Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 5 of 5 Article CHINA. Page 1 of 3 →
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Roberts , Rev . W . H . Roberts , Mackinder , and Jacobson . Bro . Snart , W . M . of the Lodge of Harmony , and Bro . Hackford , W . M , of Lady Franklin Lodge , occupied the vice-chairs . Grace was said by Bro . the Rev . E . R . Larken , and after the repast the usual toasts were given and responded to . The banquet concluded in the most harmonious and fraternal manner , and was , on the whole , the most successful gathering of Masons held in Boston of late years .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . ABERGAVENNY . — Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 1120 ) . — At a regular meeting of this lodge , held on the Sth day of May , it was proposed by the S . W . ( Bro . Freeman ) , seconded by the W . M . ( Bro . Browning ) and unanimously carried & bat a congratulatory address should be sent to Bro . J . E . Rolls on bis appointment as R . W . Prov . G . M . of Monmouthshire ) and Bro . Higginson , P . M ., was requested to express the feelings of
the brethren on this occasion . The letter was couched in the following terms ; " That the Philanthropic Lodge respectfully offers to Bro . Rolls its congratulations on his recent appointment . The brethren hail with delight an appointment so much in unison with the feelings of the craft at large , and while they feel certain that the interests of Freemasonry will bo promoted and strengthened in Monmouthshire , they cannot but record their thanks to their Prov . G . M . for the first appointment he has
made on entering bis office , viz ., that of Bro . Lyne as his Deputy Provi G . M . Tbe brethren fervently pray that it may please the G . A . O . T . U . to grant Bro . Rolls long life , health and happiness . " In reply the ll . W . Prov . G . M . has been pleased to write as follows : " I assure you nothing could give me greater pleasure than receiving the congratulations of tho brethren of my province on the appointment to the distinguished honour that has just been conferred on meand most sincere thanks to
, may express my the W . M ., officers , ancl brethren of the Philanthropic Lodge for the very kind and flattering way they have been pleased to express themselves towards me , and assure them that it iv ill bo a great satisfaction to me to endeavour to promote the interests of Freemasonry in every way in my power . "
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Lodge of Perfect Friendship ( No . 522 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Great White Horse Hotel , on Wednesday , the 20 th inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . Stephen B . Ving , W . M ., supported by Bros . H . Luff , S . W . ; George Turner , J . W . ; ancl the S . D . and J . D . There was a full attendance of brethren , including many visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Schulen , P . M . 131 ; A .
Barber , Sec . 131 ; F . Gull , 131 ; Henry Thomas , 131 ; AV . Bruff , J . D . 383 ; S . Turner , W . M . 272 ; J . Richmond , P . Prov . S . G . D ., 272 ; J . Head , R . Girling , J . Crispin , W . Spalding , J . A . Pettitt , R . Burrows , P . M ' s . 522 . Mr . W . Elliston , M . D ., ancl Mr . Richard Fegan , M . D ., both of Ipswich , were unanimously elected to become members of this honourable and ancient Order . The ceremony of initiation was impressively performed by- the W . M ., assisted by Bro . A . Pettitt , as J . D . The W . M . called upon
Bro . J . Franks , P . M . and Sec . of 522 , to explain the working tools in the first degree , which was ably performed by the respected Secretary . The Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , 522 , then , at the request of the W . M .,
explained the tracing board in the first degree , to Bros . Elliston and Fegan . This was clone by Bro . Sanderson in a most impressive and effective manner . Tbe Secretary called the attention of the lodge to tbe proposed new arrangement , with reference to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , and considered that the matter was deserving the attention and support of all Masons . He would propose that the lodge expend the sum of £ 10 in the purchase of sharesin order that tbe views of the Directors
, might be carried out . The proposition ivas seconded b y Bro . Lull ' , S . W . Bro . Westgate proposed , as an amendment , that the matter should stand over until next lodge night , in order to give the brethren time to consider the matter , as probably many of them had not seen the prospectus issued by the committee of management . This having been seconded , it was unanimously agreed to . The lodwas then closed in the third
ge degree , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . Tbe W . M . presided at the banquet , and between twenty and thirty brethren , including the visiting brethren , assembled round the festive board . After the toasts of the Royal Family had been honoured those of the Masonic officers followed , and then came the toast of the evening , " The Newly Initiated
Brothers . " This was drunk in a manner known only to the Craft , and ably responded to by Bros . Elliston and Fegan . Several of the brethren contributed to the harmony of the evening by singing some pleasing songs . The brethren did not separate until after the iron tongue of midnight had tolled twelve . SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) .
