Article Untitled Article ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MACHINERY OF SOCIAL LIFE; Page 1 of 5 →
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"We have no personal dislike to Lord Zetland , and we make these remarks upon hftn and his officials , not because " we love them less , but because we love Masonry more . " As no sea should separate our Brother from our regard , so affection to his privileges , and a quick accordance of his rights , should be equally imperturbable .
Why , then , do not our English Brethren remedy this state of things , and select another Grand Master ? We regret that we have the highest authority for stating that Lord Salisbury will not accept the office ; but what prevents the nomination of Lord Yarborough ? And why should not the old and most proper rule of relinquishment of the Grand Mastership after every three years be strictly adhered to , subject to re-election in cases of very well-proved energy and
amlity ? Change is the stimulus to improvement . Many good and influential Masons are disgusted by the time-serving toadyism of the day , which obscures the sun even of Masonry . Let us , then , be up and stirring , and , having lost beyond recovery the attachment to our interests of our American colonies , let our future measures , at least , under misfortune , prevent its recurrence , even if they cannot administer retrieval .
The Machinery Of Social Life;
OR , THE DEPENDENCE OF " MAN ON HIS BROTHER . " The eye cannot say unto the hand , I have no need of thee ; nor again the head to the feet ,, I have no need of you . "—St . Paul . Philosophers tell us that as in Mechanics action and re-action are
always equal and contrary , an elephant cannot tread the earth without making it tremble , nor a grasshopper leap from the ground without kicking the earth from him ; and that no particle of matter in the universe can move without ( theoretically and mathematically at least ) disturbing the whole system of planets , suns , and stars . The same principle applies with much greater force to the social body
m which we live and move and act . No man , however humble , no woman , no child , who has a part to act in the great drama of human life , can move or speak without making some degree of impression , for good or for evil , on the great social mass of which he or she forms a part . And so constantly and mutually dependent upon each other are the rich s ^ nd the poor , the noble and the mean ., the artisan and the philosopher , the manufacturer and the consumer , the governor
and the governed , that it may be said with truth that each individual in every community , however large , is mutually more or less dependent upon every other individual . In fact , no man knows by how many thousand ties his destiny is linked with that of others . The web of social life , though ravelled by the vices , follies , and eccentricities of mankind into apparently inextricable tangles , cannot be rent . Providence preserves its integrity under all circumstances while its magic
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Untitled Article
"We have no personal dislike to Lord Zetland , and we make these remarks upon hftn and his officials , not because " we love them less , but because we love Masonry more . " As no sea should separate our Brother from our regard , so affection to his privileges , and a quick accordance of his rights , should be equally imperturbable .
Why , then , do not our English Brethren remedy this state of things , and select another Grand Master ? We regret that we have the highest authority for stating that Lord Salisbury will not accept the office ; but what prevents the nomination of Lord Yarborough ? And why should not the old and most proper rule of relinquishment of the Grand Mastership after every three years be strictly adhered to , subject to re-election in cases of very well-proved energy and
amlity ? Change is the stimulus to improvement . Many good and influential Masons are disgusted by the time-serving toadyism of the day , which obscures the sun even of Masonry . Let us , then , be up and stirring , and , having lost beyond recovery the attachment to our interests of our American colonies , let our future measures , at least , under misfortune , prevent its recurrence , even if they cannot administer retrieval .
The Machinery Of Social Life;
OR , THE DEPENDENCE OF " MAN ON HIS BROTHER . " The eye cannot say unto the hand , I have no need of thee ; nor again the head to the feet ,, I have no need of you . "—St . Paul . Philosophers tell us that as in Mechanics action and re-action are
always equal and contrary , an elephant cannot tread the earth without making it tremble , nor a grasshopper leap from the ground without kicking the earth from him ; and that no particle of matter in the universe can move without ( theoretically and mathematically at least ) disturbing the whole system of planets , suns , and stars . The same principle applies with much greater force to the social body
m which we live and move and act . No man , however humble , no woman , no child , who has a part to act in the great drama of human life , can move or speak without making some degree of impression , for good or for evil , on the great social mass of which he or she forms a part . And so constantly and mutually dependent upon each other are the rich s ^ nd the poor , the noble and the mean ., the artisan and the philosopher , the manufacturer and the consumer , the governor
and the governed , that it may be said with truth that each individual in every community , however large , is mutually more or less dependent upon every other individual . In fact , no man knows by how many thousand ties his destiny is linked with that of others . The web of social life , though ravelled by the vices , follies , and eccentricities of mankind into apparently inextricable tangles , cannot be rent . Providence preserves its integrity under all circumstances while its magic