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amounted to Rupees 3063 , and of the Fund of Benevolence to Rupees 4014 . The following recommendations of the Finance Committee , on certain cases which had been referred to them , were also read . " The Allahabad Lodge ( No . 550 ) applies for a remission of its dues to tbe District Grand Lodge and the Fund of Benevolehce for I 860 and 1861 , on the ground that the Lodge had been in extreme difficulty in I 860 from which it was onl
-, y par tially relieved in 1881 by tho late Lieutenant-Colonel Knollys , whose death , and the removal of the 75 th Regiment from Allahabad , threw it again into difficulties . The lodge came under charge of tbe present Worshipful Master early in 1 S 62 , under whose management it is now out of debt , but in a depressed condition , ancl without funds to meet its arrears of dues . „ " The committee remark that , in the present instance , the
15 th clause of the constitutions , under the private lodges , page 64 , has been violated . Had tho Worshipful Master considered the dues to Grand Lodge of the first importance ; and kept these sums apart from the general funds of the lodge , and in his own custody , the present application would have been unnecessary . Tho committee regret to observe the frequent inattention , even at tbe Presidencyto the clause of the constitution above cited
, , which results in frequent delays in the payment of the Grand Lodge clues for two , and sometimes three , quarters after the returns for them have been submitted and admitted to be correct . In the case under review , the appropriation of Grand Lodge dues for the general purposes of the private lodge does
not appear to them to afford any ground , under the law , for the remission of the debt . " The Gonda Lodge is in abeyance , has sold some of its property , ancl remitted , 228 rupees to the Provincial Grand Secretary . The lodge has not furnished returns for sonic time , and is , for that period , indebted to the District Grand Lodge in dues . Under tho 27 th bye-law of the District Grand Lodge , proceeds of property under such circumstances are required to be paid
over to the Fund of Benevolence . The committee consider that this bye-law can only refer to what might justly be construed as surplus funds after the debts of the lodge are satisfied . They suggest that the bye-laws should be altered to this effect , and that till returns are rendered up to the date of the lodge being placed in abeyance , the remittance received should be held in suspense . " Tbe recommendations of the committee in the case of the
Gonda Lodge , applies also to the lodge at Jullunder . If the dues to the Grand Lodge arc not satisfied , the property of the lodge should , the committee think , be sold and held in suspense till those claims are ascertained ancl discharged ; or the property might be made over to any other lodge that may be established there , at a fair valuation , surplus funds only being paid over to the Fund of Benevolence . "
The above suggestions were adopted by a resolution of the District Grand Lodge . The Provincial Grand Secretary read the following report of the committee appointed for the construction of a Masonic Hall : —
" It was determined that the tcrst step to be taken in the measure was to obtain a suitable site , as the building would require to bo adapted to the area to be be built upon . Several desirable positions came under review , and those were abandoned which were situated in back or crowded streets , it being considered that the structure in contemplation should be in a prominent ancl open locality , at a convenient distance from the residences of those who form the bulk of our Masonic
community , and so situated as to agree with the style ofthe neighbouring buildings , and to be an ornament to the City , and worthy of the large and permanent section of the communit y for which it is intended . Such a site ] has at length been fixed upon , ancl measures are in progress for its purchase . These arrangements , however , will be subject to some little delay in ascertaining the price of the groundwhich must be clone with
, considerable caution , and through the agency of middle-men . Meanwhile , however , it was resolved that a prospectus should be put forward immediately , with the view of raising money for the purchase of the land , and of commencing upon the buildinoas early as practicable . Two plans for the Masonic Temple are also under consideration , which , with the prospectus , will shortly be published . "
It being nine o'clock , the hour after which no fresli matter is introduced into the District Grand Lodge , the Provincial Grand Master deferred tbe consideration of the remainder of the business entered in the Agenda Paper , viz .. the proceedings of the
committee appointed for the revision of bye-laws ; and the District Grand Lodge was then closed in due form and ad journed .
