Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 8 →
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able and faithful discharge of the important duties of his office , aud for his zeal for the prosperity' of the lodge he having introduced so many gentlemen into it . To tho AA ' . M . Bro . Wmkup , the brethren are indebted for his constant attention during tho two years he filled the AA arden ' s chairs , and the memory will long retain the effect , and the heart find a response to his very feeling and beautiful delivery of the charges and the working tools ; aud now that he is placed in
the highest position the Lodge can bestow , we anticipate a year of great intellectual enjoyment . To tho officers generally we rejoice to bear our testimony of the zeal they have for the order and the spirit with which they have emulated each other , and congratulate them on their preferment . Business being closed in due form , the Lodge was called off to refreshment . On entering the dining-rooms the eye was dazzled bthe splendour
y of its decorations and the brilliant appearance of the table . Ceres , Flora , Pomona , and Bacchus , vied with each other in providing for the sons of light , nor were their labours in vain , for after ample justice had been done there ' was profusion : the worthy host Bro . Houlston must have felt proud to hear the eulogiums passed upon him as an accomplished caterer . The dinner over the usual loyal and masonic toasts were jn-oposed
and responded to in a truly fraternal spirit . —P . M . Bro . Witter obtained permission to propose the health of the immediate past Master Bro . Urmson , and in doing so paid a very high compliment to him for the manner in which he had conducted the Lodge during his year of office , for his mild but firm and courteous conduct to all with whom he came in contact , and the prosperity which had crowned his efforts ,
but above all he congratulated him on the good esteem he had secured to himself from the brethren of the Lodge : in testimony of which , ( in the name of the brethren ) he presented him with a Past Master ' s Jewel as a smal token of the high regard in which he is bold . Bro . Thomson in returning thanks , observed that he was taken by surprise , and hoped the brethren would allow for his inability under present circumstances to thank them as he
could wish , it is laid down on the tracing board of the master buikler that , "from the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketh . " but in his case his heart was full to overflowing ancl his lips could not perform their office or give utterance to his feelings , but he assured them he appreciated their kindness , and trustee they would accept his gratitude in return . —The next toast was " The Educational Institution for the education and advancement in life of the children of distressed Freemasons "
, responded to by Bro . S . V . Brabner , V . AV . P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Hon . Treas ., who observed that the institution was not onl y in a flourishing state , but at the present time self-supporting , its capital exceeded £ 1000 , and the interest with the dues educated the children at present on the foundation ; he urged the brethren to become governors , and so increase the funds and extend its benefits . It was and should he considered a
privilege to the brethren of AA est Lancashire to be able to point to such an institution and to feel proud they had the opportunity of supporting one of the best and most useful institutions Freemasonry can boast of . The last and crowning toast of of this happy meeting having been given from the chair , the J . AV . did his duty , ancl the Lodge was duly closedand tiie brethren wended their way homewards .
LINCOLNSHIRE . LOFTII . —Lindsetj Lodge . ( No . 1014 ) . The brethren of this Lodge met at their rooms in Rosemary Lane on the 2 nd of this month for the purpose of installing their AV . M ., and celebrating the Festival of St . John . Capt . Smyth of the 2 nd Lincoln Rifle Volunteers , having been unanimously elected to the chair , was duly presented and installed bBro . J F . AVuiteP . M . in the
y , presence of the very worshipful the D . Prov . G . M . of Lincolnshire , Bro . Harvey , the P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Coltman , ; ancl and several officers , brethren from other Lodges in the neighbourhood . The officers were installed as follows : —Bro . Jas . Fowler , P . M ., Bro . C . £ . Lucas , S . AV . C . M . Herbert , J . AV ., AV . L . Mason , Sec , J . F . AAliite , Treas ., AV . Oldroyd , Dir . of Cers . W . A . SanderS . D . ; AV . GriffinJ . D . R . RobinsonIGVV
