Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 2 →
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you mention my name as coming from the Province of Somerset ; I beg to say that I did not represent the province , only my own Lodge , viz ., Rural Philanthropic , No . 8 G 7 , held at Buniham jointly ivith other Lodges out of tlie province . I remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , HKNUV BIIIDGES , P . M . and Sec , No . 367 . Bridgwater , Feb . lsl , 18 G 0 .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . 'IIIE Audit Committee ot Grand Lodge is announced to meet on Thursday next , at seven . A WAR a ANT for a now Lodge , to be called the Honour , and to be held in Smyrna , has been applied for , Bro . Hyde Clarke being nominated as the first Master , and Bro . Azuavour ( P . M . of the Central
LodgeCon-, stantinople ) , S . W . THE final meeting of the stoivards of the late festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , will be held on the 15 th instant . TUE festival of the Boys School AAIII be held in March . Brethren intending to serve as stcAVards should send iu their names immediately .
METROPOLITAN . NurroNii LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —The annual installation festival of this excellent Lodge was held on Thursday , January 20 th , at Radley ' s Hotel , Neiv Bridge-street . Bro . Robert Farran , W . M ., presided , and initiated Mr . Wm . Allingham ; the W . M . then resigned the chair to Bro . Joseph Ash well , ' P . M ., .-mil Bro . 11 . ToAvnsend , P . M ., with a complimentary
addrcss'Oii tho Masonic attainments of the W . M . elect , presented Bi-o . John Stephenson Boughty for installation . The ceremony was performed wi th that steadiness of manner fbr which Bro . Aslnvell is celebrated , aud to tho entire satisfaction of twelve other Past Masters who were present , on the occasion . The W . M . thou appointed and invested his ollicers for the year ensuing : —Bros . Alfred Pratt , S . W . ; T . J . Le Mare , J . W . ; Charles Osborne , See . ; Clarence Harcourt , S . D . ; Edward Dig-gensJ . D . ; M . WymiI . G . ilr . o . Isaac Wilcoxivho had
, , , been reelected Treasurer , and Bro . Henry Holt , Tj'Ier , were also invested . Tho business ended , the brethren reassembled in the ball room at the banquet . There ivas a full attendance of members , and several visitors ; among whom were Bros . A . Holman , P . M ., No . 5-1 , P . G . Steward ; HOAV , Prov . Dir . of Cers ., Herts ; W . W . Davis , P . M ., No . 112 ; E . W . Davis , W . M . elect , No . IV 2 . On tho cloth being ivithdraivn , due honour AVUS paid to the usual Masonic toasts , the health of the W . M . being proposed by Bro . Karran , AA'ho referred to Bro . Boughey ' s diligence and Masonic
attainments . Besides "The Past Masters" aud "The Visitors , " "The health of Bro . Muggeridge" was most warmly greeted , as A \ -as also that "f Bro . ASIIAVOII , AVIIO has established himself as the installing Master of the Lodge .
Muuxi Lr . B . \ xoS IionuK ( No . 87 ) . — --Tho members of this numerous and excellent Lodge assembled at the Green JIan Tavern , Tooloy-strcet , « u Tuesday , the 17 th of January , when Bro . John Dixon , M . D ., ivas duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most ably performed by Bvo . Harris , the Sec , and a distinguished P . JL of the Lodge , assisted by Bros . Muggeridge and NcAvsome . Tlie AV . M ., appointed his officers as folloivs : —Bros . H . G . Baker , S . W . ; R . Sladc J . W . ; DaviesTreas . ; HarrisSec ; WaltersS .
DNeAvsomeJD-, , , . ; , .. and Taylor , I . G . One gentleman was initiated . An elegant P . JL jewel , . subscribed for by the members of the Lodge , AA'as . presented by Bro ! Uavies to Bro . John Donkin , the immediate P . JL , as a slight token of their high appreciation of his most efficient services as W . M . during the . past year . Among the brethren present as visitors ivere Bros . Muggeridge , Bristol ! -, Paynter , Levy , Han-is , Bolton , and Hollands . The members and their friends having adjourned to an excellent dinner
provided by their liberal and worthy host , Bro . Cathie , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to , not forgetting the Masonic charities , each of which was represented by stoivards tor the present year from the members of the Lodge . A more agreeable and truly Masonic meeting could not have occurred .
