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were elected for the ensuing year : —Bros . Peter Malcolm Kincardine , R . W . M . ; Hugh M'Lean , Auchterarder House , D . M ., John Sinclair S . M . ; Amailer , Senior Warden ; C . M . Hunter ; Solicitor , Junior Warden . The Treasurer , Secretary , and com-, rnittee wore re-elected same as last year . PERTHSHIRE ( WEST ) .
CRIEEF . —St . Michae ' s Lodge ( No . 38 ) . — The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 27 ihult . Alter tbe disposal of preliminary business , the following office-bearers were appointed , viz : —Bios . Sir Patrick Keith Murray , Hart ., of Ocbtertyre , R . W . Ah ; David Dinnie , D . M . ; AV . France , S . AV . ; Peter M'Gregor , J . W- ; Charles Anderson , S . D . ; Swaustou Drysdal , S . D . ; Adam Stewart , J . D . ; John Foster , S . G . L . ; George Morgan , J . G . S . ; G . M'Culloch , Treas . ; John Young , Sec ; James Todd , R . G . S . Upwards of £ 60 has been divided through the friendly department of the lodgo during the past year .
South Australia.
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE . A quarterly Communication was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Flinders Street , Adelaide , on AVednesday , 5 th October , 1870 . There were Present , Bros . —R . W . Arthur Hardy , J . P ., Dist . G . M . in the Chair ; AV . Henry Edward Downer , Deputy D . G . M . ; AV . P . M , Macaulay , as S . D . G . AV . ; tbe Dist . G . Secretory , as J . D . G . AV . ; the Rev . Canon Fair , M . A . lain
D . G ., Chap . AV . Bros . AVicksteed , P . Dist . S . G : AV , as Dist . G . Secretary ; W . Letchford , Dist . G . S . D . ; John Cox Bray , Dist . G . Pursuivant ; and H . E . Bright , Dist . Q . Steward . The District Grand Lodgo was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The R . AA ' . The District Grand Master then proceeded to appoint Officers for tbe ensuing year as follows : —
His Honor Edward Castres Gwynne ( Judge of the Supreme Court ) , Dist , G . S . W . J . F . Dotting , Dist . G . J . AV . The Rev . George Henry Farr , M . A ., Dist . G . Chaplain . John R . Gumer , Dist . G . Registrar . Ralp h Everard Lucy , Dist . G . Secretary . Au . ' ay Macaulav , Dist . G . S . D . John Rudall , Dist . G . J . D .
Hon . Thomas English , Dist . G . Supt . of AVorks . AVilliam Hill , Dist . G . Dir . of Ceremonies . William Henry Beau , Dist . G . Asst . Dir . of Ceremonies . Augustus E . Davies , Dist . G . Swordbearer . Henry Louis Dm ien , Dist . G . Organist . John Cox Bray , Dist . G . Pursuivant . William Martin Letchford , Henry Edward Bri ght , Thomas Palrtidge , Charles Francis Godfrey Ashwiu , and Henry Hill
, Dist . G . Stewards . Bro . Mclntyre , P . M . United Tradesmen ' s Lodge , No , 5 S 3 , was unanimously elected Dist . G . Treasurer , and Johu Monck , Tyler . The Report ofthe General Committee , to the following effect , was presented : — " To the R . W . the D . G . Master and
" District Grand Lodge of South Australia . " Your Committee report : — " That they have ascertained that £ 15 was paid by the District Grand Lodge for Furniture on the 14 th day of August , 1866 . They are , therefore , of opinion that the giving it up to tbe Trustees of the Freemasons' Hall ought to be a sufficient equivalent for tbo use of the Hall to tbe end of tbe year , at whicli time they hope to bo free from debt .
