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JERUSALEM Chapter ( No . 218 ) . —The Members of this Chapter met on Tuesday , November 13 . Comp . Alexander Thomson , M . E . Z . Four Brethren were exalted into this Sublime degree . Yarboeough Chapter ( No . 812 ) , George Tavern , Commercial Boad East . —We exhibited no small portion of temerity on Thursday , the 15 th of November , in venturing through a dense London fog , to pay a visit to the Royal Arch Masons in the East . The Chapter was opened at four o ' clock by Comp . Wynne ,
P . Z ., in the absence of Comp . Tuxford , M . E . Z . ; Comp . T . E . Pavis , H . ; and Comp . Edwards , J . On the arrival of Comp . Biggs , P . G . D . C . of England , he took the chair of first Principal , and exalted to this sublime degree Bros . Bev . D . Shaboe and T . Philpot . The duties of the entire Ceremony , save only the Historical Section , which was correctly delivered by Comp . Edwards , were discharged by Comp . Biggs with that accuracy and precision for which he is celebrated , and to the great gratification of a well-filled Chapter . The duty of P . S . was most efficiently discharged by Comp . Purday . The Members afterwards proceeded to the
election of officers for the ensuing year , and the result was as follows : —Comp . T . E . Davis , Z . ; Edwards , H . ; Simmonds , ] J . T . Vesper , E . ; Bettgar , N . ; Weedon , P . S . ; Williams , Treas . ; and Hookey , Jan . At half-past seven , the Companions , in number twenty-four , adjourned to refreshment , the nicely- spread table of viands manifesting that the commendations bestowed on Mirs . Williams ' s excellent management were not idle compliments . The visitors present were Comp . Barnard , P . Z . and Tyler , No . 7 ; How , P . Z ., No . 593 . ; and Charlton . The
health of Comp . Biggs was proposed by Comp . Barnard , whose twenty-five years acquaintance enabled him to say much of Comp . Biggs ' s many excellent qualities as a Mason and a man—known far and wide as his attainments in Masonry were ; he ( Comp . Barnard ) could not but , with his Companion "Visitors , discharge the pleasing duty the opportunity afforded of thus thanking Comp . Biggs for the high intellectual treat that evening ' s business had given all present . In conclusion we do but our duty in saying that it is seldom we see Boyal Arch Masonry so perfect as the Yarborough Chapter always exhibits .
BEDFORDSHIEE . Bed # okd . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 787 ) , held at the George Hotel . —The annual meeting for installing the W . M . for the ensuing year was held on Wednesday the 28 th of November . Bro . George Winwood , W . M ., presided , and Bro . Frederick Thompson , W . M . Elect , was installed into his office .
DEVONSHIRE . Plymouth . — -Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) , St . George ' s Hall , Stoneliouse . —The Members of this Lodge , which is composed of the Uite of the neighbourhood , met on Monday , the 12 th inst ., when Bro . W . H . Evans , for the W . M ., proceeded to pass Bro . C . Sale , solicitor , to the degree of B . C ., and would no doubt have reached a satisfactory conclusion , had it not happened that Thioden ' s " Theatre of Arts" is located in the same building , and being in action at one and the same time , the blast from the instrument ( said to be equal to the power of sixteen
trumpets ) announcing the entrance of Napoleon the First , totally drowned the voice of the speaker , and upset the propriety of the Lodge . The W . M . had nothing for it , but to finish as speedily as possible . No sooner was the ceremony ended , than it was proposed and carried unanimously that the Lodge be removed to a private place of meeting where the public have not access . In addition to the agreeable accompaniment spoken of , there was a second edition , in the shape of a Dancing Academy , whose members were in action at the same period , the music of which , and M . Thioden ' s , enlivened both front and flank , The policy of removing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Untitled Article
JERUSALEM Chapter ( No . 218 ) . —The Members of this Chapter met on Tuesday , November 13 . Comp . Alexander Thomson , M . E . Z . Four Brethren were exalted into this Sublime degree . Yarboeough Chapter ( No . 812 ) , George Tavern , Commercial Boad East . —We exhibited no small portion of temerity on Thursday , the 15 th of November , in venturing through a dense London fog , to pay a visit to the Royal Arch Masons in the East . The Chapter was opened at four o ' clock by Comp . Wynne ,
P . Z ., in the absence of Comp . Tuxford , M . E . Z . ; Comp . T . E . Pavis , H . ; and Comp . Edwards , J . On the arrival of Comp . Biggs , P . G . D . C . of England , he took the chair of first Principal , and exalted to this sublime degree Bros . Bev . D . Shaboe and T . Philpot . The duties of the entire Ceremony , save only the Historical Section , which was correctly delivered by Comp . Edwards , were discharged by Comp . Biggs with that accuracy and precision for which he is celebrated , and to the great gratification of a well-filled Chapter . The duty of P . S . was most efficiently discharged by Comp . Purday . The Members afterwards proceeded to the
election of officers for the ensuing year , and the result was as follows : —Comp . T . E . Davis , Z . ; Edwards , H . ; Simmonds , ] J . T . Vesper , E . ; Bettgar , N . ; Weedon , P . S . ; Williams , Treas . ; and Hookey , Jan . At half-past seven , the Companions , in number twenty-four , adjourned to refreshment , the nicely- spread table of viands manifesting that the commendations bestowed on Mirs . Williams ' s excellent management were not idle compliments . The visitors present were Comp . Barnard , P . Z . and Tyler , No . 7 ; How , P . Z ., No . 593 . ; and Charlton . The
health of Comp . Biggs was proposed by Comp . Barnard , whose twenty-five years acquaintance enabled him to say much of Comp . Biggs ' s many excellent qualities as a Mason and a man—known far and wide as his attainments in Masonry were ; he ( Comp . Barnard ) could not but , with his Companion "Visitors , discharge the pleasing duty the opportunity afforded of thus thanking Comp . Biggs for the high intellectual treat that evening ' s business had given all present . In conclusion we do but our duty in saying that it is seldom we see Boyal Arch Masonry so perfect as the Yarborough Chapter always exhibits .
BEDFORDSHIEE . Bed # okd . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 787 ) , held at the George Hotel . —The annual meeting for installing the W . M . for the ensuing year was held on Wednesday the 28 th of November . Bro . George Winwood , W . M ., presided , and Bro . Frederick Thompson , W . M . Elect , was installed into his office .
DEVONSHIRE . Plymouth . — -Lodge of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) , St . George ' s Hall , Stoneliouse . —The Members of this Lodge , which is composed of the Uite of the neighbourhood , met on Monday , the 12 th inst ., when Bro . W . H . Evans , for the W . M ., proceeded to pass Bro . C . Sale , solicitor , to the degree of B . C ., and would no doubt have reached a satisfactory conclusion , had it not happened that Thioden ' s " Theatre of Arts" is located in the same building , and being in action at one and the same time , the blast from the instrument ( said to be equal to the power of sixteen
trumpets ) announcing the entrance of Napoleon the First , totally drowned the voice of the speaker , and upset the propriety of the Lodge . The W . M . had nothing for it , but to finish as speedily as possible . No sooner was the ceremony ended , than it was proposed and carried unanimously that the Lodge be removed to a private place of meeting where the public have not access . In addition to the agreeable accompaniment spoken of , there was a second edition , in the shape of a Dancing Academy , whose members were in action at the same period , the music of which , and M . Thioden ' s , enlivened both front and flank , The policy of removing