Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
he being a Steward at tho next Anniversary Fostiv . il 011 tho 25 th instant . Bros . M . Davis , Richardson and O . Davis were unanimously elected joining members ; Bro . M . Davis having- taken the chair pro tern ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was accorded to tiie W . M . for bis admirable working , and the Lodge of Instruction was closed .
VICTORIA : METBOPOMTAW LODGE OF INSTP . ITOTION ( NO . 1053 ) —The usual weekly meeting of the above lodge was held on tbe 30 ult ., at Bro . Price ' s , the Portugal Hotel , Fleetstreet , under the able Preceptorship of Bro . James Brett , G . P . ; Bro . Snelling , as W . M . j A . L . Amiett , as S . W . ; Drew , as J . W . 5 J . R . Stacey , as S . D . ; G . Lemaim , as J . D . A . Frickerhausas I . G . ' and Bros . C . G . HillS .
; , , , Hill , S . A . Stephens , D . D . Beck , J . Kent , J . R . Foulger , J . E . Walford , and D . R . Still , Hon . Sec . The ceremony of opening the lodge , and the reading of the minutes took place . The second degree was then rehearsed , Bro . S . Hill acting as the candidate , the ceremony being perfectly worked . Bro . Annett was elected W . M . for tbe ensuing week . A gratuity of 10 s . was awarded Bro . Grant , tbe Tyler of the Lodge of
Instruction . Bro . D . R . Still then announced that the Anniversary Banquet of the above lodge ivould take place at the Portugal Hotel , on Friday , the 29 th of January , 1871 . Bro . James Brett , G . P ., had kindly consented to take the chair . The price of the tickets would be 3 s . 6 d . each , and he hoped on that occasion to have a good attendance of tbe brethren . The lodge was then closed . Those brethren who wish to gain good Masonic instruction cannot tto better than avail themselves , by attending tbe above lodge , under the able Preceptorship of Bro . James Brett .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . — Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 . )—After a period of inactivity of three months , during which , though the meetings were regularly held , there was no ceremonial work to be performed , something like fresh vigour now seems to be infused , and the capabilites of the new officers appointed in October last have been fully tested—at least in the first degree . At 6 . 30 p . m . on Thursday , January 5 th , the Lodge was opened by Bro .
W . Gumming , AV . M ., asssisted by Bros . J . Heath , as I . P . M . ; Niner , S . W . ; Stafford , J . W . ; Presswell , Sec ; Fowle , J . D . ; Taylor , Organist ; Golden , I . G . ; Crocker , Tilor . Bros . T . E . Owen , and Dr . Hopkins , P . M . ' s , were also present , wiih others ; and as visitors Bros . Fevvy , 303 , and Wanen , 1254 . Tbe minutes wore read and confirmed , and several matters of a private nature were settled . The ballot for one of the candidates for initiation was deferredas he was not presentand
, , some of the information respecting him was deficient . A ballot for Bro . Keddle as joining member took place , and was unanimous in hfs favour , as was one for Mr . Goodridge , a candidate for admission into the Order , after receipt of satisfactory information respecting him . The W . M . performed the ceremony of initiation in a very creditable manner , especially as this was his first effort in the Lodge . The charge was given bthe S . W
y . with equal effect , and the Lecture on the Tracing Board , by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . and P . P . G . S . W . The duties of the evening were brought to a close soon after 8 . The Brethren adjourned for refreshment , and finally separated at 9 . 30 . HERTFORDSHIRE . BEEEHAMPSTED . —Per / champsted Lodge ( No . 504 ) . — -The annual installation
meeting of this now prosperous lodge was held no Wednesday the 4-th inst ., at the King ' s Anns Hotel . The members duly met at the appointed hour , 2 p . m ., and the chair was promptly taken by Bro . W . J . Adams , the W . M ., and the lodge was opened , assisted hy the Bros . R . W . Wright , S . W . ; H E . Long , J . W . A medical gentleman of the town was proposed , for initiation and ballotted for , but , his professional duties prevented him being present . The usual formal business being gone through , Bro . Heath , P . M . took the chair , and Bro . W . Vvilson , theW . M . elect , was presented hy Bro . W . J . Adams for installation
he was with all the forms and ceremonies duly placed in the chair , in tho presence of the following installed Masters : —Mr-:-. ; . John Havers , Past J . G . W . ; Wilson , Treas ., P . Prov . S . G . W .: Ry , .. ? . . 0 , Harvey , P . Pro-,- . G . Chap . ; J How , P . Prov . G . D . C . : , ' -. Lane . J . Johnson , 0 . Allen , F . Shugar , and others . The W . M . appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . W . J . A . Adau : s . 1 . JI . : A " . E . Clney . S . W . ; J . H . Adams , J . W . ; W . H . Eowe . i-. D . ; W . T . Hendry , J . D . ; G . L . Hart , I . G . ; Heath , D . C . ; S . T
Eowe , Steward ; Bro . Thomas for the 26 th time was re-invested Tyler . The ceremony of installation was most admirable performed by Bro . Heath , ( whom for his good services the Prov . G . M . bad appointed S . G . W . at the last Provincial Grand Lodge ) and Bro . Wilson , the newly-installed W . M . deserves great praise for his addresses to each officer on investing them . AU business being ended , the lodge room was cleared for the banquet , which was of a quality we are not accustomed to meet
with at meetings elsewhere in the provinces , the wines and vian ds were alike of the best . Bro . Wilson being a resident of Berkhampsted , and taking great interestjlln our institution , s prosperous year is certain . There were thirty-four brethren present .
