Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
BRO . THE REA ' . RAYMOND B . SMITHIES . At Brighton , on the 19 th of January , in his 37 th year , the Rev . Bro . Raymond B . Smithies , ALA ., of Emmanuel College , Cambridge , and Assistant JIaster of Rugby School . He Avas a member of the Lodge of Rectitude , No . 739 , and served the Office of
Master in 1857 . BRO . DR . ROWE . This AA-ell-knOAi'n and popular brother expired suddenly , at his house , on Thursday , the 21-th ult . AA'e have prepared a short ; biographical account of him , but from pressure of matter must postpone it until next week .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and family still remain at AA'indsor . The Prince of AA ' ales lias been out hunting in Cambridgeshire . The fourth dramatic performance of the season has taken place at AVindsor Castle , the piece ordered on the occasion being Sir Edward Buhver Lytton ' s Richelieu , or , the Conspiracy . The invitations were numerous .
GENERAL HOME NEWS , —Although past and gone in tho meantime , the late extreme cold is still manifesting its effects in a largely increased bill of mortality . For the iveek ending Saturday last the number of deaths in the metropolis was 1785 , or an excess over the average of 453 . There is , however , something of a decrease on the returns of the preceding Aveek . The births of 1978 children ivere registered—103-1 boys and 914 girls . In the City there were 90 deaths and 70 births registered for the same period .
Dr . Letheby , the medical officer , in his report to the City Cour of Seivers , represent a great increase in the amount of diseased meat exposed for sale . This may properly be called something alarming ; but it is also highly unreasonable thafc people who are poisoned against their ivill shoulel be compelled to pay for the iioison that destroys their life . A deputation of shipowners connected ivifch the port of London Avaifced upon Lord John Russell , on Friday , to ascertain whether the Government proposed taking any steps upon
the report of the committee appointed to inquire into the laws respecting reciprocity and belligerent rights . Having urged the special points urged by the deputation , his lordship stated that he could not of course give them an immediate reply on a question of so much importance , but he assured them that her Majesty's Government ivould bestow upon ifc their most serious consideration . Worcestershire and Herefordshire are following in the wake of Kent anel Sussex in regard to the hop duties repeal movement . On Saturday a meeting of the planters of these two counties was held at AA ' orcester , AA'hen a resolution maintaining the necessity for
immediate repeal , ancl a petition to the House of Commons on this subject , were adopted . A district committee was also formed to ¦ co-operate with the central one . Sir I . Pakington , anel other gentlemen who were not present on the occasion , expressed by letter their concurrence in the relief sought . Jlessrs . Scholefield and Bright have addressed a large assemblage of their constituents in the TOAVII Hall , Birmingham , presided over by the Mayor , Mr . Arthur Ryland . The fruitful subjects of taxation and national
expenditure AA'ere commented upon , and the propriety of effecting a reduction in the army and naA'y departments suggested . Jlr . Buxton , JI . P ., has addressed his constituents at Maidstone , upon the disruption of the United States , and its probable effects upon the supply of cotton to this country . Having traced the rise ancl progress of slavery in America , he urged that the present crisis , though it might seriously affect the existing commerce of the country , ivould , in the end , prove beneficial , by rendering us
less dependent upon the United States , and opening out other fields for the production of the raiv material in India , Africa , and our colonial possessions . -The veteran member for Coventry , the Rfc . Hon . Eel ward Ellice , has made known his intention of retiring from the representation of that borough at the next general election . Present ill health , ivith a sense of the propriety of allowing the constituency an opportunity of securing tho services of a more juvenile anil vigorous representative , are the reasons assigned by the right honourable gentleman for this determination . The annual dinner of the Berkshire Farmers' Club AA'as hold
at the George Hotel , Reading , on Saturday . The Lancashire Artillery A ' olunfceers have taken a spirited step , by the formation of a limited liability company to provide a parade ground in the vicinity of Liverpool , with all the requisite appurtenances , the grOAUid covering an area of 12 , 300 scpiare yards , capable of accommodating at one time two regiments of 500 men each . In consequence ofthe opposition made to his appointment by the Protestant Alliance ancl other associationsJlr . AV . B .