" They recommend that afterwards a reasonable rent bo paid for the use of the Hall , and that a liberal subscription be made annually towards paying off the principal for which the Hall is mortgaged , provided that they are shown a reasonable prospect of the liquidation thereof in the course of years , and that a remainder is insured to the Benevolent Fuiid . " They regret that the Trustees have not put them into a position to make any more definite recommendation ; but , if supplied with the requisite information , will endeavour , in a supplementary report , to supply the deficiency .
" They report that during the past quarter Dispensations have been granted to the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge to walk in procession for the purpose of presenting an address to Bro . His Excellency Sir Jas . Fergusson , Bart . ; and the United Tradesmen's Lodge to Pass and Raise Brother Hyman at intervals less than four weeks . " They regret to say that a very heavy list of Brethren have had their names erased from the Lodge , chiefl y for non-payment
of dues . * " They have satisfaction in reporting that the Returns to June , 1 S 70 , show the addition of the names of thirty-six Bros , as initiated into Masonry . They are also pleased to report that the returns were made very regularly , and dues paid , only one exception having been made ; and that all dues to Grand Lodge have been remitted hy August Mail . " As tbe October Quarterly Communication is tbe time for the
R . AA . the D . G . M . to appoint officers for the ensuing year , it will be your duty to elect Treasurer and Tyler . "Also , to elect teu Members ofthe General Committee . The following Brethren have consented to act if elected : —W . Bros . AVhittell , AVicksteed , Gurner , Hamlin , Mclntyre , Hill , A . E . Davies , Crank , Macaulay , and Tusford . "Also , four Members ofthe Board of Management of the Masonic Benevolent Fund , and three Auditors . Bros . AVhittell ,
Botting , Gurner , and Haussen have consented to act , if elected , on the Board . "Adelaide , September 20 tb , 1870 . " The consideration of the Report was postponed until [ next meeting of tbe Dist . G . Lodge . Bro . Wicksteed , P . Dist . S . G . W . proposed , and W . Bro . Letchfoid seconded—That Bros . AVhittell , P . Dist . D . G . M . ; P . M . ' s Gurner , AVicksteed , Hill , Tuxl ' ord , Hamlin , Mclntyre , Botting , and A . E . Davies , and W . M . Crank , be the ten elective
members ofthe General Committee for the ensuing year , which ivas carried unanimously . Bro . Wicksteed p . Dist . S . G . AV . proposed , and AV . Bro . Letchford seconded—that Bros . Haussen , AVhittell , Gurner and Botting , be the elective members of the Committee of the Masonic Benevolent Fund for the ensuing year . Carried unanimously . Bro . AVicksteed P . Dist . G . S . W . proposed and Bro . H . E .
Brig ht seconded—That Bros . Hamlin , Jaffa and Letchford , be Auditors of the Masonic Benevolent Fund for the ensuing year ; Carried unanimously . The balance sheet and return of the Trustees of the Masonic Hall was then read , Bro . Letchford having obtained leave to withdraw the motion for which he had given notice , the R . W .. the Dist . G . M . having promised his assistance in framing a trust deed .
W . Bro . Letchford proposed and Bro . Bright seconded—that the whole matter be lett in tho hands of tlie General Committee ,, and that they bo requested to prepare a lleporb to ? snhmission to Dist . G . Lodge . Carried unanimously . There being no further business before the lodge it was then closed with solemn prayer . The following statements of accounts are appended to the Report . " South Australian Masonic Benevolent Fund . —Statement of
tho Receipts and Expenditure from January 1 st , 1870 , to October 3 rd , 1870 : — DB 1 S 70 . £ s . d . Jan . 1 . To Balance forward Ill 7 4 July 8 . „ Lodge of Truth 5 5 0 Sept . „ District Lodge , Interest on Loan £ 5 , due 16 th September . ... ... ... 5 0 0 To Savings Bank Interest to 31 st Dec . 1869 8 14
£ 129 13 8 CB . 1870 . £ s . d . Jan . S . By Memorial No . 22 ( H . D . AV . ) omitted last Balance 10 0 No . 23 ( B ) 5 0 0 No . 24 ( B ) 2 0 0
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
were elected for the ensuing year : —Bros . Peter Malcolm Kincardine , R . W . M . ; Hugh M'Lean , Auchterarder House , D . M ., John Sinclair S . M . ; Amailer , Senior Warden ; C . M . Hunter ; Solicitor , Junior Warden . The Treasurer , Secretary , and com-, rnittee wore re-elected same as last year . PERTHSHIRE ( WEST ) .
