Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sketches From A Traveller's Journal.
that dignity and loftiness of demeanour which absolute power seems to confer ; and though his reception of us was gracious and cordial , ei'en to jocularity , and his manner kind and friendly in the extreme , it Avas impossible , CA'en amid his mud huts , to forget that AVC stood in the presence of a man of high station .
It is a singular fact , aud one strongly indicative of the Kafir character , that by no intercourse Avith the Avhites does he improve socially . The kraals nearest the colony arc just as wretchedly built , the maize patches as imperfectly tilled , and the inhabitants themselves as savagely clad—though many of the chiefs possess n suit of clothes for visiting the
colony—as these remote people among whom ive IIOAV Avere ; Avhile the women occupied the same degraded position . They are bought and sold for a few head of oxen , and the man ivho has many wives has many servants , since they hoe the corn , Aveave rush mats and baskets to hold Avater and milk , carry home all the supjilies , and , in . short , perform all the drudgery of the kraal . Many have been the efforts of the missionaries tc ameliorate their condition , but , as yet , Avith little success .
But Avith regard to the science of Avar , it is Avidely different . Their motto is , decidedly , ' progress . . Not the smallest tactic or device of offence or defence escapes the Kafir ' s keen eye or his quick apprehension , or fails at the first opportunity to be put in practise by him . The Kafirs would give any price in hides , horns , and ivory
- —the usual articles of barter—for rifles and powder , and it has been found necessary to render it penal to supply them . But , for all that , arms and ammunition are constantly increasing in Kafirlaud . The Kafir genius is eminently Avaiv like , and as Avar with them includes marauding , it is both a favourite and a profitable occupation , the latter being a
consideration the Kafir never overlooks on any occasion . Tykee Avas also renowned as a great warrior , and the long slender assegai ive found him balancing in his hand , had , ivith him , proved an invincible Aveapon , as many a ruined kraal could testify . At the time Ave saw him his eyes were flashing ivith the first ioiv of a great victoryfor he had just
g , returned from " eating up" ( as the somewhat appalling and ambiguous Kafir phrase for despoiling is ) a neighbour . As conquerors in more civilized communities are apt to do , and as is usual in Kafirlaud , the chief was about to celebrate the
achievement by a banquet , Avhich he Avarmly invited us to share , and his prime minister Avas quite pressing in his hospitality . But had there been no other reason , the tidings they gave us that the expedition had passed but five days previously , AVUS enough to add ivings to our feet , and after a brief repose
AVO were again in the saddle ; and , taking a shorter cut , practicable only for horses , which the Kafirs pointed out to us , . speeding off—followed by thoir boisterous good wishes—as swiftly as the ostriches Avhich fled terrified before us . The day had been a fatiguing one , and earlier than usual Ave tethered our horses , aud piling up our fire , lay doAvn
beside it . But , Aveary as AVO were , our sleep ivas broken , for never during all our journey had the Avild animals pressed so closely upon us . The dismal bark of the jackal seemed uttered at our elbows , the shrieking laugh of the hyena to mock us from behind our backs , and to be reechoed from every point of the compassinterminled Avith the deeper mouthed
, g roar of the leopard , Avhile tho restless stamping of the horses , and their low fearful neighs , completed the disturbance . At length , Avith a shrill , terrified cry , the wildest of our steeds broke loose , and rushed out into the darkness , to most probabl y meet the fate he AA'as so fearful of . Another moment and Henrick had to his feetand started off
sprung , in pursuit , guided in the search by the animal's echoing footfalls . Hither aud thither , as I could hear , galloped the horse , uttering wild neighs and cries , aiid near him ivas the Hottentot , calling to him in . soothing terms , Avhile he tried to get beyond and turn him . Everywhere else reigned the
deepest silence , for at the sound of that human , voice the Avild animals held their peace . Guided by the A'oice , I hastened off to assist , by turning the horse from a different point . But unused to the darkness , I first fell over an ant hill , and then into a gully , Avhen the horse leaped over me , and thus obtained a wider range . However , I was soon up , and at the conclusion of a dozen stratagetie manonrvrcs , sent him galloping back toAvards the
camp . Most likely the unruly animal Avould have dashed off again ere I could reach him , had not his broken halter caught in a bush , and so field him crrptive . But great Avas my astonishmont on leading him into the cam ;) , to find all his companions had folloAVcd his example , not one of our horses remained . In utter dismay I shouted to Henrickannouncing this neAV
, trouble , but received no reply , and then it occurred to me that probably 1113 ' sharp little Hottentot ' s keener senses had already discovered our loss , aud that he was even then in pursuit of the . deserters . With only the delay of securing the runaivay , and heaping fresh fuel upon the fire , which Avas our only landmark , I
resolved to return to Henrick ' s assistance ; but as I crossed the camp to fetch some AVOOCI , a new surprise aAvaited me in the discovery that the saddles were missing also ! This gai'e a different hue to the affair , which Avas deepened at the next step by my foiling over one of the large packages lying some yards from its placeAvhile on glancing round I perceived
, that another package had vanished altogether . Solitary as those vast plains . appeared , Ave had feared no depredators save the Avild animals around us ; but evidently others had been hanging upon our steps , awaiting the first opportunity . A ivhole galaxy of snaky looking eyes , ivinking and blink-111 tho from the next attracted
ing firelight , among grass , my observation , and , despite my troubles , I started forward to discover what manner of creatures they belonged to ; and uot small Avas my astonishment to discover them a broken string of amberhued beads , the very same I had seen the preceding day decorating the person of Tykee ' s principal follower .
