Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 8 →
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Officers of Suffolk , ' uniting with it the name of Bro . Pitcher , who , he felt quite assured , had the respect of every Mason . —Bro . Pitcher in acknowledging the toast , said this was the 33 rd anniversary he had the pleasure of attending . —Bro . Edward Dorling having permission for the AV . M . to propose a toast , gave the health of Bro . Edward Plantin , one of the founders of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , and the only one living . He thought Bro . Plantin was worthy of their esteem , and in order to
perpetuate his name amongst Masons , he had great pleasure in presenting to the Perfect Friendship Lodge a portrait of Bro . Edward Plantin . ( Applause . ) Bro . Dorling then presented to the W . M . a very handsomely-framed phototograpli portrait of Bro . E . Plantin , executed by Bro . Robt . Cade . At the foot of the picture was the following inscription— " This portrait of Bro . Edward Plantin , the only surviving founder of the Pefect Friendship Lod was prpsented bBro . Edward
ge , y Dorling , P . M ., on the anniversary of St . John's , 1862 , Bro . S . B . King , W . M . " It is needless to say that this memento of so venerable and respected a brother was received with great satisfaction by the Lodge . —Bro . Spalding on the part of Bro . Plantin , returnnd thanks . —Bro . Luff , S . W ., in a well-worded speech , called the attention of the brethren to the bereaved fomily ( four girls ) of the late Bro . WooAuough , ancl said lie hoped the brethren would leud him and Bro . Dorling all the
assistance they could , as they were endeavouaing to get one of the girls in the Freemasons' School at the election in April next , ¦ —Br . E . Dorling also appealed on behalf of the orphans . He said it was a most painful case , and he did hope the brethren in this part of the country would do all they could to second his efforts . He had already received many promises of support , and he did most earnestly hope they would be successful . ( Applause . ) —The AV . M . next " The Visitors—the AV . M . of St . Luke's
gave Lodge , Bro . Turner ; Bro . AVard , the AA ' . M . of Harwich Lodge ; and the members of the British Union Lodge , " and thanks to them for honoring them with their company . —Bros . Turner , Ward , ancl Guiver acknowledged the toast , and expressed the pleasure they felt at beiug present on such an occasion . —This closed the list of toasts . —Several songs were sung by the brethi-en , and the evening appeared to be one of eujoyment to all .
STAFFORDSHIRE . AVoLVEEHAitPTOjjr . —St Peter's ( 607 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 1 st instant at the Swan Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . Thomas Cooper , W . M ., aud in the presence of a goodly number of the brethren , the only business being the installation of the W . M . elect ( Bro . S . J . Cook ) and officers for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened in the several degrees , according to ancient form ;
after which Bro . E . Haseler , P . M ., occupied the chair , and installed Bro . Cook according to ancient form . The AV . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bi-os . E . J . Purnell , S . W . ; G . Pendelow , J . W . ; C . A . Newnham , S . D . ; S . F . Acton , J . D . ; B . Deane , I . G . ; J . F . AVarner , sec . ; and Pursall and AVilde as stewards . The sum of £ 3 3 * . was unanimously granted from the lodge funds towards the relief of the distress in the cotton districts . Some formal business having been
transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet . After which the usual masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . The following visitors were present : —Bros . G . AAliitehcacl ( 435 ); A . Puddicombe and C . Matthews , P . M . ( 769 ); and C . H . Bayley , W . M . ( 960 ) .
SUFFOLK . ALDBOROTTGH . —Adair Lodge ( No . 1238 ) . —At a meeting of emergency of this lodge , held at the White Lion Hotel , Aldborough , on Friday , the 9 th inst ., Bros , E . Garret , AVilliam Tate , and another , were severally passed to the degree of F . C . After the lodge was closed in the second degree , Mr . Putcher was regularly initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . The brethren of " The Adair " were assisted by Bro . Head , P . M ., P . Prov .
J . G . AV . Suffolk , and Bro . C . T . Townsend , P . M . 522 . After the business of the evening terminated , the brethren retired to refreshment , under the presidency of Bro . Newson Garrett , the P . M . of Lodge No . 3 , and the first W . M . of " the Adair , " under whom we doubt not the lodge will have a successful career . AA'e are pleased to find such a kind and genial feeling existing amongst the brethren connected with the various lodges in the province , and that the elder brethren most willingly give their valuable assistance to their younger brethren , and to lodges in their infancy .