CARDIEE . —Bute Lodge ( No . 1262 ) . —The warrant for holding the above lodge has been in tbe hands of Bro . Thorpe , P . M and W . M . elect , for some weeks , and the brethren are now only awaiting a convenient day for opening and consecrating the same . An excellent lodge room has been secured , even of larger dimensions than the Masonic hall in the town , being the former committee room of the Taff Vale Railway Company , in their late offices at the Bute Docks . It is expected that the
consecration will take place on the 30 th inst ., and that the ceremony will be performed by Bro . Dr . Bird , D . Prov . G . M ., of which proceedings we hope to give a full report . At a preliminary meeting held on Wednesday , 27 th ult ., no less than twenty-six candidates for initiation and upwards of twenty joining members were proposed—a very good start for a lodge not yet consecrated , —and with so indefatigable a W . M ., and sozealous ancl efficient a batch of brethren as those which appear upon the petition for the Bute Lodge , we expect , very shortly ,, to see it one of the most flourishing in the province .
( From our own Correspondent . ) SHANGHAI . —Northern Lodge ( No . 832 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall on the 11 th of March , the brethren mustering in great force on the occasion of the evening's work being of an unusually important ancl interesting nature . The following office-bearers were present : —Bros . Dunlop ( Canongate Kilwinning , No . 2 S . C . )
immediate P . M ., as W . M . ; Thorne ( Moira Lodge , No . 1045 ) P . M . - , Ewing ( I . G . No . 1045 ) as S . AV . ; Nutt , J . W . ; Parker , S . D . j Hardy , J . D . ; Gordon , Sec . ; Markham , I . G . ; and there was a numerous attendance of members and visitors . All preliminary business being despatched , the AV . M . addressed the lodge as . follows : — " Brethren , before proceeding with the regular business of the evening , I have a duty to perform that I feel to be a very pleasant one , ancl the performance of which gives me ,
personally , great satisfaction . It may be within the recollection of some among you that , a considerable time ago ( I am afraid to say how long ) , this lodge passed a resolution to the effect that , a P . M . ' s jewel should be ordered from home and presented to Bro . Thorne , as a mark of the regard and esteem felfc for him personally by the brethren , ancl also of their gratitude for the many services he has rendered to the cause of Freemasonry at Shanghai . The brother who was requested to write
for the jewel unfortunately left Shanghai immediately afterwards , and the commission entrusted to him seems altogether to have escaped bis memory . I am also ashamed to say that by those who remained , it was equally forgotten . Comparatively recently , the subject again recurred to our memories . The P . M . ' s jewel was on this occasion really ordered , ancl I received it by the last mail from England . It is not my intention to dwell at any length on the services rendered to
Freemasonry by Bro . Thorne , nor is it necessary that I should , as they are apparent to you all . Suffice it to say that , to him chiefly , if not entirely , you owe it that there is at this moment an active ancl flourishing lodge in existence at Shanghai . Some brethren present may remember , as I do , the time when Masonry in this settlement was at a very low ebb , lodge meetings being rarely , if ever , held , for although the W . M . and one
or two equally zealous brethren used to attend , seldom did it happen that there was a sufficient number to form a lodge . A little later , matters became worse , the lodge was in debt , and sold its building , Masonry for a brief season becoming all but extinct . It was then that Bro . Thorne took the initiative , and well do I remember the energy with which he acted , and his many attempts ( crowned with success ) to infuse into other members of the Craft a little of the zeal of which he has
such an abundant supply in his own composition . At last his efforts were successful ; a few promised to give their best assistance ; meetings were resumed , old members returned ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Roberts , Rev . W . H . Roberts , Mackinder , and Jacobson . Bro . Snart , W . M . of the Lodge of Harmony , and Bro . Hackford , W . M , of Lady Franklin Lodge , occupied the vice-chairs . Grace was said by Bro . the Rev . E . R . Larken , and after the repast the usual toasts were given and responded to . The banquet concluded in the most harmonious and fraternal manner , and was , on the whole , the most successful gathering of Masons held in Boston of late years .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . ABERGAVENNY . — Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 1120 ) . — At a regular meeting of this lodge , held on the Sth day of May , it was proposed by the S . W . ( Bro . Freeman ) , seconded by the W . M . ( Bro . Browning ) and unanimously carried & bat a congratulatory address should be sent to Bro . J . E . Rolls on bis appointment as R . W . Prov . G . M . of Monmouthshire ) and Bro . Higginson , P . M ., was requested to express the feelings of
