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excepting my connection with my distantjmother lodge , to which I should have continued my subscription , had I not been elected an honorary member ; for I think that every brother should hold that tie as one not to be lightly dissolved . Hence I have confidence , knowing thai many who have assisted to form a new loclge in another part of tlie island share this feeling with me , that not one of them will depart from your ranks , or have a diminished interest in your welfareancl that the same may he
, affirmed of those from other lodges with respect to them . I Jim indeed grateful to you for that support to which I have alluded , since the result has proved so gratifying , by the removal of the obstacles that once stood in my way . Brethren , in the charge that I , in common with others , received at ray initiation , with which you are familiar , I was taught to consider the Sacred Law as the unerring standard of truth and justice
, and to regulate my conduct by the Divine precepts it contains . I have endeavoured , however imperfectly , to obey this injunction . Therein I read , ' Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do , do it with thy might . ' This , though always a leading object with me , has had greater weight from the time when the necessity for my retiring from my profession gave me an option between a life of ease ancl uselessncss , and one of labour with at least a
desire to benefit others . Thus have I endeavoured , in the authoritative language of Fremasonry , ' to preserve rny corporeal and mental faculties in their fullest energy , thereby enabling me to exert those talents wherewith God has blessed me , as well to His glory as the welfare of my fellow-creatures , ' having a full conviction that no man had a right to he idle , and to consult his own personal comfort
only ; but that the very least return he can make for moderate competence ancl relief from the necessity of toiling for a supply of daily wants , is to minister to the welfare of those about him , as the best means of souring his own happiness and a clear conscience . Again , we learn that we are to devote a portion of onr leisure hours to such pursuits as may lie within the compass of our attainment . From this too , I have felt constrained to
continue in a routine of active occupation , claiming no merit , however , for any of those acts which have elicited your approval , since they are such as are enjoined on you , on me , on us all . Brethren , the last presentation such as that of this evening was
made to one highly valued , who was about to leave you amid general regret , but under circumstances suchias deserved and obtained your congratulations at the same time , since they restored him to his country , to his family , to his professional colleagues , to a life of eminent usefulness . It was a parting token of regard and fraternal affection , to one fin- my superior , and whom I am proud to follow at an humble distance . Such I trust is not your present ideafor though I go with the
assist-, ance of others , to carry the principles and the benefits of Freemasonry into a new district , it is one in close connection with yourselves , and I do so without the remotest intention of leaving you , my early Masonic friends and associates in this island ; on the contrary , it will be my aim to continue my intercourse with you , and still to prove myself worthy of your regard by such poor services as I am able to renderand by obeying in my
con-, duct the sacred dictates of truth , of honour , and of virtue . Accept my heartfelt thanks for this renewed mark of your regard and esteem , and be assured of my devotedness , not only to the Craft in general , but to this lodgo in particular , as in my mind ranking next to that in which I first received the light . Your generosity will I am sure allow a corner in my heart for the proposed new branch of tlie fraternity , which , if it owes
its parentage directly to myself , at least has you for sponsors , and therefore you will regard it as an adopted child . Before I sit down , permit me to offer personally a cordial invitation to you to be present , and to afford me , my officers , and others acting with us , your countenance at the consecration of St . Aubin's Loclge ( No . 1260 ) , on May 6 th . The ceremony is an interesting one , which probably very few of you have witnessed
