Article INDIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Master of this lodge in presiding on this very interesting occasion , and as the D . District G . M , W . Bro . Gibbs , is present , I request him to present these testimonials on behalf of the lodge .
"ADDRESS . "To Worshipful Bro . Thomas Direr , M . O ., P . D . G . S . AV ; Past Master of Lodge St . George 549 ; Concord 757 and Eastern Star 1 , 189 , E . G ., & c , & c—Dear Sir ancl Worshipful Brother , —AVe the undersigned office-bearers and members of Lodge Eastern Star No . 1 , 189 , do ourselves the very great pleasure in presenting you with the accompaning Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of our giatitude for the most valuable services you have rendered
to this lodge ever since it came into existence . Were it not for your indefatigable zeal and assiduous attention iu promoting the welfare of this lodge as its founder and patron , we feel confident it could never have arrived at that stage of advancement which it has attained . AA c are aware of the formidable difficulties that had to be overcome when the lodge sprung into existence , and it was solely owing to your influence aud supportthat these
, difficulties were successfully encountered . Rest assured , Worshipful Sir , that as long as Lodge Eastern Star , shall continue to shine in the Masonic world , your name will remain indissolutely attached to it , as that of a generous patron and benign benefactor . As a slight token of our appreciation of your valuable assistance in behalf of this lodge , wo beg most respectfully to offer in addition to the jewel voted by the lodge , the humble
tribute of a purse which wo beg of you to accept and dispose of in a manner that you may feel most agreeable to yourself , and we trust you will accept it purely , as a token of our admiration and gratitude . " With fraternal regards , " AA e remain . Dear Sir and AV . Bro ., "Yours faithfully and fraternally , " ( Signed ) , SORABJEE FROMMURZE , AV . M .
" PESTONJEE BAZONJEE , S . AV . "MUNCHEEJEE FROJOTDRZE , J . AV . "And about 50 members of Lodge "Easlern Star . " Freemasons' Hall , rear ofthe Sir Jamsetjee J . Hospital , Bombay , Mazagon , 16 th August , 1869 . " Proposed by AV . Bro . Sorabjee Frommurze , and seconded by Bro . Pestonjee Bazonjeethat a vote of thanks be recorded to
, W . Bro . Gibbs , for the willingness and readiness with which he conducted the ceremony of presenting the jewel , & c Three special cases of Parsee widows and orphans were brought forward , and a monthly donation of Rs . 5 for one yearcertain was granted to each of the applicants . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at about 8 . 15 p . m .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE , TOTNES . —Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —The quarterly meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at noon . Among those present were Comps . Dr . Hopkins , Z ., J . Heath , II . ; J . Marks , J . ; Pridbam , E . ; Glanfield , N . ; Niner , Prin . Soj . ; G . Heath , Treas . The chapter having been opened in regular form , and the companions admitted , Bro . Stafford was introducedproperly preparedand exalted to this supreme
, , degree by the M . E . Z ., who also gave the first and second lectures , that of the chair being given by J . Some routine business was disposed of , an explanation of the cause of absence of the Chaplain afforded , a candidate proposed , and the chapter was closed at two o'clock . INSTRUCTION .
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —The usual meeting of this chapter was held at Ihe George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on the 12 th inst ., under that well-known preceptor , Comp . J . "Brett . The lectures of the exaltation were given respectively by Comps . Litteaur , Dr . Self , and Dr . Woodman . The officers were _ Comps . Taylor , ~ 8 . ; Smith , P . S . ; Green , Assist . S . ; and Hamilton , candidate . Among the members present were Comps . Cubitt , _ Roberts , Gotthiel , Boyd , States , and Hosgood . The exaltation ceremony and several of the sections were very creditably rendered by the principals and officers , demonstrating . by their great improvement that they have not laboured in vain ,
Royal Arch.