JORDAN LODOE ( No . 237 ) . —The anniversary of this Lodge ivas held at the Preemasons' Tavern , ou Friday , 20 th ult . The business commenced ivith the initiation of Messrs . AVainc , Gate , and Chaplain , who bad been regularly balloted for and approved at tho preceding monthly mooting . Other business , of ; v formal character , having been disposed of , the W . M ; , Bro . Robinson , proceeded with the installation of his successor , Bro . Goldsbrough , a ceremony which he performed in a beautiful nst / mpressive maimerThe PMs Patten
Pr . ' ° . ., present were Bros . , 1 . G . S . B . ; Spooner , Young , Arliss , and Watts . Bro . Goldsbrough appointed as Ins officers Bros . Dyer , S . W . ; Sivan , J . AV . ; Flood , S . D . ; Jeffery , J . D . ; W- " on - ? aInmon < 1 ' - 0 u the motion of Bro . Patten , P . JL and ¦ t . G . S . C ., it was unanimousl y resolved "That the thanks of the Lodge be
The Masonic Mirror.
presented to Bro . Robinson , P . M ., for the admirable manner in which he has filled tho office of AV . M . during the preceding year , aud for other important services he had rendered the Lodge , and that this vote be recorded on the minutes . " Tho brethren were informed that Bro . Arliss , P . M ., had presented the Lodge with three handsomely bound copies of the Book of Constitutions , and it was resolved that the thanks of the Lodge to Bro . Arliss be entered on the minutes for this useful present and for the attention ivhich he uniformly bestows to promote
the welfare of the Lodge and the comfort of its members . In returning thanks at the banquet on behalf of the Grand Officers , past and present , Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B ., stated that on that day thirty-five years he was initiated in the Jordan Lodge , and that from the day of his admission he had not been absent from tho Lodge meetings more than tivo or three times , on which occasions his attendance was impossible . He alluded in feeling terms to the changes which had taken place during that period through the death or removal of all his seniors and o £ nearly
all those who succeeded him during the first tii-enty years after his initiation , but expressed the gratification he still felt at seeing the Lodgo so prosperous and under the rule of so able a Master as Bro . Goldsbrough . He also informed the neAvly initiated brethren that the Tyler who had introduced them that evening had rendered the same service to him thirty-five years before , Bro . DaiA-es having held the office of Tyler to tho Jordan Lodge thirty-eight years . The Jordan Lodge is greatly indebted to Bvo . Arliss , P . M . and Dir . of Cers ., for his excellent arrangements at the banquet by Avhich the comfort of the brethren is most effectually secured . The ei-enitig was passed in the greatest harmony .
ROYAL UNION LODGE ( No . 536 ) . —The members of this Lodge met oil AVednesday , January llth , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Uxbridge , for tho installation of the W . M . elect , and other business . The Lodge AA-as opened by Bro . AVright , AV . JI ., AA-IIO resigned the chair to Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . JL , No . 227 ; and Bro . Alfred Pratt AA-as presented aud duly installed , and saluted and proclaimed in the accustomed manner . Tho AA . Jl . then appointed and invested as his officers , Bros . James B . Newall , S . AV . ; AVilliam Smith , J . AV . ; AVeedon , P . M ., Sec . The Treasurer
elect was unable to bo present , and the appointment ofthe other officers was deferred until the next Lodge . Bro . Pratt then passed to tho second degree Bro . Richard Gurney . Bro . Allen , jun ., of No . 25 , was proposed as a joining member . The members , niter tho Lodge was closed , assembled around the AV . M . at refreshment ; and the W . M . ' s health having been proposed by Bvo . Wright , Bro . Pratt , in a neat and brief reply , expressed his desire to make the Lodge second to none iu good ivork , and hoped he should have the cooperation of the AVardens and others . As Bro . Pratt is knoivn to be one of Bro . Jtuggeridge ' s most able pupil . ; -, there is little doubt his wishes will bo perfected .
