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Untitled Article
I do not hope for so large a contribution ^ every year ; but , Brethren , let us try and get even one-half—that will be a great improvement on the pa $ t . It is much to be regretted , so little of our expenditure in Masonry is devoted to the one great object of our Order , and that virtue which should justly be denominated the distinguishing characteristic of a Freemason ' s heart , Charity , is so little practised
our Lodge funds , or the number of its members , by an indiscriminate admission of candidates . At the same time , it is our duty to endeavour to strengthen our Lodges by adding to our ranks worthy men . Another matter to which I take this opportunity of calling your attention , is the want of due support from Provincial Lodges to the funds of our excellent Masonic charities . I do not mean to say that this Province is worse than others ; but rather , that , as a rule , the
Provinces are much behind the London Lodges in this respect ; and that , although the Provinces derive more than half the benefit , they do not provide one-third of the funds . This is a state of things , I think , Brethren , it behoves us to correct ; and I should be very glad to see a Steward sent from this Province for one , at least , of these charities every year . I had the good fortune to be a steward , for the festival for the Girls' School last year , and when I tell you the liberal and . kind support I received , I feel sure it . will be a great encouragement for other Brethren to undertake the office in future years . I received from the Members of
The Methuen Lodge , No . 914 .. .. .. .. ., .. £ 79 16 0 The Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation , No . 453 .. .. .. 51 8 6 Lodge of Concord , No . 915 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 3 0 Lansdowne Lodge of Unity , No . 909 . .. .. .. .. 12 1 6 Other Lodges not in the Province .. .. .. .. ,. 31 10 0 Total 7 .. ' .. . » .. .. £ 177 19 0
by our Lodges . Brethren , in those Lodges we are taught that charity blesses him who gives as well as him who receives , and that the Mason who is possessed of this virtue in its most ample sense , may justly be deemed to have attained the summit of his profession . I do not wish to discard the knife and fork degree ; it is very pleasant , and , I admit , a very useful one ; but let us give it the second place in our plans , and not the first , — -so shall we more efficiently advance the
cause of Masonry , fulfil its great duties , and cause it to be respected . ' The R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . then proceeded to invest the following Brethren as Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . M . C . Rea , Prov . G . S . W . ; E . Roberts , Prov . G . J . W . ; J . H . Sheppard , Prov . G . Treasurer ; T . Goddard , Prov . G . Reg . ; H . Weaver , Prov . G . Sec . ; F . 0 . Hodgkinson , Prov . G . S . D . ; W . F . Gooch , Prov . G . J . D . ; 0 . Hind , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; T . Henly , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; R . Ladd , Prov . G . S . B . ; T . E . Marsh , Prov . G . Purs . ; Bros . Owen , Burt , Spencer , and Roger , Prov . G . Stewards .
