Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE LEGAL REGISTRATION OF OUR LODGES. Page 1 of 1
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Contents . — PAGE FEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE : — The Legal Registration of our Lodges 21 The " Rectangular Review " and the Masonic Charities 22 Notes on American Freemasonry 22
Correspondence 25 Masonic Jottings—No . 52 25 Masonic Notes and Queries 26 Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad 26 Reviews 29 MASONIC MIRROR : — Masonic Mcms 30 CEAI-T LODGE HUSTINGS : —
Metropolitan , 30 Provincial 32 Scotland 34 South Australia—District GrandLodge 35 Canada 36 New Brunswick—Grand Lodge 36 Knights Templar 39 Mark Masonry 39 Poetry 39 List of Lodge , Sac ., Meetings for ensuing week 40
The Legal Registration Of Our Lodges.
Since the insertion of the letter of " Progress " * we have received numerous letters , which we have not thought necessary to publish , thinking that the matter was under consideration by the " powers that be . "
Recently , however , our attention has been called to the so-called Lodges , Chapters , & c , of spurious orders , trading upon the name of Masomy , and sailing under false colours , and thus violating the Act referred to by our correspondent .
This A-ct prohibits any secret assemblages of persons for any purpose whatever , but Lodges of Freemasons , which were supposed to assemble mainly for charitable purposes , are exempted from the provisions of the Act .
This exemption , however , only extends to such lodges as , in the words of the Act , are " usually holden under the said denomination , and in conformity to the rules now prevailing among the said Societies of Freemasons . Therefore , as our
correspondent stated , the meetings of these quasi-Masonic orders are illegal , and the members thereof ] , subject to the penalties imposed by the said Act . It has been alleged by some of our
correspondents that a colour of legality is given to the meetings of bodies unrecognized by the Grand Lodge from the circumstance that some of them are under the patronageof the officers and employes of the Graft Grand Lodge of England .
There is certainly room for doubt , whether or not the greater number of our lodges , viz ., all those established since the passing of the Act , ( 39 th Geo . III . cap . lxxix . ) are not illegal , * certainly it is imperative that all lodges should be
registered annually in March with the Clerk of the Peace . In the sixth Section we find " That this exemption shall not extend to any such society unless two ofthe members composing the same shall certify upon oath ( which oath any
Justice ofthe Peace or other magistrate is hereby empowered to administer ) that such society or lodge has before the passing of this Act been usually held under the denomination of a lodge of Freemasons , and in conformity to the rules prevailing among the societies or lodges of Freemasons in this kingdom , which
certificate , duly attested by the magistrate before whom the same shall be sworn , and subscribed hy the persons so certifying , shall , within the space of two calendar months after the passing of this Act , be deposited with the Clerk of the Peace for the county , stewavtvy , riding ,
division , shire , or place where such society or lodge hath been usually held : Provided also , thai ; this exemption shall not extend to any such society or lodge , unless the name or denomination thereof , and the usual place or places , and the time or times of its meetingsand the names and
descri-, p tions of all and every the members thereof , be registered with such Clerk of the Peace us aforesaid within two months after the passing of this Act , and also on or before the 25 th day ol' March in every succeeding year . " It is high time that the matter should be taken
up by the Board of General Purposes , and , that having taken the opinion of the Grand Registrar , the Board should either take measures to sea the terms of the Act complied with , or use thfir influence to obtain the repeal of the Act .
