Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
he is proverbial , when returning thanks on behalf of his lodge , drew a graphic sketch of the relationship formerly existing between No . 22 , and tho Parent of Scottish Masonry ; recalled to mir . d how in the person of the Earl of Kilmarnock Mother Kilwinning had been governed hy a son of the Lodgo St . John , Kilro arnock , Kilwinning ; and as furnishing a specimen of the filial regard at one time entertained by that Lodge towards the Lodgo of Kilwinningread the following letter which had been
, addressed by X \ o . 22 to the Mother Lodge : — " From the Lodge of Kilmarnock , 15 th Nov ., 1743 . " Brethren , —AA e return you humble and hearty thanks for the honour you have done us in sending your Worshipful Master and Warden to constitute a lodge here . Dependent upon yours , we shall always acknowledge our Mother Lodgo with all due fealty and submission , in answering after calls
and assisting her poor's box , as far as is due from a grateful ¦ daughter to so worshipful and ancient a mother . Meantime we have sent three pounds to your box , by your AVorshipful Master , as one acknowledgment of the favour you have clone us and the duty we owe you . ( Signed ) " KiiaiAP . yoOK , Master . Jons PATEBSOS - , Senior Warden . AA ' ILLIAM Hira'TEE , Junior Warden . "
But with the history of a more distinguished man and brother even than the Jacobite Earl of Kilmarnock is the Lodge St . John , Kilmarnock , Kilwinning , associated . Bro . Hunter , of No . 8 , in his Lecture on " Burns as a Mason , " tells us that it is known that on one occasion at least the poet paid a visit to the Lodge No . 22 , presided over at the time by Bro . AA'illiam Parker , one of his principal friends , and a subscriber for several copies of the Kilmarnock edition of his poems . Burnswhose
, muse was ever ready , composed a song for this occasion , which was no doubt sung in the Kilmarnock Lodge for the first time . It is entitled " The Sons of Old Killie , " and concludes with the stanza which is frequently epioted within the walls of a Masonic Lodge : —
"Avithin this dear mansion may wayward contention Or wither'd envy ne'er enter ; May secresy round be the mystical bound , And brotherly love be the centre . " ROYAL ARCH . ALLOA . —St John's Chapter , ( No . 92 . )—On the evening of Monday the 22 nd Decembera deputation from Edinburgh
, , consisting of Comps . L . Mackersy , G . S . E ., Alexander Hay , Grand Recorder , AV . Campbell , H . B . Kay , and AV . M . Bryce , proceeded to Alloa to inaugurate the new Royal Arch Chapter . The Chapter having been opened , in the Lodge-Room , Royal Oak Hotel , Alloa , by Comp . Hay , Grand Recorder , the Grand Scribe E . read the charter erecting the St . John ' s , AlloaRoyal Arch ChapterNo . 92 into a regular Chapter
, , , , holding of'the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland ; and Comps . Hallen , Cromer , and Duff , were respectively in stalled into the chairs of First , Second , and Third Principals . Thereafter the Chapter was closed , and the Companions adjourned to another room , where the deputation from Edinburgh was entertained at a substantial banquet by the members of the new Chapter . The newly-installed First Principal
occupied the chair , and the office of Croupier was ably discharged by Comp . S . N " . Morison . After passing a very pleasant evening , the Companions separated , with a most cordial wish that the new Chapter might have a prosperous career . AA e may add that eight Master Masons were exalted to the Royal Arch Degree in the course of the evening .
ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE . SUPEEJIE COUNCIL OE 33 RD DE & REE . —A meeting of the Supreme Council for Scotland of the 33 rd and last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was held in Freemasons' Hall , Monday , the 2 nd December , —J . Whyte Melville , Esq . of Beunochy and Strathkiness , Most 111 . Lieut . Gr . Commander , presiding . A petition was presented by several members of
the 18 th and 30 th Degrees , setting forth the difficulties experienced in obtaining these Degrees , in consequence of their working being confined to the members of the 33 rd Degree , ancl craving permission to be allowed to confer them under such restrictions as the Supreme Council should be pleased to impose . The Supreme Council having considered the petition , granted the prayer thereof , and a committee was appointed to
make the necessary arrangements . Thereafter the Supreme Council proceeded to fili np the vacancy in their number , caused by tbe death of Bro . Andrew Murray , 111 . Grand M . C ., when Thomas Elder MacRitchie , Esq . of Dunorth and Craigton , a member of the 32 nd Degree , was unanimously elected .