FiTznor LoiKit : ( No . S-30 ) . —The members of this military Lodgo assembled at the head quarters of the Royal Artillery Company , iu Fiiisbm-y , on Friday , January 27 th . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Capt . Hough , AV . JI . ; and Bros . AVreford and Miller were raised to the third degree ; Bros . AV . Thomson and J . B . Austin were passed to tho . second degree ; Mi : Charles AVilliam . Broira was initiated . All theso brethren belong to the fifth company of this ancient regiment . The AA ' . JI . then resigned the chair to Bro . Peter Matthews , P . JL , and the quarter
master of the corps ; and Bro . Jeremiah AA'illiam Long , the W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Eglese , and duly installed in the chair , iu tho presence of ten Past JIasters , Bro . Eglese delivering the usual addresses . The AV . M . then njipointed and invested us his officers , Bros . Capt . Rough , P . JL ; J . AV . Figg , S . AV . ; May , J . AV . ; Eglese , Sec ; Ballin , S . D . ; Hclshaiii , J . D . ; Newton , Musical Dir . of Cers . ; AVatkius , M . C . ; Peter Matthews , reelected Treas . ; and Henry Holt , Tyler , ivere also invested . There were several visitorsamong whom AA-e noticed Bros . Axel Dickson
, , G . Treas . of the . Prov . Grand Lodge of Gottcuburgh ; IConucdv , AV . JI ., No . 72 ; Hill , P . JL , No . 055 ; Henry Muggeridge , P . M ., No . 227 ; Strange , No . 1011 . All business ended , the Lodge was closed at eight o ' clock , and the brethren , numbering forty , surrounded the AA . M . at tho dinner , whose good cheer , boundless hospitality , and somo excellent music , sent all home highly pleased with the evening ' s entertainment .
PROVINCIAL . CORNAVALL . Ol'USIJfU OP A NEW iODHK . LAUXCKS'IOS . — 'J'hc Dnnhcccd Lodge ( No . 1091 ) . —It had been illtended to constitute and consecrate this nowly formed Lodge , the
warrant for ivhich is dated May Kith , 1 S 5 P , at the provincial meeting , which is fixed to bo held at LauccHton , about April next , but the anxiety ef our Dimheved brethren prevailed on the Proi * . Grand JIaster to appoint an earlier day for so interesting and important a ceremony . Bro . Sir Charles Lemon , Bart ., the I ' . AV . Prov . G . JI . ' ; and Bro . Augustus Smith , MP ., the Deputy Prov . G . JI ., being unable to attend iu person , deputed the R . AV . Bro . ttichard Pearcc , of Penzance , Past Deputy G . M . of the province to officiate Precisely afc hih tAvolvethe chair was
g , taken by Bro . Pearcc , and Ailth the assistance of live other installed Masters and a large party of brethren from Lodges Nos . 142 , 361 and 815 , the mystic rites usual on such occasions wore solemnly and effectively carried out , aud . a record , of which tho following is a copy , engrossed on tho Avarrant . _ "This Lodge was duly constituted and consecrated , and the AVorshipful Master installed in the office in the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
you mention my name as coming from the Province of Somerset ; I beg to say that I did not represent the province , only my own Lodge , viz ., Rural Philanthropic , No . 8 G 7 , held at Buniham jointly ivith other Lodges out of tlie province . I remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , HKNUV BIIIDGES , P . M . and Sec , No . 367 . Bridgwater , Feb . lsl , 18 G 0 .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . 'IIIE Audit Committee ot Grand Lodge is announced to meet on Thursday next , at seven . A WAR a ANT for a now Lodge , to be called the Honour , and to be held in Smyrna , has been applied for , Bro . Hyde Clarke being nominated as the first Master , and Bro . Azuavour ( P . M . of the Central
LodgeCon-, stantinople ) , S . W . THE final meeting of the stoivards of the late festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , will be held on the 15 th instant . TUE festival of the Boys School AAIII be held in March . Brethren intending to serve as stcAVards should send iu their names immediately .
METROPOLITAN . NurroNii LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —The annual installation festival of this excellent Lodge was held on Thursday , January 20 th , at Radley ' s Hotel , Neiv Bridge-street . Bro . Robert Farran , W . M ., presided , and initiated Mr . Wm . Allingham ; the W . M . then resigned the chair to Bro . Joseph Ash well , ' P . M ., .-mil Bro . 11 . ToAvnsend , P . M ., with a complimentary
addrcss'Oii tho Masonic attainments of the W . M . elect , presented Bi-o . John Stephenson Boughty for installation . The ceremony was performed wi th that steadiness of manner fbr which Bro . Aslnvell is celebrated , aud to tho entire satisfaction of twelve other Past Masters who were present , on the occasion . The W . M . thou appointed and invested his ollicers for the year ensuing : —Bros . Alfred Pratt , S . W . ; T . J . Le Mare , J . W . ; Charles Osborne , See . ; Clarence Harcourt , S . D . ; Edward Dig-gensJ . D . ; M . WymiI . G . ilr . o . Isaac Wilcoxivho had
, , , been reelected Treasurer , and Bro . Henry Holt , Tj'Ier , were also invested . Tho business ended , the brethren reassembled in the ball room at the banquet . There ivas a full attendance of members , and several visitors ; among whom were Bros . A . Holman , P . M ., No . 5-1 , P . G . Steward ; HOAV , Prov . Dir . of Cers ., Herts ; W . W . Davis , P . M ., No . 112 ; E . W . Davis , W . M . elect , No . IV 2 . On tho cloth being ivithdraivn , due honour AVUS paid to the usual Masonic toasts , the health of the W . M . being proposed by Bro . Karran , AA'ho referred to Bro . Boughey ' s diligence and Masonic
attainments . Besides "The Past Masters" aud "The Visitors , " "The health of Bro . Muggeridge" was most warmly greeted , as A \ -as also that "f Bro . ASIIAVOII , AVIIO has established himself as the installing Master of the Lodge .
