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Notes On American Freemasonry.
Under the head of Masonic Jurisprudence we find the following : — " To inquiries whether certain persons ' are entitled to the Degree called the Master Masons ' Daughter / the Committee an . i . ver that tho
the Grand Loclge of Tennessee does not recognize , and has no jurisdiction over the degree , or any of the degrees familiarly known as Side Degrees . " The proceedings of a "Lodge of Sorrow in memory of the late brother Charles A . Fuller ,
Past Grand Master and Past Grand Secretary , " accompany the Grand Lodge proceedings . The ceremonies were very imposing . At the conclusion ofthe services , Bro . W . A . Nelson delivered an eloquent and appropriate address . From it we
make the following extracts : — " These emblems of mortality bring most vividly to mind the sad and solemn fact that a burning taper of life has been extinguished , —a bright star has fallen from our mystic constellation ******
" As a citizen of the State , his life was a most striking exemplification of Masonic teaching , for he was indeed a * peaceful and quiet subject . ' " With malice toward none , and charity for all , he pursued his avocations with that dignity which
marked the entire pathway of his life . " Though he aspired not to the statesman ' s honours , nor descended into the sloughs of political chicanery , yet his counsel was deemed of interest , and his words were accounted wisdom . He led
no hosts to battle , nor marshaled those m military array , but he did what was better , wiser , and still more honourable—he led out the instincts of a pure and correct disposition to the subduing of his passions , aud the conforming of his actions to
the purer dictates of reason aud of right . " His presence was not seen in the councils of the nation , nor his voice heard in party strife . He engaged not in these , yet he commanded the most profound respect and enjoyed the implicit
confidence of all who knew him . " A philanthropist by nature , and a benefactor by practice , his heart was ever engaged to commiserate distress , and his hand ever open to relieve it . Deprecating the conduct of the low and vicious ,
liis appreciation was unsurpassed for the virtuous and honourable . " His social qualifications were truly enviable . Extraordinarily fluent , and abundantly gifted in this respect , our brother stood peerless . Who
Notes On American Freemasonry.
that ever spent ' the passing hour' in his society , was not impressed with the dignity of his style , added to the genial manner of his deportment . * * * " He was at every meeting of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee during a period of twenty-six long
years , and I presume no member in this Grand Jurisdiction was more favourably known or justly appreciated . " I cannot close without calling attention to that trait which shone the brightest and well-nigh dimmed the lustre of all the rest . I refer to his
faithful and constant reliance in the merits of the ' Lion of the Tribe of Judah . ' Unostentatiously he moved forward , right forward , to the altar of consecration . If his Masonic life rendered him great , his Christian life illustrated that he
was good . In every department of life , in all its various trying scenes , in no phase does the good man' shine out with such transcendant brilliancy as in the shere of an humble and devoted Christian .
Faithfully he worked—ardently he strove—and heroically he battled in the mighty host of Israel ' s God . * ***** " When the death-messenger was at the very door , his Christian heart , in imitation of the
World's Redeemer , while on the reeking cross , was moved with compassion for the widow and orphan . " Tennessee has in operation the following Masonic schools : —Masonic Female Institute ,
Hartsville , Sumner County ; Masonic Male School , Gallatins , Sumner County ; Clifton Masonic Academy , Clifton , Wayne County ; Petersburg Masonic Academy , Petersburg , Lincoln County ; Macon Masonic Male College , Macon , Fayette County ; Sule Creek
Male and Female Institute , Sule Creek , Hamilton County ; Huvasse Masonic Institute , Charlestown Bradley County . The report of the Grand Lodge proceedings gives no account of the state of these institutions .
Number of chartered lodges , 298 ; initiated , 2060 ; passed , 1882 ; raised , 1900 ; deaths , 70 ; total number of Master Masons , 16 , 996 .
TEXAS . The thirty-third annual communication of the Grand Lodge of this State was held in the city of Houston . The Grand Lodge was opened by the Grand Master , Peter W . Grey , in ancient form . The Grand Master of Texas notices with satisfaction the settlement of the difficulties between
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On American Freemasonry.
