Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. LE GENDRE N. STARKIE, Page 1 of 3 →
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Channel Islands.
It ivas also resolved that the lodge should remain draped in mourning for three months . The loclge having been resumed in the first degree , Bro . Durell , P . M ., took advantage of the unusual absence of Bro . P . E . Le Sueur , S . AV ., to notice the circumstance , and to remind the brethren of his zeal on behalf of the loclge , of the ability which he hacl displayed in passing through the several offices from that of I . G ., of the regularity of his attendance , even at the lodges of instruction . He concluded by
proposing the presentation of aS . W . ' sjewel to him as a mark of appreciation of his services . This ivas seconded by Bro . Schmitt and agreed to . The loclge was closed at half-past nine , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room for refreshment . ST . AUBIN ' S LODGE ( NO . 958 ) . —Tbe anniversary meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms on Tuesday , May 16 th . The lodge was opened at half-past fire bBro . Dr . HopkinsP . M .
y , , assisted by Bros . Schmitt ancl Miinnan acting as AVardens . The minutes ivere read and confirmed . Bro . E . C . Malet cle Carteret , W . M ., arrived , and took the first chair . Bro . Newington ivas examined as to his proficiency in the first degree , and duly passed to tlie degree of F . C . by the AV . M . The Secretary presented the Treasurer's balance-sheet for the year , from ivhich it appeared that the expenditure had exceeded the receipts by about £ 7 . This deficiency would , however , be partially covered by
amounts still due to the lodge , and expenses had been incurred by the introduction of gas ancl the purchase of furniture , which would not occur again . The Secretary also read a long report ivhich had been adopted by the Audit Committee , taking a retrospect of the proceedings of the past year , offering many recommendations as to the future , ancl , on the ivhole , presenting a favourable ancl hopeful view of the condition of the lodge . Bro . Dr . Hopkins having taken the chair , Bro . Ivingsnorth , P . M .,
presented Bro . E . C . Malet de Carteret , who hacl been re-elected W . M ., to receive the benefit of installation . Under these circumstances a portion of the ceremony w * as dispensed with . The obligation ivas taken , the salutes given , and the W . M . ivas again placed in his chair for a second year . The following appointments to office were made : —Bros . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . ancl Sec ; Orange , S . W . ; Maniian , J . W . ; C . Le Sueur , Treas . ; Oatley , S . D . ; SurguyJ . D . ; A intDir . of Cers . ; AA atsonI . G . ; Bullen
, , , , Tyler . The lodge was resumed in tlie first degree , and finally closed at seven o ' clock . The brethren adjourned to Coudray's Hotel , when nearly thirty sat down to partake of the annual banquet , after which the usual honours wore paid to the Craft authorities and others . Among the guests were tfie Masters of several lodges in Jersey , to all of whom invitations hacl been sent . The proceedings of the evening ivere brought to a close by ten o'clock .
Obituary .
MARSHAL MAGNAJv " , GRAND MASTER OF FRANCE . "We have to record the death of Marshal Magnan , Grand Master of the Freemasons in France ( by appointment of the Emperor ) , Avhictt took place on Monday , the 29 th ult . The Marshal was born at Paris in October 1791 . Ho
, studied laiv until the age of eighteen , when he entered the 66 th Regiment of the line . In ifc , from 1809 to 1813 , he made the campaigns of Portugal and Spain . Sublieutenant in 1811 , and captain in 1813 , he was present at the sieges of Rodrigo avid Almeida , as vrell as at the battles of the Busaco , Fuentes-d'Onor , and "Vittoria . His brilliant conduct earned him the decoration of the
Legion of Honour . Entering the Imperial Guard , he continued to take part in the war in France up to the capitulation of Paris , and , aftei * the conflict at Oraone , received the Cross of Officer . Althoug h he had fought at Waterloo , he was incorporated in tho Royal Guard ( 1815 ) , through the influence of Marshal Gouvion cle Saint-G ' yrAvho had remarked him on several occasions
, . In 1831 , Avhen colonel , he received orders to march upon Lyons , where a dispute about wages had caused an insurrection to break out . Having reached the gates of the city , in order to avoid an effusion of blood , he commenced treating with the workmen , and Avas , for so doing ,
deprived of his command . He then Avent and offered his services to the King of the Belgians , who appointed him general of brigade ( 1832 ) , charged him with the investment of Maestrichfc , and afterwards confided to him the military division of Ghent . In 1839 , when war was on the point of recommencing with Holland , he commanded at the camp of Beverloo the advanced guard , composed
of 25 , 000 men , being one-half of the Belgian army . Peace having been signed the same year , ho quitted Belgium , where he left the most favourable impression , and returned to France . He Avas again admitted into the Service , and after having been employed in the Corps of Observation of the Pyrenees , he obtained the subdivisional command of the Deparment of the Nord , and
retained ifc nearly seven years . After the Coup-d'Etat , in 1851 , from the 2 nd to the 4 fch December , he ivas constantly at the head of tho troops , and executed the orders of General de St . Arnaud . He afterwards obtained the baton of marshal , the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour , and a seat in the new Senate , January 22 , 1852 . He ivas hwesfced Avith the office of Grand Huntsman in 1854 , in place of Marshal cle St . Arnaud . He Avas of late years at the head of the first military division , including Paris .
