Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
presence ot six installed JIasters , ou the I 7 th day of January , A . L ., 5 S 60 , A . D ., lSo'O , pursuant to a dispensation under the authority of the Ri ght AVorshi pful , Sir Charles Lemon , Baronet , Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall , and the Right AVorshi pful Augustus Smith , Esq ., M . P ., Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , by the undersigned , Richard Pearco , Past Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster for Cornwall . " The names of the installed JIasters present , in addition to the presiding brother , were Bros . Charles Thomas Pearce , John George Mason , James Heale Trcivecke
, and Jlathew Dennis , all of No . S 15 ; Callington and AA'illiam Cross , of No . 351 , Tavistock . The AV . Bro . Charles Thomas Pearce , having been installed as the first AV . JI ., then proceeded to appoint as his ofiicers , Bros . Jiiehael Frost , S . AV . ; AVilliam Deny Pearse . J . AV . John Haivkins , S . D . ; and AVilliam Jlichell , J . D . The Lodge ' having previously met , pursuant to dispensation , the proceedings were sanctioned , including the nomination of four candidates for tho honours of JIasonry , and theybeing again balloted forunanimouslapprovedand
, , y , initiated into the secrets of the first degree by the newly installed JIaster and his officers in a style greatly to their credit , and eliciting deuided commendation at the hands of tho P . D . Prov . G . M ., and the other brethren assembled . The pleasing and very gratifying labours of the day were brought to a satisfactory close at half-past five , at ivhich hour an adjournment to the banqueting room took place , where , at the urgent request of the neiv AV . JI . the installing officerBroRPearce
, , . . , presided over a joyous party , varying iu JIasonic age from half a century to half an hour . The entertainment ivas of tho most recherche description . Tho usual loyal and JIasonic toasts wore given and responded to , and the party separated at about high twelve , carrying with them the agreeable recollections of having added another " white day " to their lives . The name of "Dunheved , " adopted by the Lodge , is the ancient name of Laimcoston .
HAMPSHIRE . AVIXCUESMK . — Lodge of ( Economy ( No . 00 ) . —The usual monthl y meeting of this Lodge was held on the evening of the 25 th ult ., at the Lodge rooms , adjoining the Black Swan Hotel , when there was a large attendance of tho brethren , who wore presided over by the neiv AAr orshipful JIaster , Bro . F . La Croix . After the Lodge had been opened in due form , there ivas a passing . Bro . AA ' right , who had been initiated at the
previous monthly meeting , ivas advanced through the second degree . Tivo initiations followed , the candidates being Jlr . John Conduit , professor of music , AVinchcster , and Jlr . Edward Sheppard , academician , AAbnchesler . The necessary forms were very creditably worked by the AV . JI ., ably assisted b y Bro . Everitt , P . JL , and the brethren . This large amount of routine business falling on one night , no discussion followed on the important subjects of late so frequentl y brought before this Lodge . A capital dinner AVUS partaken of by the brethren at the
close of the business . Bro . Sherry ' s catering capacities were fully displayed , much to the satisfaction of tho brethren . Among the brethren attending the Lodge ivas the mayor of the city ( Bro . J . Naish ) . and other much respected P . JIs . of the fraternity .
