Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 6 →
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to society ; and as they advanced so they would see for themselves , and be impressed ivifch the importance of the step they had taken . — Bro . BATEICAN modestly returned thanks for himself and his Bro . Initiate . —The AA ' . M . said the officers must not be forgotten . The lodge had accepted them upon credit , aud he believed they would clo their work Avell ancl punctually . He hoped to find both the wardens attend in their places in Grand Lodge , ancl closed ivith a feAV words of advice to the junior officers . —The S . AV . expressed
their thankfulness for their appointments , and stated that each in his sphere of usefulness would strh'e to do his work with credit . "The Health of the Secretary" followed , for which Bro . Davis returned thanks , anel the Tyler's toast brought the meeting to an end . FITZROY LODGE ( NO . 830 ) . —The installation festival of this military lodge was helcl on Friday , January 25 , at the head quarters of the Honourable Artillery Company , Finsbury . The lodge was
opened and presided over by Bro . Peter MattheiA'S , P . AL Bro . Merccron was raised to the third degree , and Bro . H . G . Sharp passed to the second . Bro . J . AA' . Figg , S . AV ., the AV . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . Eglese , P . AL , ancl installed into the chair . The AA ' . M . then appointed and invested as his officers Bro . May , S . AA' . ; Bro . Jackson , J . AV . ; Bro . Joseph Eglese , P . AL , Sec ; Bro . Iielsham , S . D . ; Bro . AA'ilson , J . D . ; Bro . Newton , P . M ., Musical Dir . of Cers . ; Bro . P . Matthewsthe Treas . and Bro . H . Holtthe
, , , Tyler , were also invested . The addresses to the Master , AVardens , and brethren were delivered by Bro . Eglese . —The AV . M . called the attention of the lodge to a matter he had already mooted . It ivas the practice in nearly all lodges to present to the brethren who had presided over the lodge as Masters , some testimonial of their services , ancl he considered the Fitzroy ought not to omit so great a duty . He therefore proposed that a testimonial he afc once presented to each of those worthy brethren who
continued members of the lodge ; but inasmuch as the two founders had done a greater amount of service , and had performed the onerous duties of treasurer ancl secretary to discharge , and as they had seen , that clay , the heaviest share of the business was done by Bros . Matthew's and Eglese , he thought the reward should be the greater . Bro . Capt . Rough , absent that day through illness , AA-as a most useful member , and AA'ell-earned any ren-ard that could be bestowed upon him . Bro . Newton , also , member ancl visitors alike acknoiA " -
leelged by his courtesy and attention to their comforts , was entitled to some mark of recognition of his services . Therefore , seeing the funds were ample for the purpose , he proposed that testimonials to the value of ten guineas each be given to the founders , and to the value of five guineas to each of the other Past Masters . The motion was seconded , and on the question being put , carried unanimously . After the completion of the routine business , the lodge ivas closedancl the brethren removed to the banquet There
, -room . were several visitors , and among ' them we noticed Bro . Lieut . Col . Henry Clerk , P . M . No . 1008 ; Bro . Rev . J . AA ' . Langhlin , AV . AL No . 201 ; Bro . Horsley , of No . 38 , & c . The dinner ended , the brethren removed , as is the custom of the lodge , to the board-room , W'liere the dessert was spread ; and after honouring the usual loyal and Alasonic toast , Bro . Matthew rose and saicl that , in proposing " The Health of the AA' . M .,- ' he might congratulate the lodge in
having again a brother accomplished in Masonry to preside OA'er them , ancl AA-IIO , by his skill ancl ability , ivas equal to directing the proceedings of the lodge , and maintaining its high reputation in the Craft . The AVAL , in responding , said that although he could not lay claim to all the attainments that Bro . Mattheivs gave him credit for , he shoulel use his best exertions to deserve the praises of his brethren . — "Tlie Health of the Visitors" and other toasts were drunk , and the company separated , delighted with the events of the evening , the pleasure of AA'hich was much enhanced by the courtesy and kindness of Bro . New-ton .
