Article THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SPECIAL NOTICE. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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The Week.
An eruption of Mount A esuvius , more threatening m its character than any ivhich has occurred for a loug period , is announced to have commenced and to be rapidly increasing . The inhabitants of Torre del Greco have already taken to flight . Nearly all the houses are damaged . The stream of lava is 23 palms in depth , and three quarters of a mile broad . The sensation is immense . The Epoea of Madrid announces that Spain will the debt of 25000000 francs contracted with France
pay ,, in 1823 . The Senate has adopted the address in reply to the speech from the Throne by 111 against 22 votes . The Prussian and Austrian Governments having arrived at an understanding on the Banish question , the Prussian Cabinet has just replied to tire Danish note of 26 th October , informing the Cabinet of Copenhagen that it does not regard its offers as satisfactoryand urging it to make more acceptable propositions .
, An important step on the road of self-government has just been made in Russia . An Imperial ordinance has been issued creating a responsible Council of Ministers , with whom the Emperor will henceforth consult and deliberate on all important matters relating to the government of the empire . This important change , according to the St . Petersbnvgh correspondent of the Nord , will shortly be followed by a fundamental reorganisation of the Council of the
Empire , which will be endowed with legislative powers , and its ranks be recruited by new members from the official and bureaucratic world . AMEEICA . —Since our last , the Edinburgh , Niagara , and Norwegian have arrived . At the last dates , the New York journals generally persisted in maintaining that the seizure of the Confederate Commissioners on board the Trent was warranted by the
law of nations , and in believing , or affecting to believe , that it cannot lead to any serious dispute with England . During a public reception of Captain AVilkes at Boston , and at a dinner subsequently given to him and his officers , the principal speakers , including the Chief Justice of Massachusetts , appear to have expressed perfect approval of his conduct , and a determination to defend it by arms in case of need . Their speeches were warmly applauded by their hearers , who seem to have included the principal citizans of Boston . It is noteworthy that Captain Wilkes repeated the statement that
he had not acted in pursuance of instructions , hut on his own judgment , resting on his perusal of Kent's , Wheaton's , and Vattel ' s treatises on international law . There are accounts of the bombardment of Pensacola , which proceeds entirely from Southern rumours received via Norfolk and Fort Monroe , and are very meagre and disconnected . They assert that the Federal steam trigates Niagara and Colorado were greatly damaged and compelled to haul oft' by the fire of Fort M'Rae , and that Port
Pickens ivas " breeched " by the Confederate batteries , although the Pensacola dockyard was thrice set on fire , and the adjacent village or town of Warrington ivas burned by the Federal bombardment . According to reports published by the Philadelphia Inquirer , Pensacola was evacuated by the Confederates , the dockyard was destroyed , and General Bragg had demanded reinforcements ; but five Federal vessels had been " riddled with shot . " An expedition was ready to sail from Poit Royal for more southerly portsand the
for-, tifications on Ship Island , at the mouths of the Mississippi , had been completed and garrisoned by 150 Federal soldiers . The State Convention convoked by the Kentucky Secessionists had passed a secession ordinance . The New York Times asserts that at a council of war , held in Quebec , on the 24 th ult ., it was resolved to fortify the Canadian frontier . President Jefferson Davis had delivered his inaugural address to the Southern Congress . In
this address he declared that the Confederates are now stronger in men and money than they were at the commencement of the struggle , and are able to carry on the war against the Federals for an unlimited period . The South will never renew its connection with the North , and will accept no other conditions than a recognition of its independence . Messrs . Slidell and Mason , " commissioned to represent the Confederates at foreign
courts , " have been arrested on board the Trent , though the Federal government has no more right to take them in a British ship than it would have to seize them in the streets of London . Evidence that the blockade of the Southern ports is totally inefficient will be laid before the European powers ; and the Confederate government will remind them of the European doctrine that a blockade must be effective if it is to be binding on neutral vessels and traders .
INDIA . — lhe Bombay papers confirm the news we then gave , and enter into full details of the ceremonies attending the investment of the Indian Princes with the order of the Star of India on the anniversary of her Majesty's assumption ofthe Indian Empire . The country is everywhere peaceful ; the prospects of the harvest are good ; and the ravages of the cholera , except in the kingdom of Cabool , are everywhere subsiding . The adminstration of Lord Canning , ivhich opened with the horrors of the mutiny , appears about to close in the peaceful calm of a areneral contentment .
Special Notice.