KENT . GIUVUSEN- . —Lodge of Inslrucl . ion ( Nos . 91 & 709 ) . —The above Lodge met at Bro . Baker ' s , Star Hotel , Barrack-street , at half-past six o ' clock , on Thursday evening , January 12 th , for the purpose of working the sections . Bro . Thomas Jlillingham Avas called to the chair as AA . JI . for tho evening . Alter appointing his officers- —Bros . AV . Hill , as S . AV ., and Bro . F . Nettleingham , as J . AV . —the Lodge was opened in due form . The lectures
ivere worked in the folloiving order : —the first by Bro . AV . Hills ; the second by Bro . Baker ; the third b y Bro . F . Nettleingham : the fourth by Bro . Hart ; the filth b y Bro . T . Nettleingham ; the sixth by Bro . AV . Hills ; the seventh b y Bro . T . Nettleingham . Second lecture ; the first section by Bro . Baker ; the second by Bro . Hills ; tho third b y Bro . Spencer ; the fourth by Bro . T . Nettleingham ; the fifth b y Bro . J . J . Evorist . Third lecture : the first section by Bro . F . Nettleingham ; tho . second bBro . Spencer ; the third bBroS After the
y y . pencer . usual proclamation , Bro . Spencer proposed , and Bro . Hills seconded , ' That a vote of thanks be recorded to Bro . Thos . Nettleingham , aud placed on the minutes of the Lodge , for tho able manner in which he conducted the work and for his great zeal and ability in Avorking JIasonry ; also for his great attention to those who are now learning and getting on with JIasonry ; " which was carried unanimousl y , after ivhich the Lodge ivas closed in due form , as usual .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Bi-ivica , NEWCASTLE . —SI . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 706 ) . —A Lodge of emergency was holden on Tuesday , January 19 th , the AV . JI ., Bro . James ' Elliott , opened the Lodge in due form , assisted by a full meeting of the members , and Bro . Samuel Donkin , of Lodge No . < 3 Su ' . The AV . JI . stated that he had summoned the Lodge for the purpose of receiving the valuable gift which . Bro . Henry Bell , P . JL , intended to confer upon this Lodge . Bro . Henry Bell hoped the brethren of St . Peter ' s would
accept from him this small token ol respect lie had for the Lodge ; the gift consisting of an .. il painting of the head of the patron saint . St . Peter , by Rombrant . Although b y connoksiirs it was esteemed ' very valuable , that which lie gave likewise ( consisting of the ancient and modern JIasonic arms , from the pencil of Bro . AVilliam Dalziel , the founder , he might say the father of this Lodge ) possessed to him , and he might say to the brethren of this Lodge , a greater amount of pleasur e and esteem . Bro . John Cook , as tho oldest P . M , present , and
The Masonic Mirror.
at the request of the AV . JI ., returned the thanks ot the brethren to Bro . Bell for his presentation ; ho was sure that he expressed the feelings of all present when he stated that Bro . Bell possessed the united respect of not only the brethren of this Lodge , but of the entire province . The Lodge A \ -as then closed iu due form ; the brethren , at the request of tho AV . JI ., adjourned to refreshment ; the evening was spent in a true JIasonic spirit , and the brethren separated at an early hour . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) .
Dosc . vsTEit . —Si . George ' s . Lodge ( No . 29 S ) . —The brethren of this Lodge held their monthly meeting in the Lodge room , at the Town Hall , on Friday last , the 27 th ult . Two brethren ivere passed to the second degree . After this , tivo others A \ -ere balloted for , and elected as joining members of the Lodge , and tiA'o candidates were , proposed for election and initiation ( if elected ) at the next Lodge meeting , to be held on tho 21 th inst . The brethren of the Lodge agreedby an unanimous
, vote , to give a donation of ten guineas to the Freemasons Girls School , thus showing that the recent visit in this toAVti of Bros . CI-OAV aud Patten has not been unproductive of good effects . Some of the brethren also expressed their intention of becoming life governors of that excellent institution .
Mark Masonry.
HAHTLI'U'OOL . —Eclectic Lodge of Marie Masters ( No . 39 , E . C . ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place in the JIasonic Hall , Hartlepool , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., the AV . JI ., Bro . Hamniarbom , presiding , supported by Bros . Tate , S . AA . ; Jloore as J . AA . ; and Bros . Armstrong , Cunningham , and Dalziel . The minutes of the last regular Lodge having been confirmed , the next business AA'as the investiture of officers for the current year . Bro . H . A . Kaiumarbom having been reelected AV . JI ., no installation took place , but tho folloiving were duly invested
