Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1 Article LITERATURE, SCIENCE, MUSIC, DRAMA, AND THE FINE ARTS. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
late , the lodge being closed and the brethren having dispersed . There was no business except a proposition by the W . M . for an alteration in the by-laws as regards the day of meeting . LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Some Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on
Thursday , tha 7 th inst . None of the candidates were in attendance , the lodge was therefore closed after some propositions had been made . A lodge of instruction was then opened , and the ceremony of advancement was worked by the AV . M . aud his officers , for practice and improvement , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The next meeting of this lodge will be held in November , for which occasion there will be , it is understood , at least six candidates for advancement
AVEST YORKSHIRE . HALIFAX—Fearnley Lodge ( No . 58 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 11 th inst ., in the Masonic Temple recently erected by the Halifax brethren . There was a good attendance of members , and the following officers were in their places :- Bros . J . Stott , AV . M . ; J . Firth , S . AV . ; A . Lupton , J . W . ; W . F . AVilkinson , M . O . ; W . Tasker , J . O . ; F . AVhittaker ,
Beg . ; W . Cooke , P . M ., Sec ; A . Roberts , S . D . ; G . Jennings , J . D . ; E . M . Wavell , Dir . of Cer . ; W . Dewhirst , Steward ; J . Greenwood , P . M ., Tyler . The other members present were : — Bros . Bales , P . M ., Normanton , P . M ., G . Jackson , Laidler , Knowles , Dolan , S . Firth , AVoollons , F . Crossley , Waddingtou , and visiting Bro . Lorke , of Prince Edward Lodge No . 14 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . J . R . Ellis , surgeon , Mirfield , and Bro . G . E .
Kent , of Over Hall Academy , Mirfield , which proved unanimous in their favour . This being the meeting for electing W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . J . Firth , S . AV ., was chosen to fill that office ; Bro . Fleming was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Greenwood , P . M ., re-appointed Tyler . Bros . W . Hemingway , Ellis , and Kent were then respectively advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master , and the lodge was called from labour to refreshment to enable the brethren from a distance to catch the train . Supper being over , the brethren returned to the lodge room to close the lodge , and then adjourned to the dining room to spend a social hour together .
Notes on the Order of the Temple and St . John , and on ihe Jerusalem LSneampnent , Manchester . Collected by Bro . JOHN YARKER , jun ., P . M . ; P . M . Mark ; P . Z . ; P . E . C . ; T . Pi . ; R > I <; & c , & c . Manchester . 1869 . ( Continued from page 297 ) . We now continue our extracts from Bro . Yarker ' s
work . At page 14 , he mentions some interesting incidents , showing a connection between certain Craft lodges and with " the Priestly Order . " "Lodge No . 39 , ofthe Duke of Athol ' s Grand Lodge , united with the Lodge of Fortitude . So . 87 , before the union of the "Ancient" and "Modern" Craft Grand Lodges iu 1813 , and the Jerusalem Encampment has a
bible with the following inscription in gilt , surrounded with Masonic Symbols , "Fox Lodge , No . 99 ; " on the fly leaf the inscription , "Tho gift of Bro . William Jennings to the Fox Lodge , A . D . 1768 . " On the following leaf , "This Bible formerly belonged to the Lodge of Fortitude , 87 , and for the future it is ordered that it shall belong to the Tabernacle of the Priestly Order , for
the use of the same and the first pillar ; " —of which degree more hereafter . " The first proceeding ofthe Founders of the Jerusalem Encampment was the formation of a code of by-laws , twelve in number , and which are entered in the first minute book with the signature of every member admitted down to 1816 . These alone are a curiosities in their way , and no doubt suited to the position of the Order in Manchester at that period . #### ##
" The next record we have of the Encampment is the minute of the first meeting , which is here copied entire : — '" Transactionsand minutes of the R . E . No . IS . Now held at Manchester . "' On the memorable 17 th day of October , A . D . 1786 . A . C . K . 1754 . A . L . 5790 .
