Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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vocal abilities of our much respected Bro . James Harvey ( C . C of Cripplegate ) , who was in most excellent voice . He was also ably supported by Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M . and Sec . Tlie members present were Bros . E . King , W . M . ; E . Robert , J . W . ; W : Goodyer , P . M . & Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , P . M . & Sec ; C . Hosgood , P . M . ; W . R . Baker , James Harvey , Bright , Colm , Haynes , Davit - , Newman , McKier- nan , Dickenson , Dixon , Raft' Taylor , Arkcl , younger , Brookman , Kent , and several others .
STABILITY LODGE ( NO . 217 ) . —This lodge met at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at six o ' clock p . m . ; the W . M ., Bro . Edward Hughes , iu the chair . The lodge was opened in Hie first degree , and the minutes of the last ( emergency ) meeting were confirmed . Bros . Coley and Wilson were examined and entrusted , and the lodge was opened in the second degree , when these brothers were passed to the degree of E . G . Bio . AVarsop passed his examination in a creditable
very manner , and the lodge having been opened in the third degree , ho was duly raised so the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was thon closed down to the second and first degrees , and the petition to Supreme Grand Chapter for permission to hold a chapter ofthe B . A . Masons , under the sanction of the Stability Lodge , was read and signed by the W . M ., Wardens , & c , in open lodge . On tbemotionof Bro . Samuelseconded bBroJamesSW
, y . , .., two guineas were voted to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Willows , to be placed on Bro . Taylor's list . Nothing further being offered , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Visitors present : —Bros . Heath , Prov . S . G . AV . ( Herts ); Fielder , P . M . Panmure , 715 ; and Bro . Cogblan , Caveac Lodge , 176 .
HORNSEX - LODGE ( NO . 890 ) . —On Friday , the 1 st inst ., the opening meeting for the season 1869-70 of this flourishing lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro : P . M . Webb presided , and , after the usual routine business had been disposed ofj Mr . Louis Francis Middleton was balloted for and unanimously elected . Bros . Burke , Essett , Whelpdale , aud Cowderoy were passed , and the initiate was . introduced to ancient FreemasonryTlie lod
. ge was then closed in due form , and the brethren sat down to a banquet served in Bro . Clemow ' s well-known style . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . II . Hollingsworth , P . M . 487 & HOG , F . H . Godscll , J . D . Caveac , 176 ; W . Murdoch , Joppa ; J . Burch ; P . M . Confidence , 193 ; J . A . Isaacs , Prosperity , 63 ; J . E . Gell , P . M . Wellington , 348 ; K . Clcmow , Jubilee , 72 ; M . Flanagan , 96 , & c The next meeting will be held , as above , on the 5 th of November .
MARQUESS OF DALHOUSIE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 159 ) . —A meeting of emergency was held on the 6 th inst ., at the Freemasons Hall . The AV . M . Bro . Capt . H . Barber and the P . M . Bro . Sir James Fergusson , Sari ., being- absent , Bro . Hyde Clarke , P . Dep . D . G . 3 L , Turkey officiated ; Pro . Lord Wm . Hay , S . W . ; Bro . H . N Fowler , M . P . as J . W ., ( in the absence of lira . E . B . Eastwick , . ¥ . P , O . B . ); Dadolliaio Naorijee , S . D . ; Bro . Louttil , J . D . The ballot was taken for three candidates for initiation
, and for Bro . Capt . Virnnrd and Bro . Capt . Chanter as joining members . Mr . Emanuel Dentscb , of the oriental department of the British Museum , and Capt . Arthur Tulloch , Madras Staff Corps were initiated . The members adjourned to banquet in the tavern . The P . M . jewel for Bro . Sir James Fegusson , Bart ., Governor of South Australia was exhibited .
PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 1 , 178 ) . —On Thursday evening , the 7 th inst ., at the Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , this lodge was opened by Bro . F . II . Ebswortb , W . M ., who initiated M . Gustav Ellis , and passed Bros . Kambert , Smith , and Green , ( 1 , 194 . ) The W . M . then vacated the chair , which was taken b y Bro . Alfred Avery . P . M . 019 . Bro . James W . Avery , S . W . and W . M . elect , having been presented by Bro . Ebswortbwas installed as Master of the lod for the next
, ge twelvemonths b y Bro . A . Avery . Bro . Josiah Green was invested as S . W . ; Bros . H . Bartlett , J . W . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . Sec . ; D . Rose , S . D . j G . J . Grace , J . D . ; J . W . Dudley , I . G . ; J . H . Harmsworth , Dir . of Cers . ; J . II . Fudge , W . Steward , and W . Y . Laving , Tyler . A handsome P . M . jewel was presented to Bro . Ebswoith by the new W . M . in a very flattering speechand the I . P . M . returned thanks in suitable
, terms . A vote of thanks was also given and ordereu to be entered on tlie minutes to Bro . Walters , the untiring Secretary . The lodge was then closed , and an excellent banquet followed . Bros . A . Avery , Saul Wells , F . Deering , H . Massey ( all of No . 619 ) , Newsom , W . M . 1 , 223 ; C . J . Hoes ' , S . W . 1 , 275 , and II . Muggeridge , P . M . 192 & 715 , were among the visitors .
VILLIEES LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 194 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 2 nd inst ., at the Northumberland Arms , Islewovth , the lodge was opened by Bro . E . Clark , I . P . M ., who , after the minutes of the former regular and emergency meetings and tho report of the audit committee had been read by Bro . Dodd , declared Bro . J . T . Triekett , of 954 duly elected a joining member . He then initiated Messrs . V . Beadle Bedolfe , 5 f . D ., Charles G . ForsythGeorge Luke Ridgeand Thos . Anthony
, , Woodbridge . Bro . Little , by desire of the presiding officer , then took the chair , and Bro . E . Clark presented to him Bro . J . Triekett , CF ! ., W . M . elect , to receive the benefits of installation . Tlie brethren were admitted and saluted the newly - installed Master in all the degrees . At the conclusion of this portion of the installation , Bro . Triekett invested Bros . W . DoddS . W . ; Henry Allman
, , J . W , ; R . AV . Little P . M ., Sec ; E . T . Osbaldeston , S . D . ; E . J . Lancaster , J . D . ; T . Smale , I . G . ; R . A . Steel , Dir . of Cers . AV . Harvey , Senior Steward ; Major H . AV . Palmer , Jun . Std . ; Gilbert , Tylor . At the election of Treasurer , the choice of the brethren fell on Bro . E . Clark , P . M . A vote of thanks to Bro . R . Gurncy , for the zealous discharge of his duties as Treasurer , was carried . Bro . E . Clark proposed , and Bro . E . T .
Osbaldoston seconded , that Bro . H . G . Buss be made a honorary member of tho lodge . This motion also was carried unanimously , and the lodge closed . A magnificent banquet , followed . IlERYEr LODGE ( NO . 1 , 260 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , Walham-groen , on AVednesday , the 13 th inst . Bros . " Kins , jun ., AA . M .,- King , S . AV . ; P . H . Jones , J . AV ; II . AA'caverSJD . ; AV . GarnerHon . Sec ; E . Garner
, , , I . G . ; II . Parker , Org . ; 0 . T . Speight , Tyler . Among the brethren were : Bros . Dr . Godrich , Thomas ; AVebb , Way and several others . The visitors were : Bros . Avery , 511 , Hickey , 527 . The lodge was opened iu due form , the minutes read , and upou Bro . Thomas giving proofs of his proficiency ho was entrusted and retired ; the lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Thomas was passed ns F . C . Bro . AVebb then gave proofs
of his proficiency in the second degree and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Webb raised . Lodge was then resumed , and after one or two propositions the lodge was closed , and the brethren then adjourned to a banquet served in Bro . AVebb ' s usual style . The brethren separated at rather a late hour , after spending a very happy evening , enlivened by some capital singing and a brilliant recital on the pianoforte by Bro . 11 . Parker .
STAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 265 ) . —On the 1 st inst ., the first meeting since tlie consecration of this lodge was held at the Marquis of Grunbv , Now Cross-road , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst ., W . M ., presided . Bros . AY . Ough , G . P . ; E . S . Stidolph , 291 ; T . Porridge , S . W ., 79 ; II . Crabtrec , 87 ; J . W . T . Barrett , J . AV . 871 , and Richard Tanner , AV . M . 177 , were balloted for and elected as joining members ; and Messrs . Thomas Darke , Thomas Whitemanand Thomas Hobsou were balloted for as candidates for
, admission to Freemnsonry . Tlie S . W . named in the warrant not being able to attend , the WM . stated as that officer was travelling , and would most likely be so employed during his year of office , he should appoint Bro . AV . Ougb , G . P ., as S . W . pro tern . This he did , and invested him with the S . W . collar and jewel . The AV . M . then appointed and invested Bro . R . Tanner , W . M . 177 , as J . D . Messrs . T . AVhiteman and T . Hobson were
afterwards admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , the ceremony being- performed by the AA . M . Bro . E . Palmer was elected a country member of the lodge , and Bro . AA ' alters proposed that a Lodge of Instruction , under this lodge ' s warrant , be held at the Marquis of Granby every Saturday evening . The motion was seconded by Bro . Whittle and carried . As this was the first working night of the lodge there was no further business to be gone through , and the W . M . closed the lodge .
DURHAM . DURHAM . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 124 ) . —On Tuesday evening the 5 th inst ., a regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Old Elvet . " The W . M . Bro . C . Rowlandson presided . Among the members o ( the lodge present were : Bros . W . Stoker , P . M . ; W . Brignall . P . M . ; W . R . Fitzgerald , P . M . ; W . A . Malcolm , P . M . ; W . Brignall , jun ., ( W . M . No . 1 , 274 ); T . Sarsfield , S . W . ; Rev . G . R . Rulman ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
vocal abilities of our much respected Bro . James Harvey ( C . C of Cripplegate ) , who was in most excellent voice . He was also ably supported by Bro . J . G . Marsh , P . M . and Sec . Tlie members present were Bros . E . King , W . M . ; E . Robert , J . W . ; W : Goodyer , P . M . & Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , P . M . & Sec ; C . Hosgood , P . M . ; W . R . Baker , James Harvey , Bright , Colm , Haynes , Davit - , Newman , McKier- nan , Dickenson , Dixon , Raft' Taylor , Arkcl , younger , Brookman , Kent , and several others .
STABILITY LODGE ( NO . 217 ) . —This lodge met at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., at six o ' clock p . m . ; the W . M ., Bro . Edward Hughes , iu the chair . The lodge was opened in Hie first degree , and the minutes of the last ( emergency ) meeting were confirmed . Bros . Coley and Wilson were examined and entrusted , and the lodge was opened in the second degree , when these brothers were passed to the degree of E . G . Bio . AVarsop passed his examination in a creditable
very manner , and the lodge having been opened in the third degree , ho was duly raised so the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was thon closed down to the second and first degrees , and the petition to Supreme Grand Chapter for permission to hold a chapter ofthe B . A . Masons , under the sanction of the Stability Lodge , was read and signed by the W . M ., Wardens , & c , in open lodge . On tbemotionof Bro . Samuelseconded bBroJamesSW
, y . , .., two guineas were voted to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Willows , to be placed on Bro . Taylor's list . Nothing further being offered , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Visitors present : —Bros . Heath , Prov . S . G . AV . ( Herts ); Fielder , P . M . Panmure , 715 ; and Bro . Cogblan , Caveac Lodge , 176 .