CRIEEF . —St . Michae ' s Lodge ( No . 38 ) . — The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 27 ihult . Alter tbe disposal of preliminary business , the following office-bearers were appointed , viz : —Bios . Sir Patrick Keith Murray , Hart ., of Ocbtertyre , R . W . Ah ; David Dinnie , D . M . ; AV . France , S . AV . ; Peter M'Gregor , J . W- ; Charles Anderson , S . D . ; Swaustou Drysdal , S . D . ; Adam Stewart , J . D . ; John Foster , S . G . L . ; George Morgan , J . G . S . ; G . M'Culloch , Treas . ; John Young , Sec ; James Todd , R . G . S . Upwards of £ 60 has been divided through the friendly department of the lodgo during the past year .
South Australia.
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE . A quarterly Communication was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Flinders Street , Adelaide , on AVednesday , 5 th October , 1870 . There were Present , Bros . —R . W . Arthur Hardy , J . P ., Dist . G . M . in the Chair ; AV . Henry Edward Downer , Deputy D . G . M . ; AV . P . M , Macaulay , as S . D . G . AV . ; tbe Dist . G . Secretory , as J . D . G . AV . ; the Rev . Canon Fair , M . A . lain
D . G ., Chap . AV . Bros . AVicksteed , P . Dist . S . G : AV , as Dist . G . Secretary ; W . Letchford , Dist . G . S . D . ; John Cox Bray , Dist . G . Pursuivant ; and H . E . Bright , Dist . Q . Steward . The District Grand Lodgo was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The R . AA ' . The District Grand Master then proceeded to appoint Officers for tbe ensuing year as follows : —
His Honor Edward Castres Gwynne ( Judge of the Supreme Court ) , Dist , G . S . W . J . F . Dotting , Dist . G . J . AV . The Rev . George Henry Farr , M . A ., Dist . G . Chaplain . John R . Gumer , Dist . G . Registrar . Ralp h Everard Lucy , Dist . G . Secretary . Au . ' ay Macaulav , Dist . G . S . D . John Rudall , Dist . G . J . D .
Hon . Thomas English , Dist . G . Supt . of AVorks . AVilliam Hill , Dist . G . Dir . of Ceremonies . William Henry Beau , Dist . G . Asst . Dir . of Ceremonies . Augustus E . Davies , Dist . G . Swordbearer . Henry Louis Dm ien , Dist . G . Organist . John Cox Bray , Dist . G . Pursuivant . William Martin Letchford , Henry Edward Bri ght , Thomas Palrtidge , Charles Francis Godfrey Ashwiu , and Henry Hill
, Dist . G . Stewards . Bro . Mclntyre , P . M . United Tradesmen ' s Lodge , No , 5 S 3 , was unanimously elected Dist . G . Treasurer , and Johu Monck , Tyler . The Report ofthe General Committee , to the following effect , was presented : — " To the R . W . the D . G . Master and
" District Grand Lodge of South Australia . " Your Committee report : — " That they have ascertained that £ 15 was paid by the District Grand Lodge for Furniture on the 14 th day of August , 1866 . They are , therefore , of opinion that the giving it up to tbe Trustees of the Freemasons' Hall ought to be a sufficient equivalent for tbo use of the Hall to tbe end of tbe year , at whicli time they hope to bo free from debt .
