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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Our good friend , Bro . A . G . Brandner , of St . Paul Lodge , No 3 , St . Paul , Minnesota , is now a sojourner in the city of the saints , where he is acting as secretary and treasurer of the Norris Silver Mining Company . In answer to the request made some weeks sincehe sends us the following brief mention of
, matters in Salt Lake City . We hope often to hear from him , and trust he will not forget to send us the " other side " of the Mormon Mason question ere long . He says . *—
" Dear Bro . Guilbert—If my memory serves me right , Bro . Luse gave you quite an elaborate , as well as interesting , account of the ' City of the Saints ' some time since , consequently , there is no use in me trying to say anything after him . So much has been said bthe Masonic generallabout
y press y , ¦ Mormon Masons , ' and the' Masons of Utah , ' that I will not attempt to take up the subject again , but leave it for abler and more interested parties , who , I understand , contemplate bringing the matter before the Grand Lodge of Kansas next month , when we
shall have the other side of the . question . There are two lodges in this city , both of which , I am happy to state , are in a flourishing condition . ' Wahsateh , No , 8 , ' is working under a charter from the Grand Lodge of Montana , dated October , 1867 , and has forty
members . I give the names of part of its able and efficient officers . Bros . Hon . O . I * . Stricklaud , W . M . ; S . S . Walker , S . W , ; J . M . Orr , J . W . ; M . H . Walker , Treas . and Ira M . Schwartz , Sec . 'Mount Moriah , No . 70 , ' chartered by the Grand Lodge of Kansas , October , 21 , 1868 . Bros . Joseph P .
Nounman , W . M . ; Louis Cohen , S . W . Paul Engelbrecht , J . W . ; Henry Wagner , Treas . and Christ . Diehl Sec . Total number of members , thirty-two , six of which were raised during the past year . Cash in treasury , 1 , 000 dols . No Mormons are admitted in
either lodge . Their lodge-room is as fine as any I have seen west of the Missouri , and will compare favourably with those in some of our larger and much wealthier eastern cities . It is certainly a credit to the Masons of this city .
'' A series of ' social hops ' are given semi-monthly , during the winter season , under the direction of a joint committee from both lodges , one of which took place a short time ago , and was very well attended all , I believe , enjoyed themselves greatly . All brothers in the city at such times are always cordially invited .
Some time since , Bro . Gouley ( of the " Preemason" ) , held that ' Mormons ' could not be refused admission to any lodge they desired to visit , because they were ' Mormons . ' Now , I should like to know why they have a right to -visit elsewhere , when they are debarred from so doing at home . "
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Ghice psniiii- 'j ; tho forage ^ aitiv - 't-, vs -i-, c receive from Bro . Brandner , a copy of the Sale Lake " Tribune , " the organ of the liberal wing of the Mormon church * If anything was wanting to prove the correctness of the exclusion of Mormons from . ** Masonic lodgeit would be the statements made in
, this paper . The lodges in Salt Lake City , despite the i pse dixit of Bro . Gouley , are the heat judges of who they shall fellowship with , and their decision , in onr judgment , is final . We agree fully in this respect with Bro . Brandner , whose views , being those of an
eye-witness and a man of capacity ancl discernment , are entitled to credence and to adoption . Aside from the utterly unmasonic theories on the subject of marriage , which the so-called Mormon Masons entertain , we believe that they were long ago declared
clandestine by tho Grand Lodge of Illinois , which fact alone would settle the matter , and declare the wisdom of the action of the legitimate Masons of that locality . —JEvergreen . All subordinate lodges -under the jurisdiction of the
Grand Lodge of Illinois are instructed to admit no negro or mulatto as a visitor , or otherwise , under any circumstance whatever . If any lodgo violat-as this expressed will of the Grand Lodge , it shall be the duty of the M . W . Grand Master to at once arrest its charter .