HORNSEX - LODGE ( NO . 890 ) . —On Friday , the 1 st inst ., the opening meeting for the season 1869-70 of this flourishing lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro : P . M . Webb presided , and , after the usual routine business had been disposed ofj Mr . Louis Francis Middleton was balloted for and unanimously elected . Bros . Burke , Essett , Whelpdale , aud Cowderoy were passed , and the initiate was . introduced to ancient FreemasonryTlie lod
. ge was then closed in due form , and the brethren sat down to a banquet served in Bro . Clemow ' s well-known style . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . II . Hollingsworth , P . M . 487 & HOG , F . H . Godscll , J . D . Caveac , 176 ; W . Murdoch , Joppa ; J . Burch ; P . M . Confidence , 193 ; J . A . Isaacs , Prosperity , 63 ; J . E . Gell , P . M . Wellington , 348 ; K . Clcmow , Jubilee , 72 ; M . Flanagan , 96 , & c The next meeting will be held , as above , on the 5 th of November .
MARQUESS OF DALHOUSIE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 159 ) . —A meeting of emergency was held on the 6 th inst ., at the Freemasons Hall . The AV . M . Bro . Capt . H . Barber and the P . M . Bro . Sir James Fergusson , Sari ., being- absent , Bro . Hyde Clarke , P . Dep . D . G . 3 L , Turkey officiated ; Pro . Lord Wm . Hay , S . W . ; Bro . H . N Fowler , M . P . as J . W ., ( in the absence of lira . E . B . Eastwick , . ¥ . P , O . B . ); Dadolliaio Naorijee , S . D . ; Bro . Louttil , J . D . The ballot was taken for three candidates for initiation
, and for Bro . Capt . Virnnrd and Bro . Capt . Chanter as joining members . Mr . Emanuel Dentscb , of the oriental department of the British Museum , and Capt . Arthur Tulloch , Madras Staff Corps were initiated . The members adjourned to banquet in the tavern . The P . M . jewel for Bro . Sir James Fegusson , Bart ., Governor of South Australia was exhibited .
PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 1 , 178 ) . —On Thursday evening , the 7 th inst ., at the Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , this lodge was opened by Bro . F . II . Ebswortb , W . M ., who initiated M . Gustav Ellis , and passed Bros . Kambert , Smith , and Green , ( 1 , 194 . ) The W . M . then vacated the chair , which was taken b y Bro . Alfred Avery . P . M . 019 . Bro . James W . Avery , S . W . and W . M . elect , having been presented by Bro . Ebswortbwas installed as Master of the lod for the next
, ge twelvemonths b y Bro . A . Avery . Bro . Josiah Green was invested as S . W . ; Bros . H . Bartlett , J . W . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M . Sec . ; D . Rose , S . D . j G . J . Grace , J . D . ; J . W . Dudley , I . G . ; J . H . Harmsworth , Dir . of Cers . ; J . II . Fudge , W . Steward , and W . Y . Laving , Tyler . A handsome P . M . jewel was presented to Bro . Ebswoith by the new W . M . in a very flattering speechand the I . P . M . returned thanks in suitable
, terms . A vote of thanks was also given and ordereu to be entered on tlie minutes to Bro . Walters , the untiring Secretary . The lodge was then closed , and an excellent banquet followed . Bros . A . Avery , Saul Wells , F . Deering , H . Massey ( all of No . 619 ) , Newsom , W . M . 1 , 223 ; C . J . Hoes ' , S . W . 1 , 275 , and II . Muggeridge , P . M . 192 & 715 , were among the visitors .
VILLIEES LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 194 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 2 nd inst ., at the Northumberland Arms , Islewovth , the lodge was opened by Bro . E . Clark , I . P . M ., who , after the minutes of the former regular and emergency meetings and tho report of the audit committee had been read by Bro . Dodd , declared Bro . J . T . Triekett , of 954 duly elected a joining member . He then initiated Messrs . V . Beadle Bedolfe , 5 f . D ., Charles G . ForsythGeorge Luke Ridgeand Thos . Anthony
, , Woodbridge . Bro . Little , by desire of the presiding officer , then took the chair , and Bro . E . Clark presented to him Bro . J . Triekett , CF ! ., W . M . elect , to receive the benefits of installation . Tlie brethren were admitted and saluted the newly - installed Master in all the degrees . At the conclusion of this portion of the installation , Bro . Triekett invested Bros . W . DoddS . W . ; Henry Allman
, , J . W , ; R . AV . Little P . M ., Sec ; E . T . Osbaldeston , S . D . ; E . J . Lancaster , J . D . ; T . Smale , I . G . ; R . A . Steel , Dir . of Cers . AV . Harvey , Senior Steward ; Major H . AV . Palmer , Jun . Std . ; Gilbert , Tylor . At the election of Treasurer , the choice of the brethren fell on Bro . E . Clark , P . M . A vote of thanks to Bro . R . Gurncy , for the zealous discharge of his duties as Treasurer , was carried . Bro . E . Clark proposed , and Bro . E . T .
