Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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task before him , hut he , the S . AA' ., hoped to make such exertions that they would meet ivifch their AV . M ' s . approval and bring credit on the lodge . In the name of himself ancl his brother officers he begged to return thanks for the toast . — -Bro . H EWLETT , ' the Treasurer , called attention to the case of the son of Bro . Rebbeck , late a P . M . of the lodge , asking the brethren to support him in his election for the Boys' School , and stating that he . was anxious to stand SteAvard for that
-charity when the lodge should be pleased to authorise him . —The AV . M . said there was one more toast , neither the last nor the least , their Bro . Secretary , Matthew Cooke , who had undertaken the duties of that office after a series of great neglect , and ivho , he believed , was zealously endeavouring to bring their books into something like order . —Bro . MATTHEW COOKE felt much obliged by the notice taken of his incipient labours . He asked them to bear ancl forbear with him until he felt he had overcome the difficulties Avhich
he saAV before him , and assured them , if diligent application and zeal could effect a more desirable state of things , he should not shrink from using both . He might be alittle crotchetty , but it was only to gain a perfect insight into their affairs , and for the good of the lodge , which should ever have his warmest Avishes . The lodge was then closed in peace ancl harmony . OLD KING ' S AIMS LODGE ( NO . 30 ) . — -This loelge met at the Freemasons' Tavern on AlondayJanuary 28 . It being the day of
, installation , Bro . Alarzetti was placed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , which ceremony ivas ably performed by Bro . Marsh , P . M . of the loelge . Bro . Ilea ivas appointed S . AA' . Bro . Nisbett , J . AV . Bro . Paas Avas invested as Treasurer , Bro . Jaques , Sec , and Bro . AA ' oolcott ivas appointed I . G . The brethren then proceeded to partake of an elegant banquet . The usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given ; and on that to the Deputy Grand Master and the rest of the present ancl past Grand Officers , the AV . M .
congratulated the lodge on having the presence of Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B ., so much distinguished for his liberal support of the Alasonic charities , and also for his strict attention to the interests of Alasonry , it having accidentally come to his ( the AV . M . 's ) knoivledge that Bro . Patten had only been absent from the duties of his lodge four times during a period of thirty-six years . —Bro . Paas , in proposing " The Health of the AV . M . " alluded to his ( the AV . M' s . ) regular attendance to his Masonic duties in all the offices he had alreadypassed , and felt assured that , in his present high position , he would do everything in his power to promote the interests of the lodge .-
—The AV . M ., m returning thanks , assured the brethren that he would 'exert himself to the . utmost to further the interests of Masonry ; and in proposing "The Health of the Past Masters , " thanked them individually and collectively for their great assistance and support to the lodge , and especially thanked Bro . Marsh for the able manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation . He then proposed "The Health of the A'isitors , "Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Austin , 11 ; Bro . Symonds , 21 ; Bro . Gurney , formerly 30 ; Bro .
Natuch , 51 ; Bro . Glutton , 19 ; Bro . Moses , 113 ; Bro . A'enal , 196 ; Bro . Powell , 225 ; Bro . Muffins , 275 ; Bro . Ellis , 571 ; anel Bro . Binckes , AA' . M . 1090 , and thanked them for the high compliment they had paid him in the lodge by their attendance . In proposing •* ' The Health of the Officers of the Lodge , " including the Treasurer and Secretary , he thanked them , particularly the IAVO latter , for the very able manner in which they had discharged their duties . The harmony of the evening w-as greatlincreased btlie excellent
very y y singing of Bros . Young , Pen-in , ancl Edney . LODGE or PEACE AND HARIIONY ( NO . 72 ) . —The annual meeting of this old red-apron lodge AVUS helcl on Thursday , 2-lth January , at the London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . Bro . Kennedy , AV . AL , presided ^ and raised to the third degree Bros . Jackman and Slaughter . Bro . Win . Young , P . M ., after paying a due meed of compliment on the worthy brother ' s attainments , presented Bro .