Muuxi Lr . B . \ xoS IionuK ( No . 87 ) . — --Tho members of this numerous and excellent Lodge assembled at the Green JIan Tavern , Tooloy-strcet , « u Tuesday , the 17 th of January , when Bro . John Dixon , M . D ., ivas duly installed as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most ably performed by Bvo . Harris , the Sec , and a distinguished P . JL of the Lodge , assisted by Bros . Muggeridge and NcAvsome . Tlie AV . M ., appointed his officers as folloivs : —Bros . H . G . Baker , S . W . ; R . Sladc J . W . ; DaviesTreas . ; HarrisSec ; WaltersS .
DNeAvsomeJD-, , , . ; , .. and Taylor , I . G . One gentleman was initiated . An elegant P . JL jewel , . subscribed for by the members of the Lodge , AA'as . presented by Bro ! Uavies to Bro . John Donkin , the immediate P . JL , as a slight token of their high appreciation of his most efficient services as W . M . during the . past year . Among the brethren present as visitors ivere Bros . Muggeridge , Bristol ! -, Paynter , Levy , Han-is , Bolton , and Hollands . The members and their friends having adjourned to an excellent dinner
provided by their liberal and worthy host , Bro . Cathie , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and responded to , not forgetting the Masonic charities , each of which was represented by stoivards tor the present year from the members of the Lodge . A more agreeable and truly Masonic meeting could not have occurred .
JORDAN LODOE ( No . 237 ) . —The anniversary of this Lodge ivas held at the Preemasons' Tavern , ou Friday , 20 th ult . The business commenced ivith the initiation of Messrs . AVainc , Gate , and Chaplain , who bad been regularly balloted for and approved at tho preceding monthly mooting . Other business , of ; v formal character , having been disposed of , the W . M ; , Bro . Robinson , proceeded with the installation of his successor , Bro . Goldsbrough , a ceremony which he performed in a beautiful nst / mpressive maimerThe PMs Patten
Pr . ' ° . ., present were Bros . , 1 . G . S . B . ; Spooner , Young , Arliss , and Watts . Bro . Goldsbrough appointed as Ins officers Bros . Dyer , S . W . ; Sivan , J . AV . ; Flood , S . D . ; Jeffery , J . D . ; W- " on - ? aInmon < 1 ' - 0 u the motion of Bro . Patten , P . JL and ¦ t . G . S . C ., it was unanimousl y resolved "That the thanks of the Lodge be
The Masonic Mirror.
presented to Bro . Robinson , P . M ., for the admirable manner in which he has filled tho office of AV . M . during the preceding year , aud for other important services he had rendered the Lodge , and that this vote be recorded on the minutes . " Tho brethren were informed that Bro . Arliss , P . M ., had presented the Lodge with three handsomely bound copies of the Book of Constitutions , and it was resolved that the thanks of the Lodge to Bro . Arliss be entered on the minutes for this useful present and for the attention ivhich he uniformly bestows to promote
the welfare of the Lodge and the comfort of its members . In returning thanks at the banquet on behalf of the Grand Officers , past and present , Bro . Patten , P . G . S . B ., stated that on that day thirty-five years he was initiated in the Jordan Lodge , and that from the day of his admission he had not been absent from tho Lodge meetings more than tivo or three times , on which occasions his attendance was impossible . He alluded in feeling terms to the changes which had taken place during that period through the death or removal of all his seniors and o £ nearly
all those who succeeded him during the first tii-enty years after his initiation , but expressed the gratification he still felt at seeing the Lodgo so prosperous and under the rule of so able a Master as Bro . Goldsbrough . He also informed the neAvly initiated brethren that the Tyler who had introduced them that evening had rendered the same service to him thirty-five years before , Bro . DaiA-es having held the office of Tyler to tho Jordan Lodge thirty-eight years . The Jordan Lodge is greatly indebted to Bvo . Arliss , P . M . and Dir . of Cers ., for his excellent arrangements at the banquet by Avhich the comfort of the brethren is most effectually secured . The ei-enitig was passed in the greatest harmony .
