Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
5 , Scotch , Master ; 0 . Knt . of tlie East ; 7 . Eose -f . It ivas superseded hy The Ancient and Accepted Eite iu 1811 , which rite is now the recognized basis ofthe Grand Orient dc France . ] TUB CKUSAnEIlS . What works give the best accounts of the Crusaders ?—CRUX . —[ Consult Midland ' s " Histoire des Croisades , G A'ols ., Svo .
Paris , 1838 . There are many editions , but this is considered the best . Also Mill ' s "History of the Crusades , " 2 vols ., Svo . Loud ., 1820 . And the "Chronicles of the Crusades , " published iu Bohn ' s " Antiquarian Library , " Svo . Loud ., 18-18 . ]
AVAS I ) K . P . AAVI . IXSON A KHEE : iIASOX ? In reply fo " D . D ., Oxon , " who wishes to know on Avhat authority I alluded to Dr . Eawlinson as a member of the Masonic Order , I beg to state , that although I could not immediately recollect the precise passages ivhich I introduced in my papers on " Masonic Antiquities , " I have since consulted the volumes in his MSS . Collection in the Bodleian Library ( C . 1 , 'IG ) , in ivhich are
given the names of a hundred and sixteen Lodges existing in or about 1723 . The list of members of the four following Lodges is given : — No . 27 . —The Sash and Cocoa Tree , Moore Fields ; ,, 40 . —The St . Paul ' s Head , Ludgate Street ; ,, 71 . — 'The Bricklayers' Arms in Barbican ; 01 . — -The Oxford ArmsLudgate Street .
„ , In each of these lists appears the name of Eichard Rawlinson , LL . D , F . E . S . Further , in the minutes of the " Magpye Lodge , " September 2-1 , 1733 , Dr . Eaii'linson is mentioned as being present ; and the very next page consists of a letter in Dr . Eaivlinson ' s OAVU handwriting ( ivhich the lists of Lodges and their members arc not ) which concludes as folloiA's : — -
" AVhat notion this gent , has of the Craft , yon may guess by his surprise and ivish , " Pro in sir , yours to command , " 13 Jan ., 173 S-9 . ' ( Signed ) "P . P . " —THE WIHTEI ! OF "MASONIC ANTIQUITIES , " 1857-8 . VACAXCY IX THE OFFICE OF GI 1 AXD CHAPLAIN .
When our unfortunate Bro . Dr . Dodd was executed for forgery , the office he held , that of Grand Chaplain , 1775 , remained vacant for some years . Who succeeded him ? and in what year?—CAPELLAXUS I > E DUG-MO . 110 VAL AllOII CO-lir-AXIOXS' . IE-WEI .. ' ! . How do our brethrentlie Masonic jewellersreconcile with the
, , draivings in the Grand Chapter laivs their present shape of a Eoyal Arch Companion's jeAvel ? Now they are shut up in a box , like a locket , and instead of bearing an inscription on both sides , present one only , losing half of its signification . —TRIPLE TAU . — [ We are not in the secret ; apply to the brethren in question periionallj ' . ]
MASOXIC YOLVNTKEP . S . During the threatened invasion of this country by Napoleon the First , were the Masonic authorities in favour of the brethren being enrolled as volunteers?—SUIUIKA' RIFLES . —[ We have no means of answering officially , but presume , from the well known loyalty of Masons and their patriotism , that such was the case . Under similar circumstancesBi-o . Dunckerleyas Prov . E . C . of
, , Knights Templar , issued his manifesto , printed in the last volume of the Freemasons' Magazine , ( page 70 ) , and in a sermon by our late Bro . the Rev . Jcthro Inwooil , he says : — " As an advocate , both zealous and determined , as an advocate for this Order , from the strongest conviction of its excellency , both in politics and in patriotism , I scruple not to challenge our bitterest rcviler to fix upon one single Mason who dare affirm that in any of our
transactions , whether public or private , there .-is a single trait , either sentimental or practical , in all our Masonic Order , which bears not even the very enthusiasm of loyalty ; and whilst from long experience of every national , domestic , and religious blessing wc enjoy , wc cannot but adore our king as our tender father , so also doubting not the excellency of his hereditary successor , as men , ive cannot but love him as our prince , ns Masons ive cannot but
itlore him as our Grand Master . Nor further , my friends , do I rear to challenge any accuser of the brethren to this additional nquii-y , i . c ., that ol ' counting over your national volunteer corps ; mil amongst them , Masons innumerable , you shall find , in scarlet mil in blue , with the sword and with the ' bayonet , with the heart md with the fortune , ready—yes , almost enthusiastically ready , to ay down their lives for thcir ' king and for their prince , for their lountvy and for . her laivs . '' ]