which reflects no small credit on their preceptor . We are enabled to state that Comp . Boyd has been appointed by the M . E . G . Z ., the Earl of Zetland , as the 1 st M . E . Z . of the Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 , of which Comp . States is to be Scribe E . ; this will be a guarantee for good working and faithful records being kept . We wish the principals and officers every success in their good work . The consecration ceremony will be worked on the 14 th of November next .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . THISTLE LODGE , ( NO . 8 . J—A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 1 st i nst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queenstreet , Bro . T . Meggy , P . G . M . O ., who officiated as W . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Mann ; Bros . H . G . Lake , S . W . ; J . W . Dawson , J . AV . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . S . B ., P . M ., and SecFBinckesGSecand P . M . Joshua NunnPGDand
; . , . , ; , ..., P . M . ; R . AA atts , P . G . S . B . ; L . Harvey , J . D . ; E . Hart , Org . ; J . W . Boord , Baber , Henley , MorlJock , Sendey , Marshall , Lowlier , Baker , and Tail ' s . The lodge was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed , and ballots taken for eight candidates . The following being in attendance were then regularly advanced to the degree of Mark Master Masons , viz ., Bros . Charles Lacy , AV . M . ( 174 ) a trusty " Sincerity" man ; George KellyPG
, , .. Stew ., and P . M . ( 63 ) , a zealous veteran in the Craft ; Morton Edwards , of "St . Lukes , " Chelsea ( 144 ) , and R . P . AVilkinson , P . M . ( 95 ) . The elections for the ensuing year resulted as follows : —Bros . H . G . Lake , well known as P . M . of 186 , and P . Z . 820 was chosen as Master ; Bro . J . AV . Figg , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . AVooclstock , Tyler . The lodge was then closed .
SOUTHWARK LODGE OP MARK MASTERS ( NO . 22 ) . —This prosperous old lodge held a second emergency meeting on Saturday last , the 9 th inst ., at the Queen ' s Arms , Wesfconslreet , Bormondsey . Bro . H . Massey , W . M ., G . Steward , opened the lodge , assisted by the following brethren : —Bros . F . AVaters , P . M ., P . G . P . ; T . J . Sabine , P . M ., G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; A . D . Loewonstark , P . G . P ., S / W ., and Treas . ; G . AV . AVbeeler , J , W . AveryS . Harmanand M . A . LoewentarkP . G . Steward
, , , , Sec . The only business that presented itself was to ballot for several candidates , which proved unanimous in their favour . Bro . John Thomas Triekett , of the St . Aubyn's Loclge , No . 954 , Devonport , being in attendance , was ably and impressively advanced to the degree of a Mark Master Mason by the I . P . M ., Bro . T . J . Sabine . The lodge was then closed till Saturday , Dec . IS .
SAMSON AND LION LODGE as MARK MASTERS ( No . 86 ) . —The regular meeting of this small but good Mark lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-Fields , on Wednesday last , the 6 th . instant . Bro . Mc / . er A . Loewenstark , P . M . and P . G . Steward ( in the absence of the AA . M ., Bro . Boucey ) , opened the lodge , assisted by Bros . A . D . Loewenstark , P . G . P ., as S . AV ., 11 . Rosenthal ! , as J . W . and C . Swan , P . G . SB .., as Sec The minutes of the last lodge meeting ,
whereby the annual subscription is reduced from one guinea to half a guinea , were read and unanimously confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . George Moore , of the Montefiore Lodge , and was unanimous in his favour , but he being out of town , he was unable to be present . For the same reason several other candidates were prevented from being advanced , and it is the intention of the AV . M . to call a lodge of emergency for Wednesday , Nov . 3 when it is expected that seven or eiht may take the
, g degree . The meeting nights , it was resolved , should be on the first AVednesday in January , February , April , and October , that is , substituting " February" for "July . " Three candidates were proposed for advancement , and one joining member . There being no further business , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 26 ) . —An adjourned meeting was held at six o'clock p . m ., at the Masonic Rooms , on AVednesday , the 6 th inst . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . the Rev . — Bowden , AV . M ., the chair was , at his request , taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , I . P . i'I . Bro . John Heath was in his place as S . W . Bro . Pridham occupied the chair of J . W . Several candidates were expected , but only one presented himself , and he was too
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Master of this lodge in presiding on this very interesting occasion , and as the D . District G . M , W . Bro . Gibbs , is present , I request him to present these testimonials on behalf of the lodge .