BERKSHIRE . WiNDSOlt . —Etonian Lodge ( No . 252 ) . —The annual festival of this flourishing lodge ivas helcl on Tuesday , 29 th January , afc Bro . Dangei-field ' s , the NCAV Inn , AA'indsor . The loelge ivas called for tAA'O o'clock , Avhen a numerous assemblage of the brethren met together . There ivere also present , as visitors , Bro . Vansittart , M . P . for AA ^ indsoi- ; Bro . Best , AA ' . M . of the Camden Lodge , 1006 ; Bro . LittleJ . AA ' of the Castle Lod AA'indsorBroSimof 3
, . ge , ; . , No . , Fidelit y ; and Bro . Holden , of the Castle Lodge . The business before the lodge was the initiation of Air . George Smith , and the raising of Bros . Kay , Gibbon , and Schroeder , and the installation of Bro . Sharp as AA ' . M . —The AV . M ., in a most feeling manner , stated to the lodge thafc he hael received a communication from the AA ' . AI . of the Silurian Lodge , New-port , Monmouthshire , upon ' the
melancholy explosion at the Risca Colliery , ancl- soliciting a subscription in aid of the unfortunate relatives of those who lost their lives upon that occasion , anel the lodge votecl the sum . of tAvo guineas from their funds . It was also voted that the sum of fifty pounds ofthe funds in hand be invested in the AVindsor Savings' Bank , iu the joint names of the Treasurer , Bro . Clode , and tiA-o Past JIasters , Bros . Pullen and Stacey . The AV . M . then resigned his collar to the visitor , Bro . Best , W . M . of the CamdenLodge , whoably initiated Mr .
George Smith into the mysteries of Freemasonry . There not being a sufficiency of time , the raisings were allowed to stand over until thenext meeting ofthe lodge . The ceremony of installing the W . M . elect was then proceeded witli , and P . M . Bro . Lambert ably installed the neiv W . M ., Bro . Sharp ; after AA'hich the AV . M . closed his lodgedoAvn , and the brethren saluted the neiv AA ' . AI . with the usual tokens . The AV . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers : —Bros . PowellS . AV . ; StrangeJ . AV . ; AVm . JohnsonS . D . j
, , , AVhittaker , J . D . ; and Henry Johnson , I . G . The immediate P . M ., Bvo . Pullen , kindly undertook the office of Secretary in the place of Bro . Strange , the appointed J . W . Bro . Clode AA'as re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Brudenell , Tyler . Lodge Avas then closed in perfect harmony , and the brethren ( to the number of thirty-six ) proceeded to the banquet , prepared by the worthy host , P . M , Bro . Daugerfield . The cloth being removed , the AA ' . AI . gave
the usual loyal ancl Alasonic toasts , regretting that they had nofc a Prov . G . M . yet appointed in the place of tho late Prov . G . M . the Marquis of Downshire . The next toast w-as that of "The Members for the Royal Borough of Windsor , " to AA'hich Bro . A ' ansitart , M . P ., made a most eloquent reply , expressive of the great pleasure he felfc at being among so many of his AVindsor brethren ancl constituents , ancl to see . the harmony ancl prosperity of tha lodge . " The Visitors " Avere next given , and Bro . Holden replied
in a short speech . The AV . M . having entrusted the gavel to Bro . Pullen , the immediate P . M ., his health was proposed ancl received with all the enthusiasm it so well deserved ; to Avhich the AA ' . M . replied that 'he would clo all in his poiver to sustain and promote the welfare of the lodge , as , indeed , he had always done while in the subordinate offices ; and he hoped for a continuance of the support he had at all times received at their hands . "The P . Ms , ancl the Officers" was then ivenand receiveci in the same cordial manner .
g , The next toast ivas that of "The Press , " to ivhich Bro . Banks ( connected Avith fche Boyal Standard ) made a most eloquent reply , settingforth the great privileges Englishmen enjoyed as compared Avith their Continental neighbours as regarded the Press . It being noiv 10 . 50 , Bro . Vansittart , M . P ., and Bro . Best departed for the train to return to London ; the remaining brethren spent a most happy and agreeable evening .
