Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
evening . The lodge meets at the Commercial Hotel , but they are looking out for private rooms and this will be one of the surest steps to make this a good lodge . AVORCESTERSHIRE . AVOKCESTEE . —The festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated by the Semper Fidelis Lodge ( No . 772 ) on Monday ,
the 5 th inst ., and the AVorcester Lodge ( No . 349 ) , on AVeduesday , the 7 th inst . At the former , the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . T . Hobbs , presided . After the business of the evening , an elegant ancl sumptuous banquet was placed before the brethren by the worthy host , Bro . T . G . Fuggle , whose polite attention to his guests was duly acknowledged . —The AVorcester Lodge held their anniversary at the Masonic Hall , Bell Hotel , under the able presidency of the Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Alfred Powell . ^ It is needless to say that Bro . Webb maintained his well-merited prestige in providing the necessary accompaniments to a Masonic Festival .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . WAKEFIELD . —The Festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated on Monday , the Sth instant , by the two AVakefield lodges—Unanimity ( No . 179 ) and AVakefield ( No . 727 ) . —The brethren assembled at the AVakefield Lodge ( 727 ) , Zetlandstreet , at half-past four o ' clock , when the lodge was opened in due form by the officers of the Wakefield Lod and then Bro .
ge , M . E . Naylor , the W . M . elect of Unanimity Lodge ( 179 ) , was installed as AV . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . After the ceremony , the brethren adjourned to the Great Bull Inn , where a most sumptuous banquet was provided by Mr . Sweeting . Bro . M . E . Naylor presided , and was supported on his right by Bros . Sir J . C . D . Hay , Bart , M . P . ; J . C . D . Charlesworth ; Colonel Cobbe ; Rev . A . F . A . Woodford ; Colonel Holdsworth ;
Rev . Dr . Senior , Prov . G . Chap , of England ; T . K . Sanderson , & c ; and on his left by Bros . W . Slatter , S . AV . ; Tew , AV . M . of Pontefract Lodge ( No . 1212 ); N . L . Fernandez ; G . H . AVesterman ; and AV . Teall . The vice-chair was occupied by Bro . D . Wilson , AV . M . of the AVakefield Lodge ( No . 727 ) , supported on his right and left by his AVardens , Bros . J . Handley and Capt . Williams . A great number of brethren were present . The
usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given from the chair , and responded to by Colonel Cobbe for the Army , Sir John Hay for the Navy , and Colonel Holdsworth for the Volunteers . Bro . Sir John Hay then proposed " The Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , the D . G . M ., and the other Officers of the Grand Lodge , " to which Bro . Dr . Senior , Prov . G . Chap ., responded . Bro . Rev . A . F . A . AA'bodforcl responded to the toast of " The Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire , the Earl De Grey and Ripon , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ,
Dr . Fearnley . " Bro . T . K . Sanderson proposed , and Bro . Slatter responded to the toast of "The Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . J . C . D . Charlesworth proposed "Bro . Sir J . C . D . Hay , Bart ., M . P ., P . D . Prov . Gt . M . of Perthshire , " to which the gallant Baronet responded . Other toasts were proposed by Bros . T . K . Sanderson , Colonel Holdsworth , T . Senior , F . Lamb , & c , and the proceedings terminated at a late hour . LEEDS . —PhilantJirophic Lod ( No . 382 ) . —This lod met
ge ge at 3 p . m ., December 31 st . After the usual routine business had been gone through the W . M . elect , Bro . the Rev . T . B . Ferris , P . M . 412 , Yeovil , was duly installed for the ensuing year , in the presence of a . considerable number of P . M ' s . ancl W . M ' s . of other lodges , although the latter were also members of this lodge . After the installation and the AV . M . had invested his officers , to whom he explained the nature of their duties
with their respective badges , Mr . AVilkinson was initiated into the arts and mysteries of Freemasonry by the AA . M ., assisted by P . Prov . G . AV ., Bro . John Lee , and P . S . AV . of the lodge , the newly initiate being deeply impressed with the ceremony . Previous to the closing of the lodge a long and animated discussion arose , with respect to the exclusion of several brethren , owing to their not having paid their subscriptions in due time ,
some holding the opinion that the new bye-laws , which had received the sanction of the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . ancl acknowledged by the W . M ., were not binding . Bro . V . AV . Rev . A . F . A . AVoodford , M . A ., P . Prov . G . AA ' . andP . M . 3 S 2 , strongly exhorted the brethren to act as leniently and forbearingly as possible , urging that it was a serious matter for a brother and a P . M . to be excluded . Should that be done he would lose all rank and could not regain it without rejoining this or some other lodge , and being elected to the chair . The lodge was
closed in peace and harmony at 5 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to Bro . Deigbton's , the Great Norther .- ! Hotel , to celebrate the Festival of St . John , where a v ery excellent dinner had been provided to which the brethren did ample justice . After the cloth was drawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to , amongst which the AV . M . 's health was proposed by the immediate P . M ., Bro . Perkin , when the AV . M . responded and acknowledged , in a