WALES . NEATH . —Camh-ian Lodge ( No . 472 ) . —On Tuesday , January 6 th , the brethren of the of this lodge mustered strongly , and after initiating a few members , and going through the usual routine upon such occasions , they retired to Bro . Henry Hancock's , Castle Hotel , where they partook of their usual annual dinner . The spread was ample iu every particular , and served in that excellent style for which the Castle is so celebrated .
up The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given with very good ancl appropriate speeches , and the evening was delightfully and harmoniously spent . The band of the 15 th Rifle Volunteers , under the leadership of their bandmaster , Mr . Goodburn , at intervals entertained the company with some excellent music .
WARAVICKSHIRE . NUKEATOK' . —Alley Lodge ( No . 425 ) . —The brethren of Nuneaton held their annual meeting at the Newdegate Arms Hotel . The room , which has been recently decorated , was visited by a great many ladies and others , to see the book recently presented by the AA arwickshire Masons to Lady Leigh . The usual business of the lodge was transacted , and the W . M . installed by Bro . Edward Nason , in a most impressive manner .
Bro . Cowley , AV . M ., then appointed his officers ; by a bye-law , no other business can upon the day of the festival be transacted . The brethren afterwards partook of an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Hill . The AV . M . presided , supported by Bros . Charles IV . EHciugton , the D . Prov . G . M . ; Edward Mason , and about twenty brethren . Bro . Elkington , in responding to the toast of the Prov . G . M ., alluding to the deep regret he felt , iu AAlu-wickshireat the absence of Lord Leihand said he ivas
, g , sure it was not only the prayer of every Mason , but of every person in AA arwickshire who knew Lord Leigh , that he might speedily return , and that Lady Leigh ' s health , which caused Lord Leigh so much anxiety , would be fully restored . T ] je other usual toasts were given , ancl the evening's enjoyments were brought to a close .
WESTMORELAND . KENDAL . —Union Lodge ( No . 151 ) . —This lodge was opened on Jan . 13 th , by the AA . M . Bro . Home , assisted by the officers and brethen of the lodge . The minutes of last regular lodge and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . Bros . Thompson and Hogg wishing to take the second degree were examined and being found proficient were passed to the degree of F . C . by Bro . C . S . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , AA est Lancashire , & c . Bros .
Cookley , and AV . AVebster were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Dr . Greaves , R . W . D . Prov . G . M . in a very solemn and impressive manner fully explaining all the symbols , & e Bro . Home , being elected as AV . M . for the second year , the ceremony of installation was dispensed with . He then invested the following officers : —Bros . Pettitt of Lodge 173 and 1041 , S . W . ; Johnson , J . AV . ; Owen , Treasurer ; AVilson , Secretary ; Hogg , S . D . ; ThompsonJ . D . ; AVebsterI . G . ; LyonTyler . The R . AV . D .
, , , Prov . G . M . delivered a charge to each of the officers . P . M . Bro . AVebster , No . 151 , and Bro . Hibbert , No . 122 aud No . 238 , assisted in the ceremonies , also Bro . Banister , One gentleman was proposed for initiation , and two as joining members . This lodge , which for many years iiast has been quite dormant , is
now by the perseverance ancl good working of the AV . M ., Bro . Home , raising itself to a respectable position , and will ere long be an excellent working lodge . At refreshment the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and drunk with spirit . Bro . C . J . Banister , in suitable terms , proposed the health of the D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Dr . Greaves , and in responding gave the brethren excellent advice which was listened to with great attention j in conclusion he proposed the health of the AV . M ., which was
received with acclamation . P . M . Bro . AVebster proposed the health of Bro . Banister , thanking him for the valuable assistance . Bro . Banister in returning thanks said , he considered it his duty to at all times to do what he could for the benefit of the order , and nothing gave him greater pleasure than assisting young brethren to work the ceremonies of the lodges , he hoped they would have a Lodge of Instruction , for that was the only way to become perfectancl he would endeavour to visit them as often
, as possible ; before sitting down he proposed the health of the officers of tiie ledge , and gave them good advice . The D . Prov . G . M . proposed the health of the P . M . ' s of the lodge , which was responded to by Bro . Webster in a spirited speech . The evening was spent in social harmony , and after the last toast was done justice to , the brethren separated highly pleased with the happy