Bro. Le Gendre N. Starkie,
PROVINCIAL GllAND MASTEE OJ ? "WEST LANCASHIRE . Tlie funeral of Bro . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Prov . G . M . for the western division of Lancashire , took place on Saturday , May 27 th , at Padiham Cemetery . Bro . Starkie having , shortly before his demise , expressed a Avish to be interred ivith Masonic honours , and a dispensation having been obtained from tho Grand Master , a large number of
Masons from both divisions of the county assembled at the residence of the deceased , Ilnntroydc , near Burnley , for the purpose of showing their respect for his memory by compliance ivith his Avishes . About thirty gentlemen left Liverpool by special train at nine o ' clock in the morning for Rose Grove , Avhere omnibuses were in readiness to convey them to Hunfcroyd . Here they Avere
met by brethren from Preston , Blackburn , Clitheroe , and other places , numbering altogether upwards of 150 . The following lodges Avere represented : —• LIVERPOOL . —Lodge 32—Bros . Oulton , AV . M . ; C . Cotesworth , S . W . ; G . Glynn , and J . A . Hall , P . M . 's ; J . Smith ; A . Stoddart , Sec . ; -T . T . Bourne ; W . Alleiidev . Lodge 155—Rev . J . Dunkley ; Joseph Mawdesley ; Rev . H . G . A ernou ; S . P .
Brabner . Lodge G 73—J . A . Hambleton , J . AA . ; Joseph Yates , Sec ; J . B . Bunting , S . D . ; W . AVadham , P . M . ; H . Burrows ; David Jones ; W . T . May . Lodge 292—John G . Jacob ; G . T . Milh ' ehap , S . D . ; Alfred Stone , Sec ; H . Gambell . Lodge
823—Thomas Berry , See . Loclge 203—P . Ball . Loclge 6 S 0—H . S . Alpass . Loclge 241—A . O . Mott . Loclge 181—T . Armstrong . Loclge 21-9—John Pepper . Loclge—220—James Hamer . Lodge 591— J . B . Hughes . BLACKBUKS . —Lodgo 315—Bros . Joseph Callis ; William Hirst ; Thomas Robinson ; Henry Backhouse , P . M . ; R . E . Hoyle ; John N . Briggs ; J . L . Hawthorn ; James Houlker ; Edwin Eastwood ; Charles Tiplady , P . M . ; Stephen Longfield ;
Richard Bell ; Denis Baron ; James Sugar ; James Dean ; John Stone ; James Longstafi '; AA illiam Unsworth ; Christopher Tattersall , S . D . ; Thomas Copeland ; Thomas Clough , P . Proi * . G . Reg . ; James Pilking ' ton , P . M . ; G . P . Hartley , AV . M . ; Richard Radclill ' e , P . M . ; Richard Burrows ; Frank Thomas ; AVilliam Clayton ; John Simpson ; Thomas Birfcwhistle . Lodge 269—H . Wadclington ; G . Little , J . D . ; AV . F . Townley , P . M . ; ACCEING-TON . —Lodge 4 G 2—Richard Birch , W . M . ; Samuel
C . Thacker ; Thomas Walmsley , P . M . ; Wilhelm F . Scheldt ; David Henderson ; Enoch Crabfcrce ; James Hindle ; John Stelfox ; AVilliam Boofchniiin , Sec ; J . C . Windle ; Edmund AVelsh ; Henry Macaulay , J . W . ; John Lightfoot , S . W . ; James Graham ; John Suclsen ; Henry Banister , P . M . BUBNEEY . —Lodge 126—John Roberts , AV . M . ; AVm . Burghope , P . M . ; George Haslam ; Richard Parker , S . W . ; Thomas Veevers , J . AV . ; James Hudson ; James Dodgshon ; Henry Milues ; John S . Veevers , P . M . ; John Tattersall , P . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
It ivas also resolved that the lodge should remain draped in mourning for three months . The loclge having been resumed in the first degree , Bro . Durell , P . M ., took advantage of the unusual absence of Bro . P . E . Le Sueur , S . AV ., to notice the circumstance , and to remind the brethren of his zeal on behalf of the loclge , of the ability which he hacl displayed in passing through the several offices from that of I . G ., of the regularity of his attendance , even at the lodges of instruction . He concluded by
proposing the presentation of aS . W . ' sjewel to him as a mark of appreciation of his services . This ivas seconded by Bro . Schmitt and agreed to . The loclge was closed at half-past nine , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room for refreshment . ST . AUBIN ' S LODGE ( NO . 958 ) . —Tbe anniversary meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms on Tuesday , May 16 th . The lodge was opened at half-past fire bBro . Dr . HopkinsP . M .