very feeling and appropriate manner the heavy but pleasing responsibility of being elected to fill such an exalted position , ancl said that nothing on his part , which he was capable of doing ,, should be wanting to carry out the end and aim of this lodge ,, which stood so high in the province of AA est Yorkshire . Bro .. V . AV . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , M . A ., P . M . 282 , P . Prov . G . W ., responded to the toast of the ladies in his usual able and telling . style . On the health of the visiting brethren being givan
, there were only two brethren who could he at all considered us such , Bro . Kay , AV . M . of the Fidelity Lodge ( No . 364 ) , and Bro . Denton , W . M . of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 1139 ) . Bro . Kay , AV . M ., in responding trusted that the year so happily began , under such brilliant auspices , would continue to mark the progress not only of this lodge but Freemasonry in general . Bro . Denton , W . M ., in responding thanked the
brethren for the kind and cordial manner in which their healths had been drunk , and remarked , among other things , that actually speaking they were not strangers , but members of this lodge , for he believed that such a circumstance as three brethren of one lodge being W . M . ' s . at one aud the same time , and in the same province , had , probably , never occurred before , and was not very likely to occur again . At 10 p . m . the AV . M . vacated the chair , the evening having been spent in the greatest conviviality .
MONTROSE . —Montrose Kilwinning Lodge , No . 15 . —On AVecl nesday , Nov . 26 , a meeting of the Lodge was held at the Com ¦ mercial Inn—Bro . James Jolly , W . M ., in the chair . Deputations , from St . Peter's Lodge , No . 120 , aud from the Incorporated Kilwinning Lodge , No . 182 , having been admitted , Bro . Davicl Joss , of the Kilwinning Lodge , in an excellent speech , in which he hihllauded their R . AV . M . ' s unwearied efforts to promote
gy the interests of the Lodge , presented Bro . Jolly with a likeness of himself , in an elegant gilt frame , bearing the following inscription : —• " Presented to Mr . James Jolly by the Membeis of the Montrose Kilwinning Lodge , No . 15 , as a mark of respeu , and esteem to him as their R . W . M ., Montrose , November 1862 . " Bro . Jolly made a suitable reply . Bro . Dr . Steel , AV . M . of fas Peter's , having expressed the pleasure he felt in being alloweci
to take part in the presentation , and his high opinion of tn « very efficient manner in which Bro . Jolly had conducted the affairs of the Kilwinning Lodge during the two years he had acted as its AA . M ., tbe Lodge was closed , and the brethren tiieieafter adjourned for refreshment , under tho presidency oi AV . M . Jolly . A most harmonious and agreeable evening was spent , enlivened with toasts and several excellent songs , and a . it an early hour the brethren dispersed .
KILMARNOCK . —St . John Kilwinning ( No . 22 . )—This , the oldest existing lodge in Ayrshire , originally holding of Mother Kilwinning , held a meeting on Monday , the Sth inst . for the installation of the office-bearers for the ensuing year , who had upo » a previous day been elcted as follows : —Bros . John Steven , R . AV . M . ; James Brown , P . M . ; Robert Tannock , D . M . ; A . Douglas ; , S . M . Mackay , P . M . ; John Londown , S . AV . ; Thomas Brown , J . AV . ,-Peter PeeblesTreas . ; Richard ThomsonSec . Rev . A . Inglis
, , ; , Chap . ; James Brown , Assist . Chap . ; Archibald McKay , Poet Laureate ; George Miller , S . D . ; James AA ood , J . D . ; J . Richmond , I . G . ; T . Montgomerie , Tyler . The installation was sue-, ceedeel by the celebration of the Festival of St . John , the chair being filled by the R . AV . M ., who had the pleasure of being supported by a deputation from Mother Kilwinning , with Bro . AVylie at its head as Acting Master . The sister lod St
ges , . Andrew's , Kilmarnock , and St . Clement , Riccarton , also sent deputations . Amid much harmony and brotherly feeling , the night glided away , and when the Masonic sun had with his departing rays tinged the western horizon , the lodge with the usual formalities made the transition from refreshment to labour , and was shortly afterwards closed . Bro . Wylie ,, the Secretary of the Mother Lodge , with the good taste for which .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
evening . The lodge meets at the Commercial Hotel , but they are looking out for private rooms and this will be one of the surest steps to make this a good lodge . AVORCESTERSHIRE . AVOKCESTEE . —The festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated by the Semper Fidelis Lodge ( No . 772 ) on Monday ,
the 5 th inst ., and the AVorcester Lodge ( No . 349 ) , on AVeduesday , the 7 th inst . At the former , the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . T . Hobbs , presided . After the business of the evening , an elegant ancl sumptuous banquet was placed before the brethren by the worthy host , Bro . T . G . Fuggle , whose polite attention to his guests was duly acknowledged . —The AVorcester Lodge held their anniversary at the Masonic Hall , Bell Hotel , under the able presidency of the Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Alfred Powell . ^ It is needless to say that Bro . Webb maintained his well-merited prestige in providing the necessary accompaniments to a Masonic Festival .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . WAKEFIELD . —The Festival of St . John the Evangelist was celebrated on Monday , the Sth instant , by the two AVakefield lodges—Unanimity ( No . 179 ) and AVakefield ( No . 727 ) . —The brethren assembled at the AVakefield Lodge ( 727 ) , Zetlandstreet , at half-past four o ' clock , when the lodge was opened in due form by the officers of the Wakefield Lod and then Bro .