The subject assumes an alarming aspect , as a correspondent has stated that it has como to his knowledge that an attempt will be made by a Common Informer to file information against all Masonic bodies , which , he has been advised , do
not come within the exemptions allowed by the said Act . If this be seriously intended , lie will find a large field of operation to reward him for his enterprise , and it behoves those upon whom the duty devolves , to take such measures as are
necessary to enforce compliance with tha h-iv , the penal clauses of which are very stringent , and go so far as to impose a penalty of £ 5 on anyone permitting a meeting of any secret soch-i . y , not exempted by the said Act . to be held , in his house .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Contents . — PAGE FEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE : — The Legal Registration of our Lodges 21 The " Rectangular Review " and the Masonic Charities 22 Notes on American Freemasonry 22
Correspondence 25 Masonic Jottings—No . 52 25 Masonic Notes and Queries 26 Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad 26 Reviews 29 MASONIC MIRROR : — Masonic Mcms 30 CEAI-T LODGE HUSTINGS : —
Metropolitan , 30 Provincial 32 Scotland 34 South Australia—District GrandLodge 35 Canada 36 New Brunswick—Grand Lodge 36 Knights Templar 39 Mark Masonry 39 Poetry 39 List of Lodge , Sac ., Meetings for ensuing week 40
The Legal Registration Of Our Lodges.
Since the insertion of the letter of " Progress " * we have received numerous letters , which we have not thought necessary to publish , thinking that the matter was under consideration by the " powers that be . "
Recently , however , our attention has been called to the so-called Lodges , Chapters , & c , of spurious orders , trading upon the name of Masomy , and sailing under false colours , and thus violating the Act referred to by our correspondent .
This A-ct prohibits any secret assemblages of persons for any purpose whatever , but Lodges of Freemasons , which were supposed to assemble mainly for charitable purposes , are exempted from the provisions of the Act .
This exemption , however , only extends to such lodges as , in the words of the Act , are " usually holden under the said denomination , and in conformity to the rules now prevailing among the said Societies of Freemasons . Therefore , as our
correspondent stated , the meetings of these quasi-Masonic orders are illegal , and the members thereof ] , subject to the penalties imposed by the said Act . It has been alleged by some of our
correspondents that a colour of legality is given to the meetings of bodies unrecognized by the Grand Lodge from the circumstance that some of them are under the patronageof the officers and employes of the Graft Grand Lodge of England .
There is certainly room for doubt , whether or not the greater number of our lodges , viz ., all those established since the passing of the Act , ( 39 th Geo . III . cap . lxxix . ) are not illegal , * certainly it is imperative that all lodges should be
registered annually in March with the Clerk of the Peace . In the sixth Section we find " That this exemption shall not extend to any such society unless two ofthe members composing the same shall certify upon oath ( which oath any
Justice ofthe Peace or other magistrate is hereby empowered to administer ) that such society or lodge has before the passing of this Act been usually held under the denomination of a lodge of Freemasons , and in conformity to the rules prevailing among the societies or lodges of Freemasons in this kingdom , which
certificate , duly attested by the magistrate before whom the same shall be sworn , and subscribed hy the persons so certifying , shall , within the space of two calendar months after the passing of this Act , be deposited with the Clerk of the Peace for the county , stewavtvy , riding ,
division , shire , or place where such society or lodge hath been usually held : Provided also , thai ; this exemption shall not extend to any such society or lodge , unless the name or denomination thereof , and the usual place or places , and the time or times of its meetingsand the names and
descri-, p tions of all and every the members thereof , be registered with such Clerk of the Peace us aforesaid within two months after the passing of this Act , and also on or before the 25 th day ol' March in every succeeding year . " It is high time that the matter should be taken
up by the Board of General Purposes , and , that having taken the opinion of the Grand Registrar , the Board should either take measures to sea the terms of the Act complied with , or use thfir influence to obtain the repeal of the Act .
The subject assumes an alarming aspect , as a correspondent has stated that it has como to his knowledge that an attempt will be made by a Common Informer to file information against all Masonic bodies , which , he has been advised , do
not come within the exemptions allowed by the said Act . If this be seriously intended , lie will find a large field of operation to reward him for his enterprise , and it behoves those upon whom the duty devolves , to take such measures as are
necessary to enforce compliance with tha h-iv , the penal clauses of which are very stringent , and go so far as to impose a penalty of £ 5 on anyone permitting a meeting of any secret soch-i . y , not exempted by the said Act . to be held , in his house .