Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE DUKE OP "KENT . Where can any account of the Duke of Kent ' s Masonic career be found?—A LOYALIST . —[ AA ' e do not know . His Royal Highness found a biographer in our Bro . the Rev . Erskine Neale , who published Memoirs of Edward , Dnl-e of Kent . ' ]
BllO . PETER THOMSON . AVanted , a biographical notice of Bro . Peter Thomson ; where can I see one ?—TELL . —[ See Bro . Havers ' s resolution in Grand Lodge of March 9 , 1851 , and the report of the admirable culoghim delivered on the occasion by that AV . Bro . ' given at pp . 73-78 of vol . ii . of The Freemasons Quarterly Mcif / adne . " ]
CIIIMES OE THE TEJIl'LAUS . AVhat were the particular crimes which caused the suppression of the Order of Knights Templar ? Every conceivable iniquity is hinted at , but nowhere , that 1 can find , positively charged against them . Is any thing really known as to these accusations ?—FRATEK Or . —[ You may as ivell consult Von Hammer ' s Essay , Mysterium Bapliematis JteveLxtum , for all that can be gathered on the subject . Yon
Hammer ivas an industrious compiler , and has left no source of information unexplored ; bufc he is a narrow-minded and bigotted partisan , who seems only to have written to please the Court of Austria . In reading Yon Hammer you may rely upon his information , but should carefully consider his remarks and deductions , a course that will shoiv his utter imworthiness to be trusted farther than his documentary evidence bears him out . ]
ASIEKICAJf XAVAL MASONS . AA ' e have had several of our most distinguished naval commanders who belonged to our society . Can any one add the names of any celebrated American naval Masons ? ¦ —Ex . Ex . —[ Yes ; ive will throw one stone on the cairn , in the hope that some of our correspondents ivill enlarge the list . Paul Jones , the Commodore of the United States , was a brother . ]
WASHINGTON S IXITIATIOX . The question has long been set at rest that Washington was a Mason , although many Americans , in their hatred of Masonry , at one time denied it ; but still ifc would be useful if we could refer to the exact date and place of its occurrence ?—Si'ES . —[ The information has been repeatedly given ; bufc we will repeat ifc once more . George AVashington was initiated in Fredericksburg , Virginia , No . 4 , November 4 th , 1752 , passed March 3 rd , 1753 , raised August 4 th , 1753 . ] 1
\ Viio WAS THE AUTHORA scrap of paper has fallen out of a book I purchased at a second-hand dealer ' s ; on ifc is written" Perhaps thou Avert a Afason , anel forbidden Hy oath to tell the secrets of thy trade;—¦ Then say what secret melody ivas hidden In Memnon ' s statue which at sunrise played ?
Perhaps thou ivert a Priest—if so , my struggles Are vain for priestcraft never owns its juggles . " What does it allude to?—TOM . —[ It is part of Horace Smith ' s Address to a Mummy . ] CALIGHAl'HIC QUERY . [ A letter has reached us , bearing a London district postmark , ivith what we presume is intended for a Query , but it
is such an extraordinary series of hieroglyphics that neither we , nor any one we have shown it to , have been enabled to find sufficient legible letters to form a single word . AA ' e arc always ready to give any information we can , but it is absolutely necessary that all communications asking it should be readable . ]
COUNCIL Or 1 UTES . Abroad there are Councils of Rites . Their dut y is to marshal the different degrees of the various orders each in its proper class . Why have we not one for England and AVales ? The necessity of this is the more apparent , seeing that tho 30 ° was originally part of the Templar Rite , but has becomeby some means , attached to tho Ancient and
, Accepted Bite , to which ifc does not at all appear to belong . Can any brother give a hint 1 IOAV to counteract this anomaly ?—T . A . MASONS' MARKS . Has any complete list been formed of fche buildings on which Masons' marks are yet preserved ?—HAKKY G .
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
Tlie Royal Horticultural Society , at their grand shoiv on the 5 th of June next , will aAA-ard prizes of £ 10 , £ 5 , £ 3 , and £ 2 , for the best groups of three baskets of flowers ; the prizes to he aivarded by a jury of ladies . AA'e are glad to learn that beautiful arrrangement is to be the test of merit ; valuable flowers or fruits not being demanded .
The author of Hints and Helps for Leery-day Emergencies referred to by us last Aveek , says— " A thorough contempt for your audience is the surest way to shake off nervousness ancl to engender confidence . " AA'e fancy that the anonymous scribbler must have felt " a thorough contempt" for his readers before he could send such rubbish to the press . Certainly such advice will not
serve " to engender confidence" in any " hints" as likely to be really " helps" from one AA'I IO seems to be void of all notion of the high mission of the literary man . Messrs . Stuart , Keckivick , and others , have noiv discovered that South Australia is much better watered generally than has for some years been supposed fco be the case . AVe trust that the
interior of Australia will ere long be thoroughly explored , ancl that raihvays will be formed AA-herever necessary to clevelope the resources of the colony .
