Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
material to note that the secrets of the Masonic art , whilst confined to themselves , were disseminated unreservedly amongst that body . Selfish ambition and jealousy would thereby be obviated ; every man of taste could enter the association ; and thereupon his suggestions became the
common stock of the fraternity , available to the architect , who would be associated with them in his labours . " Prom a bundle of Masonic Excerpts . — CHAELES PUETO-. COOPER .
EMBLEM OF THE POINT AAITHIN A CIRCLE . Attention is requested to a subsequent communication entitled as above * * * See a communication entitled "Emblem of the Point within a Compass " ante , page 147 , and in the heading and line 1 , for " within a compass " read " within a circle , " and line 3 for " reposing" read " represent . " There are some
other errors ofthe press which , however , need not now be pointed out . —CHARLES PUETOI . COOPEE . THE INSTRUCTED—THE UNINSTRUCTED . The faculties are alike : but how to use his , the Instructed knows ; whilst how to use his , the uninstructed knows not . —A PAST PEOVINCIAL GBAND MASTEE .
THE UNINSTRUCTED—CORRECTION . See before page 148 ; line 2 for " uninstructed" read " instructed . " —A PAST PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTEE . INTELLIGENCE—FLIPPANCY . What the uninstructed takes for intelligence is often only . Flippancy . —A PAST PROVINCIAL GEAND MASTEE .
MR . HEPAVORTH DIXON . Our distinguished literary brother lately made a brilliant speech in illustration of Masonic practices among various nations at a banquet of the JR . Athelstan Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —N .
NETHERLAND PREEMASONRY . There has been published privately at Utrecht a small volume , hy Bro . D . Budding , on St . John the Evangelist , and St . John the Baptist as patrons of Ereemasonry . It is under the authorization of the College of Grand Officers of Holland , and of the Ultrajectind Lodge of IJtrecht .
CONSTANTINOPLE . The installation of the new W . M . of the old lodge , the Oriental , took place lately with considerable ceremony and rejoicing . _ GERMAN MASONIC LITERATURE . Notwithstanding the Avar , eleven Masonic works
were produced in Germany during the last year . — ZETA . PARIS . Masonic labours , both under the Grand Orient and the Supreme Council are reported to have heen continued during the siege of Paris , but with great difficulties . —ZETA ,
R . A . The Palestine Explorers are still in hope of finding something interesting in relation to the arch under the Harem or Temple at Jerusalem . —NMASONS' HALL . _ It is worthy of notice that Masons' Hall , in the city , is now under the management of a brother Mason . —E . B .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE ANTIQUITY OP MASONRY . Our institution is theoretically , as Avell as practically , the most ancient that has descended to thispresent , from the shadowy , but voiceful realms of that bygone , over which those mysteriarchs " the fair generations , " have wielded the sceptre of reticency , since the fateful moment ivhen first began
to"Crash doivn the precipitous steep of Time In multitudinous thunders that upstartled Tho echoes from their cavernous lairs Iu the visionary hills . " It will also be observed that Masonry , the " Divine Idea '' of organization received from the great Hierarchs who lived when time was young , a knowledge
of the various mechanical arts , and of the seven liberal sciences , as well of the true name and the attributes of the Most High . These latter were transmitted through the favoured line of Eber to the actors in the stirring scenes which signalized the full inauguration of the Jewish dispensation , when they were committed to the guardinaship of written history under the direct supervision of Moses , who , as we know , was
deeply learned in the spurious operative Masonry of the Egyptians , and , as our traditions assert , had also been educated in the purer Speculative Masonry of the ancient professors of Lux , his teacher being Jethro , the priest of Midian , who ivas his father-inlaw . Like Enoch of old , Moses seems to have been the chosen instrument in spiritualizing and
communicating to a peculiar people the science of Lux . Like Enoch , also , Moses hacl personal converse Avith the Almighty , and from the One who spake to him from out the ' bush , ' which on awe-crowned Horeb ' burned with fire and was not consumed , did the Law-Giver receive the sublime name or the ineffable
Being' who covereth Himself ivith li ght , as ivith a garment , who stretcheth out the heavens like a curtain ; ivho layeth the beams of His chambers in the ivnters ; who maketh the clouds His chariots ; ivho walketh upon the wings of the wind . "
Tho Editor is not responsible for flic opinions expressed by Correspond cuts THE LITTLE TESTIMONIAL .
TO IKE EDlTOll OE THE , PKEinlASO-. Is' MAtlA 2 Ilf _ B AXD __ IASO _ KTC __ ni ___ 0 J _ - . Dear Sir and Brother , — -The following fact , which has come under my observation , will give somo idea of the lengths which the getters-up of testimonials will go to iu these days . The Hon . Sec . ivrites to a brother to '" ' aoknoivledgo the receipt of a promise to subscribe , " and states that the
recognition of it " will apjaeai' in print to-morrow , " and hopes at the same time he -will do all he can amongst his friends in his neighbourhood . The recognition duly appeared , and the brother's name assisted to swell tho list of subscribers , but he has positively assured me that he never made the promise ? If this is hoiv testimonials aro got upin the present
, day , the practice , in my opinion , is very different io what it ought to be . I consider that io have any value tho subscriptions should come spontaneously , and ns a freo gift , and not bo the result of ivhat I must call an organized system of " touting . " This incident reminds me strongly of , in tho drama of the " Two Eoses , " a very clover skit upon the prevailing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
material to note that the secrets of the Masonic art , whilst confined to themselves , were disseminated unreservedly amongst that body . Selfish ambition and jealousy would thereby be obviated ; every man of taste could enter the association ; and thereupon his suggestions became the
common stock of the fraternity , available to the architect , who would be associated with them in his labours . " Prom a bundle of Masonic Excerpts . — CHAELES PUETO-. COOPER .