Whittalcer's Almanack for 1871 . Loudon : J . Wliitfakev . 'lS , Warwick-lane , Paternoster-row . We have received this excellent Shilling- Almanack , which contains , in addition to the usual features of such publications ,, a vast amount of very useful ami carefully compiled information respecting the Government , Finances , Population , Commerce ,
and general Statistics of the British Empire throughout tha world ; with some notices of other countries . The following ars amongst some ofthe novel features ivhich have been introduced with this year ' s issue : — The lists of Hereditary Dignities have been completed by the addition of the Baronets of England , Scotland , and Ireland , and
by the Peerage of the the two latter countries . A list of the Military Companions of the Order of the Bath has heen added . Some additional particulars have been given , respecting the Area , Population , Property and Taxation ofthe United Kingdom . The work extends to 326 pages of well-printed matter , and
reference to the voluminous contents may readily bo had hy means of the very carefully prepared and copious index which precedes the work . The Almanack must have been prepared at great trouble and expense , and is a marvel of cheapness , considering the vast amount of indispensable information which it contains . The work ought to be in every home , and on every office desk .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Our good friend , Bro . A . G . Brandner , of St . Paul Lodge , No 3 , St . Paul , Minnesota , is now a sojourner in the city of the saints , where he is acting as secretary and treasurer of the Norris Silver Mining Company . In answer to the request made some weeks sincehe sends us the following brief mention of
, matters in Salt Lake City . We hope often to hear from him , and trust he will not forget to send us the " other side " of the Mormon Mason question ere long . He says . *—
" Dear Bro . Guilbert—If my memory serves me right , Bro . Luse gave you quite an elaborate , as well as interesting , account of the ' City of the Saints ' some time since , consequently , there is no use in me trying to say anything after him . So much has been said bthe Masonic generallabout
y press y , ¦ Mormon Masons , ' and the' Masons of Utah , ' that I will not attempt to take up the subject again , but leave it for abler and more interested parties , who , I understand , contemplate bringing the matter before the Grand Lodge of Kansas next month , when we
shall have the other side of the . question . There are two lodges in this city , both of which , I am happy to state , are in a flourishing condition . ' Wahsateh , No , 8 , ' is working under a charter from the Grand Lodge of Montana , dated October , 1867 , and has forty
members . I give the names of part of its able and efficient officers . Bros . Hon . O . I * . Stricklaud , W . M . ; S . S . Walker , S . W , ; J . M . Orr , J . W . ; M . H . Walker , Treas . and Ira M . Schwartz , Sec . 'Mount Moriah , No . 70 , ' chartered by the Grand Lodge of Kansas , October , 21 , 1868 . Bros . Joseph P .
Nounman , W . M . ; Louis Cohen , S . W . Paul Engelbrecht , J . W . ; Henry Wagner , Treas . and Christ . Diehl Sec . Total number of members , thirty-two , six of which were raised during the past year . Cash in treasury , 1 , 000 dols . No Mormons are admitted in
either lodge . Their lodge-room is as fine as any I have seen west of the Missouri , and will compare favourably with those in some of our larger and much wealthier eastern cities . It is certainly a credit to the Masons of this city .
'' A series of ' social hops ' are given semi-monthly , during the winter season , under the direction of a joint committee from both lodges , one of which took place a short time ago , and was very well attended all , I believe , enjoyed themselves greatly . All brothers in the city at such times are always cordially invited .
Some time since , Bro . Gouley ( of the " Preemason" ) , held that ' Mormons ' could not be refused admission to any lodge they desired to visit , because they were ' Mormons . ' Now , I should like to know why they have a right to -visit elsewhere , when they are debarred from so doing at home . "
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Ghice psniiii- 'j ; tho forage ^ aitiv - 't-, vs -i-, c receive from Bro . Brandner , a copy of the Sale Lake " Tribune , " the organ of the liberal wing of the Mormon church * If anything was wanting to prove the correctness of the exclusion of Mormons from . ** Masonic lodgeit would be the statements made in
, this paper . The lodges in Salt Lake City , despite the i pse dixit of Bro . Gouley , are the heat judges of who they shall fellowship with , and their decision , in onr judgment , is final . We agree fully in this respect with Bro . Brandner , whose views , being those of an
eye-witness and a man of capacity ancl discernment , are entitled to credence and to adoption . Aside from the utterly unmasonic theories on the subject of marriage , which the so-called Mormon Masons entertain , we believe that they were long ago declared
clandestine by tho Grand Lodge of Illinois , which fact alone would settle the matter , and declare the wisdom of the action of the legitimate Masons of that locality . —JEvergreen . All subordinate lodges -under the jurisdiction of the
Grand Lodge of Illinois are instructed to admit no negro or mulatto as a visitor , or otherwise , under any circumstance whatever . If any lodgo violat-as this expressed will of the Grand Lodge , it shall be the duty of the M . W . Grand Master to at once arrest its charter .
Whittalcer's Almanack for 1871 . Loudon : J . Wliitfakev . 'lS , Warwick-lane , Paternoster-row . We have received this excellent Shilling- Almanack , which contains , in addition to the usual features of such publications ,, a vast amount of very useful ami carefully compiled information respecting the Government , Finances , Population , Commerce ,
and general Statistics of the British Empire throughout tha world ; with some notices of other countries . The following ars amongst some ofthe novel features ivhich have been introduced with this year ' s issue : — The lists of Hereditary Dignities have been completed by the addition of the Baronets of England , Scotland , and Ireland , and
by the Peerage of the the two latter countries . A list of the Military Companions of the Order of the Bath has heen added . Some additional particulars have been given , respecting the Area , Population , Property and Taxation ofthe United Kingdom . The work extends to 326 pages of well-printed matter , and
reference to the voluminous contents may readily bo had hy means of the very carefully prepared and copious index which precedes the work . The Almanack must have been prepared at great trouble and expense , and is a marvel of cheapness , considering the vast amount of indispensable information which it contains . The work ought to be in every home , and on every office desk .