Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 4 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 4 of 4 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Mirror.
¦ capable of improvement . As lie had said , the committee are not unanimous as to the plans , for some of them had great merit and heauty of arrangement , and one he mentioned , designated by the motto of " Labor ipse voluptas . " In asking Grand Lodge to accept the design "L'Union fait la Force" the committee by no means asked them to carry it out in its entirety . They thought the entrances objectionable , and the stairs and access to the Sussex , Cambridge and glee-room , were most unsatisfactory . He then enumerated several other objections he had to the selected planhut said they
, were matters ot detail , and although they existed in this plan , they existed tenfold in the others . They would have two halls side by side on the same level , with suites of apartments , of which the equal could not be found in Europe . Having referred to the wretched place called the glee-room , ho said , when this plan was carried out thoy would be able to receive ladies and their friends in the present ball and afford them the utmost comfort and convenience . Tho plan proposed had the advantage that it could he carried out in sections
, and as it gave the greatest amount of comfort at a reasonable cost , the committee telt it to be their duty to award it the first prize , and they now asked Grand Lodge to adopt it . They would , at the same time , understand that they did not present it as a plan that would not admit of modification , hut as a fit and proper home for Freemasonry , and a building that would not only be creditable to them , but an ornament to the metropolis . A BROTHER wished to know the cost .
Bro . HAVERS said it would be £ 38 , 630 . As to the architect who had drawn the first plan , they were not bound to employ him to carry it out . The designs having been paid for , they were their own , but after the trouble he had taken , any man would have legitimate reason to ask them to let him carry out his own design . They might be asked to adopt some other plan , or to adjourn the consideration of this to some future time , but he would not advise them to adopt either of those suggestions . If they , as a Grand
Lodge , had not confidence in the committee , let them be dismissed , and take others in whom they had confidence , but an adjournment ofthe question would , be fatal . If they were to consult other architects , and they should confirm their opinion , they would be just where they were then , but if thoy were to decide against them , then they would have two architects on one side , and two on the other , and they would then have to decide the question themselves . Therefore , he asked them , why should they not decide it at the present time . In conclusion , he said he left the question with the utmost confidence in their hands , and moved that Grand Lodge do adopt the plan distinguished hy the motto "L'Union fait la Porce . "
After a few observations from Bros . BRUCE and Rev . J . Cox , Bro . CLAYTON said tto necessity had been shown for this great outlay , and the present hall was sufficient for all reasonable purposes . Bro . MEYMOTT rose and was called to order , and he then wished the discussion to he adjourned . The GRAND MASTER said so long as any one continued to speak to the subject he would be listened to , and he could say for one that he was prepared to sit until sixiu the morning , if it was required . BroMEYiroxr then made some further observationsbut he was
. , again called to order , and sat down . Bro . SARGOOD said the time had come when be was in a position to move his amendment . He was not prepared to come to a vote of confidence in the committee . Thoy were not there to receive any plan without having had time to consider it ; without having had an opportunity of looking at it , and were not to adopt it , merely because the committee recommended it . He moved as an amendment to the effectthat tbe report should bo referred back
, to the Committee on the Grand Lotlge Property , thanking them for their past exertions , and that they should further report upon the names of the gentlemen who sent in such plans , and the reasons which induced the committee to select them . The W . M . of Lodge 1 G 7 , seconded the amendment . The GRAND MASTER said it would be in the recollection of the hrethren , when the subject was lirst mooted , it was considered to be the most practicable course Grand Lotlge to appoint a committee
to supersede the Board of General Purposes , and to place the question entirely in their hands , as it was considered impossible that a body like Grand Lodge could come to any conclusion . Bro . Sargood , who had addressed them , had said that he had been to sec the designs , and that he seemed to have a confused idea on them . Now that must be the case with every member who visited the designs for an hour or two , without having any one to explain them . They therefore delegated their powers to the committee
selected for their judgment lo accomplish all they desired , and to obtain good accommodation for the Craft and a handsome building that was worthy of it . The committee accordingly endeavoured to carry out the wishes of Grand Lodge . As tbey bad been told , by a majority of 5 to 2 , they chose two plans ; but not-satisfied with that , they wished to strengthen their opinion , aud they selected two eminent architects for the purpose of consulting them . They were unanimously chosen by the committee , and he bad that morning invited those gentlemen to call and see him . Mr . Knowles hud waited upon him , and they confirmed the choice , which the committee had previously made , of the first and second designs , and although there were some defects in the first plan , and some things
The Masonic Mirror.