Isidore Levison , AA . M . elect , for installation , when he was duly Inducted into the chair by his predecessor , Bro . Kennedy . The AV . M . then appointed and ' hrvested his officers : —Bros . T . Parker , S . AV . ; Tucker , J . AA ' . ; AA'illiam Young , P . M ., Sec ; J . N . Garrod , S . D . ; T . K . Kent , . I . D . ; Ellwood , P . M ., D . C ; J . VV . Pearce , I . G . ; Gilson ancl Rope , Stewards . Bro . J . N . Tomkins , P . AL , the Treas . electand Bro . Rice Tler were also invested—The AA'Mhaying
, y . .., presented to the lodge a set of ivory mauls for the Master anel AVardens , Bro . Tomkins moved , "That the thanks of the lodge be given to the AV . M . for his elegant gift , and that the resolution be entered on the minutes . " This being duly seconded , it ivas carried unanimously . All business ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Among the visitors present were—Bros . " HawardPMNo 108 and PGStewMorriLevi
, .. . , .. . ; s - son , P . M . No . 9 ; Rev . . 1 . C . Woodward ; Maney , P . M . No . 201 ; Harvey , S . AV . No . 229 ; and others . The cloth having been removed , the AV . M , briefly proposed the toasts of " The Queen and the Craffc , " mid "Tlie M . W . Grand Aiaster . " In the next toast nm 1 ? ' ' y mt of . " Tllc Deputy CJ . M . and rest of the Grand Officers , " the AV . M . said Avas included one of their OAVII
members—Bro . Tomkins , P . G . D ., initiated in the lodge several years ago ; aud , independent of his being the Treasurer , one of the most esteemed brethren in the Craft . —Bro . Tomkins briefly acknoAvledged the toast .- —Bro . KENNEDY then asked the brethren to join him in the toast of the evening . They had all opportunities during his AVardenship of seeing the skill with ivhich Bro . Levinson had discharged those duties , and the manner in ivhich , as AV . M ., thafc evening he had given further proofs of his attainments in investing
his officers . His ability and courtesy gave high promise of a successful year ; his generosity had been displayed in the elegant present , and hence he ( Bro . Kennedy ) was sure of a hearty greeting to "The Health of the AV . AL "—The AV . AL expressed himself much gratified ivith the kind reception of his name . It was his earnest desire to maintain the integrity of Masonry in the lodge , and he felt confident in having the support of the lodge that , so long as he w'as in the chair ancl harmony would prevail . —The AV . M .
, peace said , the next toast was always pleasing to the Master , to give a warm welcome to the visitors . Some were of Alasonic fame , and hence well known , and satisfied as he was from personal knowledge , they were heartily welcome to the Lodge of Peace and Harmony . —Bros . HAYWOOD ancl AVOODAVARD acknowledged , on behalf of the visitors , the reception ancl hospitality they had receiveci . —The AA ' . M . then proposed the health of the Past Af asters of the Lodge . These worthy brethren miht be compared to the ancient pillars of a
g stately edifice , which supported to the structure , as to the Past Masters they at all times looked for assistance ancl advice . —Bro . KENNEDY said , although the P . Ms , on that occasion were but few , all AA-ere desirous to uphold the lodge , and as spokesman for himself and the rest , he hoped they should be spared to Avitness many more celebrations of their annual festival . —The AV . M . then offered the name of their excellent Treasurer , who had been so many years a
valued member , and Avhose merits had been a feiv years recognised by tlie P . M . s—Bvo . TOMKINS acknowledged the compliment . —The AV . AL next gave " The Health of their excellent Secretary , " who nofc only did his- OAVII duties , but that of others AA'IIO might unavoidably be absent . —Bro . YOUNG- said , ivhen he accepted the office , it was but to supply the place of the place of Bro . Kennedy on his going to the chair ; bufc as they were pleased ivith his services , so long as they might desire and he could attend to the duties , he would comply with their wishes in retaining it . "The Officers , " "The Charities , " and the Tyler's toast , ended a most joyous meeting . ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 161 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of
this lodge was h ° ld on AVednesday Aveek , at the Globe Tavern , Greenwich—Bro . G . AA' . Ellington , AV . M . ; Collington , S . AV . ; J . H . Greafcre . v , J . AA ' . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed , and Bros . Bennett and AVard raised to the sublime degree ' of M . Ms . The next business was the installation of Bro . Collington as W . M ., which ceremony was ably performed by Bro , S . E . Nutt , P . M . 32 , aud the usual salutes having been given , the AA ' . JI . appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . MourilyanS . W . ;