, and another opportunity may not be presented for many years . On that occasion , too , you will have a means of testifying your regard and respect for one whom you highly value , by attending his ministrations in the church as Grand Chaplain of the Province . I desire also to place in your hands , AA ' orshipful Master , for the benefit of the lodge , the receipt for full payment for one share iu that noble buildingwhich is being erected as the
, shrine and depositary of al ! that is good , true , and elevating , in the science , to which , with one accord , with one great object , cement still more closely the bonds of fraternal union , so that those out of our pale , witnessing our labours of love and the purity of our lives , may testify of them to others , and be forced
to confess that Freemasonry is much more than an empty name . " On tlie proposition of Bro . Du Jardin , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Dr . Hopkins , for the gift of a share in the Temple . The W . M . reported that a Board of Past Masters of the lodge had been recently held , to take into consideration the appointment of a AV . M . for the ensuing year , that his continuance in office had been pressed upon him , as the two Wardens had declined to accept itand that under these circumstances he had
, yielded to the wish that he should be put in nomination . — -Bro . Baudains , JP . M ., ^ having also been proposed by some member of the Lodge , explained that he was not anxious to take office again , yet if his services were required by the Loclge , he would nob hesitate to accept the honour ancl again to devote himself to its duties . A ballot was then taken for the two candidates , when there appeared 36 votes for the former , 22 for the latter ,
and several for others who were eligible . The result , therefore . , was tho re-appointment of Bro . John Durell , who addressed the Lodge in the following terms , — "Dear Brethren , accept my most sincere thanks for your confidence in me , as expressed by your placing in my hand for the second year the first gavel of this Lodge . I perceive , Brethren , that you have appreciated sucli services as I have been able to render during the year which is on the point of expiring . This mark of confidenceof
, which you have this evening given proof , will be my encouragement to work , and interest myself with still greater zeal during tlie year which is about to commence , in order , if possible , to render the Cesaree Lodge still more prosperous than it has yet been . Brethren , I claim no merit beyond that which appertains to every brother here present—that of doing my duty according to my power ancl capacity , and of uniting with you to give effect to the great and glorious principles by which our Order
is distinguished . I pray tho G . A . O . T . U . that the most perfect and fraternal harmony may reign among us at all our meetings , and I hope that this harmony will never he broken . I know that 1 am undertaking a task of no slight difficulty in a lodge such as this , consisting of more than a hundred members , among whom there exists a great a variety of opinions , but nevertheless ^ Brethren , I accept "this task in full confidence that I shall have your support and jour counselunder all the
, circumstances which may claim the fulfilment of the duties that you have confided to me , and that I shall edeavour to discharge the trust with zeal ancl fidelity . Brethren , it will be my aim to cause the authority which you have this evening placed in my hands to be respected at all hazards , in order that our meetings may be conducted in that spirit and with that dignity which are expected from so perfect and well-disciplined a lodge .
Brethren , again receive my thanks . " Past Masters Du Jardin and Hocquard proposed the re-election of Bro . Goupillot as Treasurer . Bro . Piseart proposes another brother , but on the ballot being taken . jnot a vote appeared for the latter . The tyler was also re-elected . Some other business of a routine nature having been transacted , and arrangements made for the annual banquet on the installation day , Monday , May 25 th ; the Lodge
was closed at ten o'clock . Tlie brethren then adjourned to another room for refreshments , which were on a scale somewhat more extensive than usual ; though from thv lateness of the hour about forty of the brethren left , the party was unusually large , and seemed animated by one general feeling of happiness and satisfaction . Among the toasts , that of " Success to St . Aubin's Loclge ( No . 1260 ) , " was duly honoured , and it was understood that the members of La Cesaree would go out in a body with banners and other paraphernalia , to witness the consecration and inauguration of its new protegee .
