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CHANNEL ISLES . JEESEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Thursday , May 2 Sth , but as this was the day appointed for the installation of the W . M ., all the work which was possible had been previously done at an emergency meeting . The lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Durell , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Binet , P . M ., acting as S . W ., and C . Le SueurJ . W . Many visitors were present them
, , among the R . AV . the Prov . G . M ., and Bro . Hadol , a distinguished French Mason , who , with his lady , is on a visit to Jersey , she being at tbe bead of tbe affiliated lodges of female Freemasons , a branch not recognised in England . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read . The minutes were confirmed , as were also those of an emergency meeting . The S . W . now arrived and occupied bis place of office . Bro . SchmittPMresumed the Master's
, .., chair , and opened the lodge in the second degree . The W . M ., Bro . Durell , who had been duly elected for tbe second time , was presented by Past Masters Le Cras and E . D . Le Couteur to receive the benefit of installation , and gave bis assent to the ordinary charges ; after which he was duly installed . The following nominations to office were made by the W . M ., the addresses and investitures being given by Bro . Schmitt . Bros . C . Le
Sueur , S . W . ; Ph . E . Le Sueur , J . W . ; E . D . Le Couteur , Sec ; the Rev . De La Mare , Chap . ; Goupillot , Treas . ; E . Benest , S . D . ; Chevalier , J . D . ; Binet , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Croad , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Ph . Le Sueur , Organist ; Catley , I . G . ; H . Du Javdin , Tyler . Bro . Desmoulins proposed Bro . Desages as a joining member of the lodge . The financial statement was read , from which it appeared that there was a sum of upwards of £ 40 in bandand about £ 80 clueThe
, . lodge was closed iu the usual manner at about five o ' clock . At six o'clock upwards of sixty of the brethren re-assembled at La Pomme d'Or , to partake of the annual banquet , which was served in very good style by the hostess , Madame Roisnet , ( the widow of a Freemason ) , who evidently gave great satisfaction to the guests by her liberal provision for their entertainment . Bro . Durell , W . M ., presided , supported on bis right by
the R . W . tbe Prov . G . M ., & c . ; ancl on his left by Bro . De La Mare , Chaplain ; Manuel , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Dr . Hopkins and Gallichan , P . M . s , & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , not the least important of which was , " Success to the Masonic Temple , " which it may be incidentally mentioned is now receiving the roof . Several spirited songs enlivened tbe proceedings , which were brought to a close at about nine o ' clack .
ST . AUEIN ' S LODGE ( NO 1260 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge , after the day of consecration , was held on " Tuesday , May 26 th . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bro . Durell , as S . W ., ancl Bro . C . Le Sueur as J . W . ( the proper officers being in England ) , supported on his left by Bro . Hammond , R . W . Prov . G . M ., and on his right by the Rev . Bro . De La Mare , Chaplain . The lodge was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the former meeting were read and
confirmed . The W . M . brought before the members the question of suitable premises for the permanent use of tbe lodge , with estimates of the cost of requisite alterations , which resulted in the appointment of himself , tbe J . W . ancl I . G . as a Committee , to enter into an agreement with the proprietor , with power to carry out the proposed arrangements . Estimates for printing the bye-laws were presented , aud the W . M . was directed to see
to the execution of the work . The ballot was taken for Mr . Holt as a candidate for initiation after satisfactory inquiries and information as to his eligibility , which proved unanimous in his favour , but his unavoidable absence from Jersey rendered it necessary to postpone the ceremony . The three brethren , who had been initiated on May 6 th , were brought up , and received the usual charge from tbe W . M . Bro . Herman was proposed
as a joining member . Several accounts were ordered to be paid . The W . M . called attention to a tabular register which he had instituted , showing at a glance the condition of the payments of each brother . The Prov . Grand Master announced the intention of bis daughter , Miss Hammond , who had already marked her appreciation of Freemasonry in general ancl of this lodge in particularby the presentation " of the Volume ofthe Sacred Lawto
, , add another act of kindness , by offering for its reception a cushion for the W . M . ' s pedestal , which he hoped would be ready on the next evening of meeting . The W . M . briefly acknowledged the intended contribution reserving further comments for a future occasion . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony and
with solemn prayer at a quarter to nine . The brethren adjourned for refreshment , and spent an hour together in a most agreeable and sociable manner , paying the usual honours to the civil and Masonic authorities .