SELECT MAMTEi :, AVhat are the proper passages of Scripture to be used in working the degree of-a Select Master ?—1 $ . B . —[ In the .-l « im « fli Atonitors they are given as 1 Kings i . 5 , 0 ; 1 Kings v . 17 , 18 ; 1 Kings viii . 13 , 11 ; Ezekicl xxvii . if ; Deuteronomy x . xxi . 24-26 '; Exodus xvi . 33-1 ; Numbers xvii . 10 ; Numbers vii , 89 ; and Exodus xxv . 40 , ]
TYLER ANJi ITS E . TY . llOT . OttY . From whence is the word 'T yler derived , and is it correct to spell it as usuall y done Tyler , or , as occasionall y , Tiler?—TEDI . V TUE Tl 1 , 13 V ,, JfASOXS IX WJGIMEXTALS . Is it usual in the military Lodges to meet in full regimentals
for the despatch of JIasonic business ?—C . E . —[ We believe so , at any rate the Fitzroy Lodge , No . 830 , attached to the Eoyal Artillery Company of London , does so , and inserts in its summons that " The members are expected to appear in full dress regimentals , by order ofthe Worshi pful Master . "
SIAHOXIO AA'OKK BUEXED BV OUUEK 01- ' THE l- 'OPE . In Laurie ' s "History of Freemasonry" it is stated , "About a month after this edict was issued ( 14 th January , 1739 , condemning Freemasons to torture and fine ) , a decree was emitted by his holiness condemning a French book , entitled , ' An Apology forthe Society of Freemasons , ' and ordering it to he fsnriit , by the ministers of justice , in one of the most frequented streets of Eome . " What was the French title of the work alluded to , and who ii-as its author?—J . C . C .
11 EOTI 1 EKS 110 UXD 111 ' OXE ACCORD . Where shall I get the words and music of a Masonic song entitled " Brothers bound I 13 ' one accord ?"—HEX . GEO . MAY . — [ In Dr . Smith ' s "Lyria Masonica . " ] l . 'E . SSLElt ' S 1 IITE . - Occasionally ive meet with most uncommon -names in reading
foreign Masonic publications , one of which , recently lent me , speaks of'Fcssler ' s Rite . What is it ?—II . E . I ) .- —[ It was formerly practised by the Eoyal York Lodge of Berlin , and consisted of nine degrees , v ' r / .., —1 . Apprentice . —2 . Fellow Craft . —3 . Master . — i . Holy of Holies . —0 . Justification . —0 . Celebration . —7 . True Li ght . —8 . The Country . —9 . Perfection . These degrees were drawn up from the rituals of the Golden Eose Croix ( Rite of Strict Observance ) , Sweedish Chapter of Illuminecs , and tho Chapter of Clermont . For further information , see Gavcll ' s ' Ifistorique PiJtoresque , " p . 05 , el seq . " ]
MEDICAL MASOXISY . I have heard that there is a medical work which professes to be a revelation of the Masonic secrets . Is this so ?—MEIAIOUS . [ Most likely our correspondent refers to a book written by S . Freeman , M . D ., called An . Address to Ihe . Nobility and Gentry of both Sexes , mi . lite Great and Good " Effects of die Uiiit-ersal Medicine of the AncieiU Magi ; being lite Grand and Iiiciolable , Secret of
Masonry , Svo ., Loud ., 1781 . At the time Dr . Freeman wrote there was no Medical Directory by which a person could discern between the regular practitioner and quack ; but , although we have seen the work cited , wo are inclined to write Dr . Freeman down as an empiric of the first water , his book being accurately described h y a recent American expletive as "bosh . " It teaches , so far as AVC know , no new -medical treatment , nor does it , bear on the secrets of our Order . ]
KI / PUEMK nilAXI ) COUNCIL OF THE 33 ° . When was the Supreme Grand Council of Sovereign Inspectors General of the 3 . *! ° established in England ? — B . P . T . . i > . [ October 10 th , 1813 . The Loudon Council derived their authority from the American Rite , Sur les deux' Hemispheres , exercised at Oharlcstown , in the State of South Carolina . ] AfA . SOXS—1 , 'ATXKY SLAVES .
A A-encrable brother Mason has told me that it is not many 3 'ears since a rescript Ai-as issued at Eome , in ivhich every Italian returning to the land of his birth a Freemason is subject to a sentence of twenty years as a galley slave ! Where can I see the decree or a translation ? SOLOMOX's TEAll'I . E . AX O 11 ATO 1 U 0 . Has any brother a copy of the music of " Solomon ' s Temple , "
: in oratorio , performed at the Philharmonic Room in Dublin , for the benefit of sick and distressed Freemasons' ? Words b y Bro . James Eyre AVeeks . Music by Bro . Eichard Broadivny , Organist of St . Patrick's Cathedral . — - IUATTUEAV COOKE .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
5 , Scotch , Master ; 0 . Knt . of tlie East ; 7 . Eose -f . It ivas superseded hy The Ancient and Accepted Eite iu 1811 , which rite is now the recognized basis ofthe Grand Orient dc France . ] TUB CKUSAnEIlS . What works give the best accounts of the Crusaders ?—CRUX . —[ Consult Midland ' s " Histoire des Croisades , G A'ols ., Svo .
