Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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[ THE EDITOE does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained hy Correspondents . ' ] LODGE OF INDUSTRY . ,
TO THIS EMIOK OP THE PREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sin , —A few days ago I visited Lodge No . 219 , when the ceremony of installation was performed by the late TV . M . in a manner that excited the admiration of every brother present , save one , a P . G . J . D ., who , in a very objectionable manner , found fault with the working , and in a tone of authority , which I suppose only the purple can justify , declared " It is all wrong—you are all wrong '
together . " The Board of Installed Masters being appealed to , admitted that they never heard or saw the ceremony worked differently ; and that it was precisely the same as taught by Bro . Goring , who had it from IJro . AA atson , who had it from Bro . Eackstraw , who had it from Peter Gilkes ; but it appears this is not exactly as they have it at the "Emulation . " The LodgeNo . 219 together with most of the AVest End
, , Lodges , have a great objection to "Emulation" working , or "Emulation" authority being thrust upon them by this P . G . J . D ., and as the worth y brother completely marred what would otherwise have been a most delightful evening , I am induced to ask you , Mr . Editor , what power or authority has a P . G . J . D to interfere with the working of a private Lodge in the manner described ? Your ansAver will oblige
ONK OF THE BOAI . ' D OF INSTALLED MASTEKS . [ The brother alluded to has no power beyond that which is accorded to him by courtesy ; and nothing can be in worse taste than interference with the working of a Lodge by a visitor , without some flagrant violation of our laws and ceremonies—and ire know the late WM . of the Industry to he too good a Mason either to violate the laivs himself , or permit others to do so . —En . ]
THE GRAM ) LODGE OE IRELAND . nKl'UUSKXTATION 01 ' THIS VllOYIKUIAT , « I ! AOT 10 D 0 K OF I'OKTUUAL AT THE UK AND LODGE OF IllKLAXB . TO TUB EDITOR 01 ? TIIE i'ttEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE AND MASOMC MIliRok . Sin AND JhioruKii , —I have lately had my attention drawn by several influential members of the Order in this city , to a notice
appearing ou page E 15 S of the Freemasons' Magazine and Alasonic Mirror , monthly part , December 3 rd to 31 st , ' 1 S 50 , purporting to contain an account of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , on Thursday , 1 st December last , and in whicli the following statement appears , viz ., "Bro . Elislia D . Cooke , of Kentucky , and Bro . John H . Goddard , representative from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Lisbon , were introduced by the E . AV .
Deputy Grand Master to the Grand Lod ge in a very eloquent manner , stating that Bro . Cooke would explain his mission . " AVith regard to so much of that statement as has reference to me as representative from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lisbon , I have to inform you that there was , and is , no foundation whatever for it ; and beg you will contradict the same in your next publication , as no such introduction of mc took place on that evening by our respected Deputy Grand JIaster or any other brother .
_ Bro . Cooke attended the Grand Lodge on that occasion as a visitor ; and I am told that he made some statement relative to liis object in visiting this country , wliich I believe is , as a traveller for some American ncAi'spaper ; but at the time of his being so introduced on that evening to the Grand Lodge , I ivas actually not in the room at all , having been asked by our R . AV . Deputy Grand Master to act on the scrutiny of a ballot for the Board ( if
General Purposes , which took place the same evening , and ivhich scrutiny ivas held in another room altogether . I think it due to myself and the large and influential body of brethren in Portugal and the Brazils—whose representative I have the honour to be at the Gntncl Lodge of Ireland—to give this public contradiction to the statement of Bro . Cooke ; and to inform you that my so called introduction to the Grand of
Lodge Ireland , as such representative , took place several years ago , and some time also before our present R . AV . Deputy Grand Master was appointed to the hi gh position ivhich he IIOAV so worthily fills . And whilst on this subject , I may mention to you that I understand Bro . Cooke neither asked nor received permission from our R . AV . Deputy Grand Master to . publish the proceedings of our
Grand Lodge on that evening-, such publication ( without permission ) being a breach of one of our Grand Lodge laws . And I believe no brother here was aware of his intention to do so until the appearance ofthe article in question in your Magazine . During Bro . Cooke's stay in Dublin he was frequently in the office of our Grand Secretary , and no doubt amongst all the information freely and courteously afforded to him there by our
zealous and active brethren , L . II . Deering ( not During , as printed in the said article ) , ourD . G . S ., and Chas . T . AValmsley , our A . S ., he had au opportunity of reading our Grand Lodge laws ; and after the article appeared I understand his attention was called in particular to the rule which I have mentioned , and which was broken by such publication of our Grand Lodge proceedings , without permissionas before stated . And I must further say
, that , in my opinion , and that of other brethren here , when a brother visits a foreign country lie should conform , whether bound to do so or not , out of courtesy at least , to the Masonic laivs of that country , which in this instance Bro . Cooke has not done , although "leave is light , " aud easily obtained from our R . AV . Deputy Grand Master , provided the object be bond fide aud that no rule exists to the contrary .