ROYAL UNION LODGE ( No . 536 ) . —The members of this Lodge met oil AVednesday , January llth , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Uxbridge , for tho installation of the W . M . elect , and other business . The Lodge AA-as opened by Bro . AVright , AV . JI ., AA-IIO resigned the chair to Bro . Henry Muggeridge , P . JL , No . 227 ; and Bro . Alfred Pratt AA-as presented aud duly installed , and saluted and proclaimed in the accustomed manner . Tho AA . Jl . then appointed and invested as his officers , Bros . James B . Newall , S . AV . ; AVilliam Smith , J . AV . ; AVeedon , P . M ., Sec . The Treasurer
elect was unable to bo present , and the appointment ofthe other officers was deferred until the next Lodge . Bro . Pratt then passed to tho second degree Bro . Richard Gurney . Bro . Allen , jun ., of No . 25 , was proposed as a joining member . The members , niter tho Lodge was closed , assembled around the AV . M . at refreshment ; and the W . M . ' s health having been proposed by Bvo . Wright , Bro . Pratt , in a neat and brief reply , expressed his desire to make the Lodge second to none iu good ivork , and hoped he should have the cooperation of the AVardens and others . As Bro . Pratt is knoivn to be one of Bro . Jtuggeridge ' s most able pupil . ; -, there is little doubt his wishes will bo perfected .
FiTznor LoiKit : ( No . S-30 ) . —The members of this military Lodgo assembled at the head quarters of the Royal Artillery Company , iu Fiiisbm-y , on Friday , January 27 th . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Capt . Hough , AV . JI . ; and Bros . AVreford and Miller were raised to the third degree ; Bros . AV . Thomson and J . B . Austin were passed to tho . second degree ; Mi : Charles AVilliam . Broira was initiated . All theso brethren belong to the fifth company of this ancient regiment . The AA ' . JI . then resigned the chair to Bro . Peter Matthews , P . JL , and the quarter
master of the corps ; and Bro . Jeremiah AA'illiam Long , the W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Eglese , and duly installed in the chair , iu tho presence of ten Past JIasters , Bro . Eglese delivering the usual addresses . The AV . M . then njipointed and invested us his officers , Bros . Capt . Rough , P . JL ; J . AV . Figg , S . AV . ; May , J . AV . ; Eglese , Sec ; Ballin , S . D . ; Hclshaiii , J . D . ; Newton , Musical Dir . of Cers . ; AVatkius , M . C . ; Peter Matthews , reelected Treas . ; and Henry Holt , Tyler , ivere also invested . There were several visitorsamong whom AA-e noticed Bros . Axel Dickson
, , G . Treas . of the . Prov . Grand Lodge of Gottcuburgh ; IConucdv , AV . JI ., No . 72 ; Hill , P . JL , No . 055 ; Henry Muggeridge , P . M ., No . 227 ; Strange , No . 1011 . All business ended , the Lodge was closed at eight o ' clock , and the brethren , numbering forty , surrounded the AA . M . at tho dinner , whose good cheer , boundless hospitality , and somo excellent music , sent all home highly pleased with the evening ' s entertainment .
PROVINCIAL . CORNAVALL . Ol'USIJfU OP A NEW iODHK . LAUXCKS'IOS . — 'J'hc Dnnhcccd Lodge ( No . 1091 ) . —It had been illtended to constitute and consecrate this nowly formed Lodge , the
warrant for ivhich is dated May Kith , 1 S 5 P , at the provincial meeting , which is fixed to bo held at LauccHton , about April next , but the anxiety ef our Dimheved brethren prevailed on the Proi * . Grand JIaster to appoint an earlier day for so interesting and important a ceremony . Bro . Sir Charles Lemon , Bart ., the I ' . AV . Prov . G . JI . ' ; and Bro . Augustus Smith , MP ., the Deputy Prov . G . JI ., being unable to attend iu person , deputed the R . AV . Bro . ttichard Pearcc , of Penzance , Past Deputy G . M . of the province to officiate Precisely afc hih tAvolvethe chair was
g , taken by Bro . Pearcc , and Ailth the assistance of live other installed Masters and a large party of brethren from Lodges Nos . 142 , 361 and 815 , the mystic rites usual on such occasions wore solemnly and effectively carried out , aud . a record , of which tho following is a copy , engrossed on tho Avarrant . _ "This Lodge was duly constituted and consecrated , and the AVorshipful Master installed in the office in the