, Scott , J . AV . ; Ryder , Treasurer ; Robinson , Secretary ; Chevalier , S . D . ; Smyth , J . D . ; Bonacich , I . G . ; each of whom were invested ivith the insignia of their various offices . The Tyler was also reelected . Ifc Avas proposed by Bro . Ryder , seconded by Bro . Robinson , and carried unanimously , that a Past Master's jeivel be presented to Bro . Edington , the retiring Master , for the punctuality and zeal displayed by him during his year of office . Some new bye-laws
were read and agreed to , ancl the lodge was closed in ancient form . The brethren retired to an excellent banquet . The cloth having been removed , and the customary loyal and Alasonic toasts given , the AV . AL saicl the next toast he had to propose was " The Health of the Visitors . " He AA'as pleased to see so many distinguished brethren around him , especially Bro . Nutt , of the Grand Steivard ' s Lodge , ivho had so efficiently performed the ceremony of installation , to the delight of all who had the good fortune to witness it ,
and he thanked him , in the name of the lodge , for his kindness in coming so great a distance to oblige one of its members . There AA'as also Bro . Hinxman , of the Grand Steward's Lodge , AVIIO Avas at all times ready to assist in any Masonic undertaking , anel to afford instruction to all who might require it . He could assure the visitors generally that the lodge felt honoured by their presence , ancl hoped to have the pleasure of entertaining them upon many future occasions . —Bro . NUTT said he always felt great pleasure in
coming to the St . George's Lodge , as he w-as AVCII aware that the hand of good fellowship was there alivays extended toAvards a visitor , ancl the manner in which they had been received on the present occasion proved it . He considered it his duty to render what assistance he could in Alasonry , and if he had done anything to merit tlie approbation of the brethren , he AA-as amply repaid in having pleased them . He thanked them on behalf of himself and brother visitors , and wished health to the brethren , and prosperity to
the Lodge of St . George . —Bro . ROBINSON , P . M ., then proposed" The Health of the AA ' . M ., Bro . Collington , " in a complimentary manner . —The AA ' . M ., in returning thanks , said he felt very proud of the distinguished position in which thebrethren had placed him , as Master of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
task before him , hut he , the S . AA' ., hoped to make such exertions that they would meet ivifch their AV . M ' s . approval and bring credit on the lodge . In the name of himself ancl his brother officers he begged to return thanks for the toast . — -Bro . H EWLETT , ' the Treasurer , called attention to the case of the son of Bro . Rebbeck , late a P . M . of the lodge , asking the brethren to support him in his election for the Boys' School , and stating that he . was anxious to stand SteAvard for that
-charity when the lodge should be pleased to authorise him . —The AV . M . said there was one more toast , neither the last nor the least , their Bro . Secretary , Matthew Cooke , who had undertaken the duties of that office after a series of great neglect , and ivho , he believed , was zealously endeavouring to bring their books into something like order . —Bro . MATTHEW COOKE felt much obliged by the notice taken of his incipient labours . He asked them to bear ancl forbear with him until he felt he had overcome the difficulties Avhich
he saAV before him , and assured them , if diligent application and zeal could effect a more desirable state of things , he should not shrink from using both . He might be alittle crotchetty , but it was only to gain a perfect insight into their affairs , and for the good of the lodge , which should ever have his warmest Avishes . The lodge was then closed in peace ancl harmony . OLD KING ' S AIMS LODGE ( NO . 30 ) . — -This loelge met at the Freemasons' Tavern on AlondayJanuary 28 . It being the day of
, installation , Bro . Alarzetti was placed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , which ceremony ivas ably performed by Bro . Marsh , P . M . of the loelge . Bro . Ilea ivas appointed S . AA' . Bro . Nisbett , J . AV . Bro . Paas Avas invested as Treasurer , Bro . Jaques , Sec , and Bro . AA ' oolcott ivas appointed I . G . The brethren then proceeded to partake of an elegant banquet . The usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given ; and on that to the Deputy Grand Master and the rest of the present ancl past Grand Officers , the AV . M .