It was then the powerful chief , AVIIO had so lately received us amicably , wrought us this evil . Not content ivith his own immense flocks and herds , and droves of horses , and the vast possessions of the chief he had so lately vanquished , he had followed us like a thief in the night , to strip us of our poor travelworn horses and their trappings , and of a few
instruments , useless to him , but an irreparable loss to mc . My next thought was for my poor little Hottentot , Avho Avas still absent . He ivas not , as I had supposed , trying to turn the truant horses ; Avhere then coidd he be ? I shouted his name until it echoed over the flat ; I strained my eyes into the darknessand my hearing in the silencebut all to
, , no purpose ; there came no reply , save now and then the mocking laugh of some distant hyena . And then a fear came over me lost he had fallen into the hands of the Kafirs , Avhen , under the circumstances , I knew not Avhat might bo his fate .
My own position AVUS painful enough . Utterly alone in the midst of a vast wilderness , Avithout the slightest clue to guide my steps , and Avith the knoAvledge that did I meet any man his hand ivoukl be against me , I had little to hope . Still , amid all my OAVU dangers and difficulties , my thoughts turned sorrowfully to my missing guide .
At length , as dayAvas breaking , to my great joy , my faithful Henrick returned . The band of marauding Kafirs had got betAveen him and the camp , compelling him first to fly , to aA'oid them , and then to make a circuit back to me . Pie Avas full of indignation at the deceit and treachery of our late invitersand the feeling Avas not lessenedAvhen after
, , some consultation as to ways and means of progress , Ave found our solo resource Avas Tykee , from whom AVO must en » deavour to purchase horses to replace those lie had stolen . We found tlie chief arrayed in his usual savage splendour ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sketches From A Traveller's Journal.
that dignity and loftiness of demeanour which absolute power seems to confer ; and though his reception of us was gracious and cordial , ei'en to jocularity , and his manner kind and friendly in the extreme , it Avas impossible , CA'en amid his mud huts , to forget that AVC stood in the presence of a man of high station .
It is a singular fact , aud one strongly indicative of the Kafir character , that by no intercourse Avith the Avhites does he improve socially . The kraals nearest the colony arc just as wretchedly built , the maize patches as imperfectly tilled , and the inhabitants themselves as savagely clad—though many of the chiefs possess n suit of clothes for visiting the
colony—as these remote people among whom ive IIOAV Avere ; Avhile the women occupied the same degraded position . They are bought and sold for a few head of oxen , and the man ivho has many wives has many servants , since they hoe the corn , Aveave rush mats and baskets to hold Avater and milk , carry home all the supjilies , and , in . short , perform all the drudgery of the kraal . Many have been the efforts of the missionaries tc ameliorate their condition , but , as yet , Avith little success .