Mr . James Blackwood has the folloiving ivorks in preparation .- — The Moated Farm , by Thoraley Grant . The Bank Parlour ; or , Experiences in the Life of a late Banker , by A . B . Mackie . Professor Pole is to commence a course of lectures on Civil Engineering afc University College , London , on Monday next . Mr . AVilliam AA ' cst , commonly called " AVaterfall AA'est , " has
justdied at Chelsea , aged sixty years . His views of Norwegian scenery and waterfalls in various parts of the north of Europe are ivell known . In the seventh volume ol Supplementary Despatches , Correspondence , and Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur , Dake of Wellington , K . G-., edited by his son , the present Duke , recently published , is a letter AA'ritten by the gallant officer in January , 1811 , to the Earl of Liverpool , in AA'hich he thus characterises the Brunswick
Corps : — "I am not very fastidious about troops ; I have them of all sorts , sizes , ancl nations ; but Germans in our army in the Peninsula pass for Englishmen , and it is really not creditable to be supposed fco be a soldier of the same nation ivifch one of these people . " The one hundred ancl second birthday of our immortal brother ,
Boberfc Burns , AA'as celebrated at Mieldlesborougli-on-Tees , on Friday evening , January 25 th , by a public banquet . The principal speakers on the occasion were Bro . George Markham Tweddell , of Stokesley , and Mr . Henry Heavisides , of Stockton-on-Tees . Pyecroft , in his Ways and Words of Men of Letters , relates a case of a printer AVIIO said—" . Really , gentlemen should nofc place
such unlimited confidence in the eyesight of our hard-worked ancl half-blinded reader of proofs ; for , I am ashamed to say , that we utterly ruined one poet through a ludicrous misprint . " "Indeed ! and AA'hat ivas the unhappy line ? " " AVhy , sir , the poet intended to
say . — 'See the pale martyr , in a sheet of fire / instead of AA'hich , he ivas made to say , — ' See the pale martyr , with his shirt on fire ' Of course , the revieivers made the most of a blunder so entertaining to their readers , and the poor gentleman was never heard of
more in the field of literature . " The injured hero of the Basque Roads is having justice done to him after years of cruel persecution . He jusfcilved long enough to see all the calumnies against him dead ancl buried , ancl then himself was summoned to his rest . The committee for raising the Dundonald statue , with Lord Brougham at their head , already
number in their ranks the Dukes of Cambridge , Bedford , Rutland , Hamilton , and AVellington ; the Marquises of Lansdowne , Townsend , Bi-eaclalbanc , anel Ifedfoi-t ; the Ear } = of Shrewsbury , Scarborough , Erroll , Harrington , llardwick , Kortescue , Fife , Durham , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE DUKE OP "KENT . Where can any account of the Duke of Kent ' s Masonic career be found?—A LOYALIST . —[ AA ' e do not know . His Royal Highness found a biographer in our Bro . the Rev . Erskine Neale , who published Memoirs of Edward , Dnl-e of Kent . ' ]
BllO . PETER THOMSON . AVanted , a biographical notice of Bro . Peter Thomson ; where can I see one ?—TELL . —[ See Bro . Havers ' s resolution in Grand Lodge of March 9 , 1851 , and the report of the admirable culoghim delivered on the occasion by that AV . Bro . ' given at pp . 73-78 of vol . ii . of The Freemasons Quarterly Mcif / adne . " ]
CIIIMES OE THE TEJIl'LAUS . AVhat were the particular crimes which caused the suppression of the Order of Knights Templar ? Every conceivable iniquity is hinted at , but nowhere , that 1 can find , positively charged against them . Is any thing really known as to these accusations ?—FRATEK Or . —[ You may as ivell consult Von Hammer ' s Essay , Mysterium Bapliematis JteveLxtum , for all that can be gathered on the subject . Yon
Hammer ivas an industrious compiler , and has left no source of information unexplored ; bufc he is a narrow-minded and bigotted partisan , who seems only to have written to please the Court of Austria . In reading Yon Hammer you may rely upon his information , but should carefully consider his remarks and deductions , a course that will shoiv his utter imworthiness to be trusted farther than his documentary evidence bears him out . ]
ASIEKICAJf XAVAL MASONS . AA ' e have had several of our most distinguished naval commanders who belonged to our society . Can any one add the names of any celebrated American naval Masons ? ¦ —Ex . Ex . —[ Yes ; ive will throw one stone on the cairn , in the hope that some of our correspondents ivill enlarge the list . Paul Jones , the Commodore of the United States , was a brother . ]
WASHINGTON S IXITIATIOX . The question has long been set at rest that Washington was a Mason , although many Americans , in their hatred of Masonry , at one time denied it ; but still ifc would be useful if we could refer to the exact date and place of its occurrence ?—Si'ES . —[ The information has been repeatedly given ; bufc we will repeat ifc once more . George AVashington was initiated in Fredericksburg , Virginia , No . 4 , November 4 th , 1752 , passed March 3 rd , 1753 , raised August 4 th , 1753 . ] 1
\ Viio WAS THE AUTHORA scrap of paper has fallen out of a book I purchased at a second-hand dealer ' s ; on ifc is written" Perhaps thou Avert a Afason , anel forbidden Hy oath to tell the secrets of thy trade;—¦ Then say what secret melody ivas hidden In Memnon ' s statue which at sunrise played ?