ge , M . E . Naylor , the W . M . elect of Unanimity Lodge ( 179 ) , was installed as AV . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year . After the ceremony , the brethren adjourned to the Great Bull Inn , where a most sumptuous banquet was provided by Mr . Sweeting . Bro . M . E . Naylor presided , and was supported on his right by Bros . Sir J . C . D . Hay , Bart , M . P . ; J . C . D . Charlesworth ; Colonel Cobbe ; Rev . A . F . A . Woodford ; Colonel Holdsworth ;
Rev . Dr . Senior , Prov . G . Chap , of England ; T . K . Sanderson , & c ; and on his left by Bros . W . Slatter , S . AV . ; Tew , AV . M . of Pontefract Lodge ( No . 1212 ); N . L . Fernandez ; G . H . AVesterman ; and AV . Teall . The vice-chair was occupied by Bro . D . Wilson , AV . M . of the AVakefield Lodge ( No . 727 ) , supported on his right and left by his AVardens , Bros . J . Handley and Capt . Williams . A great number of brethren were present . The
usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given from the chair , and responded to by Colonel Cobbe for the Army , Sir John Hay for the Navy , and Colonel Holdsworth for the Volunteers . Bro . Sir John Hay then proposed " The Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , the D . G . M ., and the other Officers of the Grand Lodge , " to which Bro . Dr . Senior , Prov . G . Chap ., responded . Bro . Rev . A . F . A . AA'bodforcl responded to the toast of " The Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire , the Earl De Grey and Ripon , and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ,
Dr . Fearnley . " Bro . T . K . Sanderson proposed , and Bro . Slatter responded to the toast of "The Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . J . C . D . Charlesworth proposed "Bro . Sir J . C . D . Hay , Bart ., M . P ., P . D . Prov . Gt . M . of Perthshire , " to which the gallant Baronet responded . Other toasts were proposed by Bros . T . K . Sanderson , Colonel Holdsworth , T . Senior , F . Lamb , & c , and the proceedings terminated at a late hour . LEEDS . —PhilantJirophic Lod ( No . 382 ) . —This lod met
ge ge at 3 p . m ., December 31 st . After the usual routine business had been gone through the W . M . elect , Bro . the Rev . T . B . Ferris , P . M . 412 , Yeovil , was duly installed for the ensuing year , in the presence of a . considerable number of P . M ' s . ancl W . M ' s . of other lodges , although the latter were also members of this lodge . After the installation and the AV . M . had invested his officers , to whom he explained the nature of their duties
with their respective badges , Mr . AVilkinson was initiated into the arts and mysteries of Freemasonry by the AA . M ., assisted by P . Prov . G . AV ., Bro . John Lee , and P . S . AV . of the lodge , the newly initiate being deeply impressed with the ceremony . Previous to the closing of the lodge a long and animated discussion arose , with respect to the exclusion of several brethren , owing to their not having paid their subscriptions in due time ,
some holding the opinion that the new bye-laws , which had received the sanction of the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . ancl acknowledged by the W . M ., were not binding . Bro . V . AV . Rev . A . F . A . AVoodford , M . A ., P . Prov . G . AA ' . andP . M . 3 S 2 , strongly exhorted the brethren to act as leniently and forbearingly as possible , urging that it was a serious matter for a brother and a P . M . to be excluded . Should that be done he would lose all rank and could not regain it without rejoining this or some other lodge , and being elected to the chair . The lodge was
closed in peace and harmony at 5 p . m . The brethren then adjourned to Bro . Deigbton's , the Great Norther .- ! Hotel , to celebrate the Festival of St . John , where a v ery excellent dinner had been provided to which the brethren did ample justice . After the cloth was drawn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to , amongst which the AV . M . 's health was proposed by the immediate P . M ., Bro . Perkin , when the AV . M . responded and acknowledged , in a