y , , assisted by Bros . Schmitt ancl Miinnan acting as AVardens . The minutes ivere read and confirmed . Bro . E . C . Malet cle Carteret , W . M ., arrived , and took the first chair . Bro . Newington ivas examined as to his proficiency in the first degree , and duly passed to tlie degree of F . C . by the AV . M . The Secretary presented the Treasurer's balance-sheet for the year , from ivhich it appeared that the expenditure had exceeded the receipts by about £ 7 . This deficiency would , however , be partially covered by
amounts still due to the lodge , and expenses had been incurred by the introduction of gas ancl the purchase of furniture , which would not occur again . The Secretary also read a long report ivhich had been adopted by the Audit Committee , taking a retrospect of the proceedings of the past year , offering many recommendations as to the future , ancl , on the ivhole , presenting a favourable ancl hopeful view of the condition of the lodge . Bro . Dr . Hopkins having taken the chair , Bro . Ivingsnorth , P . M .,
presented Bro . E . C . Malet de Carteret , who hacl been re-elected W . M ., to receive the benefit of installation . Under these circumstances a portion of the ceremony w * as dispensed with . The obligation ivas taken , the salutes given , and the W . M . ivas again placed in his chair for a second year . The following appointments to office were made : —Bros . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . ancl Sec ; Orange , S . W . ; Maniian , J . W . ; C . Le Sueur , Treas . ; Oatley , S . D . ; SurguyJ . D . ; A intDir . of Cers . ; AA atsonI . G . ; Bullen
, , , , Tyler . The lodge was resumed in tlie first degree , and finally closed at seven o ' clock . The brethren adjourned to Coudray's Hotel , when nearly thirty sat down to partake of the annual banquet , after which the usual honours wore paid to the Craft authorities and others . Among the guests were tfie Masters of several lodges in Jersey , to all of whom invitations hacl been sent . The proceedings of the evening ivere brought to a close by ten o'clock .
Obituary .
MARSHAL MAGNAJv " , GRAND MASTER OF FRANCE . "We have to record the death of Marshal Magnan , Grand Master of the Freemasons in France ( by appointment of the Emperor ) , Avhictt took place on Monday , the 29 th ult . The Marshal was born at Paris in October 1791 . Ho
, studied laiv until the age of eighteen , when he entered the 66 th Regiment of the line . In ifc , from 1809 to 1813 , he made the campaigns of Portugal and Spain . Sublieutenant in 1811 , and captain in 1813 , he was present at the sieges of Rodrigo avid Almeida , as vrell as at the battles of the Busaco , Fuentes-d'Onor , and "Vittoria . His brilliant conduct earned him the decoration of the
Legion of Honour . Entering the Imperial Guard , he continued to take part in the war in France up to the capitulation of Paris , and , aftei * the conflict at Oraone , received the Cross of Officer . Althoug h he had fought at Waterloo , he was incorporated in tho Royal Guard ( 1815 ) , through the influence of Marshal Gouvion cle Saint-G ' yrAvho had remarked him on several occasions
, . In 1831 , Avhen colonel , he received orders to march upon Lyons , where a dispute about wages had caused an insurrection to break out . Having reached the gates of the city , in order to avoid an effusion of blood , he commenced treating with the workmen , and Avas , for so doing ,
deprived of his command . He then Avent and offered his services to the King of the Belgians , who appointed him general of brigade ( 1832 ) , charged him with the investment of Maestrichfc , and afterwards confided to him the military division of Ghent . In 1839 , when war was on the point of recommencing with Holland , he commanded at the camp of Beverloo the advanced guard , composed
of 25 , 000 men , being one-half of the Belgian army . Peace having been signed the same year , ho quitted Belgium , where he left the most favourable impression , and returned to France . He Avas again admitted into the Service , and after having been employed in the Corps of Observation of the Pyrenees , he obtained the subdivisional command of the Deparment of the Nord , and
retained ifc nearly seven years . After the Coup-d'Etat , in 1851 , from the 2 nd to the 4 fch December , he ivas constantly at the head of tho troops , and executed the orders of General de St . Arnaud . He afterwards obtained the baton of marshal , the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour , and a seat in the new Senate , January 22 , 1852 . He ivas hwesfced Avith the office of Grand Huntsman in 1854 , in place of Marshal cle St . Arnaud . He Avas of late years at the head of the first military division , including Paris .