DEVONSHIRE . TAVISTOCK . —Bedford Lodge ( No . 351 . )—The regular meeting of this lodge was held on June 1 st , at four o ' clock , p . m . Present : W . Bro . J . C . Wills , W . M ., in the chair , several Provincial Grand Officers , and Past Masters . After the lodge had been opened the W . M . read a letter which he had received from the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., Grand Chaplain , intimating the probability of an election of a third
annuitant on the Fortescue Memorial Fund at Midsummer next , and recommending increased energetic action on the part of that lodge to promote the cause , an infirm Brother , a member of the lodge , John Andrews , being an unsuccessful candidate at the last election . The rev . brother proceeded to observe that he had appointed Bros . Clare , Rodda , and Harfoot as a deputation from the Plymouth District Committee , to visit them , and he trusted that the W . M . would use his utmost
influence to advance the good cause , which they ( the deputation ) came to advocate . The W . M . then called on the deputation to proceed , whereupon Bro . Clase , in a clear , concise ancl comprehensive manner , gave a sketch of the history of the movement and its fitness as commemmorating , in a most suitable manner , by a charitable memorial , the characteristic virtues of the late Prov . G . M ., tbe Right Hon ., the Earl of Fortescue ' . He showed what had been clone , especially by the brethren and lodges of the three towns of Plymouth , Devonport , and Stonehouse , which had resulted already in the election of two annuitants at £ 26 a-year each , and expressed a hope that by firm united action ,
the Bedford Lodge ( 351 ) would come nobly forward , in imitation of their brethren in other parts of the province , and endeavour to secure the election of their own candidate . Bro . Rodda , as local treasurer of the "Fortescue Fund , " next proceeded to observe that he highly esteemed the honour of coming to advocate so excellent a cause , which he had at heart , and earnestly exhorted the most strenuous exertions being made to secure , by a large increase of annual subscriptionsthe election tbey
, desired . He showed that it was only by an immediate addition to the funds that the committee could bo justified in proceeding with the contemplated election , because the amount already subscribed and invested , [ would ! only yield about £ 40 per annnm , which added to £ 30 per annum , the maximum amount , which could bo expected from tbe Provincial Giand Lodge , would leave a deficiency on three annuities , of
£ 26 a year each , of £ S . He might be told that thoy had " annual subscribers " of £ 100 and upwards , in addition to what be had stated , but it must be conceded that all well regulated societies preceded on the principle of funding annual subscriptions , as a sure road to success , and he should be very jealous of any departure from so salutary a rule , for after all , annual subscriptions were very precariousand not at all to be depended
, upon as a staple fund , and he thought that another £ 150 or £ 200 at least were necessary tojj place the third annuitant on a safe basis ; and he believed that nothing was easier than to get that sum subscribed if they would only adopt and act upon the Cornish motto of "One and All . " Bro . Harfoot felt much
pleasure ancl honour m forming one of tho deputation to urge so charitable a work on the notice of his brethren . He remarked that the late Lord Fortescue was the very impersonation of charity , that the brethren of Plymouth much regretted their inability to carry Bro . Andrews at the last election , but would no doubt use their most strenuous efforts on the next
occasion ; that as Masons it was their duty to do all in their power to render the declining years of their poor aged brother as free from pain ancl poverty as possible , that the time graciously vouchsafed them hy the G . A . O . T . U . might he the more intently occupied in preparation for the great change which must be near them , that their hoary hairs might go down to the grave in peace ; poverty and misery arose from the precarious charities of the world , and that as Masons , they should take care , as
far as in them lay , that a brother's declining years should never be degraded by the cold and embittered assistance of more fortunate relatives . He concluded by observing that he bad heard much of the case ' of Bro . Andrews , as being a very distressing one , but on his entrance into the lodge-room that day , and on the poor brother being pointed out to him , he could truly exclaim with the Queen of Sheba , " The half has not been told me . " In answer to the appeal , the brethren who had previously
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHANNEL ISLES . JEESEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Thursday , May 2 Sth , but as this was the day appointed for the installation of the W . M ., all the work which was possible had been previously done at an emergency meeting . The lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Durell , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Binet , P . M ., acting as S . W ., and C . Le SueurJ . W . Many visitors were present them