"ADDRESS . "To Worshipful Bro . Thomas Direr , M . O ., P . D . G . S . AV ; Past Master of Lodge St . George 549 ; Concord 757 and Eastern Star 1 , 189 , E . G ., & c , & c—Dear Sir ancl Worshipful Brother , —AVe the undersigned office-bearers and members of Lodge Eastern Star No . 1 , 189 , do ourselves the very great pleasure in presenting you with the accompaning Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of our giatitude for the most valuable services you have rendered
to this lodge ever since it came into existence . Were it not for your indefatigable zeal and assiduous attention iu promoting the welfare of this lodge as its founder and patron , we feel confident it could never have arrived at that stage of advancement which it has attained . AA c are aware of the formidable difficulties that had to be overcome when the lodge sprung into existence , and it was solely owing to your influence aud supportthat these
, difficulties were successfully encountered . Rest assured , Worshipful Sir , that as long as Lodge Eastern Star , shall continue to shine in the Masonic world , your name will remain indissolutely attached to it , as that of a generous patron and benign benefactor . As a slight token of our appreciation of your valuable assistance in behalf of this lodge , wo beg most respectfully to offer in addition to the jewel voted by the lodge , the humble
tribute of a purse which wo beg of you to accept and dispose of in a manner that you may feel most agreeable to yourself , and we trust you will accept it purely , as a token of our admiration and gratitude . " With fraternal regards , " AA e remain . Dear Sir and AV . Bro ., "Yours faithfully and fraternally , " ( Signed ) , SORABJEE FROMMURZE , AV . M .
" PESTONJEE BAZONJEE , S . AV . "MUNCHEEJEE FROJOTDRZE , J . AV . "And about 50 members of Lodge "Easlern Star . " Freemasons' Hall , rear ofthe Sir Jamsetjee J . Hospital , Bombay , Mazagon , 16 th August , 1869 . " Proposed by AV . Bro . Sorabjee Frommurze , and seconded by Bro . Pestonjee Bazonjeethat a vote of thanks be recorded to
, W . Bro . Gibbs , for the willingness and readiness with which he conducted the ceremony of presenting the jewel , & c Three special cases of Parsee widows and orphans were brought forward , and a monthly donation of Rs . 5 for one yearcertain was granted to each of the applicants . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at about 8 . 15 p . m .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE , TOTNES . —Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —The quarterly meeting was held at the Masonic Rooms on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at noon . Among those present were Comps . Dr . Hopkins , Z ., J . Heath , II . ; J . Marks , J . ; Pridbam , E . ; Glanfield , N . ; Niner , Prin . Soj . ; G . Heath , Treas . The chapter having been opened in regular form , and the companions admitted , Bro . Stafford was introducedproperly preparedand exalted to this supreme
, , degree by the M . E . Z ., who also gave the first and second lectures , that of the chair being given by J . Some routine business was disposed of , an explanation of the cause of absence of the Chaplain afforded , a candidate proposed , and the chapter was closed at two o'clock . INSTRUCTION .
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —The usual meeting of this chapter was held at Ihe George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on the 12 th inst ., under that well-known preceptor , Comp . J . "Brett . The lectures of the exaltation were given respectively by Comps . Litteaur , Dr . Self , and Dr . Woodman . The officers were _ Comps . Taylor , ~ 8 . ; Smith , P . S . ; Green , Assist . S . ; and Hamilton , candidate . Among the members present were Comps . Cubitt , _ Roberts , Gotthiel , Boyd , States , and Hosgood . The exaltation ceremony and several of the sections were very creditably rendered by the principals and officers , demonstrating . by their great improvement that they have not laboured in vain ,
Royal Arch.