Bro. Le Gendre N. Starkie,
PROVINCIAL GllAND MASTEE OJ ? "WEST LANCASHIRE . Tlie funeral of Bro . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Prov . G . M . for the western division of Lancashire , took place on Saturday , May 27 th , at Padiham Cemetery . Bro . Starkie having , shortly before his demise , expressed a Avish to be interred ivith Masonic honours , and a dispensation having been obtained from tho Grand Master , a large number of
Masons from both divisions of the county assembled at the residence of the deceased , Ilnntroydc , near Burnley , for the purpose of showing their respect for his memory by compliance ivith his Avishes . About thirty gentlemen left Liverpool by special train at nine o ' clock in the morning for Rose Grove , Avhere omnibuses were in readiness to convey them to Hunfcroyd . Here they Avere
met by brethren from Preston , Blackburn , Clitheroe , and other places , numbering altogether upwards of 150 . The following lodges Avere represented : —• LIVERPOOL . —Lodge 32—Bros . Oulton , AV . M . ; C . Cotesworth , S . W . ; G . Glynn , and J . A . Hall , P . M . 's ; J . Smith ; A . Stoddart , Sec . ; -T . T . Bourne ; W . Alleiidev . Lodge 155—Rev . J . Dunkley ; Joseph Mawdesley ; Rev . H . G . A ernou ; S . P .
Brabner . Lodge G 73—J . A . Hambleton , J . AA . ; Joseph Yates , Sec ; J . B . Bunting , S . D . ; W . AVadham , P . M . ; H . Burrows ; David Jones ; W . T . May . Lodge 292—John G . Jacob ; G . T . Milh ' ehap , S . D . ; Alfred Stone , Sec ; H . Gambell . Lodge
823—Thomas Berry , See . Loclge 203—P . Ball . Loclge 6 S 0—H . S . Alpass . Loclge 241—A . O . Mott . Loclge 181—T . Armstrong . Loclge 21-9—John Pepper . Loclge—220—James Hamer . Lodge 591— J . B . Hughes . BLACKBUKS . —Lodgo 315—Bros . Joseph Callis ; William Hirst ; Thomas Robinson ; Henry Backhouse , P . M . ; R . E . Hoyle ; John N . Briggs ; J . L . Hawthorn ; James Houlker ; Edwin Eastwood ; Charles Tiplady , P . M . ; Stephen Longfield ;
Richard Bell ; Denis Baron ; James Sugar ; James Dean ; John Stone ; James Longstafi '; AA illiam Unsworth ; Christopher Tattersall , S . D . ; Thomas Copeland ; Thomas Clough , P . Proi * . G . Reg . ; James Pilking ' ton , P . M . ; G . P . Hartley , AV . M . ; Richard Radclill ' e , P . M . ; Richard Burrows ; Frank Thomas ; AVilliam Clayton ; John Simpson ; Thomas Birfcwhistle . Lodge 269—H . Wadclington ; G . Little , J . D . ; AV . F . Townley , P . M . ; ACCEING-TON . —Lodge 4 G 2—Richard Birch , W . M . ; Samuel
C . Thacker ; Thomas Walmsley , P . M . ; Wilhelm F . Scheldt ; David Henderson ; Enoch Crabfcrce ; James Hindle ; John Stelfox ; AVilliam Boofchniiin , Sec ; J . C . Windle ; Edmund AVelsh ; Henry Macaulay , J . W . ; John Lightfoot , S . W . ; James Graham ; John Suclsen ; Henry Banister , P . M . BUBNEEY . —Lodge 126—John Roberts , AV . M . ; AVm . Burghope , P . M . ; George Haslam ; Richard Parker , S . W . ; Thomas Veevers , J . AV . ; James Hudson ; James Dodgshon ; Henry Milues ; John S . Veevers , P . M . ; John Tattersall , P . M .