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Untitled Article
were we longer to continue our exertions at the price with which we started . It is trtie we could raise our price , and we doubt not that the majority of our patrons would continue their support ; but should we do so , we should be only carrying on a contest which now appears
to us , from the improved management of the Magazine , to be altogether unnecessary . In thus taking leave of our friends , however , we are not about to lay down our pen , or discontinue our exertions ; we are merely about to amalgamate our interests , and the means at our command , with those of the Monthly Magazine which will
henceforth be published as the Freemasons' Mag-azike and Masonic Mierob , and enlarged , so as to meet the requirements of the Order . In thus blending our interests , so great is the congeniality of feeling between the Managers of the two Publications , that we shall sacrifice none of the independence which has marked the pages of the Masonic
Mirror—we shall not hesitate to speak , as we have hitherto spoken , boldly of what we believe to be abuses , whether in our charities , or in the carrying out of the principles of the Craft ; neither shall we refrain from calling attention to those Brethren who , placed in high positions by the Grand Master , do not perform the duties of the
offices they have been selected to fulfil . In the Freemasons' Mayazine and Masonic Mirror , the Craft will have the advantage of the combined energies , the combined interests , and the combined means of the Managers of the two Publications at present existing , which will be unsparingly used to give to the Order a Journal which , if it do not command support , will at least endeavour to deserve it .
To those members of the Order who have favoured us with their patronage , and who have contributed to our pages , we return our most grateful thanks , and trust they will continue to honour us with their confidence in the extended sphere of action which will , in
January next , be opened up to our exertions , and by which we hope to be enabled to bring together a more diversified and complete reflex of the sayings and doings in Freemasonry than has ever yet been presented to the Craft .
To our Advertising friends , by whom , we admit , we have been most liberally supported , we also tender our sincere thanks for past favours ; and we trust , if they continue to honour us with their patronage , we shall henceforth be enabled to bring their favours under the notice of a more extended body of the Craft than it has hitherto been our good fox ^ tune to effect .
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Untitled Article
were we longer to continue our exertions at the price with which we started . It is trtie we could raise our price , and we doubt not that the majority of our patrons would continue their support ; but should we do so , we should be only carrying on a contest which now appears
to us , from the improved management of the Magazine , to be altogether unnecessary . In thus taking leave of our friends , however , we are not about to lay down our pen , or discontinue our exertions ; we are merely about to amalgamate our interests , and the means at our command , with those of the Monthly Magazine which will
henceforth be published as the Freemasons' Mag-azike and Masonic Mierob , and enlarged , so as to meet the requirements of the Order . In thus blending our interests , so great is the congeniality of feeling between the Managers of the two Publications , that we shall sacrifice none of the independence which has marked the pages of the Masonic
Mirror—we shall not hesitate to speak , as we have hitherto spoken , boldly of what we believe to be abuses , whether in our charities , or in the carrying out of the principles of the Craft ; neither shall we refrain from calling attention to those Brethren who , placed in high positions by the Grand Master , do not perform the duties of the
offices they have been selected to fulfil . In the Freemasons' Mayazine and Masonic Mirror , the Craft will have the advantage of the combined energies , the combined interests , and the combined means of the Managers of the two Publications at present existing , which will be unsparingly used to give to the Order a Journal which , if it do not command support , will at least endeavour to deserve it .
To those members of the Order who have favoured us with their patronage , and who have contributed to our pages , we return our most grateful thanks , and trust they will continue to honour us with their confidence in the extended sphere of action which will , in
January next , be opened up to our exertions , and by which we hope to be enabled to bring together a more diversified and complete reflex of the sayings and doings in Freemasonry than has ever yet been presented to the Craft .
To our Advertising friends , by whom , we admit , we have been most liberally supported , we also tender our sincere thanks for past favours ; and we trust , if they continue to honour us with their patronage , we shall henceforth be enabled to bring their favours under the notice of a more extended body of the Craft than it has hitherto been our good fox ^ tune to effect .