I am , Sir and Brother , fraternally yours , - | - JOHN II . GODDABD , . ' . Representative from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Portugal at the Grand Lodge of Ireland ; Brother ofthe Order of Merit , Lisbon ; and honorary member of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Portugal and of the Lodges Nos . 888 , 880 , oil , and 8-1-1 , Lisbon ; also of the Lodge " Caridade Universal , " in the Brazils , No . 878 . » 15 , Nelson-streel , Dublin , 26 th January , 1860 .
TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE IfREE . lIASOXS' MAGAZINE AND JIASONIC MIRROR . DKAU SIR AND liuo / nitm , —In your Magazine for January 28 th instant , under the head of " Kent , " I find the folloiving error . I am desirous to correct it . " The lately resuscitated Lodge of Sheerness . " It should have been Pavcrsham , instead , of Sheerness ; I am happy to say we are in full swing in Sheerness . I remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , J . Y . KKIIDELL , Sheerness , Jan . oOtli , I 860 . AV . M ., No . 18-1 .
TO TUB EDITOK OP THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASOXIC MIRROR . DKAII Sni ASIA BKOTHEU , —At a recent meeting of the Lodge to which I have the honour to belong , a certain Past Junior Grand Deacon happened to be present , and on the Director of Ceremonies conducting him to the place assigned to him at the banquet , ivhich was at the head of the visitors and next to the three initiates , the worshipful brother demanded , in a churlish and
un-Masonic manner , that he " should sit next to the Master , or he would not sit doivn at all . " It was our impression that this right belonged only to the M . AV . Grand JIaster and the Deputy Grand Master , or to the Prov . Grand Master and the Deputy Prov . Grand Master in their OAA-II province ; but with a becoming courtesy on the p ut of the Director of Ceremonies , contrasting forcibly with the imperious tone of our guest , the position AA-US at once accorded
to him . As wc arc most desirous of treating our visitors ivith every mark of respect wliich the rules of politeness may dictate , and to which the routine of etiquette may entitle them , I shall be obliged by your opinion on tlie subject , so that Ave or any other Lodge may not for the future be subjected to the rudeness and assumption of this singularly crochetty individual .
Believe mc , fraternally yours , January 31 st ' , I 860 . SUAVITKK . [ The brother in question , whoever he may be , had no right to claim an } ' such privilege . Had ive been acting as D . C . wc should have let him go . It is usual to give initiates the post of honour upon their being introduced into Masonry . —En . ]
TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS' JtA'IAZINE AUD MASOUIC MIllllOR . Di'Mit Sni AS it Hiio'i'jimx , —In your report of the festival for the Royal Benevolent Masonic Institution , held on the 25 th ult .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
[ THE EDITOE does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained hy Correspondents . ' ] LODGE OF INDUSTRY . ,
TO THIS EMIOK OP THE PREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sin , —A few days ago I visited Lodge No . 219 , when the ceremony of installation was performed by the late TV . M . in a manner that excited the admiration of every brother present , save one , a P . G . J . D ., who , in a very objectionable manner , found fault with the working , and in a tone of authority , which I suppose only the purple can justify , declared " It is all wrong—you are all wrong '
together . " The Board of Installed Masters being appealed to , admitted that they never heard or saw the ceremony worked differently ; and that it was precisely the same as taught by Bro . Goring , who had it from IJro . AA atson , who had it from Bro . Eackstraw , who had it from Peter Gilkes ; but it appears this is not exactly as they have it at the "Emulation . " The LodgeNo . 219 together with most of the AVest End
, , Lodges , have a great objection to "Emulation" working , or "Emulation" authority being thrust upon them by this P . G . J . D ., and as the worth y brother completely marred what would otherwise have been a most delightful evening , I am induced to ask you , Mr . Editor , what power or authority has a P . G . J . D to interfere with the working of a private Lodge in the manner described ? Your ansAver will oblige
ONK OF THE BOAI . ' D OF INSTALLED MASTEKS . [ The brother alluded to has no power beyond that which is accorded to him by courtesy ; and nothing can be in worse taste than interference with the working of a Lodge by a visitor , without some flagrant violation of our laws and ceremonies—and ire know the late WM . of the Industry to he too good a Mason either to violate the laivs himself , or permit others to do so . —En . ]
THE GRAM ) LODGE OE IRELAND . nKl'UUSKXTATION 01 ' THIS VllOYIKUIAT , « I ! AOT 10 D 0 K OF I'OKTUUAL AT THE UK AND LODGE OF IllKLAXB . TO TUB EDITOR 01 ? TIIE i'ttEEMASOXS' MAGAZINE AND MASOMC MIliRok . Sin AND JhioruKii , —I have lately had my attention drawn by several influential members of the Order in this city , to a notice
appearing ou page E 15 S of the Freemasons' Magazine and Alasonic Mirror , monthly part , December 3 rd to 31 st , ' 1 S 50 , purporting to contain an account of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , on Thursday , 1 st December last , and in whicli the following statement appears , viz ., "Bro . Elislia D . Cooke , of Kentucky , and Bro . John H . Goddard , representative from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Lisbon , were introduced by the E . AV .