KENT . CANTEBBUET . — United Industrious Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at the lodge-room , High Street , 011 Thursday , the 5 th inst . The officers present were Bros . John R , Hall , W . M . ; Gardner , S . W . ; Pavey , J . W ., I . & . Hall , S . D . ; H . M . Bigglestone , I . G . ; Delmar , Treas . ; Pous , Sec . ; and S . F . Pringner , Tyler . The following members also attended , Bros . Coppin , I . P . M . ; Hemery , P . M . ; Major Elmsall , P . M . ; aud
Captain P . Knight . Bros . Captains Denne , 187 , and Tevershaui , 623 , ( I . C . ) , attended as visitors . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . After the minutes of the previous meeting bad been confirmed the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . the Rev . T . P . Mullins , having answered the usual questions satisfactorily was properly prepared and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was then resumed in the first degreeand Bro . R . J . Priorhaving given the neee s
, , ssry proofs of his proficiency , was properly prepared and passed . to tho degree of F . C . The W . M . himself performing both ceremonies . Bro . Davey gave notice that he should at the next meeting propose Bro . Captain Tevershaui , 623 ( I . C ) , as a joining member . The lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . PKESTON— Vnanimitg Lodge ( No . 113 ) . —The Annual Installation Festival ofthe above old and prosperous'lodge ivas held at the Bull Hotel , on Monday , the 2 nd instant . The lodge was opened at 3 o ' clock , hy Bro . Whitehead , W . M ., supported bv Bros . Steib , P . M ., Porter , P . M . ( 343 ) , Myers , P . M . ( 343 ) , Wilson , P . M ., Birchall , P . M ., Fryer , P . M ., and assisted by Bros . WadeS . W . NevittJ . W . BarnesSecSummerSD '
, , , , , , , .., Hunt , J . D ., and about thirty brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read aud confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . H . Atherstone , being a candidate for the sublime degree , was examined , entrusted , and retired ; the lodge was opened in the third degree , he was again admitted , and raised in a very impressive manner hy the W . M . Tbe traditional history anil lecture on
tho tracing board being given by Bro . Foster , P . M . The lodge was then resumed in the second degree , when Bro . J . J . Greaves , P . M . ( the oldest member ofthe lodge ) , was presented by Bros , Fryer and Whitehead for Installation . Bros . H . Steib , P . M .. officiating as the installing master , and performing his partmost efficiently . The W . M . next appointed and invested bis officers as follows ;—Nevill , S . W . ; Summer , J . W . ; Fryer , P . M .,
Treas ; Barnes , Sec ; Hunt , S . D . ; Livesy , J . D . ; Robinson , I . G . ; and McCarter , Tyler . Before the lodge was closed , Bros . J . J . Greaves presented to Adjutant fl . H . Whitehead , the immediate P . M ., a P . M . 's jewel , subscribed by the members of the lodge , in recognition of the satisfactory manner in which he had filled the office during tho past twelve months . Subsequently a very sumptuous banquet wes given , and was provided iu the style for which the Bull Hotel has become so famousThe
. chair was occupied by the new W . M ., Bro . J . J . Greaves , who was supported on tho right by the installing master ( Bro . H . Steib ) and P . M . ' s A . H . H . Whitehead , Major Wilson , Dr . Smith , C . Fryer , & c . There was a considerable number of tho brethren from other local and district lodges . The chairman
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
he being a Steward at tho next Anniversary Fostiv . il 011 tho 25 th instant . Bros . M . Davis , Richardson and O . Davis were unanimously elected joining members ; Bro . M . Davis having- taken the chair pro tern ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was accorded to tiie W . M . for bis admirable working , and the Lodge of Instruction was closed .