, , among the R . AV . the Prov . G . M ., and Bro . Hadol , a distinguished French Mason , who , with his lady , is on a visit to Jersey , she being at tbe bead of tbe affiliated lodges of female Freemasons , a branch not recognised in England . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read . The minutes were confirmed , as were also those of an emergency meeting . The S . W . now arrived and occupied bis place of office . Bro . SchmittPMresumed the Master's
, .., chair , and opened the lodge in the second degree . The W . M ., Bro . Durell , who had been duly elected for tbe second time , was presented by Past Masters Le Cras and E . D . Le Couteur to receive the benefit of installation , and gave bis assent to the ordinary charges ; after which he was duly installed . The following nominations to office were made by the W . M ., the addresses and investitures being given by Bro . Schmitt . Bros . C . Le
Sueur , S . W . ; Ph . E . Le Sueur , J . W . ; E . D . Le Couteur , Sec ; the Rev . De La Mare , Chap . ; Goupillot , Treas . ; E . Benest , S . D . ; Chevalier , J . D . ; Binet , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Croad , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Ph . Le Sueur , Organist ; Catley , I . G . ; H . Du Javdin , Tyler . Bro . Desmoulins proposed Bro . Desages as a joining member of the lodge . The financial statement was read , from which it appeared that there was a sum of upwards of £ 40 in bandand about £ 80 clueThe
, . lodge was closed iu the usual manner at about five o ' clock . At six o'clock upwards of sixty of the brethren re-assembled at La Pomme d'Or , to partake of the annual banquet , which was served in very good style by the hostess , Madame Roisnet , ( the widow of a Freemason ) , who evidently gave great satisfaction to the guests by her liberal provision for their entertainment . Bro . Durell , W . M ., presided , supported on bis right by
the R . W . tbe Prov . G . M ., & c . ; ancl on his left by Bro . De La Mare , Chaplain ; Manuel , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Dr . Hopkins and Gallichan , P . M . s , & c . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , not the least important of which was , " Success to the Masonic Temple , " which it may be incidentally mentioned is now receiving the roof . Several spirited songs enlivened tbe proceedings , which were brought to a close at about nine o ' clack .
ST . AUEIN ' S LODGE ( NO 1260 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge , after the day of consecration , was held on " Tuesday , May 26 th . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M ., presided , assisted by Bro . Durell , as S . W ., ancl Bro . C . Le Sueur as J . W . ( the proper officers being in England ) , supported on his left by Bro . Hammond , R . W . Prov . G . M ., and on his right by the Rev . Bro . De La Mare , Chaplain . The lodge was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the former meeting were read and
confirmed . The W . M . brought before the members the question of suitable premises for the permanent use of tbe lodge , with estimates of the cost of requisite alterations , which resulted in the appointment of himself , tbe J . W . ancl I . G . as a Committee , to enter into an agreement with the proprietor , with power to carry out the proposed arrangements . Estimates for printing the bye-laws were presented , aud the W . M . was directed to see
to the execution of the work . The ballot was taken for Mr . Holt as a candidate for initiation after satisfactory inquiries and information as to his eligibility , which proved unanimous in his favour , but his unavoidable absence from Jersey rendered it necessary to postpone the ceremony . The three brethren , who had been initiated on May 6 th , were brought up , and received the usual charge from tbe W . M . Bro . Herman was proposed
as a joining member . Several accounts were ordered to be paid . The W . M . called attention to a tabular register which he had instituted , showing at a glance the condition of the payments of each brother . The Prov . Grand Master announced the intention of bis daughter , Miss Hammond , who had already marked her appreciation of Freemasonry in general ancl of this lodge in particularby the presentation " of the Volume ofthe Sacred Lawto
, , add another act of kindness , by offering for its reception a cushion for the W . M . ' s pedestal , which he hoped would be ready on the next evening of meeting . The W . M . briefly acknowledged the intended contribution reserving further comments for a future occasion . The lodge was closed in perfect harmony and
with solemn prayer at a quarter to nine . The brethren adjourned for refreshment , and spent an hour together in a most agreeable and sociable manner , paying the usual honours to the civil and Masonic authorities .