EMBLEM OF THE POINT AAITHIN A CIRCLE . Attention is requested to a subsequent communication entitled as above * * * See a communication entitled "Emblem of the Point within a Compass " ante , page 147 , and in the heading and line 1 , for " within a compass " read " within a circle , " and line 3 for " reposing" read " represent . " There are some
other errors ofthe press which , however , need not now be pointed out . —CHARLES PUETOI . COOPEE . THE INSTRUCTED—THE UNINSTRUCTED . The faculties are alike : but how to use his , the Instructed knows ; whilst how to use his , the uninstructed knows not . —A PAST PEOVINCIAL GBAND MASTEE .
THE UNINSTRUCTED—CORRECTION . See before page 148 ; line 2 for " uninstructed" read " instructed . " —A PAST PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTEE . INTELLIGENCE—FLIPPANCY . What the uninstructed takes for intelligence is often only . Flippancy . —A PAST PROVINCIAL GEAND MASTEE .
MR . HEPAVORTH DIXON . Our distinguished literary brother lately made a brilliant speech in illustration of Masonic practices among various nations at a banquet of the JR . Athelstan Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —N .
NETHERLAND PREEMASONRY . There has been published privately at Utrecht a small volume , hy Bro . D . Budding , on St . John the Evangelist , and St . John the Baptist as patrons of Ereemasonry . It is under the authorization of the College of Grand Officers of Holland , and of the Ultrajectind Lodge of IJtrecht .
CONSTANTINOPLE . The installation of the new W . M . of the old lodge , the Oriental , took place lately with considerable ceremony and rejoicing . _ GERMAN MASONIC LITERATURE . Notwithstanding the Avar , eleven Masonic works
were produced in Germany during the last year . — ZETA . PARIS . Masonic labours , both under the Grand Orient and the Supreme Council are reported to have heen continued during the siege of Paris , but with great difficulties . —ZETA ,
R . A . The Palestine Explorers are still in hope of finding something interesting in relation to the arch under the Harem or Temple at Jerusalem . —NMASONS' HALL . _ It is worthy of notice that Masons' Hall , in the city , is now under the management of a brother Mason . —E . B .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE ANTIQUITY OP MASONRY . Our institution is theoretically , as Avell as practically , the most ancient that has descended to thispresent , from the shadowy , but voiceful realms of that bygone , over which those mysteriarchs " the fair generations , " have wielded the sceptre of reticency , since the fateful moment ivhen first began
to"Crash doivn the precipitous steep of Time In multitudinous thunders that upstartled Tho echoes from their cavernous lairs Iu the visionary hills . " It will also be observed that Masonry , the " Divine Idea '' of organization received from the great Hierarchs who lived when time was young , a knowledge
of the various mechanical arts , and of the seven liberal sciences , as well of the true name and the attributes of the Most High . These latter were transmitted through the favoured line of Eber to the actors in the stirring scenes which signalized the full inauguration of the Jewish dispensation , when they were committed to the guardinaship of written history under the direct supervision of Moses , who , as we know , was
deeply learned in the spurious operative Masonry of the Egyptians , and , as our traditions assert , had also been educated in the purer Speculative Masonry of the ancient professors of Lux , his teacher being Jethro , the priest of Midian , who ivas his father-inlaw . Like Enoch of old , Moses seems to have been the chosen instrument in spiritualizing and
communicating to a peculiar people the science of Lux . Like Enoch , also , Moses hacl personal converse Avith the Almighty , and from the One who spake to him from out the ' bush , ' which on awe-crowned Horeb ' burned with fire and was not consumed , did the Law-Giver receive the sublime name or the ineffable
Being' who covereth Himself ivith li ght , as ivith a garment , who stretcheth out the heavens like a curtain ; ivho layeth the beams of His chambers in the ivnters ; who maketh the clouds His chariots ; ivho walketh upon the wings of the wind . "
Tho Editor is not responsible for flic opinions expressed by Correspond cuts THE LITTLE TESTIMONIAL .
TO IKE EDlTOll OE THE , PKEinlASO-. Is' MAtlA 2 Ilf _ B AXD __ IASO _ KTC __ ni ___ 0 J _ - . Dear Sir and Brother , — -The following fact , which has come under my observation , will give somo idea of the lengths which the getters-up of testimonials will go to iu these days . The Hon . Sec . ivrites to a brother to '" ' aoknoivledgo the receipt of a promise to subscribe , " and states that the
recognition of it " will apjaeai' in print to-morrow , " and hopes at the same time he -will do all he can amongst his friends in his neighbourhood . The recognition duly appeared , and the brother's name assisted to swell tho list of subscribers , but he has positively assured me that he never made the promise ? If this is hoiv testimonials aro got upin the present
, day , the practice , in my opinion , is very different io what it ought to be . I consider that io have any value tho subscriptions should come spontaneously , and ns a freo gift , and not bo the result of ivhat I must call an organized system of " touting . " This incident reminds me strongly of , in tho drama of the " Two Eoses , " a very clover skit upon the prevailing