CHESHIRE . BIBKENUEAD . —Zetland Lodge ( 782 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting at the Park Hotel , on AVednesday 16 th January , on which occasion many distinguished Provincial Grand Officers and Past Masters ivere present , amongst whom we especially noticed , Bros . E . J . AA'illoughby , Prov . J . G . AA ' . for Cheshire , and P . M . 782 ; S . Moss , P . Prov . J . G . AA ' . for Gloucestershire , and Cheshire , and P . AI . 701 ; J . P . Piatt , Prov- J . G . D . for Cheshire , and
P . AI . 782 ; AV . Bulley , A . Stephens , and B . Samuelson , P . Prov . J . G . Deacons for Cheshire , and Past Masters 782 ; C . Sherlock ancl C . R . ampling , P . Prov . G . S . of AA ' . for Cheshire , and Past JIasters 782 ; H . Bulley ancl R . Anderson , Past JIasters 782 ; T . Leivin , Past Master , 701 ; G . Agnew , AV . M ., 701 ; ancl E . Mongena , P . AI . 181 . The lodge being duly opened , and the minutes of the last regular meeting having been read anil confirmed , Bro . P . AL Henry Bulley proceeded with the ceremony of installation of Bro . Thomas
Plafct ( late S . AA' . ) , as W . M . for the ensuing year , AA'hich ceremony he performed in a very effective manner . The AVAL appointed and . invested the following principal officers , viz ., J .- B . Hignett , S . AV . Jas . Jlorison , J . AV . ; Jno . Harold , Secretary . The business of the evening having been completed , the lodge was adjourned to banquet , and separated at an early hour .
DERBYSHIRE . RIPTON . —Boyal Sussex Lodge ( No . 116 ) . —The anniversary ofthe above lodge was celebrated on Alonday iveek at the Alasonic Tavern The loelge AA-as opened at half-past three p . m ., Allien Bro . P . M , Henchley proceeded to install Bro . Richard Bayliss as AV . M . for the ensuing year , as successor to Bro . H . Carson . The ceremony ivas impressively performed in ancient form . Among the visitors were Bros . J . GadsbPProvGAV . StoneProv . G . S . AV . German
y , . . . ; , ; , Prov . G . D . of C ., and AV . M . ( 1033 ); R , AVilmot ( AV . M . elect of the St . Oswald Lodge , Ashboui-n ); Giles , P . M . ( 315 ); AA ' . Canti-ill , J . Smith , T . Frost , & c . The W . AI . appointed the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Prince , fun ., S . AV . ; Ahrahart , J . W . ; Seth Smith , Treas . * Peach , Sec ; Mayor , S . D .: Drewry ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to society ; and as they advanced so they would see for themselves , and be impressed ivifch the importance of the step they had taken . — Bro . BATEICAN modestly returned thanks for himself and his Bro . Initiate . —The AA ' . M . said the officers must not be forgotten . The lodge had accepted them upon credit , aud he believed they would clo their work Avell ancl punctually . He hoped to find both the wardens attend in their places in Grand Lodge , ancl closed ivith a feAV words of advice to the junior officers . —The S . AV . expressed
their thankfulness for their appointments , and stated that each in his sphere of usefulness would strh'e to do his work with credit . "The Health of the Secretary" followed , for which Bro . Davis returned thanks , anel the Tyler's toast brought the meeting to an end . FITZROY LODGE ( NO . 830 ) . —The installation festival of this military lodge was helcl on Friday , January 25 , at the head quarters of the Honourable Artillery Company , Finsbury . The lodge was
opened and presided over by Bro . Peter MattheiA'S , P . AL Bro . Merccron was raised to the third degree , and Bro . H . G . Sharp passed to the second . Bro . J . AA' . Figg , S . AV ., the AV . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . Eglese , P . AL , ancl installed into the chair . The AA ' . M . then appointed and invested as his officers Bro . May , S . AA' . ; Bro . Jackson , J . AV . ; Bro . Joseph Eglese , P . AL , Sec ; Bro . Iielsham , S . D . ; Bro . AA'ilson , J . D . ; Bro . Newton , P . M ., Musical Dir . of Cers . ; Bro . P . Matthewsthe Treas . and Bro . H . Holtthe