congratulated the lodge on having the presence of Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B ., so much distinguished for his liberal support of the Alasonic charities , and also for his strict attention to the interests of Alasonry , it having accidentally come to his ( the AV . M . 's ) knoivledge that Bro . Patten had only been absent from the duties of his lodge four times during a period of thirty-six years . —Bro . Paas , in proposing " The Health of the AV . M . " alluded to his ( the AV . M' s . ) regular attendance to his Masonic duties in all the offices he had alreadypassed , and felt assured that , in his present high position , he would do everything in his power to promote the interests of the lodge .-
—The AV . M ., m returning thanks , assured the brethren that he would 'exert himself to the . utmost to further the interests of Masonry ; and in proposing "The Health of the Past Masters , " thanked them individually and collectively for their great assistance and support to the lodge , and especially thanked Bro . Marsh for the able manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation . He then proposed "The Health of the A'isitors , "Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Austin , 11 ; Bro . Symonds , 21 ; Bro . Gurney , formerly 30 ; Bro .
Natuch , 51 ; Bro . Glutton , 19 ; Bro . Moses , 113 ; Bro . A'enal , 196 ; Bro . Powell , 225 ; Bro . Muffins , 275 ; Bro . Ellis , 571 ; anel Bro . Binckes , AA' . M . 1090 , and thanked them for the high compliment they had paid him in the lodge by their attendance . In proposing •* ' The Health of the Officers of the Lodge , " including the Treasurer and Secretary , he thanked them , particularly the IAVO latter , for the very able manner in which they had discharged their duties . The harmony of the evening w-as greatlincreased btlie excellent
very y y singing of Bros . Young , Pen-in , ancl Edney . LODGE or PEACE AND HARIIONY ( NO . 72 ) . —The annual meeting of this old red-apron lodge AVUS helcl on Thursday , 2-lth January , at the London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . Bro . Kennedy , AV . AL , presided ^ and raised to the third degree Bros . Jackman and Slaughter . Bro . Win . Young , P . M ., after paying a due meed of compliment on the worthy brother ' s attainments , presented Bro .
Isidore Levison , AA . M . elect , for installation , when he was duly Inducted into the chair by his predecessor , Bro . Kennedy . The AV . M . then appointed and ' hrvested his officers : —Bros . T . Parker , S . AV . ; Tucker , J . AA ' . ; AA'illiam Young , P . M ., Sec ; J . N . Garrod , S . D . ; T . K . Kent , . I . D . ; Ellwood , P . M ., D . C ; J . VV . Pearce , I . G . ; Gilson ancl Rope , Stewards . Bro . J . N . Tomkins , P . AL , the Treas . electand Bro . Rice Tler were also invested—The AA'Mhaying
, y . .., presented to the lodge a set of ivory mauls for the Master anel AVardens , Bro . Tomkins moved , "That the thanks of the lodge be given to the AV . M . for his elegant gift , and that the resolution be entered on the minutes . " This being duly seconded , it ivas carried unanimously . All business ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Among the visitors present were—Bros . " HawardPMNo 108 and PGStewMorriLevi
, .. . , .. . ; s - son , P . M . No . 9 ; Rev . . 1 . C . Woodward ; Maney , P . M . No . 201 ; Harvey , S . AV . No . 229 ; and others . The cloth having been removed , the AV . M , briefly proposed the toasts of " The Queen and the Craffc , " mid "Tlie M . W . Grand Aiaster . " In the next toast nm 1 ? ' ' y mt of . " Tllc Deputy CJ . M . and rest of the Grand Officers , " the AV . M . said Avas included one of their OAVII
members—Bro . Tomkins , P . G . D ., initiated in the lodge several years ago ; aud , independent of his being the Treasurer , one of the most esteemed brethren in the Craft . —Bro . Tomkins briefly acknoAvledged the toast .- —Bro . KENNEDY then asked the brethren to join him in the toast of the evening . They had all opportunities during his AVardenship of seeing the skill with ivhich Bro . Levinson had discharged those duties , and the manner in ivhich , as AV . M ., thafc evening he had given further proofs of his attainments in investing
his officers . His ability and courtesy gave high promise of a successful year ; his generosity had been displayed in the elegant present , and hence he ( Bro . Kennedy ) was sure of a hearty greeting to "The Health of the AV . AL "—The AV . AL expressed himself much gratified ivith the kind reception of his name . It was his earnest desire to maintain the integrity of Masonry in the lodge , and he felt confident in having the support of the lodge that , so long as he w'as in the chair ancl harmony would prevail . —The AV . M .