"' We . S , John Hassall , R . G . C ., S . Joseph Carter , S . G . C ., and S . James Ashton , J . G . C ., being properly delegated and authorised by G . G . C . of the G . R . E . of AIL England , held at York , together with the following brethren , all S . K . T . —that is , John Watson , Richard Hunt , Patrick Lawlor , John Hardman , and James Cooper—proceeded to open the G . R . E . aforesaid , in which
was opened and read the warrant of the R . E . No . 15 , when the said R . E . was by a most surprising feat of CO . legally and solemnly constituted as the First and Premier R . E . of S . K . T . in all Lancashire , and the G . C . thereof installed and invested ; and after , receiving the proper charges , and all due honours paid to the G . G . C , the same was closed within the limited time and during
the pleasure of the G . G . C . when the R . E ., No . 15 , was opened an encounter passed through , and after all proper defensive precautions taken the same was closed , and the K . retired in good order . "' Jons HASSALL , B . G . C . "' JOSEPH CAKTEE , S . G . C . "' JAMES ASHTOX , J . G . O . ' ( To le continued . )
Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
There is some expectation that Bro . Emanuel Deutseft , of the British Museum , whose article on the Talmud , in the Quarterly Review , went through so many editions , is about to visit the East , with the hope of extending his Phoenician investigations . Mr , F . C . Burnand has written a new drama , which will be produced at the Queen ' s as soon as the run of
" Turn of the Tide" is over . Among recent literary announcements is a Concordance of the AVorks of Tennyson , containing one hundred and twenty five thousand references . The London correspondent of the Elgin Gouvant is responsible for the statement that Mrs . Lei g h ' s children are commencing an action for damages against Macmillan Magazine .
Mr . Fronde has completed his History of England , from the fall of AVolsey to the defeat of the Spanish . Armada , and will publish this month the two concluding , volumes , making twelve in all . The St . James ' s Theatre is to open during the present month under the management of Mrs . John Wood , recently of the Princess ' s . Among the members of
thenew company are Miss Herbert , Miss Henrade , and Miss-Susan Pyne . Perhaps the most mysterious ofthe new books announced is an alleged Autobiography of Edivard Worfcley Montagu , the scapegrace son of the celebrated Lady Mary . This , which the publisher assures the world will be " the most remarkably book that has been given' '
to the world for many years , " is , according to Mr . Newby ' s advertisement , " to introduce kings and princes , politicians and poets , men of law , and men of letters "—among whom will be Pope , " whose absurd love adventure with Lad y Mary ( will we learn ) be described at length . " Mr . Thomas AValker , a gentleman connected with the Daily News has been appointed editor of the London Gazette .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
late , the lodge being closed and the brethren having dispersed . There was no business except a proposition by the W . M . for an alteration in the by-laws as regards the day of meeting . LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTON MOWBRAY . —Some Lodge ( No . 21 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on
Thursday , tha 7 th inst . None of the candidates were in attendance , the lodge was therefore closed after some propositions had been made . A lodge of instruction was then opened , and the ceremony of advancement was worked by the AV . M . aud his officers , for practice and improvement , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The next meeting of this lodge will be held in November , for which occasion there will be , it is understood , at least six candidates for advancement
AVEST YORKSHIRE . HALIFAX—Fearnley Lodge ( No . 58 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 11 th inst ., in the Masonic Temple recently erected by the Halifax brethren . There was a good attendance of members , and the following officers were in their places :- Bros . J . Stott , AV . M . ; J . Firth , S . AV . ; A . Lupton , J . W . ; W . F . AVilkinson , M . O . ; W . Tasker , J . O . ; F . AVhittaker ,
Beg . ; W . Cooke , P . M ., Sec ; A . Roberts , S . D . ; G . Jennings , J . D . ; E . M . Wavell , Dir . of Cer . ; W . Dewhirst , Steward ; J . Greenwood , P . M ., Tyler . The other members present were : — Bros . Bales , P . M ., Normanton , P . M ., G . Jackson , Laidler , Knowles , Dolan , S . Firth , AVoollons , F . Crossley , Waddingtou , and visiting Bro . Lorke , of Prince Edward Lodge No . 14 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . J . R . Ellis , surgeon , Mirfield , and Bro . G . E .
Kent , of Over Hall Academy , Mirfield , which proved unanimous in their favour . This being the meeting for electing W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . J . Firth , S . AV ., was chosen to fill that office ; Bro . Fleming was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Greenwood , P . M ., re-appointed Tyler . Bros . W . Hemingway , Ellis , and Kent were then respectively advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master , and the lodge was called from labour to refreshment to enable the brethren from a distance to catch the train . Supper being over , the brethren returned to the lodge room to close the lodge , and then adjourned to the dining room to spend a social hour together .