and appointed as officers : —Bros . George Jloore ( AV . JI ., No . 100 ( 1 ) , S . AV . ; S . Armstrong ( AV . JI ., No . 771 ) , J . AV . ; Rev . James Milner ( Z ., No . 7-19 , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ) , Chaplain ; T . P . Tate , F . S . S . ( J . AV ., No . 771 ) , who had been elected Treasurer , Secretary , and Registrar of Marks ; A . G . Dalziel , S . D . ; E . Hudson , J . D . ; J . J . AVilson ( AV . JI ., No . 719 ) , S . O . ; H . G . Faber ( P . JL , No . 719 ) , J . O . ; D . Cunningham ( Sec , No . 771 ) , I . G . ; aud J . Jloivbray , Tyler . No further business being before tho Lodge , it was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , spending the remainder of the evening in that harmony and fraternal spirit characteristic of tho members of this degree .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER , THU quarterly convocation ivas held in the temple , attached to Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday last , Comp . Hall acting as JI . E . Z . ; Comp . Pattison as H . ; Comp . Havers as J . ; Comp . AA . G . Clarke , E . ; Comp . J . LI . Evans , N . ; Comp . Potter , P . Soj . ; Rev . A . II . AVard , and AV . P . Scott , Asst . Soj . ; J . Savage , S . B . ; F . Slight , Stand . B . ; G . E . Pocock , D . C . There ivere also present the following P . G . Officers—Comps . Le
Veau , Smith , Symonds , Bradford , AValmisley , Gole , and about a dozen other Companions . The minutes of the last Grand Chapter having been read and confirmed , The M . E . Z . stated , that it would be in the recollection of the Companions , that at the convocation in-May last , a communication ivas read from the Grand Chapter of Canada , asking for recognition by the Grand Chapter of EnglandAA'hich was referred to the three Grand Principals
, for consideration , as , in consequence of the Grand Chapter of Canada practising degrees not recognized in this country , it could not be at onco acknowledged without explanation . Some correspondence had taken place on the subject , the last letter of which , from the First Grand Principal of Canada , he would read . Comp . Hall then proceeded to read the letter , which explained that the degrees JIark , Past JIaster , and Jlost Excellent , were only given as preparatory to exaltation in tho Arch , not in Chapterbut in a separate roomand therefore
, , visitors being members of English Chapters , would only have to prove themselves Royal Arch Jlasons to secure admission to a Chapter , where they might be present from the opening to the close . Under these circumstances , the Grand Principals of England had determined , in the name of the Grand Chapter , to acknoiA-ledge the Grand Chapter of Canada , reserving tlie rig hts which any English Royal Arch Chapter might have , either in connection with Grand Chapter or private Chapters . ( Applause ) .
Comp . HAVERS thought the document just read ivas of so much importance that it ought to be recorded on the minutes of Grand Chapter , and he would make a motion to that eil ' ect . Comp . SAVAGE could not allow the opportunity to pass without expressing IIOAV grateful , ho AVUS sure , Grand Chapter Ai-as to the Grand Principals for the trouble they had taken , and at their having brought the negotiation to so happy and fortunate a termination . The Grand Scribe E . then read the report of the committee , showing a balance in the Grand Treasurer ' s hands of £ 3 b' 3 9 s . Qd . ; and recommending that as the book of regulations was nearl y out of print a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
presence ot six installed JIasters , ou the I 7 th day of January , A . L ., 5 S 60 , A . D ., lSo'O , pursuant to a dispensation under the authority of the Ri ght AVorshi pful , Sir Charles Lemon , Baronet , Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall , and the Right AVorshi pful Augustus Smith , Esq ., M . P ., Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , by the undersigned , Richard Pearco , Past Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster for Cornwall . " The names of the installed JIasters present , in addition to the presiding brother , were Bros . Charles Thomas Pearce , John George Mason , James Heale Trcivecke
, and Jlathew Dennis , all of No . S 15 ; Callington and AA'illiam Cross , of No . 351 , Tavistock . The AV . Bro . Charles Thomas Pearce , having been installed as the first AV . JI ., then proceeded to appoint as his ofiicers , Bros . Jiiehael Frost , S . AV . ; AVilliam Deny Pearse . J . AV . John Haivkins , S . D . ; and AVilliam Jlichell , J . D . The Lodge ' having previously met , pursuant to dispensation , the proceedings were sanctioned , including the nomination of four candidates for tho honours of JIasonry , and theybeing again balloted forunanimouslapprovedand
, , y , initiated into the secrets of the first degree by the newly installed JIaster and his officers in a style greatly to their credit , and eliciting deuided commendation at the hands of tho P . D . Prov . G . M ., and the other brethren assembled . The pleasing and very gratifying labours of the day were brought to a satisfactory close at half-past five , at ivhich hour an adjournment to the banqueting room took place , where , at the urgent request of the neiv AV . JI . the installing officerBroRPearce
, , . . , presided over a joyous party , varying iu JIasonic age from half a century to half an hour . The entertainment ivas of tho most recherche description . Tho usual loyal and JIasonic toasts wore given and responded to , and the party separated at about high twelve , carrying with them the agreeable recollections of having added another " white day " to their lives . The name of "Dunheved , " adopted by the Lodge , is the ancient name of Laimcoston .
