Article INDIA. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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and occupies rooms more spacious than those of the Freemasons ' Hall in Cossitollah . The Provincial Grand Master has presented several volumes to the Library at tbe Freemasons' Hall . On the 25 th March , Bro . Roberts made over charge of the Freemasons' Hall to Bro . W . H . Hoff , who will be custodian till some other brother competent for the office , and willing to take itis found .
, The banquets of the District Grand Lodge will , in future , be under the Provincial Grand Stewards , who will be formed into a board , with the Grand Steward of tbe Senior Lodge as chairman . The bracelet presented to Miss Clinger bears the following inscription on a pendant : — " Presented to Miss Clinger hy the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , 21 st March , 1863 , as a slight
return for a kindly deed . " The brethren at Jullunder have proposed to name their new Lodge AVahab , or Benevolent , as a compliment to the worthy and zealous brother through whose exertions Masonry has been revived at Jullunder . A distinguished brother wrote to us lately— - "I was very glad , in passing through Jullunder , to learn that Lodge 906 , which I founded , was not only being revived , but supported by good staunch men . "
Royal Arch.
HAMPSHIRE . LYJIINGTON . —New Forest Chapter ( No . 401 ) . —A convocation of this chapter took place in the Chapter Room of tbe Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , tbe 1 st June inst ., when a goodly number of companions were present . The following companions were elected , and tbe three Principals installed into their respective chairs : —M . E . C Hayward , 7 ,., First Principal ; M . E . C . StebbingH . Second Principal ; M . E . C . BromleyJ . Third
, , , , Principal ; M . E . C . Pavne , P . S . ; E . C Buttery , A . S . ; E . C . Milner , S . E . ; E . C . Dmnan , S . N . ; E . C . Lobb , J . Tbe ceremony of exaltation was then most impressively performed by M . E . C Stebbing . Several propositions were submitted , after which the chapter was closed , ancl the companions partook of elegant banquet generdusly provided by the M . E . Z . Comp . Hayward .
CHINA . SHANGHAI . —Zion Chapter ( No . 832 ) . —An emergency meeting of this chapter took place on thh 17 th March , at tlie Masonic hall . Present : Comps . Thorne , M . E . Z . ; Rawson , Prov . G . Supt ., as II . ; Dunlop , J . ; Murray , P . S .,- Nutt , Scribe N . ; Ewing , as Scribe N . ; together with a numerous attendance of members and visitors . The following companions , proposed at tho previous meeting , were elected joining members , Capt .
Gammell , 31 st Regt ., D . A . Q . M ., and of Chapter No . 20 ; Capt . Adams , Paymaster 31 st Regt ., and Capt . Cassidy , 31 st Regt ., of Chapter No . 08 ( S . C ) Bros . Marston , Globe Lodge ( No . 23 ); I . P . Tate , 832 ; Capt . Hamilton , 31 st Regt ., 1045 ; Lieut . A . C . Gow , 31 st Regt ., 1045 ; and W . Howell , 832 , 'having been ballotted for and accepted , and being in attendance were exalted to this supreme degree . One candidate was proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , and all business despatched the chapter was closed with solemn prayer .
