were Members of both No . 185 and No . 224 to do honour to the good things of this life at both , as No . 185 would hold theirs on the day of St . John the Evangelist . We regret to say there was a very slight attendance , thereby showing but little courtesy to their talented W . M . Among
those present we observed , Bros . Hancock , S . W . ; J . P . Mann , J . W . ; Gilhard , S . D . ; R . R . Rodd , J . D . ; W . Gr . Close , I . G-. Great regret was expressed at the absence of their " Sheet Anchor , " Bro . L . Tripp , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . D ., & c . Bro . R . Lidstare , P . M ., was most cordially received , and delight expressed at his being once again among them . Lodge was closed at 9 . 30 , the Brethren retiring to refreshment ( at their own homes ) at a very early hour .
St . John the Baptist ( No . 83 ) , Commercial Hotel . — -The Members of this thriving Lodge met on Tuesday , the 6 th inst . The acting W . M ., most ably initiated two gentlemen into the Order , Messrs . Clark and Mullens . A certificate of a deceased Brother , and petition of his widow were presented , praying for assistance ; but it being discovered that the widow had lived three years since the decease of the Brother , it was therefore argued that it was not a case for 83 rd assistance , but must be deferred to the Lodge in which the Brother was initiated ( save
the mark i ); this was carried without a dissentient voice , and the question dismissed in less time than would be taken to discuss the merits of a glass of brandy and water . At the refreshment board that followed the Lodge , the acting W . M ., Thos . Pollard , P . M ., P . P . G . T . for Devon , proposed the health of the newly initiated Brothers , and presented each with a Masonic glass , wishing them many years of health and happiness here below , and when the G . A . O . T . U . should call them from labour , he hoped they would depart with no more flaws in their character
than were to be found in the vessels just handed to them . Bro . Clark returned thanks in a very modest speech . Bro . Mullens said that he felt obliged to the Brethren for their kind wishes , and as h e had always been am ornament to the society in which he had hitherto moved , he had no doubt he should conduct himself to the satisfaction of the Brethren (!) Bro . Faulds , S . W . in proposing the health of the
W . M . said that although that respected Brother would very shortly resign his exalted office and retire into comparative obscurity , yet the suavity of manner , kindness of heart , and , in fact , all the Masonic virtues displayed in his conduct towards the Members of No . 83 in particular , and of the Masonic body generally , would prevent his services to the cause being ever effaced from their memories while they had life and being .
LANCASHIRE . Blackburn . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 29 th October , at the Old Bull Hotel , the W . M ., Bro . Charles Boardman , presiding , assisted by Bros . Backhouse and W . Harrison . There was a good attendance of Members and visiting Brethren , there being present Bros . Stocks , P . M . ; Sames , P . M . ; Eaves , P . M . and Sec . ; and Haworth , all of No . 336 ; and Bros . John Shayler , P . M . of No . 177 , and W . M . of No . 928 ; Samson , of No . 916 ; and Radcliffe , of No . 434 , & c , & c . After the usual
business of the Lodge was transacted , the Brethren listened to a lucid exposition of the proposed scheme for establishing a Benevolent Annuity Fund for this Province , from Bro . Shayler , who is Secretary to the Committee formed in furtherance of that object , and unanimously concurred in the same . The Lodge then stood adjourned till Friday , the 2 nd November ; on which occasion the W . M . was duly installed , in a most able manner , by Bro . Shayler , P . M ., No . 177 , and W . M ., No . 928 ; and the following Officers regularly invested—viz ., Bros . Backhouse , S . W . ; Wm . Harrison , J . W . and Sec . ; John Yates , S . W . $ Henry Harrison ,