the brethren on this occasion . The letter was couched in the following terms ; " That the Philanthropic Lodge respectfully offers to Bro . Rolls its congratulations on his recent appointment . The brethren hail with delight an appointment so much in unison with the feelings of the craft at large , and while they feel certain that the interests of Freemasonry will bo promoted and strengthened in Monmouthshire , they cannot but record their thanks to their Prov . G . M . for the first appointment he has
made on entering bis office , viz ., that of Bro . Lyne as his Deputy Provi G . M . Tbe brethren fervently pray that it may please the G . A . O . T . U . to grant Bro . Rolls long life , health and happiness . " In reply the ll . W . Prov . G . M . has been pleased to write as follows : " I assure you nothing could give me greater pleasure than receiving the congratulations of tho brethren of my province on the appointment to the distinguished honour that has just been conferred on meand most sincere thanks to
, may express my the W . M ., officers , ancl brethren of the Philanthropic Lodge for the very kind and flattering way they have been pleased to express themselves towards me , and assure them that it iv ill bo a great satisfaction to me to endeavour to promote the interests of Freemasonry in every way in my power . "
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Lodge of Perfect Friendship ( No . 522 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Great White Horse Hotel , on Wednesday , the 20 th inst . The chair was occupied by Bro . Stephen B . Ving , W . M ., supported by Bros . H . Luff , S . W . ; George Turner , J . W . ; ancl the S . D . and J . D . There was a full attendance of brethren , including many visitors , amongst whom were Bros . Schulen , P . M . 131 ; A .
Barber , Sec . 131 ; F . Gull , 131 ; Henry Thomas , 131 ; AV . Bruff , J . D . 383 ; S . Turner , W . M . 272 ; J . Richmond , P . Prov . S . G . D ., 272 ; J . Head , R . Girling , J . Crispin , W . Spalding , J . A . Pettitt , R . Burrows , P . M ' s . 522 . Mr . W . Elliston , M . D ., ancl Mr . Richard Fegan , M . D ., both of Ipswich , were unanimously elected to become members of this honourable and ancient Order . The ceremony of initiation was impressively performed by- the W . M ., assisted by Bro . A . Pettitt , as J . D . The W . M . called upon
Bro . J . Franks , P . M . and Sec . of 522 , to explain the working tools in the first degree , which was ably performed by the respected Secretary . The Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , 522 , then , at the request of the W . M .,
explained the tracing board in the first degree , to Bros . Elliston and Fegan . This was clone by Bro . Sanderson in a most impressive and effective manner . Tbe Secretary called the attention of the lodge to tbe proposed new arrangement , with reference to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , and considered that the matter was deserving the attention and support of all Masons . He would propose that the lodge expend the sum of £ 10 in the purchase of sharesin order that tbe views of the Directors
, might be carried out . The proposition ivas seconded b y Bro . Lull ' , S . W . Bro . Westgate proposed , as an amendment , that the matter should stand over until next lodge night , in order to give the brethren time to consider the matter , as probably many of them had not seen the prospectus issued by the committee of management . This having been seconded , it was unanimously agreed to . The lodwas then closed in the third
ge degree , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . Tbe W . M . presided at the banquet , and between twenty and thirty brethren , including the visiting brethren , assembled round the festive board . After the toasts of the Royal Family had been honoured those of the Masonic officers followed , and then came the toast of the evening , " The Newly Initiated
Brothers . " This was drunk in a manner known only to the Craft , and ably responded to by Bros . Elliston and Fegan . Several of the brethren contributed to the harmony of the evening by singing some pleasing songs . The brethren did not separate until after the iron tongue of midnight had tolled twelve . SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) .
