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out with Bro * Ireland ' s usual liberality and good management ; and his care arid attention were very properly acknowledged in course of the evening . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts being honoured , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M . ; and Bro . Adams , in reply , said he was never more gratified than by thus presiding over the Lodge in which he was initiated , and more
especially by the way in which his services were aided by the P . Ms , and officers . About thirty-six Brethren were present ; among the visitors were Bros . Watson , P . M ., No . 25 ; Kelly , W . M ,, No . 211 ; How , No . 82 ; and Kardel , No . 165 . The W . M . suggested that the long and able services of Bro . Smith , their Treasurer , and Bro . Child , their Secretary , should be acknowledged by solid pudding as well as empty praise ; he promised to bring his views regularly before the Lodge at its next meeting ; the subject was received by all the Members with a hearty greeting .
Liotf and Lamb Lodge ( No . 227 ) , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . —The Members of this Lodge met on Thursday , November 1 st , presided over by that indefatigable Mason , Bro . H . Muggeridge , PJVL , in the absence of the W . M . Bro . Stanton . One Brother was raised to the third degree . % * The Stability Lodge of Instruction , over which Bro . Muggeridge presides , meets on Friday evenings , at seven , at the Green Dragon , in Bishopsgate Street .
Pilgrim Lodge ( No . 289 ) , Ship and Turtle Tavern . —The Brethren met on Wednesday , November 14 , to elect the Master and Treasurer , when Bro . Wrendt was elected W . M . ; and Bro . Crohn , Treasurer . Bank of England Lodge ( No . 329 ) , Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge Street . — 35 ro . Stroughill , W . M . The members , to about twenty in number , met on the usual day , Thursday , November 8 . The business was only of a routine character .
Temple Lodge ( No . 368 ) , Ship and Turtle Hotel , Leadenhall Street . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , November 6 , when Bro . Weedon , the W . M ., passed two Brethren to the second degree , after which ceremony Bro . Wynne , P . M ., raised three others to the third degree . There were thirty-seven Brethren present , Yarborough Lodge ( No . 812 ) . —The members of this extensive Lodge met , to the number of sixty , on the 1 st of November , Bro . Philip Edinger , W . M ., in the chair , who initiated Mr . Langley into Ancient Freemasonry , after which Bro .
Wynne , P . M . passed Bros . Baker , Barter , and Batty . Eive gentlemen were proposed for Initiation at the ensuing meeting of the Lodge . The successful career of " The Yarborough * ' has been marvellous ; it is , we believe , the most numerous in the kingdom ; that it is well managed we need but say , that Bro . Thomas Vesper is the Secretary , and Bro . W . W . Davis , the Treasurer . Among the visitors on this occasion were Bro . How , P . M ., and Brother Grimes , W . M . of No . 112 . The catering of Bro . Williams , the proprietor of " The George , " was highly praised .
ROYAL ABCH . Fidelity Chapter ( No . 3 ) , London Tavern . —The Companions met for business on the 2 nd of November . Comp . Dearsley as Z . Comp . Goldsworthy , the Senior Member a-nd great support of the Chapter , being present . Comp . Shackle ton was elected Z . ; Grant , H . ; Benwell , J . ; Warwick , E . ; Figg , N . ; Chown , P . S . ; J . N . Tomkins , Treasurer . We have much gratification in stating this , one of the oldest Chapters in London , is in a most healthy and flourishing condition ; we were also glad to see the Father of the Chapter , Comp . Goldsworthy , in such good health , at this the first meeting of the season .