INDIA . CALCUTTA . —Chapter Hope . ( No . 120 ) . —A convocation of Chapter Hope , atfiched to Lodge Industry and Perseverance ( No ; 126 ) , was holden on the 30 th March . E . Comp . William Clark , C . F ., and E . Comp . Bowerman , were installed Third Principals . E . Comp . Wm . Clark , C . E ., under a dispensation from the Grand Superintendent , was installed Second Principal ;
and A . E . Comp . John AA m . Rrown was installed First Principal . Bros . Fenn Captain E . II . Powei , and R . Berrill , of Rangoon , and Denham were exalted in due form . M . E . Comp . Brown directed the Scribe E . to record on tbe minutes a vote of thanks to tbe immediate Past First Principal , M . E . Comp . Jennings , A . E . Comp . Bowerman also spoke on the same subject ; and a suggestion made b y V . E . Comp . Roberts that the chapter should contribute to the subscription set on foot for presenting a testimonial to M . E . Comp . Jennings was adopted . ' —Indian Freemason ' s Friend .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . KEJIEYS TYNTE ENCAMPMENT . —The usual bi-monthly meeting of the Kemys Tynte Encampment , took place at the Freemason ' s Hall , AA'illiam-street , Woolwich , on Friday the 22 nd inst ., when the following Sir Knts . were present : Colonel Clerk , as E . G . ; Capt . Boyle , as 1 st Capt . ; J . W . Figg , as 2 nd Capt . ; . P . Laird , Registrar ; Thompson , Expert . ; Lyons , Captain of Lines ; Bay ley and Matthew Cooke . This being tbe usual time
to install the E . C . for the year , Captain Boyle , who had served in that capacity before , was obligated , inducted , and saluted . He addressed the Sir Knts ., thanking them for the honour they had done him and expressed his determination to do bis duty to the best of his ability . He was then pleased to appoint his officers as follows : Sir Knt . Hewitt , 1 st Capt . ; Henry George Warren , 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . Dr . Richards , Prelate ; Dr . Hinxman , re-elected , Treasurer ; P . Laird , re-appointed ,
Registrar ; Thompson , Expert ; Matthew Cooke , Director of Ceremonies and Organist ; Lyons , Capt . of Lines . A vote of thanks was proposed to P . E . C . Figg , for his exertions during tbe last year in . the absence of the elected M . E . C . Tbe encampment was afterwards closed , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s to dinner , where the evening was spent with that mutual love and instruction which so eminently distinguish the meetings of Templary and the high grades in 'Woolwich .
INDIA . PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE . ( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) A meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Wednesday , the 4 th March . flic following Knts . were present—H . D . Sandeman , Prov . G . Commander ; J . B . Roberts , AV . Clark , F . Jennings , Jas . AV .
Browne , John Smith , W . B . Collins , and J . H . Linton , and the following visitors—Major John Brooks , of Lucknow , and John Bennett , of Howrab . Tbe Prov . G . Commander made the following appointments for the ensuing year : — W . E . Bal 1 ( of Lahore ) D . Prov . G . Com . F . F . Mavueheili , D . D Prov . G . Prelate AV . II . Abbott 1 st . Prov . G . Cap .
F . Jennings 2 nd Prov . G . Cap . James W . Browne Prov . G . Chan . R . T . Callan Prov . G . Reg . George Stone Prov . G . Expert W . B . Collins 1 st . Prov . G . Std . B . G . Hutchinson 2 nd Prov . G . Std . B . . 1 . H . Linton Prov . G . Almoner John Bennett D . Prov . Cap . of Lines D . J . Daniel 1 st . Prov . G . Equerry AVilliam Claxton 2 nd . Prov . G . Equerry Sir Knt . James AV . Browne was unanimously elected
Treasurer for the ensuing year . Ihe Prov . G . Commander said , with reference to the position of Knight Templar Freemasonry in Bengal , that he regretted to be obliged to report unfavourably as compared with his reports of former years . The . Encampments of Sepulchre , in Calcutta , ancl St . Augustine , at Lahore , although in a sound and healthy state , had not exhibited the same vigour which had hitherto characterised them , having admitted but live new candidates into the Order . He had been
obliged to recall tbe warrant of the Encampment of St . John , at Simla . It would be in the recollection of Sir Knts . that this encampment had been unfavourably spoken of at the last meeting of the Prov . Granc Conclave in March , 1862 , as having neglected to make any returns for the previous year . Since then the Eminent Commander had been frequently addressed , but without result , as no replies had been vouchsafed to any of
the letters that had left the Prov . G . Chancellor ' s office . In the face of such marked discourtesy and contempt of authority , the Prov . G . Commander felt that no alternative was left him but to recall the warrant , which he had accordingly done . He had to announce , on tbe other hand , the formation of a new encampment in Calcutta , under ] the title of Royal Kent , whoso existence was only recently made known to him , ancl quite by
chance , it appeared that tbe Sir Knts . had obtained their warrant direct from England , not knowing at the time that it should have been applied for through the local authority in Bengal , and the Grand A'ice Chancellor had issued their warrant
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and occupies rooms more spacious than those of the Freemasons ' Hall in Cossitollah . The Provincial Grand Master has presented several volumes to the Library at tbe Freemasons' Hall . On the 25 th March , Bro . Roberts made over charge of the Freemasons' Hall to Bro . W . H . Hoff , who will be custodian till some other brother competent for the office , and willing to take itis found .