, peace said , the next toast was always pleasing to the Master , to give a warm welcome to the visitors . Some were of Alasonic fame , and hence well known , and satisfied as he was from personal knowledge , they were heartily welcome to the Lodge of Peace and Harmony . —Bros . HAYWOOD ancl AVOODAVARD acknowledged , on behalf of the visitors , the reception ancl hospitality they had receiveci . —The AA ' . M . then proposed the health of the Past Af asters of the Lodge . These worthy brethren miht be compared to the ancient pillars of a
g stately edifice , which supported to the structure , as to the Past Masters they at all times looked for assistance ancl advice . —Bro . KENNEDY said , although the P . Ms , on that occasion were but few , all AA-ere desirous to uphold the lodge , and as spokesman for himself and the rest , he hoped they should be spared to Avitness many more celebrations of their annual festival . —The AV . M . then offered the name of their excellent Treasurer , who had been so many years a
valued member , and Avhose merits had been a feiv years recognised by tlie P . M . s—Bvo . TOMKINS acknowledged the compliment . —The AV . AL next gave " The Health of their excellent Secretary , " who nofc only did his- OAVII duties , but that of others AA'IIO might unavoidably be absent . —Bro . YOUNG- said , ivhen he accepted the office , it was but to supply the place of the place of Bro . Kennedy on his going to the chair ; bufc as they were pleased ivith his services , so long as they might desire and he could attend to the duties , he would comply with their wishes in retaining it . "The Officers , " "The Charities , " and the Tyler's toast , ended a most joyous meeting . ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 161 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of
this lodge was h ° ld on AVednesday Aveek , at the Globe Tavern , Greenwich—Bro . G . AA' . Ellington , AV . M . ; Collington , S . AV . ; J . H . Greafcre . v , J . AA ' . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed , and Bros . Bennett and AVard raised to the sublime degree ' of M . Ms . The next business was the installation of Bro . Collington as W . M ., which ceremony was ably performed by Bro , S . E . Nutt , P . M . 32 , aud the usual salutes having been given , the AA ' . JI . appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . MourilyanS . W . ;
, Scott , J . AV . ; Ryder , Treasurer ; Robinson , Secretary ; Chevalier , S . D . ; Smyth , J . D . ; Bonacich , I . G . ; each of whom were invested ivith the insignia of their various offices . The Tyler was also reelected . Ifc Avas proposed by Bro . Ryder , seconded by Bro . Robinson , and carried unanimously , that a Past Master's jeivel be presented to Bro . Edington , the retiring Master , for the punctuality and zeal displayed by him during his year of office . Some new bye-laws
were read and agreed to , ancl the lodge was closed in ancient form . The brethren retired to an excellent banquet . The cloth having been removed , and the customary loyal and Alasonic toasts given , the AV . AL saicl the next toast he had to propose was " The Health of the Visitors . " He AA'as pleased to see so many distinguished brethren around him , especially Bro . Nutt , of the Grand Steivard ' s Lodge , ivho had so efficiently performed the ceremony of installation , to the delight of all who had the good fortune to witness it ,
and he thanked him , in the name of the lodge , for his kindness in coming so great a distance to oblige one of its members . There AA'as also Bro . Hinxman , of the Grand Steward's Lodge , AVIIO Avas at all times ready to assist in any Masonic undertaking , anel to afford instruction to all who might require it . He could assure the visitors generally that the lodge felt honoured by their presence , ancl hoped to have the pleasure of entertaining them upon many future occasions . —Bro . NUTT said he always felt great pleasure in
coming to the St . George's Lodge , as he w-as AVCII aware that the hand of good fellowship was there alivays extended toAvards a visitor , ancl the manner in which they had been received on the present occasion proved it . He considered it his duty to render what assistance he could in Alasonry , and if he had done anything to merit tlie approbation of the brethren , he AA-as amply repaid in having pleased them . He thanked them on behalf of himself and brother visitors , and wished health to the brethren , and prosperity to
the Lodge of St . George . —Bro . ROBINSON , P . M ., then proposed" The Health of the AA ' . M ., Bro . Collington , " in a complimentary manner . —The AA ' . M ., in returning thanks , said he felt very proud of the distinguished position in which thebrethren had placed him , as Master of