DEVONSHIRE . TAVISTOCK . —Bedford Lodge ( No . 351 . )—The regular meeting of this lodge was held on June 1 st , at four o ' clock , p . m . Present : W . Bro . J . C . Wills , W . M ., in the chair , several Provincial Grand Officers , and Past Masters . After the lodge had been opened the W . M . read a letter which he had received from the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., Grand Chaplain , intimating the probability of an election of a third
annuitant on the Fortescue Memorial Fund at Midsummer next , and recommending increased energetic action on the part of that lodge to promote the cause , an infirm Brother , a member of the lodge , John Andrews , being an unsuccessful candidate at the last election . The rev . brother proceeded to observe that he had appointed Bros . Clare , Rodda , and Harfoot as a deputation from the Plymouth District Committee , to visit them , and he trusted that the W . M . would use his utmost
influence to advance the good cause , which they ( the deputation ) came to advocate . The W . M . then called on the deputation to proceed , whereupon Bro . Clase , in a clear , concise ancl comprehensive manner , gave a sketch of the history of the movement and its fitness as commemmorating , in a most suitable manner , by a charitable memorial , the characteristic virtues of the late Prov . G . M ., tbe Right Hon ., the Earl of Fortescue ' . He showed what had been clone , especially by the brethren and lodges of the three towns of Plymouth , Devonport , and Stonehouse , which had resulted already in the election of two annuitants at £ 26 a-year each , and expressed a hope that by firm united action ,
the Bedford Lodge ( 351 ) would come nobly forward , in imitation of their brethren in other parts of the province , and endeavour to secure the election of their own candidate . Bro . Rodda , as local treasurer of the "Fortescue Fund , " next proceeded to observe that he highly esteemed the honour of coming to advocate so excellent a cause , which he had at heart , and earnestly exhorted the most strenuous exertions being made to secure , by a large increase of annual subscriptionsthe election tbey
, desired . He showed that it was only by an immediate addition to the funds that the committee could bo justified in proceeding with the contemplated election , because the amount already subscribed and invested , [ would ! only yield about £ 40 per annnm , which added to £ 30 per annum , the maximum amount , which could bo expected from tbe Provincial Giand Lodge , would leave a deficiency on three annuities , of
£ 26 a year each , of £ S . He might be told that thoy had " annual subscribers " of £ 100 and upwards , in addition to what be had stated , but it must be conceded that all well regulated societies preceded on the principle of funding annual subscriptions , as a sure road to success , and he should be very jealous of any departure from so salutary a rule , for after all , annual subscriptions were very precariousand not at all to be depended
, upon as a staple fund , and he thought that another £ 150 or £ 200 at least were necessary tojj place the third annuitant on a safe basis ; and he believed that nothing was easier than to get that sum subscribed if they would only adopt and act upon the Cornish motto of "One and All . " Bro . Harfoot felt much
pleasure ancl honour m forming one of tho deputation to urge so charitable a work on the notice of his brethren . He remarked that the late Lord Fortescue was the very impersonation of charity , that the brethren of Plymouth much regretted their inability to carry Bro . Andrews at the last election , but would no doubt use their most strenuous efforts on the next
occasion ; that as Masons it was their duty to do all in their power to render the declining years of their poor aged brother as free from pain ancl poverty as possible , that the time graciously vouchsafed them hy the G . A . O . T . U . might he the more intently occupied in preparation for the great change which must be near them , that their hoary hairs might go down to the grave in peace ; poverty and misery arose from the precarious charities of the world , and that as Masons , they should take care , as
far as in them lay , that a brother's declining years should never be degraded by the cold and embittered assistance of more fortunate relatives . He concluded by observing that he bad heard much of the case ' of Bro . Andrews , as being a very distressing one , but on his entrance into the lodge-room that day , and on the poor brother being pointed out to him , he could truly exclaim with the Queen of Sheba , " The half has not been told me . " In answer to the appeal , the brethren who had previously