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Officers of Suffolk , ' uniting with it the name of Bro . Pitcher , who , he felt quite assured , had the respect of every Mason . —Bro . Pitcher in acknowledging the toast , said this was the 33 rd anniversary he had the pleasure of attending . —Bro . Edward Dorling having permission for the AV . M . to propose a toast , gave the health of Bro . Edward Plantin , one of the founders of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , and the only one living . He thought Bro . Plantin was worthy of their esteem , and in order to
perpetuate his name amongst Masons , he had great pleasure in presenting to the Perfect Friendship Lodge a portrait of Bro . Edward Plantin . ( Applause . ) Bro . Dorling then presented to the W . M . a very handsomely-framed phototograpli portrait of Bro . E . Plantin , executed by Bro . Robt . Cade . At the foot of the picture was the following inscription— " This portrait of Bro . Edward Plantin , the only surviving founder of the Pefect Friendship Lod was prpsented bBro . Edward
ge , y Dorling , P . M ., on the anniversary of St . John's , 1862 , Bro . S . B . King , W . M . " It is needless to say that this memento of so venerable and respected a brother was received with great satisfaction by the Lodge . —Bro . Spalding on the part of Bro . Plantin , returnnd thanks . —Bro . Luff , S . W ., in a well-worded speech , called the attention of the brethren to the bereaved fomily ( four girls ) of the late Bro . WooAuough , ancl said lie hoped the brethren would leud him and Bro . Dorling all the
assistance they could , as they were endeavouaing to get one of the girls in the Freemasons' School at the election in April next , ¦ —Br . E . Dorling also appealed on behalf of the orphans . He said it was a most painful case , and he did hope the brethren in this part of the country would do all they could to second his efforts . He had already received many promises of support , and he did most earnestly hope they would be successful . ( Applause . ) —The AV . M . next " The Visitors—the AV . M . of St . Luke's
gave Lodge , Bro . Turner ; Bro . AVard , the AA ' . M . of Harwich Lodge ; and the members of the British Union Lodge , " and thanks to them for honoring them with their company . —Bros . Turner , Ward , ancl Guiver acknowledged the toast , and expressed the pleasure they felt at beiug present on such an occasion . —This closed the list of toasts . —Several songs were sung by the brethi-en , and the evening appeared to be one of eujoyment to all .
STAFFORDSHIRE . AVoLVEEHAitPTOjjr . —St Peter's ( 607 ) . —The annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 1 st instant at the Swan Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . Thomas Cooper , W . M ., aud in the presence of a goodly number of the brethren , the only business being the installation of the W . M . elect ( Bro . S . J . Cook ) and officers for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened in the several degrees , according to ancient form ;
after which Bro . E . Haseler , P . M ., occupied the chair , and installed Bro . Cook according to ancient form . The AV . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bi-os . E . J . Purnell , S . W . ; G . Pendelow , J . W . ; C . A . Newnham , S . D . ; S . F . Acton , J . D . ; B . Deane , I . G . ; J . F . AVarner , sec . ; and Pursall and AVilde as stewards . The sum of £ 3 3 * . was unanimously granted from the lodge funds towards the relief of the distress in the cotton districts . Some formal business having been
transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet . After which the usual masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . The following visitors were present : —Bros . G . AAliitehcacl ( 435 ); A . Puddicombe and C . Matthews , P . M . ( 769 ); and C . H . Bayley , W . M . ( 960 ) .
SUFFOLK . ALDBOROTTGH . —Adair Lodge ( No . 1238 ) . —At a meeting of emergency of this lodge , held at the White Lion Hotel , Aldborough , on Friday , the 9 th inst ., Bros , E . Garret , AVilliam Tate , and another , were severally passed to the degree of F . C . After the lodge was closed in the second degree , Mr . Putcher was regularly initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . The brethren of " The Adair " were assisted by Bro . Head , P . M ., P . Prov .
J . G . AV . Suffolk , and Bro . C . T . Townsend , P . M . 522 . After the business of the evening terminated , the brethren retired to refreshment , under the presidency of Bro . Newson Garrett , the P . M . of Lodge No . 3 , and the first W . M . of " the Adair , " under whom we doubt not the lodge will have a successful career . AA'e are pleased to find such a kind and genial feeling existing amongst the brethren connected with the various lodges in the province , and that the elder brethren most willingly give their valuable assistance to their younger brethren , and to lodges in their infancy .