Paris , 1838 . There are many editions , but this is considered the best . Also Mill ' s "History of the Crusades , " 2 vols ., Svo . Loud ., 1820 . And the "Chronicles of the Crusades , " published iu Bohn ' s " Antiquarian Library , " Svo . Loud ., 18-18 . ]
AVAS I ) K . P . AAVI . IXSON A KHEE : iIASOX ? In reply fo " D . D ., Oxon , " who wishes to know on Avhat authority I alluded to Dr . Eawlinson as a member of the Masonic Order , I beg to state , that although I could not immediately recollect the precise passages ivhich I introduced in my papers on " Masonic Antiquities , " I have since consulted the volumes in his MSS . Collection in the Bodleian Library ( C . 1 , 'IG ) , in ivhich are
given the names of a hundred and sixteen Lodges existing in or about 1723 . The list of members of the four following Lodges is given : — No . 27 . —The Sash and Cocoa Tree , Moore Fields ; ,, 40 . —The St . Paul ' s Head , Ludgate Street ; ,, 71 . — 'The Bricklayers' Arms in Barbican ; 01 . — -The Oxford ArmsLudgate Street .
„ , In each of these lists appears the name of Eichard Rawlinson , LL . D , F . E . S . Further , in the minutes of the " Magpye Lodge , " September 2-1 , 1733 , Dr . Eaii'linson is mentioned as being present ; and the very next page consists of a letter in Dr . Eaivlinson ' s OAVU handwriting ( ivhich the lists of Lodges and their members arc not ) which concludes as folloiA's : — -
" AVhat notion this gent , has of the Craft , yon may guess by his surprise and ivish , " Pro in sir , yours to command , " 13 Jan ., 173 S-9 . ' ( Signed ) "P . P . " —THE WIHTEI ! OF "MASONIC ANTIQUITIES , " 1857-8 . VACAXCY IX THE OFFICE OF GI 1 AXD CHAPLAIN .
When our unfortunate Bro . Dr . Dodd was executed for forgery , the office he held , that of Grand Chaplain , 1775 , remained vacant for some years . Who succeeded him ? and in what year?—CAPELLAXUS I > E DUG-MO . 110 VAL AllOII CO-lir-AXIOXS' . IE-WEI .. ' ! . How do our brethrentlie Masonic jewellersreconcile with the
, , draivings in the Grand Chapter laivs their present shape of a Eoyal Arch Companion's jeAvel ? Now they are shut up in a box , like a locket , and instead of bearing an inscription on both sides , present one only , losing half of its signification . —TRIPLE TAU . — [ We are not in the secret ; apply to the brethren in question periionallj ' . ]
MASOXIC YOLVNTKEP . S . During the threatened invasion of this country by Napoleon the First , were the Masonic authorities in favour of the brethren being enrolled as volunteers?—SUIUIKA' RIFLES . —[ We have no means of answering officially , but presume , from the well known loyalty of Masons and their patriotism , that such was the case . Under similar circumstancesBi-o . Dunckerleyas Prov . E . C . of
, , Knights Templar , issued his manifesto , printed in the last volume of the Freemasons' Magazine , ( page 70 ) , and in a sermon by our late Bro . the Rev . Jcthro Inwooil , he says : — " As an advocate , both zealous and determined , as an advocate for this Order , from the strongest conviction of its excellency , both in politics and in patriotism , I scruple not to challenge our bitterest rcviler to fix upon one single Mason who dare affirm that in any of our
transactions , whether public or private , there .-is a single trait , either sentimental or practical , in all our Masonic Order , which bears not even the very enthusiasm of loyalty ; and whilst from long experience of every national , domestic , and religious blessing wc enjoy , wc cannot but adore our king as our tender father , so also doubting not the excellency of his hereditary successor , as men , ive cannot but love him as our prince , ns Masons ive cannot but
itlore him as our Grand Master . Nor further , my friends , do I rear to challenge any accuser of the brethren to this additional nquii-y , i . c ., that ol ' counting over your national volunteer corps ; mil amongst them , Masons innumerable , you shall find , in scarlet mil in blue , with the sword and with the ' bayonet , with the heart md with the fortune , ready—yes , almost enthusiastically ready , to ay down their lives for thcir ' king and for their prince , for their lountvy and for . her laivs . '' ]
