Article NEW BRUNSWICK. ← Page 4 of 4 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1
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New Brunswick.
But the lodges of either province are in my opinion powerless legally to establish an Independent Grand Lodge wiihout the action of the Grand Lodge of Canada whch they united to erect and to ivhose Masonic government the ! equally owe allegiance I hope that ( luring the coming year the differences now un-, happily existing may , within the bod y of tbe Grand lodge of Canada itself , be reconciled and adjusted . I am confident that
the eminent brothers who ab'y manage the aflairs of that Grand lodge , while holding firmly to masonic law aud precedent , will meet every effort toward an amicable settlement of this grave difference in a true masonic spirit ; and , if submission were made , would within the Grand lodge of Canada discuss the desirability of dividing tho territory and make such decision of the question as would restore harmony to the craft iu each Province ; and I feel assured that I express tbe opinion of this
Grand lodge when I say , that if it is possible for us as Brethren in this Dominion to assist in restoring harmony , it would afford us as a body , and as individuals , tho greatest satisfaction . In the mean time , putting aside all quesl'ons of expediency , I leave the important matter of Masonic right and law for your decision , satisfied that you will calmly enter on the consideration of a question so important to the best interests of onr
ancient and honoured fraternity . The portion of the AL AA . Grand Master ' s Address referring to the Grand Lodge of Quebec , was referred to a Special Committee to report on at the next Annual Communication .
Knights Templar.
CANADA . THE GEOPFBY DE ST . ALDE-IIAR ENCAMPMENT AND PBIOBY , TOEONTO . —AVe recorded some time since the revival under the most favourable circumstances of this Encampment which had not been working since 1862 . This happy revival was deemed worthy of special mention iu the address of tho very Eminent , the Grand Prior of the Dominion , Sir Kt . Colonel McLeod
Moore to the Provincial Grand ConcUvain August , and we now have tbe pleasure in inserting the following resolution unanimously adopted and presented to Sir Kt . Harman , at a recent assembly of the encampment . Moved by A . E . Sir Knt . William George Storm , P . E . C . Seconded by E . Sir Kt . James Kirkpatrick Kerr , E . C , and Resolved— "That in the success that has attended the revival ofthe Encampmentit is no disparagement to the efforts of tbe
, many Sir Knig hts who have striven sedulously to effect the same , to convey to V . B . Sir Knig ht Samuel llickerton Harman , Past Grand Sub Prior , Provincial Grand Commander for Ontario and Quebec , first Eminent Commander of this Encampment on its formation in 185 'i and its revision in 1809 , tbe sentiments iu which all the members of this Encampment unite with one generous and respectful accord , that lo his leadership is that success to be mainly attributed . That the services of V . E . Sir
Knight Harman ( performed amid the pressing duties of his high and responsible office of Mayor of the City of Toronto ) have been of a two-fold character : —First . In the discharge of the more imposing duties which peculiarly devolve on tbe Eminent Commander , and in bis fulfilment of ivhich in his thorough and masterly acquaintance with the ritual and in his apprehension and exemplification of its cbivalric character , he has invested tbe office of Commander and tbe ceremonial of the Order with
a station and dignity which evidence the scholarly impress of research and refinement . Secondly . In the discharge of the more arduous duties of collecting the scattered relics of the Encampment rescued almost by a miracle from tbe conflagration , in correspondence , and interviews with surviving {' raters , with a view to defining tho continuing roll to be depended upon in the work of revival , iu the necessary application to the Grand Prior of the Dominion for h " s dispensation , counsel ; u : d concurrence ,
and in the careful revision of the minutes , accounts and returns to Grand Conclave . In the zealous and able discharge o f these many duties performed with no less fidelity to tho Order at tho time of its introduction and tho institution of this the second Encampment in Canada , the services of the Eminent . Sir Knight peculiarly merit the thanks and recognition of his brethren , who , with knightly courtesy and warm good feeling cordially
Knights Templar.
record and tender the same . And Resolved further that a copy of the resolution be engrossed and handed to V . E . Sir Knight Harman .
Mark Masonry.