Osbaldoston seconded , that Bro . H . G . Buss be made a honorary member of tho lodge . This motion also was carried unanimously , and the lodge closed . A magnificent banquet , followed . IlERYEr LODGE ( NO . 1 , 260 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , Walham-groen , on AVednesday , the 13 th inst . Bros . " Kins , jun ., AA . M .,- King , S . AV . ; P . H . Jones , J . AV ; II . AA'caverSJD . ; AV . GarnerHon . Sec ; E . Garner
, , , I . G . ; II . Parker , Org . ; 0 . T . Speight , Tyler . Among the brethren were : Bros . Dr . Godrich , Thomas ; AVebb , Way and several others . The visitors were : Bros . Avery , 511 , Hickey , 527 . The lodge was opened iu due form , the minutes read , and upou Bro . Thomas giving proofs of his proficiency ho was entrusted and retired ; the lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Thomas was passed ns F . C . Bro . AVebb then gave proofs
of his proficiency in the second degree and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro . Webb raised . Lodge was then resumed , and after one or two propositions the lodge was closed , and the brethren then adjourned to a banquet served in Bro . AVebb ' s usual style . The brethren separated at rather a late hour , after spending a very happy evening , enlivened by some capital singing and a brilliant recital on the pianoforte by Bro . 11 . Parker .
STAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 265 ) . —On the 1 st inst ., the first meeting since tlie consecration of this lodge was held at the Marquis of Grunbv , Now Cross-road , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst ., W . M ., presided . Bros . AY . Ough , G . P . ; E . S . Stidolph , 291 ; T . Porridge , S . W ., 79 ; II . Crabtrec , 87 ; J . W . T . Barrett , J . AV . 871 , and Richard Tanner , AV . M . 177 , were balloted for and elected as joining members ; and Messrs . Thomas Darke , Thomas Whitemanand Thomas Hobsou were balloted for as candidates for
, admission to Freemnsonry . Tlie S . W . named in the warrant not being able to attend , the WM . stated as that officer was travelling , and would most likely be so employed during his year of office , he should appoint Bro . AV . Ougb , G . P ., as S . W . pro tern . This he did , and invested him with the S . W . collar and jewel . The AV . M . then appointed and invested Bro . R . Tanner , W . M . 177 , as J . D . Messrs . T . AVhiteman and T . Hobson were
afterwards admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry , the ceremony being- performed by the AA . M . Bro . E . Palmer was elected a country member of the lodge , and Bro . AA ' alters proposed that a Lodge of Instruction , under this lodge ' s warrant , be held at the Marquis of Granby every Saturday evening . The motion was seconded by Bro . Whittle and carried . As this was the first working night of the lodge there was no further business to be gone through , and the W . M . closed the lodge .
DURHAM . DURHAM . —Marquis of Granby Lodge ( No . 124 ) . —On Tuesday evening the 5 th inst ., a regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Old Elvet . " The W . M . Bro . C . Rowlandson presided . Among the members o ( the lodge present were : Bros . W . Stoker , P . M . ; W . Brignall . P . M . ; W . R . Fitzgerald , P . M . ; W . A . Malcolm , P . M . ; W . Brignall , jun ., ( W . M . No . 1 , 274 ); T . Sarsfield , S . W . ; Rev . G . R . Rulman ,