"With tho MAGAZINE , of Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Bight Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . G ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , was presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the EBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE . The Engraving has been executed in the highest style of art , by
Posselwhite , from a photograph by May-all . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lodgo ancl other presents ) may be had as follows ;—India Proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediately ) 7 6
India Proofs ( after letters ) , 50 Large Piate Paper 3 0 A few proof impressions of the Eight Hon . Earl of Zetland , G . Master , may still be . had : India paper , os . ; large plate paper , 3 s .
To Correspondents.
To SUBSCEIBEES AITD OTHEES . —Ail remittances by cheque , post , office orders , & c , are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVILLIAM SMITH , CE ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOE to be addressed to II . G . AVAEEEN Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . ALL OEDEBS or Communications with respect to the publishing
department to be addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . J . AV . C . —We will give you a letter in a day or two . E . W . S . will please receive our best thanks . N . N . —Consult the Bool- of Constitutions ; the ancient charges are bound up with it .
THE CALENDAR . —There is a Committee of the Board of General Purposes to edit the Calendar . Too many cooks spoil the broth . OTHO . —AVe have not considered it our business to ask the M . W . G . Alaster who he proposes to make his first batch of Honorary Prov . G . Officers , or who he proposes to include in it . If OIHO thinks he has any claims for such distinction , he had better lay
them before the Grand Master . AVe have no influence in his Lordship ' s councils , and should not use it for OHIO if we had . P . AI- —A Prov . Grand Steward has neither rank nor precedence after his year of office , excepting what custom ( not law ) and the good will of his brethren accord him .
R . L . should know that ws never disclose the names of our correspondents . The name of onr responsible Editor stands at the head of every MAGAZINE , and that is as much as R , L . has a right to know . JUSTIUS does not understand anything of the question , and it is clear that it would be useless for us to attempt to enlighten
him . A C ' or . Nisn BP . OTUEK . —If we do not give sufficient prominency to the proceedings in your province , it is because the brother will not take the trouble to keep ns informed on the subject . C . J . A . G . —Your communication arrived too late for insertion in this week ' s MAGAZINE . It will appear in our next .
W . A . —AVe have replied to your query by letter , G . J . ( Manchester ) . —! . It is not necessary . 2 . Repeat your question . You have not given sufficient data to form an opinion upon .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
An eruption of Mount A esuvius , more threatening m its character than any ivhich has occurred for a loug period , is announced to have commenced and to be rapidly increasing . The inhabitants of Torre del Greco have already taken to flight . Nearly all the houses are damaged . The stream of lava is 23 palms in depth , and three quarters of a mile broad . The sensation is immense . The Epoea of Madrid announces that Spain will the debt of 25000000 francs contracted with France
pay ,, in 1823 . The Senate has adopted the address in reply to the speech from the Throne by 111 against 22 votes . The Prussian and Austrian Governments having arrived at an understanding on the Banish question , the Prussian Cabinet has just replied to tire Danish note of 26 th October , informing the Cabinet of Copenhagen that it does not regard its offers as satisfactoryand urging it to make more acceptable propositions .
, An important step on the road of self-government has just been made in Russia . An Imperial ordinance has been issued creating a responsible Council of Ministers , with whom the Emperor will henceforth consult and deliberate on all important matters relating to the government of the empire . This important change , according to the St . Petersbnvgh correspondent of the Nord , will shortly be followed by a fundamental reorganisation of the Council of the
Empire , which will be endowed with legislative powers , and its ranks be recruited by new members from the official and bureaucratic world . AMEEICA . —Since our last , the Edinburgh , Niagara , and Norwegian have arrived . At the last dates , the New York journals generally persisted in maintaining that the seizure of the Confederate Commissioners on board the Trent was warranted by the
law of nations , and in believing , or affecting to believe , that it cannot lead to any serious dispute with England . During a public reception of Captain AVilkes at Boston , and at a dinner subsequently given to him and his officers , the principal speakers , including the Chief Justice of Massachusetts , appear to have expressed perfect approval of his conduct , and a determination to defend it by arms in case of need . Their speeches were warmly applauded by their hearers , who seem to have included the principal citizans of Boston . It is noteworthy that Captain Wilkes repeated the statement that
he had not acted in pursuance of instructions , hut on his own judgment , resting on his perusal of Kent's , Wheaton's , and Vattel ' s treatises on international law . There are accounts of the bombardment of Pensacola , which proceeds entirely from Southern rumours received via Norfolk and Fort Monroe , and are very meagre and disconnected . They assert that the Federal steam trigates Niagara and Colorado were greatly damaged and compelled to haul oft' by the fire of Fort M'Rae , and that Port