required to be altered ; yet they had no hesitation m saying that that might he done , so as to combine everything that was desired hy the committee and the Craft at large . Tbe Grand Lodge having appointed the committee , who had taken every pains to meet their wishes , and ; strengthened as they were hy two eminent architects , he hoped that Grand Lodge would support them in their opinion . Bro . GOSWELL said there were two fatal defects in the plan "L'Union fait la Force . " There was a corridor eight feet ivide and ten feet longwhich was a perfect barrelaud opposed to all rules
, gun , in architecture . There would he four water closets in one room , several urinals , and washing places , and the only ventilation for all these is into a courtyard , but as that is covered over with glass theonly escape for the smells would be into the corridor or into the coffeeroom . If the great defects which he had pointed out were removed ,, he could assure Grand Lodge that he would offer no further opposition . Bro . SAVAGE , as a member of the committee and one of the
minority against tbe plan , objected to the culinary arrangements .. Bro . WATERS believed that sufficient time had not been allowed for the examination of the plans , as few had seen them , and although Bro . Havers was very proud of his own bantling , yet he was obliged , to admit its great defects . He took exception to his financial calculations , and he , for one , was not prepared to spend so large a sum as £ 50 , 000 without furthev injuiry . The GRAND MASTER then put the motion , which was carried ' , with but seven dissentients . Bro . HAVERS then moved that the seals of the letters , containing
the names of the architects submitting those plans , be broken , which was carried . The Grand Secretary opened the letters , and found the designer of the plan " L'Union fait la Force , " was Mr . Cockcrell , of Regentstreet ; "Stability , " Mr . Edward Barry , of Old Palace-yard ; and " Expericiitia , " Mr . W . Daukes , of Whitehall . Bro . HAVERS then moved the third resolution : " That the committee be authorized to enter into arrangements
with the architects aud builders , and to take all other steps necessary to proceed with the work with as much diligence as possible ; to have full power to make such alterations as may seem to them requisite in the details of the accepted design , and to make such arrangements as regards employment and remuneration of architects as the 3 ' inay deem to be proper and just . " Bro . Fox seconded the resolution . After a long irregular discussion ,
The GRAND MASTER put the third resolution , which was carried with four dissentients . Bro . HAVERS moved the fourth resolution : — " That the Trustees be and are hereby instructed to make such , arrangements when and so often as may be required for the selling out of stock now standing . to the credit of the Fund of General Purposes , as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the committee in tbe progress of the work . " The resolution having been seconded , was put and carried . It was now approaching one o ' clock , ancl Grand Lodge was closed in ample form ami with solemn prayer .
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —This select lodge held its : usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , May 27 th , at the Royal Oak Tavern , High street , Deptford ( Bro . J . Stevens ) . The lodge was opened by Bro . George Wilton , W . M ., assisted by his officers Bros . Stahr , Collington , Walters , Pembroke , Hodgson , Stevens ancl Blomely . The only business was tbe passing of Bro . John Hammond to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason , which , was correctly and impressively done by the Worshipful Master ,
whose working is faultless . After business the brethren spent a few hours together in social reunion , Visitor Bro . 11 . Hurrell 87 . INSTRUCTION . DOMATIC CIIAPTEE ( No . 206 ) . —This chapter of instruction has been removed from the Horns , Kenington , to the Masonic Hall , Comp . Ireland's , Fetter-lane , and the first meeting was ^
held on Monday evening last . Comps . Dr . Ladd , as Z . ; Brett , H . ; Harris , J . ; Murr , ~ E . ; Halsey , P . S . ; Fontclur , N . There were upwards of twenty other companions present . The ceremony of exaltation was most ably and impressively worked by the M . E . Z ., and the working altogether was extremely satisfactory . The M . E . Z . also gave an explanation of the banners . Several companions were proposed and elected members . In addition to the ceremony of exaltation the Royal Arch lectures will be worked once a fortnight , and occasionally Dr . Ladd will give the explanation of the jewel , banners , and staves .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
¦ capable of improvement . As lie had said , the committee are not unanimous as to the plans , for some of them had great merit and heauty of arrangement , and one he mentioned , designated by the motto of " Labor ipse voluptas . " In asking Grand Lodge to accept the design "L'Union fait la Force" the committee by no means asked them to carry it out in its entirety . They thought the entrances objectionable , and the stairs and access to the Sussex , Cambridge and glee-room , were most unsatisfactory . He then enumerated several other objections he had to the selected planhut said they