SAMSON AND LION MARK LODGE ( NO . 86 ) . —A meeting oj this Mark Lodge , was held on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., at Freemasons' Tavern , under the presidency of Bro . A . D . Lowenstark , AV . M . Bro . T . K . Tippett was advanced as a Mark Master . Bro . Israel Abrahams was elected Master of the Mark Lodge . Bro . A D . Lowenstark was chosen Treasurer Tbe evening was a great success , the musical accompaniments which were introduced into the ceremony by Bro . James Stevens , G . J . O ., AA ' . M . ( No . 104 ) , who was a visitor , greatly contributing to this result .
Poetry .
PEACE AND AVAR . Br MBS . J . AV . FIGO . "Ob ! When will strife and warfare cease , ¦ And nations learn to dwell in peace , How many thousands have been slain .-AAldows and orphans weep in vain . Perishing gold will not restore
Tbe much loved ones laid low in war ; Ob , sway thy sceptre , Prince of Peace , And bid the nations warfare cease . May love soon take the place of hate ! In every clime , —in every State , Anrl fchon war ' s 'tin will soon be o ' er , And peace prevail ou every shore .
Art , —science , then would surely be More valued by posterity—A legacy much better far , Than ever can he left by war .
EARTH AND HEAVEN . Eor the Freemasons' Magazine . On earth are sufferings , tears and grie '' , Uncertain is our joy ;
Pleasure hut for a short time is , And time our plans destroy . Man makes his fellow man to weep—Weary of life—how sad 1 And woe and mis ' ry fills tbe heart , No longer to bo glad . Except his thoughts to heaven be rais' . l
, Except we on God ' rely—¦ On Jesus Christ , man ' s truest friend , Who dvys the tearful eye . Oh ! let us strive to soar to him , For e ' er to live and reign , Where troubles cease , where grief's not known — AVhence banish'd is all pain .
Holy's tbe city where God dwells Home for the good , tbe blest , There God decrees the ri g hteous shall Inherit peace and rest . With joyful hearts now yield God praise For mercies he hath shown , To ransom man—oh ! wondrous love ,
Cbirst laid his pure life down . R . BOND .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Brunswick.
But the lodges of either province are in my opinion powerless legally to establish an Independent Grand Lodge wiihout the action of the Grand Lodge of Canada whch they united to erect and to ivhose Masonic government the ! equally owe allegiance I hope that ( luring the coming year the differences now un-, happily existing may , within the bod y of tbe Grand lodge of Canada itself , be reconciled and adjusted . I am confident that
the eminent brothers who ab'y manage the aflairs of that Grand lodge , while holding firmly to masonic law aud precedent , will meet every effort toward an amicable settlement of this grave difference in a true masonic spirit ; and , if submission were made , would within the Grand lodge of Canada discuss the desirability of dividing tho territory and make such decision of the question as would restore harmony to the craft iu each Province ; and I feel assured that I express tbe opinion of this
Grand lodge when I say , that if it is possible for us as Brethren in this Dominion to assist in restoring harmony , it would afford us as a body , and as individuals , tho greatest satisfaction . In the mean time , putting aside all quesl'ons of expediency , I leave the important matter of Masonic right and law for your decision , satisfied that you will calmly enter on the consideration of a question so important to the best interests of onr
ancient and honoured fraternity . The portion of the AL AA . Grand Master ' s Address referring to the Grand Lodge of Quebec , was referred to a Special Committee to report on at the next Annual Communication .
Knights Templar.
