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Classical Theology, Lxvii.
done , either unto the sacramental bread or wine there bodily received , or unto any corporeal presence of Christ ' s natural flesh aud blood . Eor the sacramental bread and wine remain still in their very natural substances , aud , therefore , may not be adored ; for that were idolatry , to be abhorred of all faithful christians ; and the natural body and blood of our Saviour Christ
are in Heaven , " or only typically here : "it being against the truth of Christ ' s natural body to be at the same time in more places than one . " These ordinances are spiritually and bodily educational , to the purification of the heart and the refinement of the soul , aud to guard against incautiously offering the holy
sacrament as an atonement in commemoration of the Lord ' s Supper to anyone unworthy of its reception . But according to the Greek and Roman doctrine , admitting as we do the miracle of faith , there is much mystification in administering the expiatory sacrament or holy communion . Consubstantiation becomes transubstantiation , or the sacramental element of the bread aud of the wine in union or communion with
Christ , is mutated or transmuted into the veritable body and blood of our Saviour . But as the bread and wine undergoes no perceptible change to the senses of sight and taste , and as we cannot find anything pleasing , edifying , rational , x-ighteous , or Christlike , in the contemplation of such an incomprenhensibly demonstrated or unnatural conversionwe will
, not attempt its solution . Under forms of government too strongly oligarchial to ofler protection from cruel and savage oppressors , the powerful champions or ancient heroes of popular liberty , in treasured tradition of their virtues and superhuman achievementsas figuratively the Persian
, , Promethean , JEsculapian , Aleidean , & c , aud in the progress of civilisation , or sooner or later after their death , they were honoured with the Apotheosis , or as the reborn gods and goddesses , they were exalted and worshipped . Similar events are recounted in the Theogonical history or sacred mythology of India .
That is to say , many of the labours and exploits of tlie Hindoo deities , an indication of some overruling intervention of superior humanity , humbling the pride and power of those stiff-necked periods of obdurate cruelty and haughty ignorance , called the dark , barbarous , and monster ages . It was , as asserted by M .
Sunnerat , in his Voyar / e , torn . 1 , p . 15 S , & c , to establish social order , redress wrongs , and subdue and rid the world of violent and powerful oppressors , that Tishu , a divinity of the highest governance , arrayed with immortal strength , is said to have become successively incarnate , transmigrated or transgenerated , in various human forms , and different places on earth .
How Bombay Became A Scotch Province.
In a report of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay lately forwarded to us , we { Indian Freemasons' Friend ) find the following sketch of tho manner in which tho Grand Lodge of Scotland established its authority in 'Bombay , and the circumstance connected with the revival of English Masonry in that Presidency : E . W . Bro . G . Taylor was presented for installation by S . W . Bro . G . S . Judge , and addressed by R . W . Bro .
James Gibbs , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , as follows -. — RIGHT Woitsnirrui , SIK AND BROTKEII , —The Masons working under the Grand Lodge of England , hail this day as the beginning of what they cordially hope , and with confidence expect , will prove a most auspicious era in Freemasonry in this Province . England was the first
to establish , lodges in this presidency , and for many years held her rule supreme , without being interfered with by any other Grand Lodge ; bnt from the Grand Masternot being directly represented here by a Provincial Grand Master , as well as for other reasons , which it is better , at this distance of time , to pass over unnoticed , Scotland stepped in first , opened its proceedings by
appointing R . W . Bro . J . Burnes , Provincial Grand Master , with the extraordinary power of constituting lodges , with this proviso , that they should hail from the Grand Lodge of Scotland . At that time , there was nob a single lodge in the Bombay Presidency working under the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; but Freemasonry soon saw the extraordinary and unprecedented exhibition of
one lodge ( Perseverance , " No . 516 , ) leaving its natural mother , " the Grand Lodge of England , and transferring itself bodily , with its name and all else belonging , to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , which accepted the charge . Tt also saw the unnatural sight of Masons deserting their mother lodges working under England , to such an extent that their lodges fell into abeyance , in order that they