very feeling and appropriate manner the heavy but pleasing responsibility of being elected to fill such an exalted position , ancl said that nothing on his part , which he was capable of doing ,, should be wanting to carry out the end and aim of this lodge ,, which stood so high in the province of AA est Yorkshire . Bro .. V . AV . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , M . A ., P . M . 282 , P . Prov . G . W ., responded to the toast of the ladies in his usual able and telling . style . On the health of the visiting brethren being givan
, there were only two brethren who could he at all considered us such , Bro . Kay , AV . M . of the Fidelity Lodge ( No . 364 ) , and Bro . Denton , W . M . of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge ( No . 1139 ) . Bro . Kay , AV . M ., in responding trusted that the year so happily began , under such brilliant auspices , would continue to mark the progress not only of this lodge but Freemasonry in general . Bro . Denton , W . M ., in responding thanked the
brethren for the kind and cordial manner in which their healths had been drunk , and remarked , among other things , that actually speaking they were not strangers , but members of this lodge , for he believed that such a circumstance as three brethren of one lodge being W . M . ' s . at one aud the same time , and in the same province , had , probably , never occurred before , and was not very likely to occur again . At 10 p . m . the AV . M . vacated the chair , the evening having been spent in the greatest conviviality .
MONTROSE . —Montrose Kilwinning Lodge , No . 15 . —On AVecl nesday , Nov . 26 , a meeting of the Lodge was held at the Com ¦ mercial Inn—Bro . James Jolly , W . M ., in the chair . Deputations , from St . Peter's Lodge , No . 120 , aud from the Incorporated Kilwinning Lodge , No . 182 , having been admitted , Bro . Davicl Joss , of the Kilwinning Lodge , in an excellent speech , in which he hihllauded their R . AV . M . ' s unwearied efforts to promote
gy the interests of the Lodge , presented Bro . Jolly with a likeness of himself , in an elegant gilt frame , bearing the following inscription : —• " Presented to Mr . James Jolly by the Membeis of the Montrose Kilwinning Lodge , No . 15 , as a mark of respeu , and esteem to him as their R . W . M ., Montrose , November 1862 . " Bro . Jolly made a suitable reply . Bro . Dr . Steel , AV . M . of fas Peter's , having expressed the pleasure he felt in being alloweci
to take part in the presentation , and his high opinion of tn « very efficient manner in which Bro . Jolly had conducted the affairs of the Kilwinning Lodge during the two years he had acted as its AA . M ., tbe Lodge was closed , and the brethren tiieieafter adjourned for refreshment , under tho presidency oi AV . M . Jolly . A most harmonious and agreeable evening was spent , enlivened with toasts and several excellent songs , and a . it an early hour the brethren dispersed .
KILMARNOCK . —St . John Kilwinning ( No . 22 . )—This , the oldest existing lodge in Ayrshire , originally holding of Mother Kilwinning , held a meeting on Monday , the Sth inst . for the installation of the office-bearers for the ensuing year , who had upo » a previous day been elcted as follows : —Bros . John Steven , R . AV . M . ; James Brown , P . M . ; Robert Tannock , D . M . ; A . Douglas ; , S . M . Mackay , P . M . ; John Londown , S . AV . ; Thomas Brown , J . AV . ,-Peter PeeblesTreas . ; Richard ThomsonSec . Rev . A . Inglis
, , ; , Chap . ; James Brown , Assist . Chap . ; Archibald McKay , Poet Laureate ; George Miller , S . D . ; James AA ood , J . D . ; J . Richmond , I . G . ; T . Montgomerie , Tyler . The installation was sue-, ceedeel by the celebration of the Festival of St . John , the chair being filled by the R . AV . M ., who had the pleasure of being supported by a deputation from Mother Kilwinning , with Bro . AVylie at its head as Acting Master . The sister lod St
ges , . Andrew's , Kilmarnock , and St . Clement , Riccarton , also sent deputations . Amid much harmony and brotherly feeling , the night glided away , and when the Masonic sun had with his departing rays tinged the western horizon , the lodge with the usual formalities made the transition from refreshment to labour , and was shortly afterwards closed . Bro . Wylie ,, the Secretary of the Mother Lodge , with the good taste for which .