CHESHIRE . KNCTSFOHD . —De Tabley Lodge ( No . 1243 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday last , at the Old Assembly Room . Bro . Richardson Andrew ( Prestbury Hall ) P . N and Prov . P . G . D ., acted as AA . M . in the unavoidable absence of Lord de Tabley ; Bros . Thomas Lane , as S . AV ; E . Barlow , as J . W . ; Clarke , as P . M . and Secretary . Bros . Gleeson , Jackson , Siddeley , Hulme , Woodcock , Edwards ,
Hurst , and several other brethren were present . The ballot was taken for Bro . Andrew ( Prestbury ) , Wood and H . Lloyd joining members . The committee appointed to select lodge furniture , reported on the selection of the first instalment of necessary articles from the stock of Bro . Piatt , of London ; and the quality and price gave entire satisfaction . Bros . Jackson , Hurst Mullins , Gleeson , and AA oodcock were passed to the degree of fellow Craft . 'J he ceremony was impressively conducted by Bro . Andrew . The brethren were gratified to hear that the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
excepting my connection with my distantjmother lodge , to which I should have continued my subscription , had I not been elected an honorary member ; for I think that every brother should hold that tie as one not to be lightly dissolved . Hence I have confidence , knowing thai many who have assisted to form a new loclge in another part of tlie island share this feeling with me , that not one of them will depart from your ranks , or have a diminished interest in your welfareancl that the same may he
, affirmed of those from other lodges with respect to them . I Jim indeed grateful to you for that support to which I have alluded , since the result has proved so gratifying , by the removal of the obstacles that once stood in my way . Brethren , in the charge that I , in common with others , received at ray initiation , with which you are familiar , I was taught to consider the Sacred Law as the unerring standard of truth and justice
, and to regulate my conduct by the Divine precepts it contains . I have endeavoured , however imperfectly , to obey this injunction . Therein I read , ' Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do , do it with thy might . ' This , though always a leading object with me , has had greater weight from the time when the necessity for my retiring from my profession gave me an option between a life of ease ancl uselessncss , and one of labour with at least a
desire to benefit others . Thus have I endeavoured , in the authoritative language of Fremasonry , ' to preserve rny corporeal and mental faculties in their fullest energy , thereby enabling me to exert those talents wherewith God has blessed me , as well to His glory as the welfare of my fellow-creatures , ' having a full conviction that no man had a right to he idle , and to consult his own personal comfort
only ; but that the very least return he can make for moderate competence ancl relief from the necessity of toiling for a supply of daily wants , is to minister to the welfare of those about him , as the best means of souring his own happiness and a clear conscience . Again , we learn that we are to devote a portion of onr leisure hours to such pursuits as may lie within the compass of our attainment . From this too , I have felt constrained to
continue in a routine of active occupation , claiming no merit , however , for any of those acts which have elicited your approval , since they are such as are enjoined on you , on me , on us all . Brethren , the last presentation such as that of this evening was
made to one highly valued , who was about to leave you amid general regret , but under circumstances suchias deserved and obtained your congratulations at the same time , since they restored him to his country , to his family , to his professional colleagues , to a life of eminent usefulness . It was a parting token of regard and fraternal affection , to one fin- my superior , and whom I am proud to follow at an humble distance . Such I trust is not your present ideafor though I go with the
assist-, ance of others , to carry the principles and the benefits of Freemasonry into a new district , it is one in close connection with yourselves , and I do so without the remotest intention of leaving you , my early Masonic friends and associates in this island ; on the contrary , it will be my aim to continue my intercourse with you , and still to prove myself worthy of your regard by such poor services as I am able to renderand by obeying in my
con-, duct the sacred dictates of truth , of honour , and of virtue . Accept my heartfelt thanks for this renewed mark of your regard and esteem , and be assured of my devotedness , not only to the Craft in general , but to this lodgo in particular , as in my mind ranking next to that in which I first received the light . Your generosity will I am sure allow a corner in my heart for the proposed new branch of tlie fraternity , which , if it owes
its parentage directly to myself , at least has you for sponsors , and therefore you will regard it as an adopted child . Before I sit down , permit me to offer personally a cordial invitation to you to be present , and to afford me , my officers , and others acting with us , your countenance at the consecration of St . Aubin's Loclge ( No . 1260 ) , on May 6 th . The ceremony is an interesting one , which probably very few of you have witnessed