which reflects no small credit on their preceptor . We are enabled to state that Comp . Boyd has been appointed by the M . E . G . Z ., the Earl of Zetland , as the 1 st M . E . Z . of the Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 , of which Comp . States is to be Scribe E . ; this will be a guarantee for good working and faithful records being kept . We wish the principals and officers every success in their good work . The consecration ceremony will be worked on the 14 th of November next .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . THISTLE LODGE , ( NO . 8 . J—A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 1 st i nst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queenstreet , Bro . T . Meggy , P . G . M . O ., who officiated as W . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Mann ; Bros . H . G . Lake , S . W . ; J . W . Dawson , J . AV . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . S . B ., P . M ., and SecFBinckesGSecand P . M . Joshua NunnPGDand
; . , . , ; , ..., P . M . ; R . AA atts , P . G . S . B . ; L . Harvey , J . D . ; E . Hart , Org . ; J . W . Boord , Baber , Henley , MorlJock , Sendey , Marshall , Lowlier , Baker , and Tail ' s . The lodge was opened , and the minutes were read and confirmed , and ballots taken for eight candidates . The following being in attendance were then regularly advanced to the degree of Mark Master Masons , viz ., Bros . Charles Lacy , AV . M . ( 174 ) a trusty " Sincerity" man ; George KellyPG
, , .. Stew ., and P . M . ( 63 ) , a zealous veteran in the Craft ; Morton Edwards , of "St . Lukes , " Chelsea ( 144 ) , and R . P . AVilkinson , P . M . ( 95 ) . The elections for the ensuing year resulted as follows : —Bros . H . G . Lake , well known as P . M . of 186 , and P . Z . 820 was chosen as Master ; Bro . J . AV . Figg , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . AVooclstock , Tyler . The lodge was then closed .
SOUTHWARK LODGE OP MARK MASTERS ( NO . 22 ) . —This prosperous old lodge held a second emergency meeting on Saturday last , the 9 th inst ., at the Queen ' s Arms , Wesfconslreet , Bormondsey . Bro . H . Massey , W . M ., G . Steward , opened the lodge , assisted by the following brethren : —Bros . F . AVaters , P . M ., P . G . P . ; T . J . Sabine , P . M ., G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; A . D . Loewonstark , P . G . P ., S / W ., and Treas . ; G . AV . AVbeeler , J , W . AveryS . Harmanand M . A . LoewentarkP . G . Steward
, , , , Sec . The only business that presented itself was to ballot for several candidates , which proved unanimous in their favour . Bro . John Thomas Triekett , of the St . Aubyn's Loclge , No . 954 , Devonport , being in attendance , was ably and impressively advanced to the degree of a Mark Master Mason by the I . P . M ., Bro . T . J . Sabine . The lodge was then closed till Saturday , Dec . IS .
SAMSON AND LION LODGE as MARK MASTERS ( No . 86 ) . —The regular meeting of this small but good Mark lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-Fields , on Wednesday last , the 6 th . instant . Bro . Mc / . er A . Loewenstark , P . M . and P . G . Steward ( in the absence of the AA . M ., Bro . Boucey ) , opened the lodge , assisted by Bros . A . D . Loewenstark , P . G . P ., as S . AV ., 11 . Rosenthal ! , as J . W . and C . Swan , P . G . SB .., as Sec The minutes of the last lodge meeting ,
whereby the annual subscription is reduced from one guinea to half a guinea , were read and unanimously confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro . George Moore , of the Montefiore Lodge , and was unanimous in his favour , but he being out of town , he was unable to be present . For the same reason several other candidates were prevented from being advanced , and it is the intention of the AV . M . to call a lodge of emergency for Wednesday , Nov . 3 when it is expected that seven or eiht may take the
, g degree . The meeting nights , it was resolved , should be on the first AVednesday in January , February , April , and October , that is , substituting " February" for "July . " Three candidates were proposed for advancement , and one joining member . There being no further business , the lodge was closed with solemn prayer .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 26 ) . —An adjourned meeting was held at six o'clock p . m ., at the Masonic Rooms , on AVednesday , the 6 th inst . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . the Rev . — Bowden , AV . M ., the chair was , at his request , taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , I . P . i'I . Bro . John Heath was in his place as S . W . Bro . Pridham occupied the chair of J . W . Several candidates were expected , but only one presented himself , and he was too