The ordinary business of the Lodge having been transacted , the Brethren formed in procession , and proceeded to church in due order . Those parts of the church not occupied by the Brethren were well filled with ladies and others not of the Craft , all of whom must have been much edified by the very able and practical sermon preached by the Prov . G . Chaplain of Berkshire , Bro . Roberts , from Matthew vii . 20 : — " By their fruits ye shall know them ; " and in a clear and
forcible manner he showed that it was by a man s deeds alone that we could form a just and fair estimate of his character . It was not by the bright green leaves , nor yet by the fragrant blossom which it bore , that the tree w & s known and valued ; nor was it by a fair outside and a decent exterior , that the good man was appreciated : —by his fruit shall ye know him . " In the course of his sermon , he said : —
" Masonry neither arrogates perfection to herself , nor does she presume to place herself on a level with revealed religion ; but whenever its principles are reduced to practice , and its high and solemn engagements are fulfilled , then Masonry shines with no borrowed light . No matter whither a Freemason ' s lot in life may call him . Though he be parted from the land of his birth , and leave behind him sorrowing friends and weeping relatives , yet he knows that in every clime he TOL . I . 5 F
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Untitled Article
I do not hope for so large a contribution ^ every year ; but , Brethren , let us try and get even one-half—that will be a great improvement on the pa $ t . It is much to be regretted , so little of our expenditure in Masonry is devoted to the one great object of our Order , and that virtue which should justly be denominated the distinguishing characteristic of a Freemason ' s heart , Charity , is so little practised
our Lodge funds , or the number of its members , by an indiscriminate admission of candidates . At the same time , it is our duty to endeavour to strengthen our Lodges by adding to our ranks worthy men . Another matter to which I take this opportunity of calling your attention , is the want of due support from Provincial Lodges to the funds of our excellent Masonic charities . I do not mean to say that this Province is worse than others ; but rather , that , as a rule , the
Provinces are much behind the London Lodges in this respect ; and that , although the Provinces derive more than half the benefit , they do not provide one-third of the funds . This is a state of things , I think , Brethren , it behoves us to correct ; and I should be very glad to see a Steward sent from this Province for one , at least , of these charities every year . I had the good fortune to be a steward , for the festival for the Girls' School last year , and when I tell you the liberal and . kind support I received , I feel sure it . will be a great encouragement for other Brethren to undertake the office in future years . I received from the Members of
The Methuen Lodge , No . 914 .. .. .. .. ., .. £ 79 16 0 The Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation , No . 453 .. .. .. 51 8 6 Lodge of Concord , No . 915 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 3 0 Lansdowne Lodge of Unity , No . 909 . .. .. .. .. 12 1 6 Other Lodges not in the Province .. .. .. .. ,. 31 10 0 Total 7 .. ' .. . » .. .. £ 177 19 0
by our Lodges . Brethren , in those Lodges we are taught that charity blesses him who gives as well as him who receives , and that the Mason who is possessed of this virtue in its most ample sense , may justly be deemed to have attained the summit of his profession . I do not wish to discard the knife and fork degree ; it is very pleasant , and , I admit , a very useful one ; but let us give it the second place in our plans , and not the first , — -so shall we more efficiently advance the
cause of Masonry , fulfil its great duties , and cause it to be respected . ' The R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . then proceeded to invest the following Brethren as Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . M . C . Rea , Prov . G . S . W . ; E . Roberts , Prov . G . J . W . ; J . H . Sheppard , Prov . G . Treasurer ; T . Goddard , Prov . G . Reg . ; H . Weaver , Prov . G . Sec . ; F . 0 . Hodgkinson , Prov . G . S . D . ; W . F . Gooch , Prov . G . J . D . ; 0 . Hind , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; T . Henly , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; R . Ladd , Prov . G . S . B . ; T . E . Marsh , Prov . G . Purs . ; Bros . Owen , Burt , Spencer , and Roger , Prov . G . Stewards .
The ordinary business of the Lodge having been transacted , the Brethren formed in procession , and proceeded to church in due order . Those parts of the church not occupied by the Brethren were well filled with ladies and others not of the Craft , all of whom must have been much edified by the very able and practical sermon preached by the Prov . G . Chaplain of Berkshire , Bro . Roberts , from Matthew vii . 20 : — " By their fruits ye shall know them ; " and in a clear and
forcible manner he showed that it was by a man s deeds alone that we could form a just and fair estimate of his character . It was not by the bright green leaves , nor yet by the fragrant blossom which it bore , that the tree w & s known and valued ; nor was it by a fair outside and a decent exterior , that the good man was appreciated : —by his fruit shall ye know him . " In the course of his sermon , he said : —
" Masonry neither arrogates perfection to herself , nor does she presume to place herself on a level with revealed religion ; but whenever its principles are reduced to practice , and its high and solemn engagements are fulfilled , then Masonry shines with no borrowed light . No matter whither a Freemason ' s lot in life may call him . Though he be parted from the land of his birth , and leave behind him sorrowing friends and weeping relatives , yet he knows that in every clime he TOL . I . 5 F