Under the head of Masonic Jurisprudence we find the following : — " To inquiries whether certain persons ' are entitled to the Degree called the Master Masons ' Daughter / the Committee an . i . ver that tho
the Grand Loclge of Tennessee does not recognize , and has no jurisdiction over the degree , or any of the degrees familiarly known as Side Degrees . " The proceedings of a "Lodge of Sorrow in memory of the late brother Charles A . Fuller ,
Past Grand Master and Past Grand Secretary , " accompany the Grand Lodge proceedings . The ceremonies were very imposing . At the conclusion ofthe services , Bro . W . A . Nelson delivered an eloquent and appropriate address . From it we
make the following extracts : — " These emblems of mortality bring most vividly to mind the sad and solemn fact that a burning taper of life has been extinguished , —a bright star has fallen from our mystic constellation ******
" As a citizen of the State , his life was a most striking exemplification of Masonic teaching , for he was indeed a * peaceful and quiet subject . ' " With malice toward none , and charity for all , he pursued his avocations with that dignity which
marked the entire pathway of his life . " Though he aspired not to the statesman ' s honours , nor descended into the sloughs of political chicanery , yet his counsel was deemed of interest , and his words were accounted wisdom . He led
no hosts to battle , nor marshaled those m military array , but he did what was better , wiser , and still more honourable—he led out the instincts of a pure and correct disposition to the subduing of his passions , aud the conforming of his actions to
the purer dictates of reason aud of right . " His presence was not seen in the councils of the nation , nor his voice heard in party strife . He engaged not in these , yet he commanded the most profound respect and enjoyed the implicit
confidence of all who knew him . " A philanthropist by nature , and a benefactor by practice , his heart was ever engaged to commiserate distress , and his hand ever open to relieve it . Deprecating the conduct of the low and vicious ,
liis appreciation was unsurpassed for the virtuous and honourable . " His social qualifications were truly enviable . Extraordinarily fluent , and abundantly gifted in this respect , our brother stood peerless . Who
Notes On American Freemasonry.
that ever spent ' the passing hour' in his society , was not impressed with the dignity of his style , added to the genial manner of his deportment . * * * " He was at every meeting of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee during a period of twenty-six long
years , and I presume no member in this Grand Jurisdiction was more favourably known or justly appreciated . " I cannot close without calling attention to that trait which shone the brightest and well-nigh dimmed the lustre of all the rest . I refer to his
faithful and constant reliance in the merits of the ' Lion of the Tribe of Judah . ' Unostentatiously he moved forward , right forward , to the altar of consecration . If his Masonic life rendered him great , his Christian life illustrated that he
was good . In every department of life , in all its various trying scenes , in no phase does the good man' shine out with such transcendant brilliancy as in the shere of an humble and devoted Christian .
Faithfully he worked—ardently he strove—and heroically he battled in the mighty host of Israel ' s God . * ***** " When the death-messenger was at the very door , his Christian heart , in imitation of the
World's Redeemer , while on the reeking cross , was moved with compassion for the widow and orphan . " Tennessee has in operation the following Masonic schools : —Masonic Female Institute ,
Hartsville , Sumner County ; Masonic Male School , Gallatins , Sumner County ; Clifton Masonic Academy , Clifton , Wayne County ; Petersburg Masonic Academy , Petersburg , Lincoln County ; Macon Masonic Male College , Macon , Fayette County ; Sule Creek
Male and Female Institute , Sule Creek , Hamilton County ; Huvasse Masonic Institute , Charlestown Bradley County . The report of the Grand Lodge proceedings gives no account of the state of these institutions .
Number of chartered lodges , 298 ; initiated , 2060 ; passed , 1882 ; raised , 1900 ; deaths , 70 ; total number of Master Masons , 16 , 996 .
TEXAS . The thirty-third annual communication of the Grand Lodge of this State was held in the city of Houston . The Grand Lodge was opened by the Grand Master , Peter W . Grey , in ancient form . The Grand Master of Texas notices with satisfaction the settlement of the difficulties between