SELECT MAMTEi :, AVhat are the proper passages of Scripture to be used in working the degree of-a Select Master ?—1 $ . B . —[ In the .-l « im « fli Atonitors they are given as 1 Kings i . 5 , 0 ; 1 Kings v . 17 , 18 ; 1 Kings viii . 13 , 11 ; Ezekicl xxvii . if ; Deuteronomy x . xxi . 24-26 '; Exodus xvi . 33-1 ; Numbers xvii . 10 ; Numbers vii , 89 ; and Exodus xxv . 40 , ]
TYLER ANJi ITS E . TY . llOT . OttY . From whence is the word 'T yler derived , and is it correct to spell it as usuall y done Tyler , or , as occasionall y , Tiler?—TEDI . V TUE Tl 1 , 13 V ,, JfASOXS IX WJGIMEXTALS . Is it usual in the military Lodges to meet in full regimentals
for the despatch of JIasonic business ?—C . E . —[ We believe so , at any rate the Fitzroy Lodge , No . 830 , attached to the Eoyal Artillery Company of London , does so , and inserts in its summons that " The members are expected to appear in full dress regimentals , by order ofthe Worshi pful Master . "
SIAHOXIO AA'OKK BUEXED BV OUUEK 01- ' THE l- 'OPE . In Laurie ' s "History of Freemasonry" it is stated , "About a month after this edict was issued ( 14 th January , 1739 , condemning Freemasons to torture and fine ) , a decree was emitted by his holiness condemning a French book , entitled , ' An Apology forthe Society of Freemasons , ' and ordering it to he fsnriit , by the ministers of justice , in one of the most frequented streets of Eome . " What was the French title of the work alluded to , and who ii-as its author?—J . C . C .
11 EOTI 1 EKS 110 UXD 111 ' OXE ACCORD . Where shall I get the words and music of a Masonic song entitled " Brothers bound I 13 ' one accord ?"—HEX . GEO . MAY . — [ In Dr . Smith ' s "Lyria Masonica . " ] l . 'E . SSLElt ' S 1 IITE . - Occasionally ive meet with most uncommon -names in reading
foreign Masonic publications , one of which , recently lent me , speaks of'Fcssler ' s Rite . What is it ?—II . E . I ) .- —[ It was formerly practised by the Eoyal York Lodge of Berlin , and consisted of nine degrees , v ' r / .., —1 . Apprentice . —2 . Fellow Craft . —3 . Master . — i . Holy of Holies . —0 . Justification . —0 . Celebration . —7 . True Li ght . —8 . The Country . —9 . Perfection . These degrees were drawn up from the rituals of the Golden Eose Croix ( Rite of Strict Observance ) , Sweedish Chapter of Illuminecs , and tho Chapter of Clermont . For further information , see Gavcll ' s ' Ifistorique PiJtoresque , " p . 05 , el seq . " ]
MEDICAL MASOXISY . I have heard that there is a medical work which professes to be a revelation of the Masonic secrets . Is this so ?—MEIAIOUS . [ Most likely our correspondent refers to a book written by S . Freeman , M . D ., called An . Address to Ihe . Nobility and Gentry of both Sexes , mi . lite Great and Good " Effects of die Uiiit-ersal Medicine of the AncieiU Magi ; being lite Grand and Iiiciolable , Secret of
Masonry , Svo ., Loud ., 1781 . At the time Dr . Freeman wrote there was no Medical Directory by which a person could discern between the regular practitioner and quack ; but , although we have seen the work cited , wo are inclined to write Dr . Freeman down as an empiric of the first water , his book being accurately described h y a recent American expletive as "bosh . " It teaches , so far as AVC know , no new -medical treatment , nor does it , bear on the secrets of our Order . ]
KI / PUEMK nilAXI ) COUNCIL OF THE 33 ° . When was the Supreme Grand Council of Sovereign Inspectors General of the 3 . *! ° established in England ? — B . P . T . . i > . [ October 10 th , 1813 . The Loudon Council derived their authority from the American Rite , Sur les deux' Hemispheres , exercised at Oharlcstown , in the State of South Carolina . ] AfA . SOXS—1 , 'ATXKY SLAVES .
A A-encrable brother Mason has told me that it is not many 3 'ears since a rescript Ai-as issued at Eome , in ivhich every Italian returning to the land of his birth a Freemason is subject to a sentence of twenty years as a galley slave ! Where can I see the decree or a translation ? SOLOMOX's TEAll'I . E . AX O 11 ATO 1 U 0 . Has any brother a copy of the music of " Solomon ' s Temple , "
: in oratorio , performed at the Philharmonic Room in Dublin , for the benefit of sick and distressed Freemasons' ? Words b y Bro . James Eyre AVeeks . Music by Bro . Eichard Broadivny , Organist of St . Patrick's Cathedral . — - IUATTUEAV COOKE .