, , , Tyler , were also invested . The addresses to the Master , AVardens , and brethren were delivered by Bro . Eglese . —The AV . M . called the attention of the lodge to a matter he had already mooted . It ivas the practice in nearly all lodges to present to the brethren who had presided over the lodge as Masters , some testimonial of their services , ancl he considered the Fitzroy ought not to omit so great a duty . He therefore proposed that a testimonial he afc once presented to each of those worthy brethren who
continued members of the lodge ; but inasmuch as the two founders had done a greater amount of service , and had performed the onerous duties of treasurer ancl secretary to discharge , and as they had seen , that clay , the heaviest share of the business was done by Bros . Matthew's and Eglese , he thought the reward should be the greater . Bro . Capt . Rough , absent that day through illness , AA-as a most useful member , and AA'ell-earned any ren-ard that could be bestowed upon him . Bro . Newton , also , member ancl visitors alike acknoiA " -
leelged by his courtesy and attention to their comforts , was entitled to some mark of recognition of his services . Therefore , seeing the funds were ample for the purpose , he proposed that testimonials to the value of ten guineas each be given to the founders , and to the value of five guineas to each of the other Past Masters . The motion was seconded , and on the question being put , carried unanimously . After the completion of the routine business , the lodge ivas closedancl the brethren removed to the banquet There
, -room . were several visitors , and among ' them we noticed Bro . Lieut . Col . Henry Clerk , P . M . No . 1008 ; Bro . Rev . J . AA ' . Langhlin , AV . AL No . 201 ; Bro . Horsley , of No . 38 , & c . The dinner ended , the brethren removed , as is the custom of the lodge , to the board-room , W'liere the dessert was spread ; and after honouring the usual loyal and Alasonic toast , Bro . Matthew rose and saicl that , in proposing " The Health of the AA' . M .,- ' he might congratulate the lodge in
having again a brother accomplished in Masonry to preside OA'er them , ancl AA-IIO , by his skill ancl ability , ivas equal to directing the proceedings of the lodge , and maintaining its high reputation in the Craft . The AVAL , in responding , said that although he could not lay claim to all the attainments that Bro . Mattheivs gave him credit for , he shoulel use his best exertions to deserve the praises of his brethren . — "Tlie Health of the Visitors" and other toasts were drunk , and the company separated , delighted with the events of the evening , the pleasure of AA'hich was much enhanced by the courtesy and kindness of Bro . New-ton .
BERKSHIRE . WiNDSOlt . —Etonian Lodge ( No . 252 ) . —The annual festival of this flourishing lodge ivas helcl on Tuesday , 29 th January , afc Bro . Dangei-field ' s , the NCAV Inn , AA'indsor . The loelge ivas called for tAA'O o'clock , Avhen a numerous assemblage of the brethren met together . There ivere also present , as visitors , Bro . Vansittart , M . P . for AA ^ indsoi- ; Bro . Best , AA ' . M . of the Camden Lodge , 1006 ; Bro . LittleJ . AA ' of the Castle Lod AA'indsorBroSimof 3
, . ge , ; . , No . , Fidelit y ; and Bro . Holden , of the Castle Lodge . The business before the lodge was the initiation of Air . George Smith , and the raising of Bros . Kay , Gibbon , and Schroeder , and the installation of Bro . Sharp as AA ' . M . —The AV . M ., in a most feeling manner , stated to the lodge thafc he hael received a communication from the AA ' . AI . of the Silurian Lodge , New-port , Monmouthshire , upon ' the
melancholy explosion at the Risca Colliery , ancl- soliciting a subscription in aid of the unfortunate relatives of those who lost their lives upon that occasion , anel the lodge votecl the sum . of tAvo guineas from their funds . It was also voted that the sum of fifty pounds ofthe funds in hand be invested in the AVindsor Savings' Bank , iu the joint names of the Treasurer , Bro . Clode , and tiA-o Past JIasters , Bros . Pullen and Stacey . The AV . M . then resigned his collar to the visitor , Bro . Best , W . M . of the CamdenLodge , whoably initiated Mr .