, The banquets of the District Grand Lodge will , in future , be under the Provincial Grand Stewards , who will be formed into a board , with the Grand Steward of tbe Senior Lodge as chairman . The bracelet presented to Miss Clinger bears the following inscription on a pendant : — " Presented to Miss Clinger hy the District Grand Lodge of Bengal , 21 st March , 1863 , as a slight
return for a kindly deed . " The brethren at Jullunder have proposed to name their new Lodge AVahab , or Benevolent , as a compliment to the worthy and zealous brother through whose exertions Masonry has been revived at Jullunder . A distinguished brother wrote to us lately— - "I was very glad , in passing through Jullunder , to learn that Lodge 906 , which I founded , was not only being revived , but supported by good staunch men . "
Royal Arch.
HAMPSHIRE . LYJIINGTON . —New Forest Chapter ( No . 401 ) . —A convocation of this chapter took place in the Chapter Room of tbe Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , tbe 1 st June inst ., when a goodly number of companions were present . The following companions were elected , and tbe three Principals installed into their respective chairs : —M . E . C Hayward , 7 ,., First Principal ; M . E . C . StebbingH . Second Principal ; M . E . C . BromleyJ . Third
, , , , Principal ; M . E . C . Pavne , P . S . ; E . C Buttery , A . S . ; E . C . Milner , S . E . ; E . C . Dmnan , S . N . ; E . C . Lobb , J . Tbe ceremony of exaltation was then most impressively performed by M . E . C Stebbing . Several propositions were submitted , after which the chapter was closed , ancl the companions partook of elegant banquet generdusly provided by the M . E . Z . Comp . Hayward .
CHINA . SHANGHAI . —Zion Chapter ( No . 832 ) . —An emergency meeting of this chapter took place on thh 17 th March , at tlie Masonic hall . Present : Comps . Thorne , M . E . Z . ; Rawson , Prov . G . Supt ., as II . ; Dunlop , J . ; Murray , P . S .,- Nutt , Scribe N . ; Ewing , as Scribe N . ; together with a numerous attendance of members and visitors . The following companions , proposed at tho previous meeting , were elected joining members , Capt .
Gammell , 31 st Regt ., D . A . Q . M ., and of Chapter No . 20 ; Capt . Adams , Paymaster 31 st Regt ., and Capt . Cassidy , 31 st Regt ., of Chapter No . 08 ( S . C ) Bros . Marston , Globe Lodge ( No . 23 ); I . P . Tate , 832 ; Capt . Hamilton , 31 st Regt ., 1045 ; Lieut . A . C . Gow , 31 st Regt ., 1045 ; and W . Howell , 832 , 'having been ballotted for and accepted , and being in attendance were exalted to this supreme degree . One candidate was proposed for exaltation at the next meeting , and all business despatched the chapter was closed with solemn prayer .