, were matters ot detail , and although they existed in this plan , they existed tenfold in the others . They would have two halls side by side on the same level , with suites of apartments , of which the equal could not be found in Europe . Having referred to the wretched place called the glee-room , ho said , when this plan was carried out thoy would be able to receive ladies and their friends in the present ball and afford them the utmost comfort and convenience . Tho plan proposed had the advantage that it could he carried out in sections
, and as it gave the greatest amount of comfort at a reasonable cost , the committee telt it to be their duty to award it the first prize , and they now asked Grand Lodge to adopt it . They would , at the same time , understand that they did not present it as a plan that would not admit of modification , hut as a fit and proper home for Freemasonry , and a building that would not only be creditable to them , but an ornament to the metropolis . A BROTHER wished to know the cost .
Bro . HAVERS said it would be £ 38 , 630 . As to the architect who had drawn the first plan , they were not bound to employ him to carry it out . The designs having been paid for , they were their own , but after the trouble he had taken , any man would have legitimate reason to ask them to let him carry out his own design . They might be asked to adopt some other plan , or to adjourn the consideration of this to some future time , but he would not advise them to adopt either of those suggestions . If they , as a Grand
Lodge , had not confidence in the committee , let them be dismissed , and take others in whom they had confidence , but an adjournment ofthe question would , be fatal . If they were to consult other architects , and they should confirm their opinion , they would be just where they were then , but if thoy were to decide against them , then they would have two architects on one side , and two on the other , and they would then have to decide the question themselves . Therefore , he asked them , why should they not decide it at the present time . In conclusion , he said he left the question with the utmost confidence in their hands , and moved that Grand Lodge do adopt the plan distinguished hy the motto "L'Union fait la Porce . "
After a few observations from Bros . BRUCE and Rev . J . Cox , Bro . CLAYTON said tto necessity had been shown for this great outlay , and the present hall was sufficient for all reasonable purposes . Bro . MEYMOTT rose and was called to order , and he then wished the discussion to he adjourned . The GRAND MASTER said so long as any one continued to speak to the subject he would be listened to , and he could say for one that he was prepared to sit until sixiu the morning , if it was required . BroMEYiroxr then made some further observationsbut he was
. , again called to order , and sat down . Bro . SARGOOD said the time had come when be was in a position to move his amendment . He was not prepared to come to a vote of confidence in the committee . Thoy were not there to receive any plan without having had time to consider it ; without having had an opportunity of looking at it , and were not to adopt it , merely because the committee recommended it . He moved as an amendment to the effectthat tbe report should bo referred back
, to the Committee on the Grand Lotlge Property , thanking them for their past exertions , and that they should further report upon the names of the gentlemen who sent in such plans , and the reasons which induced the committee to select them . The W . M . of Lodge 1 G 7 , seconded the amendment . The GRAND MASTER said it would be in the recollection of the hrethren , when the subject was lirst mooted , it was considered to be the most practicable course Grand Lotlge to appoint a committee
to supersede the Board of General Purposes , and to place the question entirely in their hands , as it was considered impossible that a body like Grand Lodge could come to any conclusion . Bro . Sargood , who had addressed them , had said that he had been to sec the designs , and that he seemed to have a confused idea on them . Now that must be the case with every member who visited the designs for an hour or two , without having any one to explain them . They therefore delegated their powers to the committee
selected for their judgment lo accomplish all they desired , and to obtain good accommodation for the Craft and a handsome building that was worthy of it . The committee accordingly endeavoured to carry out the wishes of Grand Lodge . As tbey bad been told , by a majority of 5 to 2 , they chose two plans ; but not-satisfied with that , they wished to strengthen their opinion , aud they selected two eminent architects for the purpose of consulting them . They were unanimously chosen by the committee , and he bad that morning invited those gentlemen to call and see him . Mr . Knowles hud waited upon him , and they confirmed the choice , which the committee had previously made , of the first and second designs , and although there were some defects in the first plan , and some things
The Masonic Mirror.