, and another opportunity may not be presented for many years . On that occasion , too , you will have a means of testifying your regard and respect for one whom you highly value , by attending his ministrations in the church as Grand Chaplain of the Province . I desire also to place in your hands , AA ' orshipful Master , for the benefit of the lodge , the receipt for full payment for one share iu that noble buildingwhich is being erected as the
, shrine and depositary of al ! that is good , true , and elevating , in the science , to which , with one accord , with one great object , cement still more closely the bonds of fraternal union , so that those out of our pale , witnessing our labours of love and the purity of our lives , may testify of them to others , and be forced
to confess that Freemasonry is much more than an empty name . " On tlie proposition of Bro . Du Jardin , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Dr . Hopkins , for the gift of a share in the Temple . The W . M . reported that a Board of Past Masters of the lodge had been recently held , to take into consideration the appointment of a AV . M . for the ensuing year , that his continuance in office had been pressed upon him , as the two Wardens had declined to accept itand that under these circumstances he had
, yielded to the wish that he should be put in nomination . — -Bro . Baudains , JP . M ., ^ having also been proposed by some member of the Lodge , explained that he was not anxious to take office again , yet if his services were required by the Loclge , he would nob hesitate to accept the honour ancl again to devote himself to its duties . A ballot was then taken for the two candidates , when there appeared 36 votes for the former , 22 for the latter ,
and several for others who were eligible . The result , therefore . , was tho re-appointment of Bro . John Durell , who addressed the Lodge in the following terms , — "Dear Brethren , accept my most sincere thanks for your confidence in me , as expressed by your placing in my hand for the second year the first gavel of this Lodge . I perceive , Brethren , that you have appreciated sucli services as I have been able to render during the year which is on the point of expiring . This mark of confidenceof
, which you have this evening given proof , will be my encouragement to work , and interest myself with still greater zeal during tlie year which is about to commence , in order , if possible , to render the Cesaree Lodge still more prosperous than it has yet been . Brethren , I claim no merit beyond that which appertains to every brother here present—that of doing my duty according to my power ancl capacity , and of uniting with you to give effect to the great and glorious principles by which our Order
is distinguished . I pray tho G . A . O . T . U . that the most perfect and fraternal harmony may reign among us at all our meetings , and I hope that this harmony will never he broken . I know that 1 am undertaking a task of no slight difficulty in a lodge such as this , consisting of more than a hundred members , among whom there exists a great a variety of opinions , but nevertheless ^ Brethren , I accept "this task in full confidence that I shall have your support and jour counselunder all the
, circumstances which may claim the fulfilment of the duties that you have confided to me , and that I shall edeavour to discharge the trust with zeal ancl fidelity . Brethren , it will be my aim to cause the authority which you have this evening placed in my hands to be respected at all hazards , in order that our meetings may be conducted in that spirit and with that dignity which are expected from so perfect and well-disciplined a lodge .
Brethren , again receive my thanks . " Past Masters Du Jardin and Hocquard proposed the re-election of Bro . Goupillot as Treasurer . Bro . Piseart proposes another brother , but on the ballot being taken . jnot a vote appeared for the latter . The tyler was also re-elected . Some other business of a routine nature having been transacted , and arrangements made for the annual banquet on the installation day , Monday , May 25 th ; the Lodge
was closed at ten o'clock . Tlie brethren then adjourned to another room for refreshments , which were on a scale somewhat more extensive than usual ; though from thv lateness of the hour about forty of the brethren left , the party was unusually large , and seemed animated by one general feeling of happiness and satisfaction . Among the toasts , that of " Success to St . Aubin's Loclge ( No . 1260 ) , " was duly honoured , and it was understood that the members of La Cesaree would go out in a body with banners and other paraphernalia , to witness the consecration and inauguration of its new protegee .
CHESHIRE . KNCTSFOHD . —De Tabley Lodge ( No . 1243 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday last , at the Old Assembly Room . Bro . Richardson Andrew ( Prestbury Hall ) P . N and Prov . P . G . D ., acted as AA . M . in the unavoidable absence of Lord de Tabley ; Bros . Thomas Lane , as S . AV ; E . Barlow , as J . W . ; Clarke , as P . M . and Secretary . Bros . Gleeson , Jackson , Siddeley , Hulme , Woodcock , Edwards ,
Hurst , and several other brethren were present . The ballot was taken for Bro . Andrew ( Prestbury ) , Wood and H . Lloyd joining members . The committee appointed to select lodge furniture , reported on the selection of the first instalment of necessary articles from the stock of Bro . Piatt , of London ; and the quality and price gave entire satisfaction . Bros . Jackson , Hurst Mullins , Gleeson , and AA oodcock were passed to the degree of fellow Craft . 'J he ceremony was impressively conducted by Bro . Andrew . The brethren were gratified to hear that the