Perhaps thou ivert a Priest—if so , my struggles Are vain for priestcraft never owns its juggles . " What does it allude to?—TOM . —[ It is part of Horace Smith ' s Address to a Mummy . ] CALIGHAl'HIC QUERY . [ A letter has reached us , bearing a London district postmark , ivith what we presume is intended for a Query , but it
is such an extraordinary series of hieroglyphics that neither we , nor any one we have shown it to , have been enabled to find sufficient legible letters to form a single word . AA ' e arc always ready to give any information we can , but it is absolutely necessary that all communications asking it should be readable . ]
COUNCIL Or 1 UTES . Abroad there are Councils of Rites . Their dut y is to marshal the different degrees of the various orders each in its proper class . Why have we not one for England and AVales ? The necessity of this is the more apparent , seeing that tho 30 ° was originally part of the Templar Rite , but has becomeby some means , attached to tho Ancient and
, Accepted Bite , to which ifc does not at all appear to belong . Can any brother give a hint 1 IOAV to counteract this anomaly ?—T . A . MASONS' MARKS . Has any complete list been formed of fche buildings on which Masons' marks are yet preserved ?—HAKKY G .
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
Tlie Royal Horticultural Society , at their grand shoiv on the 5 th of June next , will aAA-ard prizes of £ 10 , £ 5 , £ 3 , and £ 2 , for the best groups of three baskets of flowers ; the prizes to he aivarded by a jury of ladies . AA'e are glad to learn that beautiful arrrangement is to be the test of merit ; valuable flowers or fruits not being demanded .
The author of Hints and Helps for Leery-day Emergencies referred to by us last Aveek , says— " A thorough contempt for your audience is the surest way to shake off nervousness ancl to engender confidence . " AA'e fancy that the anonymous scribbler must have felt " a thorough contempt" for his readers before he could send such rubbish to the press . Certainly such advice will not
serve " to engender confidence" in any " hints" as likely to be really " helps" from one AA'I IO seems to be void of all notion of the high mission of the literary man . Messrs . Stuart , Keckivick , and others , have noiv discovered that South Australia is much better watered generally than has for some years been supposed fco be the case . AVe trust that the
interior of Australia will ere long be thoroughly explored , ancl that raihvays will be formed AA-herever necessary to clevelope the resources of the colony .
Mr . James Blackwood has the folloiving ivorks in preparation .- — The Moated Farm , by Thoraley Grant . The Bank Parlour ; or , Experiences in the Life of a late Banker , by A . B . Mackie . Professor Pole is to commence a course of lectures on Civil Engineering afc University College , London , on Monday next . Mr . AVilliam AA ' cst , commonly called " AVaterfall AA'est , " has
justdied at Chelsea , aged sixty years . His views of Norwegian scenery and waterfalls in various parts of the north of Europe are ivell known . In the seventh volume ol Supplementary Despatches , Correspondence , and Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur , Dake of Wellington , K . G-., edited by his son , the present Duke , recently published , is a letter AA'ritten by the gallant officer in January , 1811 , to the Earl of Liverpool , in AA'hich he thus characterises the Brunswick
Corps : — "I am not very fastidious about troops ; I have them of all sorts , sizes , ancl nations ; but Germans in our army in the Peninsula pass for Englishmen , and it is really not creditable to be supposed fco be a soldier of the same nation ivifch one of these people . " The one hundred ancl second birthday of our immortal brother ,
Boberfc Burns , AA'as celebrated at Mieldlesborougli-on-Tees , on Friday evening , January 25 th , by a public banquet . The principal speakers on the occasion were Bro . George Markham Tweddell , of Stokesley , and Mr . Henry Heavisides , of Stockton-on-Tees . Pyecroft , in his Ways and Words of Men of Letters , relates a case of a printer AVIIO said—" . Really , gentlemen should nofc place
such unlimited confidence in the eyesight of our hard-worked ancl half-blinded reader of proofs ; for , I am ashamed to say , that we utterly ruined one poet through a ludicrous misprint . " "Indeed ! and AA'hat ivas the unhappy line ? " " AVhy , sir , the poet intended to
say . — 'See the pale martyr , in a sheet of fire / instead of AA'hich , he ivas made to say , — ' See the pale martyr , with his shirt on fire ' Of course , the revieivers made the most of a blunder so entertaining to their readers , and the poor gentleman was never heard of
more in the field of literature . " The injured hero of the Basque Roads is having justice done to him after years of cruel persecution . He jusfcilved long enough to see all the calumnies against him dead ancl buried , ancl then himself was summoned to his rest . The committee for raising the Dundonald statue , with Lord Brougham at their head , already
number in their ranks the Dukes of Cambridge , Bedford , Rutland , Hamilton , and AVellington ; the Marquises of Lansdowne , Townsend , Bi-eaclalbanc , anel Ifedfoi-t ; the Ear } = of Shrewsbury , Scarborough , Erroll , Harrington , llardwick , Kortescue , Fife , Durham , and