Article SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CANADA. Page 1 of 1 Article CANADA. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW BRUNSWICK. Page 1 of 4 →
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South Australia.
Mar . 14 . .. „ No . 25 ( J . S . C . ) ... 5 0 0 No . 26 ( M ) 0 12 6 Oct . 3 . „ Balance in Bank 105 1 5 Hand 10 19 9 £ 129 13 8 Statement of accounts of the Trustees of the Freemasons '
HaU , & c . : — DE , £ s . d To Cash received for mortgages 5 , 000 0 0 „ Subscriptions received ... ... 469 17 0 „ Profit , 0 . A . Christy ' s Entertainment 43 2 8 „ Profit from Fancy Fair , in addition to goods on hand , valued at cost , £ 231 39 15 11 „ Rents received 16 ° 0 9 „ Balance due Secretary 193 9 3
£ 5 , 911 5 7 CB . £ s . d . By cost of Laud 1 , 157 5 0 „ Cost of Buildings 3 , 684 18 7 „ Arrears of Rent for old Hall , paid to Mr . Henning to recover Furniture 61 2 6 „ Expenses laying Foundation Stone S 5 6
„ Furnishing Lodge , Banquet , and two Anterooms , Bar Fittings , and Engine ... ... 4-78 17 2 „ License , Salary , and other expenses in opening tbe House 63 5 0 „ Interest paid up to September 4 th ... ... 387 9 2 „ Expenses of Consecration Ceremony 14 15 3 „ Insurance , Rates , Gas , Stationery , Candles , Printing , Advertisements , & c 55 7 5
£ 5 , 911 5 7 The Trustee in presenting the above statement of accounts to the D , G . Lodge regret having to state that they have not received that amount of support from the Craft they were led to expect . Also , that a large amount of promised subscriptions ( over £ 200 ) still remain unpaid , after repeated application to the
brethren for them . They trust , however , that in prospect of a better season , the brethren will not only redeem their promises , but , by putting forth renewed energy , they will soon reduce the debt remaining , so that iu tbe course of a few years the Craft may bo in a position to carry out the primary object in erecting the hall , by the possession of a fund from which the necessities of the widows and orphans of the brethren of the craft may be relieved . The goods left from the Fancy Fair ( valued at £ 231 , cost ) the Trustees intend disposing of by auction at the earliest opportunity .
DEDICATION AND CONSECRATION OF THE MASONIC HALL , AVOODSTOCK , ONTARIO . On Wednesday evening , the Sth of November , tbe Masonic Hall belonging to Oxford Lodge , No . 76 , and Oxford Chapter , No . IS , AA ' oodstoek , Out , was formally dedicated in tbe name of T . G . A . O . T . U . to Masonic purposes by D . D . G . M ., P . J . Brown ,
upon ivhich occasion there was a very large assemblage of the brethren of tbe " Mystic Tie . " The Lodge having been duly opened by Worshipful Bro . E , H . Fauquier , the able and esteemed master of Oxford Lodge , assisted by his Wardens and subordinate officers , and all work having heen disposed of , the D . D . G . M . proceeded to perform the dedication ceremony in duo and ancient form , and for that purpose formed a procession in the following order : —
The Acting Grand Chaplain , the Rev . D . M'Dermid . The Acting Junior Grand AVarden , W . Bro . James Scarff bearing a vessel with corn . The acting Senior Grand Warden , AV . Bro . George Board carrying a vessel with wine .
The D . D . G . Master P . J . Brown , bearing a vessel with oil , followed by the wardens , deacons , brethren and visitors . Tbe procession moved three times round the hall , and the corn , wine , and oil were then sprinkled by the D . D . Grand Master , and the usual dedication to the great principles of ivhich they are symbolic , took place amid solemn prayers by the acting Grand Chaplain , and well executed music by the organist , Bro . MeCausland . 'Che dedication ceremony over , and the
ordinary officers resuming their places ; various resolutions were passed embodying the thanks of Oxford Lodge to a number of brethren aud friends who had evinced great interest in the furnishing of the new ball . The loclge was then called from labour to refreshment and the brethren adjourned to a room in the lower part of the building where a substantial and recherche supper had been supplied by the members of Oxford Lodge , and Companions of Oxford Chapter , and which appeared to be very
acceptable to the company . After supper , and all having returned to the hall the lodge was closed , "happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again , " and thus closed one of the most pleasant evensngs we have ever passed , every member bearing on his face the index of contentment and satisfaction . It is always a pleasure for Masons to meet with their brethren , from a distance , and it will be but right to mention that Oxford Lodge was favoured by a visit from the Rev . Bro . Gilbert Percy
, L . L . D . of the Grand Lodgo of Ireland , who received a truly Masonic greeting . AVe must now describe tbe new hall which was built hy Mr ; John M'Intyre for the purpose , and in its arrangement ; both external and internal , are displayed the taste , energy and ability of that experienced draughtsman . Most Eminent Comp . C . L . Beard , tho first Principal of Oxford Chapter and D . G .