VICTORIA : METBOPOMTAW LODGE OF INSTP . ITOTION ( NO . 1053 ) —The usual weekly meeting of the above lodge was held on tbe 30 ult ., at Bro . Price ' s , the Portugal Hotel , Fleetstreet , under the able Preceptorship of Bro . James Brett , G . P . ; Bro . Snelling , as W . M . j A . L . Amiett , as S . W . ; Drew , as J . W . 5 J . R . Stacey , as S . D . ; G . Lemaim , as J . D . A . Frickerhausas I . G . ' and Bros . C . G . HillS .
; , , , Hill , S . A . Stephens , D . D . Beck , J . Kent , J . R . Foulger , J . E . Walford , and D . R . Still , Hon . Sec . The ceremony of opening the lodge , and the reading of the minutes took place . The second degree was then rehearsed , Bro . S . Hill acting as the candidate , the ceremony being perfectly worked . Bro . Annett was elected W . M . for tbe ensuing week . A gratuity of 10 s . was awarded Bro . Grant , tbe Tyler of the Lodge of
Instruction . Bro . D . R . Still then announced that the Anniversary Banquet of the above lodge ivould take place at the Portugal Hotel , on Friday , the 29 th of January , 1871 . Bro . James Brett , G . P ., had kindly consented to take the chair . The price of the tickets would be 3 s . 6 d . each , and he hoped on that occasion to have a good attendance of tbe brethren . The lodge was then closed . Those brethren who wish to gain good Masonic instruction cannot tto better than avail themselves , by attending tbe above lodge , under the able Preceptorship of Bro . James Brett .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . — Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 . )—After a period of inactivity of three months , during which , though the meetings were regularly held , there was no ceremonial work to be performed , something like fresh vigour now seems to be infused , and the capabilites of the new officers appointed in October last have been fully tested—at least in the first degree . At 6 . 30 p . m . on Thursday , January 5 th , the Lodge was opened by Bro .
W . Gumming , AV . M ., asssisted by Bros . J . Heath , as I . P . M . ; Niner , S . W . ; Stafford , J . W . ; Presswell , Sec ; Fowle , J . D . ; Taylor , Organist ; Golden , I . G . ; Crocker , Tilor . Bros . T . E . Owen , and Dr . Hopkins , P . M . ' s , were also present , wiih others ; and as visitors Bros . Fevvy , 303 , and Wanen , 1254 . Tbe minutes wore read and confirmed , and several matters of a private nature were settled . The ballot for one of the candidates for initiation was deferredas he was not presentand
, , some of the information respecting him was deficient . A ballot for Bro . Keddle as joining member took place , and was unanimous in hfs favour , as was one for Mr . Goodridge , a candidate for admission into the Order , after receipt of satisfactory information respecting him . The W . M . performed the ceremony of initiation in a very creditable manner , especially as this was his first effort in the Lodge . The charge was given bthe S . W
y . with equal effect , and the Lecture on the Tracing Board , by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . and P . P . G . S . W . The duties of the evening were brought to a close soon after 8 . The Brethren adjourned for refreshment , and finally separated at 9 . 30 . HERTFORDSHIRE . BEEEHAMPSTED . —Per / champsted Lodge ( No . 504 ) . — -The annual installation
meeting of this now prosperous lodge was held no Wednesday the 4-th inst ., at the King ' s Anns Hotel . The members duly met at the appointed hour , 2 p . m ., and the chair was promptly taken by Bro . W . J . Adams , the W . M ., and the lodge was opened , assisted hy the Bros . R . W . Wright , S . W . ; H E . Long , J . W . A medical gentleman of the town was proposed , for initiation and ballotted for , but , his professional duties prevented him being present . The usual formal business being gone through , Bro . Heath , P . M . took the chair , and Bro . W . Vvilson , theW . M . elect , was presented hy Bro . W . J . Adams for installation
he was with all the forms and ceremonies duly placed in the chair , in tho presence of the following installed Masters : —Mr-:-. ; . John Havers , Past J . G . W . ; Wilson , Treas ., P . Prov . S . G . W .: Ry , .. ? . . 0 , Harvey , P . Pro-,- . G . Chap . ; J How , P . Prov . G . D . C . : , ' -. Lane . J . Johnson , 0 . Allen , F . Shugar , and others . The W . M . appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . W . J . A . Adau : s . 1 . JI . : A " . E . Clney . S . W . ; J . H . Adams , J . W . ; W . H . Eowe . i-. D . ; W . T . Hendry , J . D . ; G . L . Hart , I . G . ; Heath , D . C . ; S . T
Eowe , Steward ; Bro . Thomas for the 26 th time was re-invested Tyler . The ceremony of installation was most admirable performed by Bro . Heath , ( whom for his good services the Prov . G . M . bad appointed S . G . W . at the last Provincial Grand Lodge ) and Bro . Wilson , the newly-installed W . M . deserves great praise for his addresses to each officer on investing them . AU business being ended , the lodge room was cleared for the banquet , which was of a quality we are not accustomed to meet
with at meetings elsewhere in the provinces , the wines and vian ds were alike of the best . Bro . Wilson being a resident of Berkhampsted , and taking great interestjlln our institution , s prosperous year is certain . There were thirty-four brethren present .