, , ; , .. ; F . Roberts , and E . W . AVilson , Stewards ; and R . P . Hodgson , Tyler . The newly elected AA . M . passed Bros . Locock and Hibbitt to the second degree in a masterly manner ; indeed , it has never been our lot to witness the Lindsey Lodge better worked , giving , we may hope , an earnest for future excellence . After
the business of the Lodge was over the brethren adjourned to the Mason ' s Arms , where Mrs . Mitchell , the respected widow of a deceased brother , served up a supper of a most excellent kind , to which we need hardly say ample justice was done . Loyal and Masonic toasts were drank , and the utmost harmony prevailed . In the course of an excellent speech Bro . Harvey referred to his intention of visiting the Lodges in his province , ancl thereby make himself acquainted not only with the members
personally , but the manner in which the Lodges were worked ; and we cannot but think this will do more towards the efficient working of our Lodges than any other plan that could be adopted , as not only will the very worshipful brother's presence amongst us act as an incentive to every officer to do his best , but a spirit of emulation will be raised amongst the Lodges , . that each may be as well or better reported of than the others . The utmost cordiality prevailed amongst the brethrenwho did
, not separate until midnight . As the brethren were taking their departure a sudden cry of fire was raised , and it was soon discovered to be on the premises of an esteemed brother ( Bro . Oldroyd , ) who was present . One and all rushed to the scene of tho disaster and used their best efforts to extinguish the flame , but nothing could save the building . Every brother felt it a sad ending to a pleasant evening .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Isca Lodge ( No . 9 S 3 ) . —The installation of Bro . John Laybourne , as AV . M . of this lodge , took place at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , on Friday , January 2 nd , the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . Bridges , Prov . G . S . B . The following brethren were appointed and invested officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Charles Simpson , S . AV . ; William Burton , S . W . ; James MaddocksTreas . ; John MiddletonSee . ; John
, , Frazier , S . D . ; James Maddocks , J . D . ; Henry Mullock , I . G . ; William McFee , Tyler . The interesting ceremony completed , an adjournment was made to the AVestgate Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet was parken of , fully sustaining the character of the cuisine of the establishment . The cloth , removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and enthusiastically received . The proceedings terminated after a most agreeable evening had been spent about eleven o'clock .
SUFFOLK . Irswicn . —Lodge of Perfect FriendsJiip ( 522 ) . —On Wednesday evening , the 7 th iust ., the members of this lodge of Free ancl Accepted Masons celebrated the Festival of St . John the Evangelist at the Great AVhite Horse Hotel . Thirty-two brethren sat clown to dinner , served in first-class style by Bro . Henry Guiver . The AV . M ., Bro . Stephen B . King , presided , supported by the S . AA . Bro . Henry Luffand the J . AV . Bro . W .
, , , Spalding-, who officiated in the absence of Bro . Geoi-ge Turner , absent through illness . Amongst the brethren present were It . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chap . ; E . Dorling , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . Franks , Prov . G . Reg . ; Findley , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; R . Girling , P . M . ; A . Pettitt , J . D . ; ' AA . P . Mills , Treas . ; F . B . Jennings , I . G . ; Pitcher , P . M . ; C . T . Townsend , P . M . ; W . SidneyP . M . ; A . BowlesProv . G . Org . ; WardAV . M . (
Har-, , , wich ); J . A . Pettitt , P . M . ; Turner , AV . M . ( St . Luke's ); R . Cade , P . M . ( St . Luke ' s ); N . Tracy , P . M . ; & c . All the brethren dined in full Masonic craft clothing . —After the dessert and wines were placed upon the table , the W . M . gave in succession " The Queen , Prince of AA ales , and the Royal Familv ;" "The G . M . of all England , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The D . G . M ., the Earl De Grey and Ripon ; "The Prov . G . M . of
Suffolk , Colonel Adair ; " "The D . Prov . G . M ., the Rev . AV . F . Freeman . " The toasts wei-e honoured in true Masonic style . — The AV . M . next gave " The Prov . G . Officers , uniting with the toast the names of the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . R . N . Sanderson , ancl the Prov . G . Org ., Bro . Alfred Bowles , " who he ( the AV . M . ) was glad to see restored to health and enabled to meet them on such an occasion . —The toast having been duly honoured , Bros .