George Smith into the mysteries of Freemasonry . There not being a sufficiency of time , the raisings were allowed to stand over until thenext meeting ofthe lodge . The ceremony of installing the W . M . elect was then proceeded witli , and P . M . Bro . Lambert ably installed the neiv W . M ., Bro . Sharp ; after AA'hich the AV . M . closed his lodgedoAvn , and the brethren saluted the neiv AA ' . AI . with the usual tokens . The AV . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers : —Bros . PowellS . AV . ; StrangeJ . AV . ; AVm . JohnsonS . D . j
, , , AVhittaker , J . D . ; and Henry Johnson , I . G . The immediate P . M ., Bvo . Pullen , kindly undertook the office of Secretary in the place of Bro . Strange , the appointed J . W . Bro . Clode AA'as re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Brudenell , Tyler . Lodge Avas then closed in perfect harmony , and the brethren ( to the number of thirty-six ) proceeded to the banquet , prepared by the worthy host , P . M , Bro . Daugerfield . The cloth being removed , the AA ' . AI . gave
the usual loyal ancl Alasonic toasts , regretting that they had nofc a Prov . G . M . yet appointed in the place of tho late Prov . G . M . the Marquis of Downshire . The next toast w-as that of "The Members for the Royal Borough of Windsor , " to AA'hich Bro . A ' ansitart , M . P ., made a most eloquent reply , expressive of the great pleasure he felfc at being among so many of his AVindsor brethren ancl constituents , ancl to see . the harmony ancl prosperity of tha lodge . " The Visitors " Avere next given , and Bro . Holden replied
in a short speech . The AV . M . having entrusted the gavel to Bro . Pullen , the immediate P . M ., his health was proposed ancl received with all the enthusiasm it so well deserved ; to Avhich the AA ' . M . replied that 'he would clo all in his poiver to sustain and promote the welfare of the lodge , as , indeed , he had always done while in the subordinate offices ; and he hoped for a continuance of the support he had at all times received at their hands . "The P . Ms , ancl the Officers" was then ivenand receiveci in the same cordial manner .
g , The next toast ivas that of "The Press , " to ivhich Bro . Banks ( connected Avith fche Boyal Standard ) made a most eloquent reply , settingforth the great privileges Englishmen enjoyed as compared Avith their Continental neighbours as regarded the Press . It being noiv 10 . 50 , Bro . Vansittart , M . P ., and Bro . Best departed for the train to return to London ; the remaining brethren spent a most happy and agreeable evening .
CHESHIRE . BIBKENUEAD . —Zetland Lodge ( 782 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting at the Park Hotel , on AVednesday 16 th January , on which occasion many distinguished Provincial Grand Officers and Past Masters ivere present , amongst whom we especially noticed , Bros . E . J . AA'illoughby , Prov . J . G . AA ' . for Cheshire , and P . M . 782 ; S . Moss , P . Prov . J . G . AA ' . for Gloucestershire , and Cheshire , and P . AI . 701 ; J . P . Piatt , Prov- J . G . D . for Cheshire , and
P . AI . 782 ; AV . Bulley , A . Stephens , and B . Samuelson , P . Prov . J . G . Deacons for Cheshire , and Past Masters 782 ; C . Sherlock ancl C . R . ampling , P . Prov . G . S . of AA ' . for Cheshire , and Past JIasters 782 ; H . Bulley ancl R . Anderson , Past JIasters 782 ; T . Leivin , Past Master , 701 ; G . Agnew , AV . M ., 701 ; ancl E . Mongena , P . AI . 181 . The lodge being duly opened , and the minutes of the last regular meeting having been read anil confirmed , Bro . P . AL Henry Bulley proceeded with the ceremony of installation of Bro . Thomas
Plafct ( late S . AA' . ) , as W . M . for the ensuing year , AA'hich ceremony he performed in a very effective manner . The AVAL appointed and . invested the following principal officers , viz ., J .- B . Hignett , S . AV . Jas . Jlorison , J . AV . ; Jno . Harold , Secretary . The business of the evening having been completed , the lodge was adjourned to banquet , and separated at an early hour .
DERBYSHIRE . RIPTON . —Boyal Sussex Lodge ( No . 116 ) . —The anniversary ofthe above lodge was celebrated on Alonday iveek at the Alasonic Tavern The loelge AA-as opened at half-past three p . m ., Allien Bro . P . M , Henchley proceeded to install Bro . Richard Bayliss as AV . M . for the ensuing year , as successor to Bro . H . Carson . The ceremony ivas impressively performed in ancient form . Among the visitors were Bros . J . GadsbPProvGAV . StoneProv . G . S . AV . German
y , . . . ; , ; , Prov . G . D . of C ., and AV . M . ( 1033 ); R , AVilmot ( AV . M . elect of the St . Oswald Lodge , Ashboui-n ); Giles , P . M . ( 315 ); AA ' . Canti-ill , J . Smith , T . Frost , & c . The W . AI . appointed the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Prince , fun ., S . AV . ; Ahrahart , J . W . ; Seth Smith , Treas . * Peach , Sec ; Mayor , S . D .: Drewry ,