Superintendent for Wilson District , who was ably seconded by W . Bro . E . A . H . Fauquier , his AVardens and other members of the Committee . Standing on the opposite side of the street and looking up at the Masonic Hall it presents an appearance at once chaste and appropriate , heing adorned on each side of the coping hy two large stones , engraved upon which are masonic emblems , the whole being surmounted by an excellent carving in stone
represonting Canada ' s beaver , which composedly sits at that giddy height and looks down ou the busy scene below . Mounting the first stair and passing through the passage we come to the waiting room , which is commodious and convenient ; ascending another stair we reach tbe ante-room and contiguous apartments , and from thence enter the hall or Lodge or Chapter room , which is large and elegant , with a lofty coved ceilingchased cornicesand ornamental centre piece ; but the
, , furniture ( from tbe manufactory of James Hay , AVoodstock ) of the room , we cannot too highly praise , over the floor being spread a beautiful carpet which is in perfect harmony with the crimson " Rep , " covered furniture ancl altar , painted a pure and lustrous zinc white adorned with gilt mouldings and Masonic emblems , and bearing upon its top a handsome cushion , girt with silk cord and braid and pendant from each corner ,
graceful and majestic tassels , upon which was placed the volume of the Sacred Law . The Master's and AVardeu ' s chairs of mediaeval patterns like all the furniture , except the altar , are of oak , they are beautiful specimens of workmanship ; the backs are between seven and eight feet in height , the tops being ornamented with n fine piece of carving representing an oak branch with acorns ; in the centre of the circle are placed the appropri ate emblems of office , gilt . Arm chairs of oak surround the hai " being stuffed aud covered with Rep .
New Brunswick.
GRAND LODGE . At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , the M . AV . Grand Master delivered his Annual Address , from which wo make the following extracts : BBETMIKEN OE GRAND LODGE , — AA e assemble to enter upon the duties and responsibilities of the third Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of New-Brunswick .
Our review of the past affords encouragement in the present and gives good hope for the future . At home our lodges flourish and are prosperous , and from abroad we receive renewed assurances of fraternal interest in our organization .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
South Australia.
Mar . 14 . .. „ No . 25 ( J . S . C . ) ... 5 0 0 No . 26 ( M ) 0 12 6 Oct . 3 . „ Balance in Bank 105 1 5 Hand 10 19 9 £ 129 13 8 Statement of accounts of the Trustees of the Freemasons '
HaU , & c . : — DE , £ s . d To Cash received for mortgages 5 , 000 0 0 „ Subscriptions received ... ... 469 17 0 „ Profit , 0 . A . Christy ' s Entertainment 43 2 8 „ Profit from Fancy Fair , in addition to goods on hand , valued at cost , £ 231 39 15 11 „ Rents received 16 ° 0 9 „ Balance due Secretary 193 9 3
£ 5 , 911 5 7 CB . £ s . d . By cost of Laud 1 , 157 5 0 „ Cost of Buildings 3 , 684 18 7 „ Arrears of Rent for old Hall , paid to Mr . Henning to recover Furniture 61 2 6 „ Expenses laying Foundation Stone S 5 6
„ Furnishing Lodge , Banquet , and two Anterooms , Bar Fittings , and Engine ... ... 4-78 17 2 „ License , Salary , and other expenses in opening tbe House 63 5 0 „ Interest paid up to September 4 th ... ... 387 9 2 „ Expenses of Consecration Ceremony 14 15 3 „ Insurance , Rates , Gas , Stationery , Candles , Printing , Advertisements , & c 55 7 5
£ 5 , 911 5 7 The Trustee in presenting the above statement of accounts to the D , G . Lodge regret having to state that they have not received that amount of support from the Craft they were led to expect . Also , that a large amount of promised subscriptions ( over £ 200 ) still remain unpaid , after repeated application to the
brethren for them . They trust , however , that in prospect of a better season , the brethren will not only redeem their promises , but , by putting forth renewed energy , they will soon reduce the debt remaining , so that iu tbe course of a few years the Craft may bo in a position to carry out the primary object in erecting the hall , by the possession of a fund from which the necessities of the widows and orphans of the brethren of the craft may be relieved . The goods left from the Fancy Fair ( valued at £ 231 , cost ) the Trustees intend disposing of by auction at the earliest opportunity .