CALCUTTA . LODGE HIMIT . ITY WITH FORTITUDE . —A regular meeting of this lodge was hold on Monday the 18 th March . Present , at the opening of the lodge : —Bros . J . B . Knight , W . M . ; J . G . Bowerman , P . M . ; F . Jennings , P . M . ; AV . H . Hoff , P . M . ; J . G . R . MacGregor , S . AV . and Treas . ; J . Bruce Gillon , J . AV . ; J . AValter Beatson , Secretary ; A . L . Le FrancS . D . ; A . D'Cruz
, , junior , officiating as J . D . ; E . Symonds , I . G . ; A . Davies , M . C , and several others . Among tbe visitors were the Masters of most of the Calcutta lodges : Bros . Major J . H . Brooks , J . AV . of Lodge Morning Star , ( No . 810 ) , of Lueknow ; and N . P . Pogoso , of Lodge Good Hope , of Dacca . The R . AV . the Prov . G . 31 ., attended by Bros . AV . Clark , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . AV . Brownas S . G . W . ; and W . ClarkC . E . Prov . S . G . D . as
, , , , J . G . W ., paid an official visit to the lodge . The Provincial Grand Master was conducted into the lodge by a deputation consisting of the Past Masters , Deacons , and the Master of ceremonies . On his approach , the W . M . descended from the dais , and offered the Hiram ofthe lodge to the Provincial Grand Master , who courteously declined it . The customary salute was then given to tbe Provincial Grand Master and returned hy
him ; after which the business of the lodge was gone through . A stipend of twenty rupees per month was continued to a widow for six months longer , and a candidate was propossd for initiation . At the banquet table , the Provincial Grand Master , in proposing the health of the Master , paid him aud the lodge a very handsome compliment . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE ( N O . 126 ) . —An
emergent meeting was held on Friday , the 13 th March , for the purpose of ballotting for Bro . Pierce Lowen , an E . A ., who desired to be advanced to the second degree . Bro . Lowen was accepted by ballot . It was arranged that the ceremony of passing would take place in the Sister Lodge Saint John ( No . 715 . ) LODGE SAINT JOHN ( NO . 715 ) . —A regular meeting of this
lodge was held on Friday , the 13 th March . Bro . Pierce Lowen was passed to the second degree by the AV . M ., Bro . Doctor Frank Powell , on acconnt of Lodge Industry and Perseverance . Bro . Doctor John Smith , AV . M . of that lodge , acknowledged the aid thus rendered to his lodge . Bro . Doctor Frank Powell stated that he was happy in having had an opportunity of being of service to tbe sister lodge , and that he was prepared at all times to do the like service to any of the lodges holding in this
place . Another meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 27 th March . Present : Bros . Doctor Frank Powell , AV . M . ; John Wm . Brown , P . M . ; Bro . Pittar S . W . ; John Knett , P . AA arden , as J . W . ; Morgan , S . D . ; Torrens , J . D . ; Strong , I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler . It was resolved to continue a contribution towards the relief of the widow of a P . M . ( deceased ) of one of the Calcutta lodges . Relief was also voted
to the wife of a brother now in affliction . Bro . Charles Piffard , M . A ., was proposed a joining member . Mr . Edgar Hyde , M . A ., was proposed a candidate for initiation at the next regular meeting . LODGE ST . LUKE ( NO . 1150 ) . — -A regular meeting was holden at Dum Dura on the 12 th of March , present—Captain G . R . FenwickAV . M . presiding ; John AVm . BrownHon . P . M . ;
, , , Dr . Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge St . John ( No . 715 ) , as S . AV . ; Bro . Pritchard , J . AV . ; the Rev . Dr . Lindstedt , Sec ; Bro . Mannets , S . D . ; Barron , J . D . ; Stuart , AVroughton , and Smith , H . M . 13 th L . I ., were elected joining members , and Bros . Mosely and Ross were raised to the third degree . Another meeting was convened on AVednesday the 1 st . of April , present—Bros . Captain G . R . FenwickA . M . ; John Wm . BrownHon .
, , P . M . ; Bick , S . W . ; Pittar J . W . ; the Rev . Dr . Lindstedt , Sec , W . Bro . Dr . Frank Powell , Treas . ; and several others . Bro . Girdlestone , of a lodge holding at Oxford , was duly elected a joining member . Bro . Stuart was passed to tbe second degree . Bro . AVroughton , was appointed J . D . AV . Bro . Thomas Lane , a P . M ., lately arrived in India , visited the lodge .