( From His Indian Freemasons' Inend . ) INDIAN MEMS . A committee has been appointed to take seriously into consideration the question of erecting a Masonic Hall in Calcutta , the 2 > roperty of the Craft . R . W . Bro . Hoff having made over all the records of the District Grand Lod a room has been appropriated for them
ge , in tho Freemason's Hall . A table , with writing materials , a few cliairs , and ssvcivil volumes of books , presented in former clays by Brothers Boileau , Birch , King , and others , also occupy portions of tho room . The books include novels , histories , travels , Asiatic researches , & c , Some of them may be considered curiosities . AVe happened to find one . . which had been printed in 1683 and seemed a combination of chemistry and
Freema-, sonry . It was probably the production of some Rosicrucian of those days . Here wo have the nucleus of a library ready to our hand ; and if contributions were to be called for , we think they would pour in abundantly . HOEE TESTMOHIAL . —Almost one of the first acts of the Provincial Grand Master was to address the following letter to the lodges and the officers of the District Grand Lodge : — " It
is with feelings of great regret that I have to inform you that our R . AV . Bro . John Jacob Louis Hoff has expressed his intention of retiring from Freemasonry , after a continuous ana aborious service of thirty-seven years . The name of this deservedly respected brother is so familiar to every Indian Mason , and his labours for the good of our Order so well known to every brother , that it would be quite superfluous on my part to
attempt , in any way , to dwell upon or to praise the great merits and the Masonic zeal which have so justly entitled him to our gratitude and fraternal love . Suffice it to say , in proof of the general esteem in which ha is held , that ho lias obtained the rank of a Grand Warden in the Grand Lodge of England as a reward for his services , and that he is an honorary member of not less than fourteen lodges in Bengal , as ' well as of others in the Districts of Bombay and Madras . It would , I am certain ,
not be pleasing to the large society of Masons which exists in Bengal , if our right worshipful brother were to be allowed to retire from the Craft without carrying with him some substantial proof of their admiration of those excellent qualities which have been the means of obtaining for him so justly the general affection and esteem of his brethren in Freemasonry . With this end in view , I have taken upon myself to appoint a committee in Calcuttawith R . AV . Bro . HowePast Dep . Prov .
, , G . M ., at its head , to consider the best form in which a fitting and handsome testimonial might be conveyed to our excellent brother . I know that the proposition to present Bro . Hoff with a testimonial , will be well received everywhere , and that the Mofussil Lodges will also be glad of the opportunity of subscribing to it . Should , therefore , the members of . your lodge be desirous of taking part in the presentationeither collectively
, or individually , I request that you will kindly remit any amounts that may be subscribed , at as early a date as possible , to Capt . Howe , 3 , Middleton-street , Calcutta . It is desirable that the presentation ( in whatever form the committee may decide upon ) should be made on St . John's Day , the 27 th December . "
CALCUTTA . LODGE ; INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE . —This lodge had a regular meeting on the 17 th day of October , inst ., Bro . John AA'illiam Brown , Honorary P . M ., presiding ; Bros . Dr . Frank Powell , S . AV . ; Peach , as . J . AV . ; Baxter , Master of Lodge Saint Andrew ( Ko . 401 ) , of Scotland , Secretary and Treasurer ; Strong , as S . D . ; Charles Linton , as J . D . ; Campbell , as I . G . ; Daniel , as Tyler . Of the brethren pvestnt , we noticed Bros .