But Avith regard to the science of Avar , it is Avidely different . Their motto is , decidedly , ' progress . . Not the smallest tactic or device of offence or defence escapes the Kafir ' s keen eye or his quick apprehension , or fails at the first opportunity to be put in practise by him . The Kafirs would give any price in hides , horns , and ivory
- —the usual articles of barter—for rifles and powder , and it has been found necessary to render it penal to supply them . But , for all that , arms and ammunition are constantly increasing in Kafirlaud . The Kafir genius is eminently Avaiv like , and as Avar with them includes marauding , it is both a favourite and a profitable occupation , the latter being a
consideration the Kafir never overlooks on any occasion . Tykee Avas also renowned as a great warrior , and the long slender assegai ive found him balancing in his hand , had , ivith him , proved an invincible Aveapon , as many a ruined kraal could testify . At the time Ave saw him his eyes were flashing ivith the first ioiv of a great victoryfor he had just
g , returned from " eating up" ( as the somewhat appalling and ambiguous Kafir phrase for despoiling is ) a neighbour . As conquerors in more civilized communities are apt to do , and as is usual in Kafirlaud , the chief was about to celebrate the
achievement by a banquet , Avhich he Avarmly invited us to share , and his prime minister Avas quite pressing in his hospitality . But had there been no other reason , the tidings they gave us that the expedition had passed but five days previously , AVUS enough to add ivings to our feet , and after a brief repose
AVO were again in the saddle ; and , taking a shorter cut , practicable only for horses , which the Kafirs pointed out to us , . speeding off—followed by thoir boisterous good wishes—as swiftly as the ostriches Avhich fled terrified before us . The day had been a fatiguing one , and earlier than usual Ave tethered our horses , aud piling up our fire , lay doAvn
beside it . But , Aveary as AVO were , our sleep ivas broken , for never during all our journey had the Avild animals pressed so closely upon us . The dismal bark of the jackal seemed uttered at our elbows , the shrieking laugh of the hyena to mock us from behind our backs , and to be reechoed from every point of the compassinterminled Avith the deeper mouthed
, g roar of the leopard , Avhile tho restless stamping of the horses , and their low fearful neighs , completed the disturbance . At length , Avith a shrill , terrified cry , the wildest of our steeds broke loose , and rushed out into the darkness , to most probabl y meet the fate he AA'as so fearful of . Another moment and Henrick had to his feetand started off
sprung , in pursuit , guided in the search by the animal's echoing footfalls . Hither aud thither , as I could hear , galloped the horse , uttering wild neighs and cries , aiid near him ivas the Hottentot , calling to him in . soothing terms , Avhile he tried to get beyond and turn him . Everywhere else reigned the
deepest silence , for at the sound of that human , voice the Avild animals held their peace . Guided by the A'oice , I hastened off to assist , by turning the horse from a different point . But unused to the darkness , I first fell over an ant hill , and then into a gully , Avhen the horse leaped over me , and thus obtained a wider range . However , I was soon up , and at the conclusion of a dozen stratagetie manonrvrcs , sent him galloping back toAvards the
camp . Most likely the unruly animal Avould have dashed off again ere I could reach him , had not his broken halter caught in a bush , and so field him crrptive . But great Avas my astonishmont on leading him into the cam ;) , to find all his companions had folloAVcd his example , not one of our horses remained . In utter dismay I shouted to Henrickannouncing this neAV
, trouble , but received no reply , and then it occurred to me that probably 1113 ' sharp little Hottentot ' s keener senses had already discovered our loss , aud that he was even then in pursuit of the . deserters . With only the delay of securing the runaivay , and heaping fresh fuel upon the fire , which Avas our only landmark , I
resolved to return to Henrick ' s assistance ; but as I crossed the camp to fetch some AVOOCI , a new surprise aAvaited me in the discovery that the saddles were missing also ! This gai'e a different hue to the affair , which Avas deepened at the next step by my foiling over one of the large packages lying some yards from its placeAvhile on glancing round I perceived
, that another package had vanished altogether . Solitary as those vast plains . appeared , Ave had feared no depredators save the Avild animals around us ; but evidently others had been hanging upon our steps , awaiting the first opportunity . A ivhole galaxy of snaky looking eyes , ivinking and blink-111 tho from the next attracted
ing firelight , among grass , my observation , and , despite my troubles , I started forward to discover what manner of creatures they belonged to ; and uot small Avas my astonishment to discover them a broken string of amberhued beads , the very same I had seen the preceding day decorating the person of Tykee ' s principal follower .
It was then the powerful chief , AVIIO had so lately received us amicably , wrought us this evil . Not content ivith his own immense flocks and herds , and droves of horses , and the vast possessions of the chief he had so lately vanquished , he had followed us like a thief in the night , to strip us of our poor travelworn horses and their trappings , and of a few
instruments , useless to him , but an irreparable loss to mc . My next thought was for my poor little Hottentot , Avho Avas still absent . He ivas not , as I had supposed , trying to turn the truant horses ; Avhere then coidd he be ? I shouted his name until it echoed over the flat ; I strained my eyes into the darknessand my hearing in the silencebut all to
, , no purpose ; there came no reply , save now and then the mocking laugh of some distant hyena . And then a fear came over me lost he had fallen into the hands of the Kafirs , Avhen , under the circumstances , I knew not Avhat might bo his fate .
My own position AVUS painful enough . Utterly alone in the midst of a vast wilderness , Avithout the slightest clue to guide my steps , and Avith the knoAvledge that did I meet any man his hand ivoukl be against me , I had little to hope . Still , amid all my OAVU dangers and difficulties , my thoughts turned sorrowfully to my missing guide .
At length , as dayAvas breaking , to my great joy , my faithful Henrick returned . The band of marauding Kafirs had got betAveen him and the camp , compelling him first to fly , to aA'oid them , and then to make a circuit back to me . Pie Avas full of indignation at the deceit and treachery of our late invitersand the feeling Avas not lessenedAvhen after
, , some consultation as to ways and means of progress , Ave found our solo resource Avas Tykee , from whom AVO must en » deavour to purchase horses to replace those lie had stolen . We found tlie chief arrayed in his usual savage splendour ,