, Turnbull has sent in his resignation of the Calendar-ship of foreign state papers , to which he was nominated in August , 1859 . His resignation has been accepted . On Monday afternoon the down train to Portsmouth , when a short distance from AVimbledon , met ivith a disaster Avhich threw from the line a tender and four carriages , producing most dreadful results . One passenger was killed instantaneously , and some others were very seriously injured .
A lady , the daughter of General Power , of Southsea ; a Mr Fellinger , belonging to Farnham , Surrey , and one of the collectors , on the railway , named George Jlail , are lying at Sfc . Thomas ' s Hospital , suffering to a greater or less extent . —The gentleman killed lias been identified as Dr . AVilliam Paly , M . D ., Physician fco her JIajesfcy . Dr . Baly had been telegraphed for to attend a patient , and was on his way when he came to so terrible an end . -In the Court of Queen ' s Bench , the mystery of the Road
murder has beeu once more stirred up by cause being shovrn against the rule nisi granted for a writ of ad melius inquirendum * . Sir F . Kelly , in showing cause against the rule , reviewed at great length the arguments of the Attorney-General , and maintained
that fche rule should not be made absolute on various grounds . Tlia Lord Chief Justice then gave his decision , which was concurred in by the other learned judges . His lordship said it was to be regretted that the coroner hael not examined Jlr . Kent when h . i offered himself for that purpose ; bufc this was merely an error in judgment , ancl accordingly the Court ivould refuse to grant the writ . Aud thus there ivill be no re-opening of the inquest . Jfrs . Ryves , AVIIO conducted her petition in the Court of Probate ,
claiming to be the granddaughter of AA'illiam Frederick , Duke ol Cumberland , Brother to George III ., in right of her mother , has had judgment given in her favour . The parish register of St . Nicholas Church , Liverpool , containing the record of birth , was produced by the clergyman , ancl satisfied the Court of the accuracy of the copy . After hearing the evidence of a witness as to identity , the judge pronounced a decree affirming all the thirteen propositions undertaken to be established by the petitioner . At the
opening of the sessions of the Central Criminal Court , the Recorder congratulated the grand jury on the lightness of the calendar , and the absence of many charges of a serious nature . The learned Recorder thought this AA-as the move satisfactory , considering the vast amount of distress that had prevailed in the metropolis for some time past . On the evening of the 26 th a collision took place at sea off AA'hitby , followed by very painful results . The brig Magyar , commanded by Captain Beer , was run into lr > the Rouen steamer , and sunk Imost immediately after , carrying with her the master , mate , " and four of the creiv . The remainder of the crew' were providentially saA'ed ,
GENERAL FOBEIOX IXTELEIGEXCE . —The system of ivarnings in France has not been long in abeyance . The Monileur announces that a first warning has been given to the Courier du Bimanche . The letter of Count Persigny explaining the reasons for this decision says : — " I should betray the interests of the state in tolerating discussion on the principle of the Imperial Government , and still more that this principle should be outraged . " The Moniteur announces that the committee for examining the Senatus Consultum
on the publication of reports of the sittings has decided that these reports must consist either in a full reproduction of the debates , or in an account of the sittings draivn up under the authority of the President of the Senate . The Paris authorities ivere apprehensive of a political demonstration on Monday on the occasion of the funeral of JI . Caussidiere . Caussidiere was afc the head of the police at the time of the Revolution , anel retained the office till , leading a deputation got up by him and Lech-u Rollin , he invaded
the Constituent Assembly , when the National Guard mustered in great force , and dispersed him and his follow'ei-s . He was included in the amnesty of last year , but only returned to Paris a few' days pi-eA-ious to his death . Some 2000 people attended his remains to the ceremony , but all passed off quietly . -A very curious revelation ivas made by JL Allou in his speech in the Paterson-Bonaparte case . As a proof that such marriages could be annulled he instanced that ofthe Duke de Berri with a Jlrs . llrowne . The ' duke
married Mrs . Browne in England ivith fche consent of Louis XVIIL , ancl lived witli her for ten years . After the restoration , however , he discarded his humble wife and married tho Princess Caroline of Naples . This statement , if correct , affects the legitimacy of the Count cle Chambord . Opinions touching the French occupation of Rome are vcrv conflicting . Afc Turin an impression prevails that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
BRO . THE REA ' . RAYMOND B . SMITHIES . At Brighton , on the 19 th of January , in his 37 th year , the Rev . Bro . Raymond B . Smithies , ALA ., of Emmanuel College , Cambridge , and Assistant JIaster of Rugby School . He Avas a member of the Lodge of Rectitude , No . 739 , and served the Office of
Master in 1857 . BRO . DR . ROWE . This AA-ell-knOAi'n and popular brother expired suddenly , at his house , on Thursday , the 21-th ult . AA'e have prepared a short ; biographical account of him , but from pressure of matter must postpone it until next week .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and family still remain at AA'indsor . The Prince of AA ' ales lias been out hunting in Cambridgeshire . The fourth dramatic performance of the season has taken place at AVindsor Castle , the piece ordered on the occasion being Sir Edward Buhver Lytton ' s Richelieu , or , the Conspiracy . The invitations were numerous .