HAMPSHIRE . AVIXCUESMK . — Lodge of ( Economy ( No . 00 ) . —The usual monthl y meeting of this Lodge was held on the evening of the 25 th ult ., at the Lodge rooms , adjoining the Black Swan Hotel , when there was a large attendance of tho brethren , who wore presided over by the neiv AAr orshipful JIaster , Bro . F . La Croix . After the Lodge had been opened in due form , there ivas a passing . Bro . AA ' right , who had been initiated at the
previous monthly meeting , ivas advanced through the second degree . Tivo initiations followed , the candidates being Jlr . John Conduit , professor of music , AVinchcster , and Jlr . Edward Sheppard , academician , AAbnchesler . The necessary forms were very creditably worked by the AV . JI ., ably assisted b y Bro . Everitt , P . JL , and the brethren . This large amount of routine business falling on one night , no discussion followed on the important subjects of late so frequentl y brought before this Lodge . A capital dinner AVUS partaken of by the brethren at the
close of the business . Bro . Sherry ' s catering capacities were fully displayed , much to the satisfaction of tho brethren . Among the brethren attending the Lodge ivas the mayor of the city ( Bro . J . Naish ) . and other much respected P . JIs . of the fraternity .
KENT . GIUVUSEN- . —Lodge of Inslrucl . ion ( Nos . 91 & 709 ) . —The above Lodge met at Bro . Baker ' s , Star Hotel , Barrack-street , at half-past six o ' clock , on Thursday evening , January 12 th , for the purpose of working the sections . Bro . Thomas Jlillingham Avas called to the chair as AA . JI . for tho evening . Alter appointing his officers- —Bros . AV . Hill , as S . AV ., and Bro . F . Nettleingham , as J . AV . —the Lodge was opened in due form . The lectures
ivere worked in the folloiving order : —the first by Bro . AV . Hills ; the second by Bro . Baker ; the third b y Bro . F . Nettleingham : the fourth by Bro . Hart ; the filth b y Bro . T . Nettleingham ; the sixth by Bro . AV . Hills ; the seventh b y Bro . T . Nettleingham . Second lecture ; the first section by Bro . Baker ; the second by Bro . Hills ; tho third b y Bro . Spencer ; the fourth by Bro . T . Nettleingham ; the fifth b y Bro . J . J . Evorist . Third lecture : the first section by Bro . F . Nettleingham ; tho . second bBro . Spencer ; the third bBroS After the
y y . pencer . usual proclamation , Bro . Spencer proposed , and Bro . Hills seconded , ' That a vote of thanks be recorded to Bro . Thos . Nettleingham , aud placed on the minutes of the Lodge , for tho able manner in which he conducted the work and for his great zeal and ability in Avorking JIasonry ; also for his great attention to those who are now learning and getting on with JIasonry ; " which was carried unanimousl y , after ivhich the Lodge ivas closed in due form , as usual .
NORTHUMBERLAND . Bi-ivica , NEWCASTLE . —SI . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 706 ) . —A Lodge of emergency was holden on Tuesday , January 19 th , the AV . JI ., Bro . James ' Elliott , opened the Lodge in due form , assisted by a full meeting of the members , and Bro . Samuel Donkin , of Lodge No . < 3 Su ' . The AV . JI . stated that he had summoned the Lodge for the purpose of receiving the valuable gift which . Bro . Henry Bell , P . JL , intended to confer upon this Lodge . Bro . Henry Bell hoped the brethren of St . Peter ' s would
accept from him this small token ol respect lie had for the Lodge ; the gift consisting of an .. il painting of the head of the patron saint . St . Peter , by Rombrant . Although b y connoksiirs it was esteemed ' very valuable , that which lie gave likewise ( consisting of the ancient and modern JIasonic arms , from the pencil of Bro . AVilliam Dalziel , the founder , he might say the father of this Lodge ) possessed to him , and he might say to the brethren of this Lodge , a greater amount of pleasur e and esteem . Bro . John Cook , as tho oldest P . M , present , and
The Masonic Mirror.
at the request of the AV . JI ., returned the thanks ot the brethren to Bro . Bell for his presentation ; ho was sure that he expressed the feelings of all present when he stated that Bro . Bell possessed the united respect of not only the brethren of this Lodge , but of the entire province . The Lodge A \ -as then closed iu due form ; the brethren , at the request of tho AV . JI ., adjourned to refreshment ; the evening was spent in a true JIasonic spirit , and the brethren separated at an early hour . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) .