Notes on the Order of the Temple and St . John , and on ihe Jerusalem LSneampnent , Manchester . Collected by Bro . JOHN YARKER , jun ., P . M . ; P . M . Mark ; P . Z . ; P . E . C . ; T . Pi . ; R > I <; & c , & c . Manchester . 1869 . ( Continued from page 297 ) . We now continue our extracts from Bro . Yarker ' s
work . At page 14 , he mentions some interesting incidents , showing a connection between certain Craft lodges and with " the Priestly Order . " "Lodge No . 39 , ofthe Duke of Athol ' s Grand Lodge , united with the Lodge of Fortitude . So . 87 , before the union of the "Ancient" and "Modern" Craft Grand Lodges iu 1813 , and the Jerusalem Encampment has a
bible with the following inscription in gilt , surrounded with Masonic Symbols , "Fox Lodge , No . 99 ; " on the fly leaf the inscription , "Tho gift of Bro . William Jennings to the Fox Lodge , A . D . 1768 . " On the following leaf , "This Bible formerly belonged to the Lodge of Fortitude , 87 , and for the future it is ordered that it shall belong to the Tabernacle of the Priestly Order , for
the use of the same and the first pillar ; " —of which degree more hereafter . " The first proceeding ofthe Founders of the Jerusalem Encampment was the formation of a code of by-laws , twelve in number , and which are entered in the first minute book with the signature of every member admitted down to 1816 . These alone are a curiosities in their way , and no doubt suited to the position of the Order in Manchester at that period . #### ##
" The next record we have of the Encampment is the minute of the first meeting , which is here copied entire : — '" Transactionsand minutes of the R . E . No . IS . Now held at Manchester . "' On the memorable 17 th day of October , A . D . 1786 . A . C . K . 1754 . A . L . 5790 .
"' We . S , John Hassall , R . G . C ., S . Joseph Carter , S . G . C ., and S . James Ashton , J . G . C ., being properly delegated and authorised by G . G . C . of the G . R . E . of AIL England , held at York , together with the following brethren , all S . K . T . —that is , John Watson , Richard Hunt , Patrick Lawlor , John Hardman , and James Cooper—proceeded to open the G . R . E . aforesaid , in which
was opened and read the warrant of the R . E . No . 15 , when the said R . E . was by a most surprising feat of CO . legally and solemnly constituted as the First and Premier R . E . of S . K . T . in all Lancashire , and the G . C . thereof installed and invested ; and after , receiving the proper charges , and all due honours paid to the G . G . C , the same was closed within the limited time and during
the pleasure of the G . G . C . when the R . E ., No . 15 , was opened an encounter passed through , and after all proper defensive precautions taken the same was closed , and the K . retired in good order . "' Jons HASSALL , B . G . C . "' JOSEPH CAKTEE , S . G . C . "' JAMES ASHTOX , J . G . O . ' ( To le continued . )
Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
There is some expectation that Bro . Emanuel Deutseft , of the British Museum , whose article on the Talmud , in the Quarterly Review , went through so many editions , is about to visit the East , with the hope of extending his Phoenician investigations . Mr , F . C . Burnand has written a new drama , which will be produced at the Queen ' s as soon as the run of
" Turn of the Tide" is over . Among recent literary announcements is a Concordance of the AVorks of Tennyson , containing one hundred and twenty five thousand references . The London correspondent of the Elgin Gouvant is responsible for the statement that Mrs . Lei g h ' s children are commencing an action for damages against Macmillan Magazine .
Mr . Fronde has completed his History of England , from the fall of AVolsey to the defeat of the Spanish . Armada , and will publish this month the two concluding , volumes , making twelve in all . The St . James ' s Theatre is to open during the present month under the management of Mrs . John Wood , recently of the Princess ' s . Among the members of
thenew company are Miss Herbert , Miss Henrade , and Miss-Susan Pyne . Perhaps the most mysterious ofthe new books announced is an alleged Autobiography of Edivard Worfcley Montagu , the scapegrace son of the celebrated Lady Mary . This , which the publisher assures the world will be " the most remarkably book that has been given' '
to the world for many years , " is , according to Mr . Newby ' s advertisement , " to introduce kings and princes , politicians and poets , men of law , and men of letters "—among whom will be Pope , " whose absurd love adventure with Lad y Mary ( will we learn ) be described at length . " Mr . Thomas AValker , a gentleman connected with the Daily News has been appointed editor of the London Gazette .