Pickens ivas " breeched " by the Confederate batteries , although the Pensacola dockyard was thrice set on fire , and the adjacent village or town of Warrington ivas burned by the Federal bombardment . According to reports published by the Philadelphia Inquirer , Pensacola was evacuated by the Confederates , the dockyard was destroyed , and General Bragg had demanded reinforcements ; but five Federal vessels had been " riddled with shot . " An expedition was ready to sail from Poit Royal for more southerly portsand the
for-, tifications on Ship Island , at the mouths of the Mississippi , had been completed and garrisoned by 150 Federal soldiers . The State Convention convoked by the Kentucky Secessionists had passed a secession ordinance . The New York Times asserts that at a council of war , held in Quebec , on the 24 th ult ., it was resolved to fortify the Canadian frontier . President Jefferson Davis had delivered his inaugural address to the Southern Congress . In
this address he declared that the Confederates are now stronger in men and money than they were at the commencement of the struggle , and are able to carry on the war against the Federals for an unlimited period . The South will never renew its connection with the North , and will accept no other conditions than a recognition of its independence . Messrs . Slidell and Mason , " commissioned to represent the Confederates at foreign
courts , " have been arrested on board the Trent , though the Federal government has no more right to take them in a British ship than it would have to seize them in the streets of London . Evidence that the blockade of the Southern ports is totally inefficient will be laid before the European powers ; and the Confederate government will remind them of the European doctrine that a blockade must be effective if it is to be binding on neutral vessels and traders .
INDIA . — lhe Bombay papers confirm the news we then gave , and enter into full details of the ceremonies attending the investment of the Indian Princes with the order of the Star of India on the anniversary of her Majesty's assumption ofthe Indian Empire . The country is everywhere peaceful ; the prospects of the harvest are good ; and the ravages of the cholera , except in the kingdom of Cabool , are everywhere subsiding . The adminstration of Lord Canning , ivhich opened with the horrors of the mutiny , appears about to close in the peaceful calm of a areneral contentment .
Special Notice.
"With tho MAGAZINE , of Nov . 2 , a beautiful Steel Engraving of the Bight Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . G ., P . D . G . M ., in full Masonic costume , was presented gratuitously to every subscriber to the EBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOE . The Engraving has been executed in the highest style of art , by
Posselwhite , from a photograph by May-all . A few copies for framing ( suitable for lodgo ancl other presents ) may be had as follows ;—India Proofs , before letters ( which must be ordered immediately ) 7 6
India Proofs ( after letters ) , 50 Large Piate Paper 3 0 A few proof impressions of the Eight Hon . Earl of Zetland , G . Master , may still be . had : India paper , os . ; large plate paper , 3 s .
To Correspondents.
To SUBSCEIBEES AITD OTHEES . —Ail remittances by cheque , post , office orders , & c , are to be made payable to the Proprietor , Mr . AVILLIAM SMITH , CE ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . COMMUNICATIONS for the EDITOE to be addressed to II . G . AVAEEEN Esq ., 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . ALL OEDEBS or Communications with respect to the publishing
department to be addressed to the Publisher , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . J . AV . C . —We will give you a letter in a day or two . E . W . S . will please receive our best thanks . N . N . —Consult the Bool- of Constitutions ; the ancient charges are bound up with it .
THE CALENDAR . —There is a Committee of the Board of General Purposes to edit the Calendar . Too many cooks spoil the broth . OTHO . —AVe have not considered it our business to ask the M . W . G . Alaster who he proposes to make his first batch of Honorary Prov . G . Officers , or who he proposes to include in it . If OIHO thinks he has any claims for such distinction , he had better lay
them before the Grand Master . AVe have no influence in his Lordship ' s councils , and should not use it for OHIO if we had . P . AI- —A Prov . Grand Steward has neither rank nor precedence after his year of office , excepting what custom ( not law ) and the good will of his brethren accord him .
R . L . should know that ws never disclose the names of our correspondents . The name of onr responsible Editor stands at the head of every MAGAZINE , and that is as much as R , L . has a right to know . JUSTIUS does not understand anything of the question , and it is clear that it would be useless for us to attempt to enlighten
him . A C ' or . Nisn BP . OTUEK . —If we do not give sufficient prominency to the proceedings in your province , it is because the brother will not take the trouble to keep ns informed on the subject . C . J . A . G . —Your communication arrived too late for insertion in this week ' s MAGAZINE . It will appear in our next .
W . A . —AVe have replied to your query by letter , G . J . ( Manchester ) . —! . It is not necessary . 2 . Repeat your question . You have not given sufficient data to form an opinion upon .