INDIAN MEMS . On the 1 st April , the Provincial Grand Master paid a visit to Lodge Anchor and Hope , at Howrah , and received the compliment of being elected an honorary member . Tbe lodge now meets in what is called the Ice House ( iu which there is no ice ) ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
amounted to Rupees 3063 , and of the Fund of Benevolence to Rupees 4014 . The following recommendations of the Finance Committee , on certain cases which had been referred to them , were also read . " The Allahabad Lodge ( No . 550 ) applies for a remission of its dues to tbe District Grand Lodge and the Fund of Benevolehce for I 860 and 1861 , on the ground that the Lodge had been in extreme difficulty in I 860 from which it was onl
-, y par tially relieved in 1881 by tho late Lieutenant-Colonel Knollys , whose death , and the removal of the 75 th Regiment from Allahabad , threw it again into difficulties . The lodge came under charge of tbe present Worshipful Master early in 1 S 62 , under whose management it is now out of debt , but in a depressed condition , ancl without funds to meet its arrears of dues . „ " The committee remark that , in the present instance , the
15 th clause of the constitutions , under the private lodges , page 64 , has been violated . Had tho Worshipful Master considered the dues to Grand Lodge of the first importance ; and kept these sums apart from the general funds of the lodge , and in his own custody , the present application would have been unnecessary . Tho committee regret to observe the frequent inattention , even at tbe Presidencyto the clause of the constitution above cited
, , which results in frequent delays in the payment of the Grand Lodge clues for two , and sometimes three , quarters after the returns for them have been submitted and admitted to be correct . In the case under review , the appropriation of Grand Lodge dues for the general purposes of the private lodge does
not appear to them to afford any ground , under the law , for the remission of the debt . " The Gonda Lodge is in abeyance , has sold some of its property , ancl remitted , 228 rupees to the Provincial Grand Secretary . The lodge has not furnished returns for sonic time , and is , for that period , indebted to the District Grand Lodge in dues . Under tho 27 th bye-law of the District Grand Lodge , proceeds of property under such circumstances are required to be paid
over to the Fund of Benevolence . The committee consider that this bye-law can only refer to what might justly be construed as surplus funds after the debts of the lodge are satisfied . They suggest that the bye-laws should be altered to this effect , and that till returns are rendered up to the date of the lodge being placed in abeyance , the remittance received should be held in suspense . " Tbe recommendations of the committee in the case of the
Gonda Lodge , applies also to the lodge at Jullunder . If the dues to the Grand Lodge arc not satisfied , the property of the lodge should , the committee think , be sold and held in suspense till those claims are ascertained ancl discharged ; or the property might be made over to any other lodge that may be established there , at a fair valuation , surplus funds only being paid over to the Fund of Benevolence . "
The above suggestions were adopted by a resolution of the District Grand Lodge . The Provincial Grand Secretary read the following report of the committee appointed for the construction of a Masonic Hall : —
" It was determined that the tcrst step to be taken in the measure was to obtain a suitable site , as the building would require to bo adapted to the area to be be built upon . Several desirable positions came under review , and those were abandoned which were situated in back or crowded streets , it being considered that the structure in contemplation should be in a prominent ancl open locality , at a convenient distance from the residences of those who form the bulk of our Masonic
community , and so situated as to agree with the style ofthe neighbouring buildings , and to be an ornament to the City , and worthy of the large and permanent section of the communit y for which it is intended . Such a site ] has at length been fixed upon , ancl measures are in progress for its purchase . These arrangements , however , will be subject to some little delay in ascertaining the price of the groundwhich must be clone with
, considerable caution , and through the agency of middle-men . Meanwhile , however , it was resolved that a prospectus should be put forward immediately , with the view of raising money for the purchase of the land , and of commencing upon the buildinoas early as practicable . Two plans for the Masonic Temple are also under consideration , which , with the prospectus , will shortly be published . "
It being nine o'clock , the hour after which no fresli matter is introduced into the District Grand Lodge , the Provincial Grand Master deferred tbe consideration of the remainder of the business entered in the Agenda Paper , viz .. the proceedings of the
committee appointed for the revision of bye-laws ; and the District Grand Lodge was then closed in due form and ad journed .