CARDIEE . —Bute Lodge ( No . 1262 ) . —The warrant for holding the above lodge has been in tbe hands of Bro . Thorpe , P . M and W . M . elect , for some weeks , and the brethren are now only awaiting a convenient day for opening and consecrating the same . An excellent lodge room has been secured , even of larger dimensions than the Masonic hall in the town , being the former committee room of the Taff Vale Railway Company , in their late offices at the Bute Docks . It is expected that the
consecration will take place on the 30 th inst ., and that the ceremony will be performed by Bro . Dr . Bird , D . Prov . G . M ., of which proceedings we hope to give a full report . At a preliminary meeting held on Wednesday , 27 th ult ., no less than twenty-six candidates for initiation and upwards of twenty joining members were proposed—a very good start for a lodge not yet consecrated , —and with so indefatigable a W . M ., and sozealous ancl efficient a batch of brethren as those which appear upon the petition for the Bute Lodge , we expect , very shortly ,, to see it one of the most flourishing in the province .
( From our own Correspondent . ) SHANGHAI . —Northern Lodge ( No . 832 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall on the 11 th of March , the brethren mustering in great force on the occasion of the evening's work being of an unusually important ancl interesting nature . The following office-bearers were present : —Bros . Dunlop ( Canongate Kilwinning , No . 2 S . C . )
immediate P . M ., as W . M . ; Thorne ( Moira Lodge , No . 1045 ) P . M . - , Ewing ( I . G . No . 1045 ) as S . AV . ; Nutt , J . W . ; Parker , S . D . j Hardy , J . D . ; Gordon , Sec . ; Markham , I . G . ; and there was a numerous attendance of members and visitors . All preliminary business being despatched , the AV . M . addressed the lodge as . follows : — " Brethren , before proceeding with the regular business of the evening , I have a duty to perform that I feel to be a very pleasant one , ancl the performance of which gives me ,
personally , great satisfaction . It may be within the recollection of some among you that , a considerable time ago ( I am afraid to say how long ) , this lodge passed a resolution to the effect that , a P . M . ' s jewel should be ordered from home and presented to Bro . Thorne , as a mark of the regard and esteem felfc for him personally by the brethren , ancl also of their gratitude for the many services he has rendered to the cause of Freemasonry at Shanghai . The brother who was requested to write
for the jewel unfortunately left Shanghai immediately afterwards , and the commission entrusted to him seems altogether to have escaped bis memory . I am also ashamed to say that by those who remained , it was equally forgotten . Comparatively recently , the subject again recurred to our memories . The P . M . ' s jewel was on this occasion really ordered , ancl I received it by the last mail from England . It is not my intention to dwell at any length on the services rendered to
Freemasonry by Bro . Thorne , nor is it necessary that I should , as they are apparent to you all . Suffice it to say that , to him chiefly , if not entirely , you owe it that there is at this moment an active ancl flourishing lodge in existence at Shanghai . Some brethren present may remember , as I do , the time when Masonry in this settlement was at a very low ebb , lodge meetings being rarely , if ever , held , for although the W . M . and one
or two equally zealous brethren used to attend , seldom did it happen that there was a sufficient number to form a lodge . A little later , matters became worse , the lodge was in debt , and sold its building , Masonry for a brief season becoming all but extinct . It was then that Bro . Thorne took the initiative , and well do I remember the energy with which he acted , and his many attempts ( crowned with success ) to infuse into other members of the Craft a little of the zeal of which he has
such an abundant supply in his own composition . At last his efforts were successful ; a few promised to give their best assistance ; meetings were resumed , old members returned ,