KENT . CANTEBBUET . — United Industrious Lodge ( No . 31 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held at the lodge-room , High Street , 011 Thursday , the 5 th inst . The officers present were Bros . John R , Hall , W . M . ; Gardner , S . W . ; Pavey , J . W ., I . & . Hall , S . D . ; H . M . Bigglestone , I . G . ; Delmar , Treas . ; Pous , Sec . ; and S . F . Pringner , Tyler . The following members also attended , Bros . Coppin , I . P . M . ; Hemery , P . M . ; Major Elmsall , P . M . ; aud
Captain P . Knight . Bros . Captains Denne , 187 , and Tevershaui , 623 , ( I . C . ) , attended as visitors . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . After the minutes of the previous meeting bad been confirmed the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . the Rev . T . P . Mullins , having answered the usual questions satisfactorily was properly prepared and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was then resumed in the first degreeand Bro . R . J . Priorhaving given the neee s
, , ssry proofs of his proficiency , was properly prepared and passed . to tho degree of F . C . The W . M . himself performing both ceremonies . Bro . Davey gave notice that he should at the next meeting propose Bro . Captain Tevershaui , 623 ( I . C ) , as a joining member . The lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . PKESTON— Vnanimitg Lodge ( No . 113 ) . —The Annual Installation Festival ofthe above old and prosperous'lodge ivas held at the Bull Hotel , on Monday , the 2 nd instant . The lodge was opened at 3 o ' clock , hy Bro . Whitehead , W . M ., supported bv Bros . Steib , P . M ., Porter , P . M . ( 343 ) , Myers , P . M . ( 343 ) , Wilson , P . M ., Birchall , P . M ., Fryer , P . M ., and assisted by Bros . WadeS . W . NevittJ . W . BarnesSecSummerSD '
, , , , , , , .., Hunt , J . D ., and about thirty brethren . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read aud confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . H . Atherstone , being a candidate for the sublime degree , was examined , entrusted , and retired ; the lodge was opened in the third degree , he was again admitted , and raised in a very impressive manner hy the W . M . Tbe traditional history anil lecture on
tho tracing board being given by Bro . Foster , P . M . The lodge was then resumed in the second degree , when Bro . J . J . Greaves , P . M . ( the oldest member ofthe lodge ) , was presented by Bros , Fryer and Whitehead for Installation . Bros . H . Steib , P . M .. officiating as the installing master , and performing his partmost efficiently . The W . M . next appointed and invested bis officers as follows ;—Nevill , S . W . ; Summer , J . W . ; Fryer , P . M .,
Treas ; Barnes , Sec ; Hunt , S . D . ; Livesy , J . D . ; Robinson , I . G . ; and McCarter , Tyler . Before the lodge was closed , Bros . J . J . Greaves presented to Adjutant fl . H . Whitehead , the immediate P . M ., a P . M . 's jewel , subscribed by the members of the lodge , in recognition of the satisfactory manner in which he had filled the office during tho past twelve months . Subsequently a very sumptuous banquet wes given , and was provided iu the style for which the Bull Hotel has become so famousThe
. chair was occupied by the new W . M ., Bro . J . J . Greaves , who was supported on tho right by the installing master ( Bro . H . Steib ) and P . M . ' s A . H . H . Whitehead , Major Wilson , Dr . Smith , C . Fryer , & c . There was a considerable number of tho brethren from other local and district lodges . The chairman