required to be altered ; yet they had no hesitation m saying that that might he done , so as to combine everything that was desired hy the committee and the Craft at large . Tbe Grand Lodge having appointed the committee , who had taken every pains to meet their wishes , and ; strengthened as they were hy two eminent architects , he hoped that Grand Lodge would support them in their opinion . Bro . GOSWELL said there were two fatal defects in the plan "L'Union fait la Force . " There was a corridor eight feet ivide and ten feet longwhich was a perfect barrelaud opposed to all rules
, gun , in architecture . There would he four water closets in one room , several urinals , and washing places , and the only ventilation for all these is into a courtyard , but as that is covered over with glass theonly escape for the smells would be into the corridor or into the coffeeroom . If the great defects which he had pointed out were removed ,, he could assure Grand Lodge that he would offer no further opposition . Bro . SAVAGE , as a member of the committee and one of the
minority against tbe plan , objected to the culinary arrangements .. Bro . WATERS believed that sufficient time had not been allowed for the examination of the plans , as few had seen them , and although Bro . Havers was very proud of his own bantling , yet he was obliged , to admit its great defects . He took exception to his financial calculations , and he , for one , was not prepared to spend so large a sum as £ 50 , 000 without furthev injuiry . The GRAND MASTER then put the motion , which was carried ' , with but seven dissentients . Bro . HAVERS then moved that the seals of the letters , containing
the names of the architects submitting those plans , be broken , which was carried . The Grand Secretary opened the letters , and found the designer of the plan " L'Union fait la Force , " was Mr . Cockcrell , of Regentstreet ; "Stability , " Mr . Edward Barry , of Old Palace-yard ; and " Expericiitia , " Mr . W . Daukes , of Whitehall . Bro . HAVERS then moved the third resolution : " That the committee be authorized to enter into arrangements
with the architects aud builders , and to take all other steps necessary to proceed with the work with as much diligence as possible ; to have full power to make such alterations as may seem to them requisite in the details of the accepted design , and to make such arrangements as regards employment and remuneration of architects as the 3 ' inay deem to be proper and just . " Bro . Fox seconded the resolution . After a long irregular discussion ,
The GRAND MASTER put the third resolution , which was carried with four dissentients . Bro . HAVERS moved the fourth resolution : — " That the Trustees be and are hereby instructed to make such , arrangements when and so often as may be required for the selling out of stock now standing . to the credit of the Fund of General Purposes , as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the committee in tbe progress of the work . " The resolution having been seconded , was put and carried . It was now approaching one o ' clock , ancl Grand Lodge was closed in ample form ami with solemn prayer .
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —This select lodge held its : usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , May 27 th , at the Royal Oak Tavern , High street , Deptford ( Bro . J . Stevens ) . The lodge was opened by Bro . George Wilton , W . M ., assisted by his officers Bros . Stahr , Collington , Walters , Pembroke , Hodgson , Stevens ancl Blomely . The only business was tbe passing of Bro . John Hammond to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason , which , was correctly and impressively done by the Worshipful Master ,
whose working is faultless . After business the brethren spent a few hours together in social reunion , Visitor Bro . 11 . Hurrell 87 . INSTRUCTION . DOMATIC CIIAPTEE ( No . 206 ) . —This chapter of instruction has been removed from the Horns , Kenington , to the Masonic Hall , Comp . Ireland's , Fetter-lane , and the first meeting was ^
held on Monday evening last . Comps . Dr . Ladd , as Z . ; Brett , H . ; Harris , J . ; Murr , ~ E . ; Halsey , P . S . ; Fontclur , N . There were upwards of twenty other companions present . The ceremony of exaltation was most ably and impressively worked by the M . E . Z ., and the working altogether was extremely satisfactory . The M . E . Z . also gave an explanation of the banners . Several companions were proposed and elected members . In addition to the ceremony of exaltation the Royal Arch lectures will be worked once a fortnight , and occasionally Dr . Ladd will give the explanation of the jewel , banners , and staves .