INDIA . CALCUTTA . —Chapter Hope . ( No . 120 ) . —A convocation of Chapter Hope , atfiched to Lodge Industry and Perseverance ( No ; 126 ) , was holden on the 30 th March . E . Comp . William Clark , C . F ., and E . Comp . Bowerman , were installed Third Principals . E . Comp . Wm . Clark , C . E ., under a dispensation from the Grand Superintendent , was installed Second Principal ;
and A . E . Comp . John AA m . Rrown was installed First Principal . Bros . Fenn Captain E . II . Powei , and R . Berrill , of Rangoon , and Denham were exalted in due form . M . E . Comp . Brown directed the Scribe E . to record on tbe minutes a vote of thanks to tbe immediate Past First Principal , M . E . Comp . Jennings , A . E . Comp . Bowerman also spoke on the same subject ; and a suggestion made b y V . E . Comp . Roberts that the chapter should contribute to the subscription set on foot for presenting a testimonial to M . E . Comp . Jennings was adopted . ' —Indian Freemason ' s Friend .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . KEJIEYS TYNTE ENCAMPMENT . —The usual bi-monthly meeting of the Kemys Tynte Encampment , took place at the Freemason ' s Hall , AA'illiam-street , Woolwich , on Friday the 22 nd inst ., when the following Sir Knts . were present : Colonel Clerk , as E . G . ; Capt . Boyle , as 1 st Capt . ; J . W . Figg , as 2 nd Capt . ; . P . Laird , Registrar ; Thompson , Expert . ; Lyons , Captain of Lines ; Bay ley and Matthew Cooke . This being tbe usual time
to install the E . C . for the year , Captain Boyle , who had served in that capacity before , was obligated , inducted , and saluted . He addressed the Sir Knts ., thanking them for the honour they had done him and expressed his determination to do bis duty to the best of his ability . He was then pleased to appoint his officers as follows : Sir Knt . Hewitt , 1 st Capt . ; Henry George Warren , 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . Dr . Richards , Prelate ; Dr . Hinxman , re-elected , Treasurer ; P . Laird , re-appointed ,
Registrar ; Thompson , Expert ; Matthew Cooke , Director of Ceremonies and Organist ; Lyons , Capt . of Lines . A vote of thanks was proposed to P . E . C . Figg , for his exertions during tbe last year in . the absence of the elected M . E . C . Tbe encampment was afterwards closed , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s to dinner , where the evening was spent with that mutual love and instruction which so eminently distinguish the meetings of Templary and the high grades in 'Woolwich .
INDIA . PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE . ( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) A meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Wednesday , the 4 th March . flic following Knts . were present—H . D . Sandeman , Prov . G . Commander ; J . B . Roberts , AV . Clark , F . Jennings , Jas . AV .
Browne , John Smith , W . B . Collins , and J . H . Linton , and the following visitors—Major John Brooks , of Lucknow , and John Bennett , of Howrab . Tbe Prov . G . Commander made the following appointments for the ensuing year : — W . E . Bal 1 ( of Lahore ) D . Prov . G . Com . F . F . Mavueheili , D . D Prov . G . Prelate AV . II . Abbott 1 st . Prov . G . Cap .
F . Jennings 2 nd Prov . G . Cap . James W . Browne Prov . G . Chan . R . T . Callan Prov . G . Reg . George Stone Prov . G . Expert W . B . Collins 1 st . Prov . G . Std . B . G . Hutchinson 2 nd Prov . G . Std . B . . 1 . H . Linton Prov . G . Almoner John Bennett D . Prov . Cap . of Lines D . J . Daniel 1 st . Prov . G . Equerry AVilliam Claxton 2 nd . Prov . G . Equerry Sir Knt . James AV . Browne was unanimously elected
Treasurer for the ensuing year . Ihe Prov . G . Commander said , with reference to the position of Knight Templar Freemasonry in Bengal , that he regretted to be obliged to report unfavourably as compared with his reports of former years . The . Encampments of Sepulchre , in Calcutta , ancl St . Augustine , at Lahore , although in a sound and healthy state , had not exhibited the same vigour which had hitherto characterised them , having admitted but live new candidates into the Order . He had been
obliged to recall tbe warrant of the Encampment of St . John , at Simla . It would be in the recollection of Sir Knts . that this encampment had been unfavourably spoken of at the last meeting of the Prov . Granc Conclave in March , 1862 , as having neglected to make any returns for the previous year . Since then the Eminent Commander had been frequently addressed , but without result , as no replies had been vouchsafed to any of
the letters that had left the Prov . G . Chancellor ' s office . In the face of such marked discourtesy and contempt of authority , the Prov . G . Commander felt that no alternative was left him but to recall the warrant , which he had accordingly done . He had to announce , on tbe other hand , the formation of a new encampment in Calcutta , under ] the title of Royal Kent , whoso existence was only recently made known to him , ancl quite by
chance , it appeared that tbe Sir Knts . had obtained their warrant direct from England , not knowing at the time that it should have been applied for through the local authority in Bengal , and the Grand A'ice Chancellor had issued their warrant