GENERAL HOME NEWS , —Although past and gone in tho meantime , the late extreme cold is still manifesting its effects in a largely increased bill of mortality . For the iveek ending Saturday last the number of deaths in the metropolis was 1785 , or an excess over the average of 453 . There is , however , something of a decrease on the returns of the preceding Aveek . The births of 1978 children ivere registered—103-1 boys and 914 girls . In the City there were 90 deaths and 70 births registered for the same period .
Dr . Letheby , the medical officer , in his report to the City Cour of Seivers , represent a great increase in the amount of diseased meat exposed for sale . This may properly be called something alarming ; but it is also highly unreasonable thafc people who are poisoned against their ivill shoulel be compelled to pay for the iioison that destroys their life . A deputation of shipowners connected ivifch the port of London Avaifced upon Lord John Russell , on Friday , to ascertain whether the Government proposed taking any steps upon
the report of the committee appointed to inquire into the laws respecting reciprocity and belligerent rights . Having urged the special points urged by the deputation , his lordship stated that he could not of course give them an immediate reply on a question of so much importance , but he assured them that her Majesty's Government ivould bestow upon ifc their most serious consideration . Worcestershire and Herefordshire are following in the wake of Kent anel Sussex in regard to the hop duties repeal movement . On Saturday a meeting of the planters of these two counties was held at AA ' orcester , AA'hen a resolution maintaining the necessity for
immediate repeal , ancl a petition to the House of Commons on this subject , were adopted . A district committee was also formed to ¦ co-operate with the central one . Sir I . Pakington , anel other gentlemen who were not present on the occasion , expressed by letter their concurrence in the relief sought . Jlessrs . Scholefield and Bright have addressed a large assemblage of their constituents in the TOAVII Hall , Birmingham , presided over by the Mayor , Mr . Arthur Ryland . The fruitful subjects of taxation and national
expenditure AA'ere commented upon , and the propriety of effecting a reduction in the army and naA'y departments suggested . Jlr . Buxton , JI . P ., has addressed his constituents at Maidstone , upon the disruption of the United States , and its probable effects upon the supply of cotton to this country . Having traced the rise ancl progress of slavery in America , he urged that the present crisis , though it might seriously affect the existing commerce of the country , ivould , in the end , prove beneficial , by rendering us
less dependent upon the United States , and opening out other fields for the production of the raiv material in India , Africa , and our colonial possessions . -The veteran member for Coventry , the Rfc . Hon . Eel ward Ellice , has made known his intention of retiring from the representation of that borough at the next general election . Present ill health , ivith a sense of the propriety of allowing the constituency an opportunity of securing tho services of a more juvenile anil vigorous representative , are the reasons assigned by the right honourable gentleman for this determination . The annual dinner of the Berkshire Farmers' Club AA'as hold
at the George Hotel , Reading , on Saturday . The Lancashire Artillery A ' olunfceers have taken a spirited step , by the formation of a limited liability company to provide a parade ground in the vicinity of Liverpool , with all the requisite appurtenances , the grOAUid covering an area of 12 , 300 scpiare yards , capable of accommodating at one time two regiments of 500 men each . In consequence ofthe opposition made to his appointment by the Protestant Alliance ancl other associationsJlr . AV . B .