" They recommend that afterwards a reasonable rent bo paid for the use of the Hall , and that a liberal subscription be made annually towards paying off the principal for which the Hall is mortgaged , provided that they are shown a reasonable prospect of the liquidation thereof in the course of years , and that a remainder is insured to the Benevolent Fuiid . " They regret that the Trustees have not put them into a position to make any more definite recommendation ; but , if supplied with the requisite information , will endeavour , in a supplementary report , to supply the deficiency .
" They report that during the past quarter Dispensations have been granted to the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge to walk in procession for the purpose of presenting an address to Bro . His Excellency Sir Jas . Fergusson , Bart . ; and the United Tradesmen's Lodge to Pass and Raise Brother Hyman at intervals less than four weeks . " They regret to say that a very heavy list of Brethren have had their names erased from the Lodge , chiefl y for non-payment
of dues . * " They have satisfaction in reporting that the Returns to June , 1 S 70 , show the addition of the names of thirty-six Bros , as initiated into Masonry . They are also pleased to report that the returns were made very regularly , and dues paid , only one exception having been made ; and that all dues to Grand Lodge have been remitted hy August Mail . " As tbe October Quarterly Communication is tbe time for the
R . AA . the D . G . M . to appoint officers for the ensuing year , it will be your duty to elect Treasurer and Tyler . "Also , to elect teu Members ofthe General Committee . The following Brethren have consented to act if elected : —W . Bros . AVhittell , AVicksteed , Gurner , Hamlin , Mclntyre , Hill , A . E . Davies , Crank , Macaulay , and Tusford . "Also , four Members ofthe Board of Management of the Masonic Benevolent Fund , and three Auditors . Bros . AVhittell ,
Botting , Gurner , and Haussen have consented to act , if elected , on the Board . "Adelaide , September 20 tb , 1870 . " The consideration of the Report was postponed until [ next meeting of tbe Dist . G . Lodge . Bro . Wicksteed , P . Dist . S . G . W . proposed , and W . Bro . Letchfoid seconded—That Bros . AVhittell , P . Dist . D . G . M . ; P . M . ' s Gurner , AVicksteed , Hill , Tuxl ' ord , Hamlin , Mclntyre , Botting , and A . E . Davies , and W . M . Crank , be the ten elective
members ofthe General Committee for the ensuing year , which ivas carried unanimously . Bro . Wicksteed p . Dist . S . G . AV . proposed , and AV . Bro . Letchford seconded—that Bros . Haussen , AVhittell , Gurner and Botting , be the elective members of the Committee of the Masonic Benevolent Fund for the ensuing year . Carried unanimously . Bro . AVicksteed P . Dist . G . S . W . proposed and Bro . H . E .
Brig ht seconded—That Bros . Hamlin , Jaffa and Letchford , be Auditors of the Masonic Benevolent Fund for the ensuing year ; Carried unanimously . The balance sheet and return of the Trustees of the Masonic Hall was then read , Bro . Letchford having obtained leave to withdraw the motion for which he had given notice , the R . W .. the Dist . G . M . having promised his assistance in framing a trust deed .
W . Bro . Letchford proposed and Bro . Bright seconded—that the whole matter be lett in tho hands of tlie General Committee ,, and that they bo requested to prepare a lleporb to ? snhmission to Dist . G . Lodge . Carried unanimously . There being no further business before the lodge it was then closed with solemn prayer . The following statements of accounts are appended to the Report . " South Australian Masonic Benevolent Fund . —Statement of
tho Receipts and Expenditure from January 1 st , 1870 , to October 3 rd , 1870 : — DB 1 S 70 . £ s . d . Jan . 1 . To Balance forward Ill 7 4 July 8 . „ Lodge of Truth 5 5 0 Sept . „ District Lodge , Interest on Loan £ 5 , due 16 th September . ... ... ... 5 0 0 To Savings Bank Interest to 31 st Dec . 1869 8 14
£ 129 13 8 CB . 1870 . £ s . d . Jan . S . By Memorial No . 22 ( H . D . AV . ) omitted last Balance 10 0 No . 23 ( B ) 5 0 0 No . 24 ( B ) 2 0 0