Sanderson and Bowles briefly replied . —The AV . M ., in an able speech , paid a well-deserved compliment to Bro . C . T . Townsend , who had so ably filled the W . M . 's chair during the past year , and who had done so much for Masonry . —Bro . Townsend briefly replied , and said , as they were taught to do unto others as they would others should do unto them , he had great pleasure in proposing the AV . M . ' s health , and wishing , him a X > rosperous year of office . —Both toasts were drank with full Masonic honours . —The W . M , having replied , gave " The Prov . G .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
able and faithful discharge of the important duties of his office , aud for his zeal for the prosperity' of the lodge he having introduced so many gentlemen into it . To tho AA ' . M . Bro . Wmkup , the brethren are indebted for his constant attention during tho two years he filled the AA arden ' s chairs , and the memory will long retain the effect , and the heart find a response to his very feeling and beautiful delivery of the charges and the working tools ; aud now that he is placed in
the highest position the Lodge can bestow , we anticipate a year of great intellectual enjoyment . To tho officers generally we rejoice to bear our testimony of the zeal they have for the order and the spirit with which they have emulated each other , and congratulate them on their preferment . Business being closed in due form , the Lodge was called off to refreshment . On entering the dining-rooms the eye was dazzled bthe splendour
y of its decorations and the brilliant appearance of the table . Ceres , Flora , Pomona , and Bacchus , vied with each other in providing for the sons of light , nor were their labours in vain , for after ample justice had been done there ' was profusion : the worthy host Bro . Houlston must have felt proud to hear the eulogiums passed upon him as an accomplished caterer . The dinner over the usual loyal and masonic toasts were jn-oposed
and responded to in a truly fraternal spirit . —P . M . Bro . Witter obtained permission to propose the health of the immediate past Master Bro . Urmson , and in doing so paid a very high compliment to him for the manner in which he had conducted the Lodge during his year of office , for his mild but firm and courteous conduct to all with whom he came in contact , and the prosperity which had crowned his efforts ,
but above all he congratulated him on the good esteem he had secured to himself from the brethren of the Lodge : in testimony of which , ( in the name of the brethren ) he presented him with a Past Master ' s Jewel as a smal token of the high regard in which he is bold . Bro . Thomson in returning thanks , observed that he was taken by surprise , and hoped the brethren would allow for his inability under present circumstances to thank them as he
could wish , it is laid down on the tracing board of the master buikler that , "from the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketh . " but in his case his heart was full to overflowing ancl his lips could not perform their office or give utterance to his feelings , but he assured them he appreciated their kindness , and trustee they would accept his gratitude in return . —The next toast was " The Educational Institution for the education and advancement in life of the children of distressed Freemasons "
, responded to by Bro . S . V . Brabner , V . AV . P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Hon . Treas ., who observed that the institution was not onl y in a flourishing state , but at the present time self-supporting , its capital exceeded £ 1000 , and the interest with the dues educated the children at present on the foundation ; he urged the brethren to become governors , and so increase the funds and extend its benefits . It was and should he considered a
privilege to the brethren of AA est Lancashire to be able to point to such an institution and to feel proud they had the opportunity of supporting one of the best and most useful institutions Freemasonry can boast of . The last and crowning toast of of this happy meeting having been given from the chair , the J . AV . did his duty , ancl the Lodge was duly closedand tiie brethren wended their way homewards .
LINCOLNSHIRE . LOFTII . —Lindsetj Lodge . ( No . 1014 ) . The brethren of this Lodge met at their rooms in Rosemary Lane on the 2 nd of this month for the purpose of installing their AV . M ., and celebrating the Festival of St . John . Capt . Smyth of the 2 nd Lincoln Rifle Volunteers , having been unanimously elected to the chair , was duly presented and installed bBro . J F . AVuiteP . M . in the
y , presence of the very worshipful the D . Prov . G . M . of Lincolnshire , Bro . Harvey , the P . D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Coltman , ; ancl and several officers , brethren from other Lodges in the neighbourhood . The officers were installed as follows : —Bro . Jas . Fowler , P . M ., Bro . C . £ . Lucas , S . AV . C . M . Herbert , J . AV ., AV . L . Mason , Sec , J . F . AAliite , Treas ., AV . Oldroyd , Dir . of Cers . W . A . SanderS . D . ; AV . GriffinJ . D . R . RobinsonIGVV