, Turnbull has sent in his resignation of the Calendar-ship of foreign state papers , to which he was nominated in August , 1859 . His resignation has been accepted . On Monday afternoon the down train to Portsmouth , when a short distance from AVimbledon , met ivith a disaster Avhich threw from the line a tender and four carriages , producing most dreadful results . One passenger was killed instantaneously , and some others were very seriously injured .
A lady , the daughter of General Power , of Southsea ; a Mr Fellinger , belonging to Farnham , Surrey , and one of the collectors , on the railway , named George Jlail , are lying at Sfc . Thomas ' s Hospital , suffering to a greater or less extent . —The gentleman killed lias been identified as Dr . AVilliam Paly , M . D ., Physician fco her JIajesfcy . Dr . Baly had been telegraphed for to attend a patient , and was on his way when he came to so terrible an end . -In the Court of Queen ' s Bench , the mystery of the Road
murder has beeu once more stirred up by cause being shovrn against the rule nisi granted for a writ of ad melius inquirendum * . Sir F . Kelly , in showing cause against the rule , reviewed at great length the arguments of the Attorney-General , and maintained
that fche rule should not be made absolute on various grounds . Tlia Lord Chief Justice then gave his decision , which was concurred in by the other learned judges . His lordship said it was to be regretted that the coroner hael not examined Jlr . Kent when h . i offered himself for that purpose ; bufc this was merely an error in judgment , ancl accordingly the Court ivould refuse to grant the writ . Aud thus there ivill be no re-opening of the inquest . Jfrs . Ryves , AVIIO conducted her petition in the Court of Probate ,
claiming to be the granddaughter of AA'illiam Frederick , Duke ol Cumberland , Brother to George III ., in right of her mother , has had judgment given in her favour . The parish register of St . Nicholas Church , Liverpool , containing the record of birth , was produced by the clergyman , ancl satisfied the Court of the accuracy of the copy . After hearing the evidence of a witness as to identity , the judge pronounced a decree affirming all the thirteen propositions undertaken to be established by the petitioner . At the
opening of the sessions of the Central Criminal Court , the Recorder congratulated the grand jury on the lightness of the calendar , and the absence of many charges of a serious nature . The learned Recorder thought this AA-as the move satisfactory , considering the vast amount of distress that had prevailed in the metropolis for some time past . On the evening of the 26 th a collision took place at sea off AA'hitby , followed by very painful results . The brig Magyar , commanded by Captain Beer , was run into lr > the Rouen steamer , and sunk Imost immediately after , carrying with her the master , mate , " and four of the creiv . The remainder of the crew' were providentially saA'ed ,
GENERAL FOBEIOX IXTELEIGEXCE . —The system of ivarnings in France has not been long in abeyance . The Monileur announces that a first warning has been given to the Courier du Bimanche . The letter of Count Persigny explaining the reasons for this decision says : — " I should betray the interests of the state in tolerating discussion on the principle of the Imperial Government , and still more that this principle should be outraged . " The Moniteur announces that the committee for examining the Senatus Consultum
on the publication of reports of the sittings has decided that these reports must consist either in a full reproduction of the debates , or in an account of the sittings draivn up under the authority of the President of the Senate . The Paris authorities ivere apprehensive of a political demonstration on Monday on the occasion of the funeral of JI . Caussidiere . Caussidiere was afc the head of the police at the time of the Revolution , anel retained the office till , leading a deputation got up by him and Lech-u Rollin , he invaded
the Constituent Assembly , when the National Guard mustered in great force , and dispersed him and his follow'ei-s . He was included in the amnesty of last year , but only returned to Paris a few' days pi-eA-ious to his death . Some 2000 people attended his remains to the ceremony , but all passed off quietly . -A very curious revelation ivas made by JL Allou in his speech in the Paterson-Bonaparte case . As a proof that such marriages could be annulled he instanced that ofthe Duke de Berri with a Jlrs . llrowne . The ' duke
married Mrs . Browne in England ivith fche consent of Louis XVIIL , ancl lived witli her for ten years . After the restoration , however , he discarded his humble wife and married tho Princess Caroline of Naples . This statement , if correct , affects the legitimacy of the Count cle Chambord . Opinions touching the French occupation of Rome are vcrv conflicting . Afc Turin an impression prevails that