Deputy Grand Master to the Grand Lod ge in a very eloquent manner , stating that Bro . Cooke would explain his mission . " AVith regard to so much of that statement as has reference to me as representative from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lisbon , I have to inform you that there was , and is , no foundation whatever for it ; and beg you will contradict the same in your next publication , as no such introduction of mc took place on that evening by our respected Deputy Grand JIaster or any other brother .
_ Bro . Cooke attended the Grand Lodge on that occasion as a visitor ; and I am told that he made some statement relative to liis object in visiting this country , wliich I believe is , as a traveller for some American ncAi'spaper ; but at the time of his being so introduced on that evening to the Grand Lodge , I ivas actually not in the room at all , having been asked by our R . AV . Deputy Grand Master to act on the scrutiny of a ballot for the Board ( if
General Purposes , which took place the same evening , and ivhich scrutiny ivas held in another room altogether . I think it due to myself and the large and influential body of brethren in Portugal and the Brazils—whose representative I have the honour to be at the Gntncl Lodge of Ireland—to give this public contradiction to the statement of Bro . Cooke ; and to inform you that my so called introduction to the Grand of
Lodge Ireland , as such representative , took place several years ago , and some time also before our present R . AV . Deputy Grand Master was appointed to the hi gh position ivhich he IIOAV so worthily fills . And whilst on this subject , I may mention to you that I understand Bro . Cooke neither asked nor received permission from our R . AV . Deputy Grand Master to . publish the proceedings of our
Grand Lodge on that evening-, such publication ( without permission ) being a breach of one of our Grand Lodge laws . And I believe no brother here was aware of his intention to do so until the appearance ofthe article in question in your Magazine . During Bro . Cooke's stay in Dublin he was frequently in the office of our Grand Secretary , and no doubt amongst all the information freely and courteously afforded to him there by our
zealous and active brethren , L . II . Deering ( not During , as printed in the said article ) , ourD . G . S ., and Chas . T . AValmsley , our A . S ., he had au opportunity of reading our Grand Lodge laws ; and after the article appeared I understand his attention was called in particular to the rule which I have mentioned , and which was broken by such publication of our Grand Lodge proceedings , without permissionas before stated . And I must further say
, that , in my opinion , and that of other brethren here , when a brother visits a foreign country lie should conform , whether bound to do so or not , out of courtesy at least , to the Masonic laivs of that country , which in this instance Bro . Cooke has not done , although "leave is light , " aud easily obtained from our R . AV . Deputy Grand Master , provided the object be bond fide aud that no rule exists to the contrary .
I am , Sir and Brother , fraternally yours , - | - JOHN II . GODDABD , . ' . Representative from the Prov . Grand Lodge of Portugal at the Grand Lodge of Ireland ; Brother ofthe Order of Merit , Lisbon ; and honorary member of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Portugal and of the Lodges Nos . 888 , 880 , oil , and 8-1-1 , Lisbon ; also of the Lodge " Caridade Universal , " in the Brazils , No . 878 . » 15 , Nelson-streel , Dublin , 26 th January , 1860 .
TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE IfREE . lIASOXS' MAGAZINE AND JIASONIC MIRROR . DKAU SIR AND liuo / nitm , —In your Magazine for January 28 th instant , under the head of " Kent , " I find the folloiving error . I am desirous to correct it . " The lately resuscitated Lodge of Sheerness . " It should have been Pavcrsham , instead , of Sheerness ; I am happy to say we are in full swing in Sheerness . I remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , J . Y . KKIIDELL , Sheerness , Jan . oOtli , I 860 . AV . M ., No . 18-1 .
TO TUB EDITOK OP THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASOXIC MIRROR . DKAII Sni ASIA BKOTHEU , —At a recent meeting of the Lodge to which I have the honour to belong , a certain Past Junior Grand Deacon happened to be present , and on the Director of Ceremonies conducting him to the place assigned to him at the banquet , ivhich was at the head of the visitors and next to the three initiates , the worshipful brother demanded , in a churlish and
un-Masonic manner , that he " should sit next to the Master , or he would not sit doivn at all . " It was our impression that this right belonged only to the M . AV . Grand JIaster and the Deputy Grand Master , or to the Prov . Grand Master and the Deputy Prov . Grand Master in their OAA-II province ; but with a becoming courtesy on the p ut of the Director of Ceremonies , contrasting forcibly with the imperious tone of our guest , the position AA-US at once accorded
to him . As wc arc most desirous of treating our visitors ivith every mark of respect wliich the rules of politeness may dictate , and to which the routine of etiquette may entitle them , I shall be obliged by your opinion on tlie subject , so that Ave or any other Lodge may not for the future be subjected to the rudeness and assumption of this singularly crochetty individual .
Believe mc , fraternally yours , January 31 st ' , I 860 . SUAVITKK . [ The brother in question , whoever he may be , had no right to claim an } ' such privilege . Had ive been acting as D . C . wc should have let him go . It is usual to give initiates the post of honour upon their being introduced into Masonry . —En . ]
TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS' JtA'IAZINE AUD MASOUIC MIllllOR . Di'Mit Sni AS it Hiio'i'jimx , —In your report of the festival for the Royal Benevolent Masonic Institution , held on the 25 th ult .,