Moika Chapteb , ( No . 109 ) . —The Members assembled on their accustomed evening , Friday , November 16 . Comp . Palmer , M . E . Z . There was no business . Domatic Chapter ( No . 200 ) , Ireland ' s Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lane . —The Companions met on Thursday , November 22 . Comp . Selick , M . E . Z . ; Buss , H . ; T . A . Adams , J . Two Brethren were proposed and approved to be exalted at the next Convocation in January
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Untitled Article
out with Bro * Ireland ' s usual liberality and good management ; and his care arid attention were very properly acknowledged in course of the evening . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts being honoured , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M . ; and Bro . Adams , in reply , said he was never more gratified than by thus presiding over the Lodge in which he was initiated , and more
especially by the way in which his services were aided by the P . Ms , and officers . About thirty-six Brethren were present ; among the visitors were Bros . Watson , P . M ., No . 25 ; Kelly , W . M ,, No . 211 ; How , No . 82 ; and Kardel , No . 165 . The W . M . suggested that the long and able services of Bro . Smith , their Treasurer , and Bro . Child , their Secretary , should be acknowledged by solid pudding as well as empty praise ; he promised to bring his views regularly before the Lodge at its next meeting ; the subject was received by all the Members with a hearty greeting .
Liotf and Lamb Lodge ( No . 227 ) , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . —The Members of this Lodge met on Thursday , November 1 st , presided over by that indefatigable Mason , Bro . H . Muggeridge , PJVL , in the absence of the W . M . Bro . Stanton . One Brother was raised to the third degree . % * The Stability Lodge of Instruction , over which Bro . Muggeridge presides , meets on Friday evenings , at seven , at the Green Dragon , in Bishopsgate Street .
Pilgrim Lodge ( No . 289 ) , Ship and Turtle Tavern . —The Brethren met on Wednesday , November 14 , to elect the Master and Treasurer , when Bro . Wrendt was elected W . M . ; and Bro . Crohn , Treasurer . Bank of England Lodge ( No . 329 ) , Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge Street . — 35 ro . Stroughill , W . M . The members , to about twenty in number , met on the usual day , Thursday , November 8 . The business was only of a routine character .
Temple Lodge ( No . 368 ) , Ship and Turtle Hotel , Leadenhall Street . —This Lodge met on Tuesday , November 6 , when Bro . Weedon , the W . M ., passed two Brethren to the second degree , after which ceremony Bro . Wynne , P . M ., raised three others to the third degree . There were thirty-seven Brethren present , Yarborough Lodge ( No . 812 ) . —The members of this extensive Lodge met , to the number of sixty , on the 1 st of November , Bro . Philip Edinger , W . M ., in the chair , who initiated Mr . Langley into Ancient Freemasonry , after which Bro .
Wynne , P . M . passed Bros . Baker , Barter , and Batty . Eive gentlemen were proposed for Initiation at the ensuing meeting of the Lodge . The successful career of " The Yarborough * ' has been marvellous ; it is , we believe , the most numerous in the kingdom ; that it is well managed we need but say , that Bro . Thomas Vesper is the Secretary , and Bro . W . W . Davis , the Treasurer . Among the visitors on this occasion were Bro . How , P . M ., and Brother Grimes , W . M . of No . 112 . The catering of Bro . Williams , the proprietor of " The George , " was highly praised .
ROYAL ABCH . Fidelity Chapter ( No . 3 ) , London Tavern . —The Companions met for business on the 2 nd of November . Comp . Dearsley as Z . Comp . Goldsworthy , the Senior Member a-nd great support of the Chapter , being present . Comp . Shackle ton was elected Z . ; Grant , H . ; Benwell , J . ; Warwick , E . ; Figg , N . ; Chown , P . S . ; J . N . Tomkins , Treasurer . We have much gratification in stating this , one of the oldest Chapters in London , is in a most healthy and flourishing condition ; we were also glad to see the Father of the Chapter , Comp . Goldsworthy , in such good health , at this the first meeting of the season .
Moika Chapteb , ( No . 109 ) . —The Members assembled on their accustomed evening , Friday , November 16 . Comp . Palmer , M . E . Z . There was no business . Domatic Chapter ( No . 200 ) , Ireland ' s Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lane . —The Companions met on Thursday , November 22 . Comp . Selick , M . E . Z . ; Buss , H . ; T . A . Adams , J . Two Brethren were proposed and approved to be exalted at the next Convocation in January