CANADA . THE GEOPFBY DE ST . ALDE-IIAR ENCAMPMENT AND PBIOBY , TOEONTO . —AVe recorded some time since the revival under the most favourable circumstances of this Encampment which had not been working since 1862 . This happy revival was deemed worthy of special mention iu the address of tho very Eminent , the Grand Prior of the Dominion , Sir Kt . Colonel McLeod
Moore to the Provincial Grand ConcUvain August , and we now have tbe pleasure in inserting the following resolution unanimously adopted and presented to Sir Kt . Harman , at a recent assembly of the encampment . Moved by A . E . Sir Knt . William George Storm , P . E . C . Seconded by E . Sir Kt . James Kirkpatrick Kerr , E . C , and Resolved— "That in the success that has attended the revival ofthe Encampmentit is no disparagement to the efforts of tbe
, many Sir Knig hts who have striven sedulously to effect the same , to convey to V . B . Sir Knig ht Samuel llickerton Harman , Past Grand Sub Prior , Provincial Grand Commander for Ontario and Quebec , first Eminent Commander of this Encampment on its formation in 185 'i and its revision in 1809 , tbe sentiments iu which all the members of this Encampment unite with one generous and respectful accord , that lo his leadership is that success to be mainly attributed . That the services of V . E . Sir
Knight Harman ( performed amid the pressing duties of his high and responsible office of Mayor of the City of Toronto ) have been of a two-fold character : —First . In the discharge of the more imposing duties which peculiarly devolve on tbe Eminent Commander , and in bis fulfilment of ivhich in his thorough and masterly acquaintance with the ritual and in his apprehension and exemplification of its cbivalric character , he has invested tbe office of Commander and tbe ceremonial of the Order with
a station and dignity which evidence the scholarly impress of research and refinement . Secondly . In the discharge of the more arduous duties of collecting the scattered relics of the Encampment rescued almost by a miracle from tbe conflagration , in correspondence , and interviews with surviving {' raters , with a view to defining tho continuing roll to be depended upon in the work of revival , iu the necessary application to the Grand Prior of the Dominion for h " s dispensation , counsel ; u : d concurrence ,
and in the careful revision of the minutes , accounts and returns to Grand Conclave . In the zealous and able discharge o f these many duties performed with no less fidelity to tho Order at tho time of its introduction and tho institution of this the second Encampment in Canada , the services of the Eminent . Sir Knight peculiarly merit the thanks and recognition of his brethren , who , with knightly courtesy and warm good feeling cordially
Knights Templar.
record and tender the same . And Resolved further that a copy of the resolution be engrossed and handed to V . E . Sir Knight Harman .
Mark Masonry.
SAMSON AND LION MARK LODGE ( NO . 86 ) . —A meeting oj this Mark Lodge , was held on Wednesday , the 4 th inst ., at Freemasons' Tavern , under the presidency of Bro . A . D . Lowenstark , AV . M . Bro . T . K . Tippett was advanced as a Mark Master . Bro . Israel Abrahams was elected Master of the Mark Lodge . Bro . A D . Lowenstark was chosen Treasurer Tbe evening was a great success , the musical accompaniments which were introduced into the ceremony by Bro . James Stevens , G . J . O ., AA ' . M . ( No . 104 ) , who was a visitor , greatly contributing to this result .
Poetry .
PEACE AND AVAR . Br MBS . J . AV . FIGO . "Ob ! When will strife and warfare cease , ¦ And nations learn to dwell in peace , How many thousands have been slain .-AAldows and orphans weep in vain . Perishing gold will not restore
Tbe much loved ones laid low in war ; Ob , sway thy sceptre , Prince of Peace , And bid the nations warfare cease . May love soon take the place of hate ! In every clime , —in every State , Anrl fchon war ' s 'tin will soon be o ' er , And peace prevail ou every shore .
Art , —science , then would surely be More valued by posterity—A legacy much better far , Than ever can he left by war .
EARTH AND HEAVEN . Eor the Freemasons' Magazine . On earth are sufferings , tears and grie '' , Uncertain is our joy ;
Pleasure hut for a short time is , And time our plans destroy . Man makes his fellow man to weep—Weary of life—how sad 1 And woe and mis ' ry fills tbe heart , No longer to bo glad . Except his thoughts to heaven be rais' . l
, Except we on God ' rely—¦ On Jesus Christ , man ' s truest friend , Who dvys the tearful eye . Oh ! let us strive to soar to him , For e ' er to live and reign , Where troubles cease , where grief's not known — AVhence banish'd is all pain .
Holy's tbe city where God dwells Home for the good , tbe blest , There God decrees the ri g hteous shall Inherit peace and rest . With joyful hearts now yield God praise For mercies he hath shown , To ransom man—oh ! wondrous love ,
Cbirst laid his pure life down . R . BOND .