Dosc . vsTEit . —Si . George ' s . Lodge ( No . 29 S ) . —The brethren of this Lodge held their monthly meeting in the Lodge room , at the Town Hall , on Friday last , the 27 th ult . Two brethren ivere passed to the second degree . After this , tivo others A \ -ere balloted for , and elected as joining members of the Lodge , and tiA'o candidates were , proposed for election and initiation ( if elected ) at the next Lodge meeting , to be held on tho 21 th inst . The brethren of the Lodge agreedby an unanimous
, vote , to give a donation of ten guineas to the Freemasons Girls School , thus showing that the recent visit in this toAVti of Bros . CI-OAV aud Patten has not been unproductive of good effects . Some of the brethren also expressed their intention of becoming life governors of that excellent institution .
Mark Masonry.
HAHTLI'U'OOL . —Eclectic Lodge of Marie Masters ( No . 39 , E . C . ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place in the JIasonic Hall , Hartlepool , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., the AV . JI ., Bro . Hamniarbom , presiding , supported by Bros . Tate , S . AA . ; Jloore as J . AA . ; and Bros . Armstrong , Cunningham , and Dalziel . The minutes of the last regular Lodge having been confirmed , the next business AA'as the investiture of officers for the current year . Bro . H . A . Kaiumarbom having been reelected AV . JI ., no installation took place , but tho folloiving were duly invested
and appointed as officers : —Bros . George Jloore ( AV . JI ., No . 100 ( 1 ) , S . AV . ; S . Armstrong ( AV . JI ., No . 771 ) , J . AV . ; Rev . James Milner ( Z ., No . 7-19 , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ) , Chaplain ; T . P . Tate , F . S . S . ( J . AV ., No . 771 ) , who had been elected Treasurer , Secretary , and Registrar of Marks ; A . G . Dalziel , S . D . ; E . Hudson , J . D . ; J . J . AVilson ( AV . JI ., No . 719 ) , S . O . ; H . G . Faber ( P . JL , No . 719 ) , J . O . ; D . Cunningham ( Sec , No . 771 ) , I . G . ; aud J . Jloivbray , Tyler . No further business being before tho Lodge , it was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , spending the remainder of the evening in that harmony and fraternal spirit characteristic of tho members of this degree .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER , THU quarterly convocation ivas held in the temple , attached to Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday last , Comp . Hall acting as JI . E . Z . ; Comp . Pattison as H . ; Comp . Havers as J . ; Comp . AA . G . Clarke , E . ; Comp . J . LI . Evans , N . ; Comp . Potter , P . Soj . ; Rev . A . II . AVard , and AV . P . Scott , Asst . Soj . ; J . Savage , S . B . ; F . Slight , Stand . B . ; G . E . Pocock , D . C . There ivere also present the following P . G . Officers—Comps . Le
Veau , Smith , Symonds , Bradford , AValmisley , Gole , and about a dozen other Companions . The minutes of the last Grand Chapter having been read and confirmed , The M . E . Z . stated , that it would be in the recollection of the Companions , that at the convocation in-May last , a communication ivas read from the Grand Chapter of Canada , asking for recognition by the Grand Chapter of EnglandAA'hich was referred to the three Grand Principals
, for consideration , as , in consequence of the Grand Chapter of Canada practising degrees not recognized in this country , it could not be at onco acknowledged without explanation . Some correspondence had taken place on the subject , the last letter of which , from the First Grand Principal of Canada , he would read . Comp . Hall then proceeded to read the letter , which explained that the degrees JIark , Past JIaster , and Jlost Excellent , were only given as preparatory to exaltation in tho Arch , not in Chapterbut in a separate roomand therefore
, , visitors being members of English Chapters , would only have to prove themselves Royal Arch Jlasons to secure admission to a Chapter , where they might be present from the opening to the close . Under these circumstances , the Grand Principals of England had determined , in the name of the Grand Chapter , to acknoiA-ledge the Grand Chapter of Canada , reserving tlie rig hts which any English Royal Arch Chapter might have , either in connection with Grand Chapter or private Chapters . ( Applause ) .
Comp . HAVERS thought the document just read ivas of so much importance that it ought to be recorded on the minutes of Grand Chapter , and he would make a motion to that eil ' ect . Comp . SAVAGE could not allow the opportunity to pass without expressing IIOAV grateful , ho AVUS sure , Grand Chapter Ai-as to the Grand Principals for the trouble they had taken , and at their having brought the negotiation to so happy and fortunate a termination . The Grand Scribe E . then read the report of the committee , showing a balance in the Grand Treasurer ' s hands of £ 3 b' 3 9 s . Qd . ; and recommending that as the book of regulations was nearl y out of print a