WALES . NEATH . —Camh-ian Lodge ( No . 472 ) . —On Tuesday , January 6 th , the brethren of the of this lodge mustered strongly , and after initiating a few members , and going through the usual routine upon such occasions , they retired to Bro . Henry Hancock's , Castle Hotel , where they partook of their usual annual dinner . The spread was ample iu every particular , and served in that excellent style for which the Castle is so celebrated .
up The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given with very good ancl appropriate speeches , and the evening was delightfully and harmoniously spent . The band of the 15 th Rifle Volunteers , under the leadership of their bandmaster , Mr . Goodburn , at intervals entertained the company with some excellent music .
WARAVICKSHIRE . NUKEATOK' . —Alley Lodge ( No . 425 ) . —The brethren of Nuneaton held their annual meeting at the Newdegate Arms Hotel . The room , which has been recently decorated , was visited by a great many ladies and others , to see the book recently presented by the AA arwickshire Masons to Lady Leigh . The usual business of the lodge was transacted , and the W . M . installed by Bro . Edward Nason , in a most impressive manner .
Bro . Cowley , AV . M ., then appointed his officers ; by a bye-law , no other business can upon the day of the festival be transacted . The brethren afterwards partook of an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Hill . The AV . M . presided , supported by Bros . Charles IV . EHciugton , the D . Prov . G . M . ; Edward Mason , and about twenty brethren . Bro . Elkington , in responding to the toast of the Prov . G . M ., alluding to the deep regret he felt , iu AAlu-wickshireat the absence of Lord Leihand said he ivas
, g , sure it was not only the prayer of every Mason , but of every person in AA arwickshire who knew Lord Leigh , that he might speedily return , and that Lady Leigh ' s health , which caused Lord Leigh so much anxiety , would be fully restored . T ] je other usual toasts were given , ancl the evening's enjoyments were brought to a close .
WESTMORELAND . KENDAL . —Union Lodge ( No . 151 ) . —This lodge was opened on Jan . 13 th , by the AA . M . Bro . Home , assisted by the officers and brethen of the lodge . The minutes of last regular lodge and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . Bros . Thompson and Hogg wishing to take the second degree were examined and being found proficient were passed to the degree of F . C . by Bro . C . S . Banister , Prov . G . D . C , AA est Lancashire , & c . Bros .
Cookley , and AV . AVebster were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Dr . Greaves , R . W . D . Prov . G . M . in a very solemn and impressive manner fully explaining all the symbols , & e Bro . Home , being elected as AV . M . for the second year , the ceremony of installation was dispensed with . He then invested the following officers : —Bros . Pettitt of Lodge 173 and 1041 , S . W . ; Johnson , J . AV . ; Owen , Treasurer ; AVilson , Secretary ; Hogg , S . D . ; ThompsonJ . D . ; AVebsterI . G . ; LyonTyler . The R . AV . D .
, , , Prov . G . M . delivered a charge to each of the officers . P . M . Bro . AVebster , No . 151 , and Bro . Hibbert , No . 122 aud No . 238 , assisted in the ceremonies , also Bro . Banister , One gentleman was proposed for initiation , and two as joining members . This lodge , which for many years iiast has been quite dormant , is
now by the perseverance ancl good working of the AV . M ., Bro . Home , raising itself to a respectable position , and will ere long be an excellent working lodge . At refreshment the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and drunk with spirit . Bro . C . J . Banister , in suitable terms , proposed the health of the D . Prov . G . M . Bro . Dr . Greaves , and in responding gave the brethren excellent advice which was listened to with great attention j in conclusion he proposed the health of the AV . M ., which was
received with acclamation . P . M . Bro . AVebster proposed the health of Bro . Banister , thanking him for the valuable assistance . Bro . Banister in returning thanks said , he considered it his duty to at all times to do what he could for the benefit of the order , and nothing gave him greater pleasure than assisting young brethren to work the ceremonies of the lodges , he hoped they would have a Lodge of Instruction , for that was the only way to become perfectancl he would endeavour to visit them as often
, as possible ; before sitting down he proposed the health of the officers of tiie ledge , and gave them good advice . The D . Prov . G . M . proposed the health of the P . M . ' s of the lodge , which was responded to by Bro . Webster in a spirited speech . The evening was spent in social harmony , and after the last toast was done justice to , the brethren separated highly pleased with the happy