CALCUTTA . LODGE HIMIT . ITY WITH FORTITUDE . —A regular meeting of this lodge was hold on Monday the 18 th March . Present , at the opening of the lodge : —Bros . J . B . Knight , W . M . ; J . G . Bowerman , P . M . ; F . Jennings , P . M . ; AV . H . Hoff , P . M . ; J . G . R . MacGregor , S . AV . and Treas . ; J . Bruce Gillon , J . AV . ; J . AValter Beatson , Secretary ; A . L . Le FrancS . D . ; A . D'Cruz
, , junior , officiating as J . D . ; E . Symonds , I . G . ; A . Davies , M . C , and several others . Among tbe visitors were the Masters of most of the Calcutta lodges : Bros . Major J . H . Brooks , J . AV . of Lodge Morning Star , ( No . 810 ) , of Lueknow ; and N . P . Pogoso , of Lodge Good Hope , of Dacca . The R . AV . the Prov . G . 31 ., attended by Bros . AV . Clark , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . AV . Brownas S . G . W . ; and W . ClarkC . E . Prov . S . G . D . as
, , , , J . G . W ., paid an official visit to the lodge . The Provincial Grand Master was conducted into the lodge by a deputation consisting of the Past Masters , Deacons , and the Master of ceremonies . On his approach , the W . M . descended from the dais , and offered the Hiram ofthe lodge to the Provincial Grand Master , who courteously declined it . The customary salute was then given to tbe Provincial Grand Master and returned hy
him ; after which the business of the lodge was gone through . A stipend of twenty rupees per month was continued to a widow for six months longer , and a candidate was propossd for initiation . At the banquet table , the Provincial Grand Master , in proposing the health of the Master , paid him aud the lodge a very handsome compliment . LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE ( N O . 126 ) . —An
emergent meeting was held on Friday , the 13 th March , for the purpose of ballotting for Bro . Pierce Lowen , an E . A ., who desired to be advanced to the second degree . Bro . Lowen was accepted by ballot . It was arranged that the ceremony of passing would take place in the Sister Lodge Saint John ( No . 715 . ) LODGE SAINT JOHN ( NO . 715 ) . —A regular meeting of this
lodge was held on Friday , the 13 th March . Bro . Pierce Lowen was passed to the second degree by the AV . M ., Bro . Doctor Frank Powell , on acconnt of Lodge Industry and Perseverance . Bro . Doctor John Smith , AV . M . of that lodge , acknowledged the aid thus rendered to his lodge . Bro . Doctor Frank Powell stated that he was happy in having had an opportunity of being of service to tbe sister lodge , and that he was prepared at all times to do the like service to any of the lodges holding in this
place . Another meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 27 th March . Present : Bros . Doctor Frank Powell , AV . M . ; John Wm . Brown , P . M . ; Bro . Pittar S . W . ; John Knett , P . AA arden , as J . W . ; Morgan , S . D . ; Torrens , J . D . ; Strong , I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler . It was resolved to continue a contribution towards the relief of the widow of a P . M . ( deceased ) of one of the Calcutta lodges . Relief was also voted
to the wife of a brother now in affliction . Bro . Charles Piffard , M . A ., was proposed a joining member . Mr . Edgar Hyde , M . A ., was proposed a candidate for initiation at the next regular meeting . LODGE ST . LUKE ( NO . 1150 ) . — -A regular meeting was holden at Dum Dura on the 12 th of March , present—Captain G . R . FenwickAV . M . presiding ; John AVm . BrownHon . P . M . ;
, , , Dr . Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge St . John ( No . 715 ) , as S . AV . ; Bro . Pritchard , J . AV . ; the Rev . Dr . Lindstedt , Sec ; Bro . Mannets , S . D . ; Barron , J . D . ; Stuart , AVroughton , and Smith , H . M . 13 th L . I ., were elected joining members , and Bros . Mosely and Ross were raised to the third degree . Another meeting was convened on AVednesday the 1 st . of April , present—Bros . Captain G . R . FenwickA . M . ; John Wm . BrownHon .
, , P . M . ; Bick , S . W . ; Pittar J . W . ; the Rev . Dr . Lindstedt , Sec , W . Bro . Dr . Frank Powell , Treas . ; and several others . Bro . Girdlestone , of a lodge holding at Oxford , was duly elected a joining member . Bro . Stuart was passed to tbe second degree . Bro . AVroughton , was appointed J . D . AV . Bro . Thomas Lane , a P . M ., lately arrived in India , visited the lodge .
INDIAN MEMS . On the 1 st April , the Provincial Grand Master paid a visit to Lodge Anchor and Hope , at Howrah , and received the compliment of being elected an honorary member . Tbe lodge now meets in what is called the Ice House ( iu which there is no ice ) ,