, , ; , .. ; F . Roberts , and E . W . AVilson , Stewards ; and R . P . Hodgson , Tyler . The newly elected AA . M . passed Bros . Locock and Hibbitt to the second degree in a masterly manner ; indeed , it has never been our lot to witness the Lindsey Lodge better worked , giving , we may hope , an earnest for future excellence . After
the business of the Lodge was over the brethren adjourned to the Mason ' s Arms , where Mrs . Mitchell , the respected widow of a deceased brother , served up a supper of a most excellent kind , to which we need hardly say ample justice was done . Loyal and Masonic toasts were drank , and the utmost harmony prevailed . In the course of an excellent speech Bro . Harvey referred to his intention of visiting the Lodges in his province , ancl thereby make himself acquainted not only with the members
personally , but the manner in which the Lodges were worked ; and we cannot but think this will do more towards the efficient working of our Lodges than any other plan that could be adopted , as not only will the very worshipful brother's presence amongst us act as an incentive to every officer to do his best , but a spirit of emulation will be raised amongst the Lodges , . that each may be as well or better reported of than the others . The utmost cordiality prevailed amongst the brethrenwho did
, not separate until midnight . As the brethren were taking their departure a sudden cry of fire was raised , and it was soon discovered to be on the premises of an esteemed brother ( Bro . Oldroyd , ) who was present . One and all rushed to the scene of tho disaster and used their best efforts to extinguish the flame , but nothing could save the building . Every brother felt it a sad ending to a pleasant evening .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Isca Lodge ( No . 9 S 3 ) . —The installation of Bro . John Laybourne , as AV . M . of this lodge , took place at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , on Friday , January 2 nd , the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . Bridges , Prov . G . S . B . The following brethren were appointed and invested officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Charles Simpson , S . AV . ; William Burton , S . W . ; James MaddocksTreas . ; John MiddletonSee . ; John
, , Frazier , S . D . ; James Maddocks , J . D . ; Henry Mullock , I . G . ; William McFee , Tyler . The interesting ceremony completed , an adjournment was made to the AVestgate Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet was parken of , fully sustaining the character of the cuisine of the establishment . The cloth , removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and enthusiastically received . The proceedings terminated after a most agreeable evening had been spent about eleven o'clock .
SUFFOLK . Irswicn . —Lodge of Perfect FriendsJiip ( 522 ) . —On Wednesday evening , the 7 th iust ., the members of this lodge of Free ancl Accepted Masons celebrated the Festival of St . John the Evangelist at the Great AVhite Horse Hotel . Thirty-two brethren sat clown to dinner , served in first-class style by Bro . Henry Guiver . The AV . M ., Bro . Stephen B . King , presided , supported by the S . AA . Bro . Henry Luffand the J . AV . Bro . W .
, , , Spalding-, who officiated in the absence of Bro . Geoi-ge Turner , absent through illness . Amongst the brethren present were It . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chap . ; E . Dorling , Prov . G . Sec . ; J . Franks , Prov . G . Reg . ; Findley , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; R . Girling , P . M . ; A . Pettitt , J . D . ; ' AA . P . Mills , Treas . ; F . B . Jennings , I . G . ; Pitcher , P . M . ; C . T . Townsend , P . M . ; W . SidneyP . M . ; A . BowlesProv . G . Org . ; WardAV . M . (
Har-, , , wich ); J . A . Pettitt , P . M . ; Turner , AV . M . ( St . Luke's ); R . Cade , P . M . ( St . Luke ' s ); N . Tracy , P . M . ; & c . All the brethren dined in full Masonic craft clothing . —After the dessert and wines were placed upon the table , the W . M . gave in succession " The Queen , Prince of AA ales , and the Royal Familv ;" "The G . M . of all England , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The D . G . M ., the Earl De Grey and Ripon ; "The Prov . G . M . of
Suffolk , Colonel Adair ; " "The D . Prov . G . M ., the Rev . AV . F . Freeman . " The toasts wei-e honoured in true Masonic style . — The AV . M . next gave " The Prov . G . Officers , uniting with the toast the names of the Prov . G . Chap ., Bro . R . N . Sanderson , ancl the Prov . G . Org ., Bro . Alfred Bowles , " who he ( the AV . M . ) was glad to see restored to health and enabled to meet them on such an occasion . —The toast having been duly honoured , Bros .
Sanderson and Bowles briefly replied . —The AV . M ., in an able speech , paid a well-deserved compliment to Bro . C . T . Townsend , who had so ably filled the W . M . 's chair during the past year , and who had done so much for Masonry . —Bro . Townsend briefly replied , and said , as they were taught to do unto others as they would others should do unto them , he had great pleasure in proposing the AV . M . ' s health , and wishing , him a X > rosperous year of office . —Both toasts were drank with full Masonic honours . —The W . M , having replied , gave " The Prov . G .