might give their support to newly-constituted lodges working under Scotland . The brother ( R . W . Bro . J . Burnes ) , who was so appointed by the Grand Master of Scotland to rule over this province , was eminent as a Mason , and of position , and character competent to make his influence generally felt . Under him , ScotchMasonry flourished , and English Masonry drooped , and finally became dormant , until the year 181 S , when some English Masons applied for and obtained a warrant from the Grand Master of England
co work a lodge , and Lodge St . George ( No . 807 ) , came into existence , and for some time alone supported English Masonry in this province . Some years afterwards , Lodge Orion in the West ( No . 598 ) , at Poona , aroused itself from its dormant state , and recommenced working . Shortly afterwards , Lodge Concord ( No . 1059 ) , was constituted in Bombay , In 1858 , I had the honour , in
conjunction with some other English Masons , to consecrate Lodge Union ( No . 1069 ) , at Kurachee , an offset of which has been lately constituted at Kotree , in Middle Sind , under the name of Industry ( No . 1175 ) . As soon as the number of English Masonic lodges began to increase , it was felt that the only way by which the solidity of the English Masonic structure , thus
rapidily resumed in this province , could be ensured , was to obtain a District Grand Lodge , and a petition from a large number of English Masons in this presidency was forwarded to the M . W . the Grand Master , who kindly granted their request by appointing you , Eight Worshipful Brother , to bo the first Provincial Grand Master of Bombay and its dependencies , aim I greatly rejoice
that the pleasing duty of installing you in the Eastern Chair has fallen upon me . Permit me , therefore , Right Worshipful Sir , to offer you the sincere congratulations of the brethren who work under the banner of England , on tho present auspicious occasion , aud to express their fervent wish , that the G . A . O . T . U . may grant you health aud strength long to rule over the English Craft in
Bombay , —thao Masonry may extend its benign influence under your fostering care , —that not only may numbers of our own countrymen be induced to come under ins banner , by a sincere wish to render themselves more generally serviceable to their fellow creatures , — but that to tho natives of this country the true light may arise and shrine , and that , in joining with us in the sacred tie of Masonry , brotherly love may be engendered , relief to the distressed be practised , and truth become the ruling principle o £ then- lives .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Classical Theology, Lxvii.
done , either unto the sacramental bread or wine there bodily received , or unto any corporeal presence of Christ ' s natural flesh aud blood . Eor the sacramental bread and wine remain still in their very natural substances , aud , therefore , may not be adored ; for that were idolatry , to be abhorred of all faithful christians ; and the natural body and blood of our Saviour Christ
are in Heaven , " or only typically here : "it being against the truth of Christ ' s natural body to be at the same time in more places than one . " These ordinances are spiritually and bodily educational , to the purification of the heart and the refinement of the soul , aud to guard against incautiously offering the holy
sacrament as an atonement in commemoration of the Lord ' s Supper to anyone unworthy of its reception . But according to the Greek and Roman doctrine , admitting as we do the miracle of faith , there is much mystification in administering the expiatory sacrament or holy communion . Consubstantiation becomes transubstantiation , or the sacramental element of the bread aud of the wine in union or communion with
Christ , is mutated or transmuted into the veritable body and blood of our Saviour . But as the bread and wine undergoes no perceptible change to the senses of sight and taste , and as we cannot find anything pleasing , edifying , rational , x-ighteous , or Christlike , in the contemplation of such an incomprenhensibly demonstrated or unnatural conversionwe will
, not attempt its solution . Under forms of government too strongly oligarchial to ofler protection from cruel and savage oppressors , the powerful champions or ancient heroes of popular liberty , in treasured tradition of their virtues and superhuman achievementsas figuratively the Persian
, , Promethean , JEsculapian , Aleidean , & c , aud in the progress of civilisation , or sooner or later after their death , they were honoured with the Apotheosis , or as the reborn gods and goddesses , they were exalted and worshipped . Similar events are recounted in the Theogonical history or sacred mythology of India .
That is to say , many of the labours and exploits of tlie Hindoo deities , an indication of some overruling intervention of superior humanity , humbling the pride and power of those stiff-necked periods of obdurate cruelty and haughty ignorance , called the dark , barbarous , and monster ages . It was , as asserted by M .