DEDICATION AND CONSECRATION OF THE MASONIC HALL , AVOODSTOCK , ONTARIO . On Wednesday evening , the Sth of November , tbe Masonic Hall belonging to Oxford Lodge , No . 76 , and Oxford Chapter , No . IS , AA ' oodstoek , Out , was formally dedicated in tbe name of T . G . A . O . T . U . to Masonic purposes by D . D . G . M ., P . J . Brown ,
upon ivhich occasion there was a very large assemblage of the brethren of tbe " Mystic Tie . " The Lodge having been duly opened by Worshipful Bro . E , H . Fauquier , the able and esteemed master of Oxford Lodge , assisted by his Wardens and subordinate officers , and all work having heen disposed of , the D . D . G . M . proceeded to perform the dedication ceremony in duo and ancient form , and for that purpose formed a procession in the following order : —
The Acting Grand Chaplain , the Rev . D . M'Dermid . The Acting Junior Grand AVarden , W . Bro . James Scarff bearing a vessel with corn . The acting Senior Grand Warden , AV . Bro . George Board carrying a vessel with wine .
The D . D . G . Master P . J . Brown , bearing a vessel with oil , followed by the wardens , deacons , brethren and visitors . Tbe procession moved three times round the hall , and the corn , wine , and oil were then sprinkled by the D . D . Grand Master , and the usual dedication to the great principles of ivhich they are symbolic , took place amid solemn prayers by the acting Grand Chaplain , and well executed music by the organist , Bro . MeCausland . 'Che dedication ceremony over , and the
ordinary officers resuming their places ; various resolutions were passed embodying the thanks of Oxford Lodge to a number of brethren aud friends who had evinced great interest in the furnishing of the new ball . The loclge was then called from labour to refreshment and the brethren adjourned to a room in the lower part of the building where a substantial and recherche supper had been supplied by the members of Oxford Lodge , and Companions of Oxford Chapter , and which appeared to be very
acceptable to the company . After supper , and all having returned to the hall the lodge was closed , "happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again , " and thus closed one of the most pleasant evensngs we have ever passed , every member bearing on his face the index of contentment and satisfaction . It is always a pleasure for Masons to meet with their brethren , from a distance , and it will be but right to mention that Oxford Lodge was favoured by a visit from the Rev . Bro . Gilbert Percy
, L . L . D . of the Grand Lodgo of Ireland , who received a truly Masonic greeting . AVe must now describe tbe new hall which was built hy Mr ; John M'Intyre for the purpose , and in its arrangement ; both external and internal , are displayed the taste , energy and ability of that experienced draughtsman . Most Eminent Comp . C . L . Beard , tho first Principal of Oxford Chapter and D . G .
Superintendent for Wilson District , who was ably seconded by W . Bro . E . A . H . Fauquier , his AVardens and other members of the Committee . Standing on the opposite side of the street and looking up at the Masonic Hall it presents an appearance at once chaste and appropriate , heing adorned on each side of the coping hy two large stones , engraved upon which are masonic emblems , the whole being surmounted by an excellent carving in stone
represonting Canada ' s beaver , which composedly sits at that giddy height and looks down ou the busy scene below . Mounting the first stair and passing through the passage we come to the waiting room , which is commodious and convenient ; ascending another stair we reach tbe ante-room and contiguous apartments , and from thence enter the hall or Lodge or Chapter room , which is large and elegant , with a lofty coved ceilingchased cornicesand ornamental centre piece ; but the
, , furniture ( from tbe manufactory of James Hay , AVoodstock ) of the room , we cannot too highly praise , over the floor being spread a beautiful carpet which is in perfect harmony with the crimson " Rep , " covered furniture ancl altar , painted a pure and lustrous zinc white adorned with gilt mouldings and Masonic emblems , and bearing upon its top a handsome cushion , girt with silk cord and braid and pendant from each corner ,
graceful and majestic tassels , upon which was placed the volume of the Sacred Law . The Master's and AVardeu ' s chairs of mediaeval patterns like all the furniture , except the altar , are of oak , they are beautiful specimens of workmanship ; the backs are between seven and eight feet in height , the tops being ornamented with n fine piece of carving representing an oak branch with acorns ; in the centre of the circle are placed the appropri ate emblems of office , gilt . Arm chairs of oak surround the hai " being stuffed aud covered with Rep .
New Brunswick.
GRAND LODGE . At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick , the M . AV . Grand Master delivered his Annual Address , from which wo make the following extracts : BBETMIKEN OE GRAND LODGE , — AA e assemble to enter upon the duties and responsibilities of the third Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of New-Brunswick .
Our review of the past affords encouragement in the present and gives good hope for the future . At home our lodges flourish and are prosperous , and from abroad we receive renewed assurances of fraternal interest in our organization .