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tude and regret , sorrow and joy , and in looking around me also into the statistics of our Fraternity , my first impression is , that in my own ease something like a miracle has been wrought in my favour ; so very few of our Brethren number the Masonic years I have done . Most deeply do I feel the debt of gratitude I owe to the G . A . O . T . U . for sparing me so long in the Masonic vineyard . This is an unusual circumstance ; its parallel I think you will not find in the Masonic annals
of West Yorkshire , if in the county , —I mean the celebration of the Jubilee of a Brother—and I do assure you , it almost overwhelms me , the recipient of this document , with feelings inexpressible , aware as I am of my unworthiness of it-Yet , I presume , I ought to take it partly as a tribute to the circumstance that the All-wise has been pleased to prolong the life of one of your Brethren , to whom you are disposed to pay a lasting token of respect , and to one who I apprehend has come far short by his actions to deserve the eulogistic language in which this document is clothed .
"'Notwithstanding , I feel highly honoured by the compliment , and you may depend upon it , that this beautiful testimony of kindness and respect from the Lodge of Harmony , No . 874 , will be much valued by me , and shall have a conspicuous place in my domicile as long as I have one ; and when I am gone to the Grand Lodge above , I feel quite sure it will be preserved by my family , so long as one remains , as showing the esteem and respect that one of their ancestors was held in by the members of a Lodge of one of the most noble Institutions that our globe
can boast , being a universal system teaching the relative moral and social duty of man on the '' broad and extensive basis of philanthropy . " This speech was followed by an illustration of Craft principles attached to the three steps in Masonry , which we hope to give more fully in a subsequent number . Several charitable votes were unanimously passed as fit concomitants of
this eventful meeting . The banquet passed off in a very harmonious spirit ; the toast of the evening , " The health of P . M . Bro . Scholefield / ' being proposed by P . M . J . Ward , and drunk with due honours . Many other toasts followed , which met with deserved approbation , and the proceedings of the evening closed as they commenced in harmony and good will .
Huddersfield .- — Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam Street . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge on Friday evening , November the 2 nd , Bro . W . C . Marsh , P . J . W . was elected W . M . by a majority of the Brethren present ; and P . M . Bro . Robinson was duly elected Treasurer , for the year ensuing .
Huddersfield Lodge ( No . 365 ) .- ~ The Brethren of this Lodge assembled at their Lodgevroom , White Hart Hotel , on Wednesday , October 24 th , when the following Sections were worked : —1 st , Bro . James Taylor ; 2 nd , W . Hanson ; 3 rd , Jno . Brook ; 4 th , J . Brook ; 5 th , B . Hutchinson ; 6 th , James Hall ; and 7 th , W . H . Aston . The whole were very accurately gone through , and reflect the highest credit on the Lodge .
A very full meeting of the Brethren of the Huddersfield Lodge was held on November the 21 st , when their present S . W ., Bro . W . H . Aston , P . G . S ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; and Bro . J . H . Thompson , P . M ., P . G . J . D ., was unanimously elected Treasurer for the next year .
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Untitled Article
tude and regret , sorrow and joy , and in looking around me also into the statistics of our Fraternity , my first impression is , that in my own ease something like a miracle has been wrought in my favour ; so very few of our Brethren number the Masonic years I have done . Most deeply do I feel the debt of gratitude I owe to the G . A . O . T . U . for sparing me so long in the Masonic vineyard . This is an unusual circumstance ; its parallel I think you will not find in the Masonic annals
of West Yorkshire , if in the county , —I mean the celebration of the Jubilee of a Brother—and I do assure you , it almost overwhelms me , the recipient of this document , with feelings inexpressible , aware as I am of my unworthiness of it-Yet , I presume , I ought to take it partly as a tribute to the circumstance that the All-wise has been pleased to prolong the life of one of your Brethren , to whom you are disposed to pay a lasting token of respect , and to one who I apprehend has come far short by his actions to deserve the eulogistic language in which this document is clothed .
"'Notwithstanding , I feel highly honoured by the compliment , and you may depend upon it , that this beautiful testimony of kindness and respect from the Lodge of Harmony , No . 874 , will be much valued by me , and shall have a conspicuous place in my domicile as long as I have one ; and when I am gone to the Grand Lodge above , I feel quite sure it will be preserved by my family , so long as one remains , as showing the esteem and respect that one of their ancestors was held in by the members of a Lodge of one of the most noble Institutions that our globe
can boast , being a universal system teaching the relative moral and social duty of man on the '' broad and extensive basis of philanthropy . " This speech was followed by an illustration of Craft principles attached to the three steps in Masonry , which we hope to give more fully in a subsequent number . Several charitable votes were unanimously passed as fit concomitants of
this eventful meeting . The banquet passed off in a very harmonious spirit ; the toast of the evening , " The health of P . M . Bro . Scholefield / ' being proposed by P . M . J . Ward , and drunk with due honours . Many other toasts followed , which met with deserved approbation , and the proceedings of the evening closed as they commenced in harmony and good will .
Huddersfield .- — Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam Street . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge on Friday evening , November the 2 nd , Bro . W . C . Marsh , P . J . W . was elected W . M . by a majority of the Brethren present ; and P . M . Bro . Robinson was duly elected Treasurer , for the year ensuing .
Huddersfield Lodge ( No . 365 ) .- ~ The Brethren of this Lodge assembled at their Lodgevroom , White Hart Hotel , on Wednesday , October 24 th , when the following Sections were worked : —1 st , Bro . James Taylor ; 2 nd , W . Hanson ; 3 rd , Jno . Brook ; 4 th , J . Brook ; 5 th , B . Hutchinson ; 6 th , James Hall ; and 7 th , W . H . Aston . The whole were very accurately gone through , and reflect the highest credit on the Lodge .
A very full meeting of the Brethren of the Huddersfield Lodge was held on November the 21 st , when their present S . W ., Bro . W . H . Aston , P . G . S ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; and Bro . J . H . Thompson , P . M ., P . G . J . D ., was unanimously elected Treasurer for the next year .