Sunnerat , in his Voyar / e , torn . 1 , p . 15 S , & c , to establish social order , redress wrongs , and subdue and rid the world of violent and powerful oppressors , that Tishu , a divinity of the highest governance , arrayed with immortal strength , is said to have become successively incarnate , transmigrated or transgenerated , in various human forms , and different places on earth .
How Bombay Became A Scotch Province.
In a report of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay lately forwarded to us , we { Indian Freemasons' Friend ) find the following sketch of tho manner in which tho Grand Lodge of Scotland established its authority in 'Bombay , and the circumstance connected with the revival of English Masonry in that Presidency : E . W . Bro . G . Taylor was presented for installation by S . W . Bro . G . S . Judge , and addressed by R . W . Bro .
James Gibbs , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , as follows -. — RIGHT Woitsnirrui , SIK AND BROTKEII , —The Masons working under the Grand Lodge of England , hail this day as the beginning of what they cordially hope , and with confidence expect , will prove a most auspicious era in Freemasonry in this Province . England was the first
to establish , lodges in this presidency , and for many years held her rule supreme , without being interfered with by any other Grand Lodge ; bnt from the Grand Masternot being directly represented here by a Provincial Grand Master , as well as for other reasons , which it is better , at this distance of time , to pass over unnoticed , Scotland stepped in first , opened its proceedings by
appointing R . W . Bro . J . Burnes , Provincial Grand Master , with the extraordinary power of constituting lodges , with this proviso , that they should hail from the Grand Lodge of Scotland . At that time , there was nob a single lodge in the Bombay Presidency working under the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; but Freemasonry soon saw the extraordinary and unprecedented exhibition of
one lodge ( Perseverance , " No . 516 , ) leaving its natural mother , " the Grand Lodge of England , and transferring itself bodily , with its name and all else belonging , to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , which accepted the charge . Tt also saw the unnatural sight of Masons deserting their mother lodges working under England , to such an extent that their lodges fell into abeyance , in order that they
might give their support to newly-constituted lodges working under Scotland . The brother ( R . W . Bro . J . Burnes ) , who was so appointed by the Grand Master of Scotland to rule over this province , was eminent as a Mason , and of position , and character competent to make his influence generally felt . Under him , ScotchMasonry flourished , and English Masonry drooped , and finally became dormant , until the year 181 S , when some English Masons applied for and obtained a warrant from the Grand Master of England
co work a lodge , and Lodge St . George ( No . 807 ) , came into existence , and for some time alone supported English Masonry in this province . Some years afterwards , Lodge Orion in the West ( No . 598 ) , at Poona , aroused itself from its dormant state , and recommenced working . Shortly afterwards , Lodge Concord ( No . 1059 ) , was constituted in Bombay , In 1858 , I had the honour , in
conjunction with some other English Masons , to consecrate Lodge Union ( No . 1069 ) , at Kurachee , an offset of which has been lately constituted at Kotree , in Middle Sind , under the name of Industry ( No . 1175 ) . As soon as the number of English Masonic lodges began to increase , it was felt that the only way by which the solidity of the English Masonic structure , thus
rapidily resumed in this province , could be ensured , was to obtain a District Grand Lodge , and a petition from a large number of English Masons in this presidency was forwarded to the M . W . the Grand Master , who kindly granted their request by appointing you , Eight Worshipful Brother , to bo the first Provincial Grand Master of Bombay and its dependencies , aim I greatly rejoice
that the pleasing duty of installing you in the Eastern Chair has fallen upon me . Permit me , therefore , Right Worshipful Sir , to offer you the sincere congratulations of the brethren who work under the banner of England , on tho present auspicious occasion , aud to express their fervent wish , that the G . A . O . T . U . may grant you health aud strength long to rule over the English Craft in
Bombay , —thao Masonry may extend its benign influence under your fostering care , —that not only may numbers of our own countrymen be induced to come under ins banner , by a sincere wish to render themselves more generally serviceable to their fellow creatures , — but that to tho natives of this country the true light may arise and shrine , and that , in joining with us in the sacred tie of Masonry , brotherly love may be engendered , relief to the distressed be practised , and truth become the ruling principle o £ then- lives .