Doctor John Smith , Master of Lodge Saint David in the East ( No . 371 ) , of Scotland ( Bro . Smith was initiated in No . 126 in the early part of the year 1856 , and is now the oldest ; subscribing member of the worshipful lodge ); John Cameron , P . M . of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
he is proverbial , when returning thanks on behalf of his lodge , drew a graphic sketch of the relationship formerly existing between No . 22 , and tho Parent of Scottish Masonry ; recalled to mir . d how in the person of the Earl of Kilmarnock Mother Kilwinning had been governed hy a son of the Lodgo St . John , Kilro arnock , Kilwinning ; and as furnishing a specimen of the filial regard at one time entertained by that Lodge towards the Lodgo of Kilwinningread the following letter which had been
, addressed by X \ o . 22 to the Mother Lodge : — " From the Lodge of Kilmarnock , 15 th Nov ., 1743 . " Brethren , —AA e return you humble and hearty thanks for the honour you have done us in sending your Worshipful Master and Warden to constitute a lodge here . Dependent upon yours , we shall always acknowledge our Mother Lodgo with all due fealty and submission , in answering after calls
and assisting her poor's box , as far as is due from a grateful ¦ daughter to so worshipful and ancient a mother . Meantime we have sent three pounds to your box , by your AVorshipful Master , as one acknowledgment of the favour you have clone us and the duty we owe you . ( Signed ) " KiiaiAP . yoOK , Master . Jons PATEBSOS - , Senior Warden . AA ' ILLIAM Hira'TEE , Junior Warden . "
But with the history of a more distinguished man and brother even than the Jacobite Earl of Kilmarnock is the Lodge St . John , Kilmarnock , Kilwinning , associated . Bro . Hunter , of No . 8 , in his Lecture on " Burns as a Mason , " tells us that it is known that on one occasion at least the poet paid a visit to the Lodge No . 22 , presided over at the time by Bro . AA'illiam Parker , one of his principal friends , and a subscriber for several copies of the Kilmarnock edition of his poems . Burnswhose
, muse was ever ready , composed a song for this occasion , which was no doubt sung in the Kilmarnock Lodge for the first time . It is entitled " The Sons of Old Killie , " and concludes with the stanza which is frequently epioted within the walls of a Masonic Lodge : —
"Avithin this dear mansion may wayward contention Or wither'd envy ne'er enter ; May secresy round be the mystical bound , And brotherly love be the centre . " ROYAL ARCH . ALLOA . —St John's Chapter , ( No . 92 . )—On the evening of Monday the 22 nd Decembera deputation from Edinburgh
, , consisting of Comps . L . Mackersy , G . S . E ., Alexander Hay , Grand Recorder , AV . Campbell , H . B . Kay , and AV . M . Bryce , proceeded to Alloa to inaugurate the new Royal Arch Chapter . The Chapter having been opened , in the Lodge-Room , Royal Oak Hotel , Alloa , by Comp . Hay , Grand Recorder , the Grand Scribe E . read the charter erecting the St . John ' s , AlloaRoyal Arch ChapterNo . 92 into a regular Chapter
, , , , holding of'the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland ; and Comps . Hallen , Cromer , and Duff , were respectively in stalled into the chairs of First , Second , and Third Principals . Thereafter the Chapter was closed , and the Companions adjourned to another room , where the deputation from Edinburgh was entertained at a substantial banquet by the members of the new Chapter . The newly-installed First Principal
occupied the chair , and the office of Croupier was ably discharged by Comp . S . N " . Morison . After passing a very pleasant evening , the Companions separated , with a most cordial wish that the new Chapter might have a prosperous career . AA e may add that eight Master Masons were exalted to the Royal Arch Degree in the course of the evening .
ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE . SUPEEJIE COUNCIL OE 33 RD DE & REE . —A meeting of the Supreme Council for Scotland of the 33 rd and last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was held in Freemasons' Hall , Monday , the 2 nd December , —J . Whyte Melville , Esq . of Beunochy and Strathkiness , Most 111 . Lieut . Gr . Commander , presiding . A petition was presented by several members of
the 18 th and 30 th Degrees , setting forth the difficulties experienced in obtaining these Degrees , in consequence of their working being confined to the members of the 33 rd Degree , ancl craving permission to be allowed to confer them under such restrictions as the Supreme Council should be pleased to impose . The Supreme Council having considered the petition , granted the prayer thereof , and a committee was appointed to
make the necessary arrangements . Thereafter the Supreme Council proceeded to fili np the vacancy in their number , caused by tbe death of Bro . Andrew Murray , 111 . Grand M . C ., when Thomas Elder MacRitchie , Esq . of Dunorth and Craigton , a member of the 32 nd Degree , was unanimously elected .
( From His Indian Freemasons' Inend . ) INDIAN MEMS . A committee has been appointed to take seriously into consideration the question of erecting a Masonic Hall in Calcutta , the 2 > roperty of the Craft . R . W . Bro . Hoff having made over all the records of the District Grand Lod a room has been appropriated for them
ge , in tho Freemason's Hall . A table , with writing materials , a few cliairs , and ssvcivil volumes of books , presented in former clays by Brothers Boileau , Birch , King , and others , also occupy portions of tho room . The books include novels , histories , travels , Asiatic researches , & c , Some of them may be considered curiosities . AVe happened to find one . . which had been printed in 1683 and seemed a combination of chemistry and
Freema-, sonry . It was probably the production of some Rosicrucian of those days . Here wo have the nucleus of a library ready to our hand ; and if contributions were to be called for , we think they would pour in abundantly . HOEE TESTMOHIAL . —Almost one of the first acts of the Provincial Grand Master was to address the following letter to the lodges and the officers of the District Grand Lodge : — " It
is with feelings of great regret that I have to inform you that our R . AV . Bro . John Jacob Louis Hoff has expressed his intention of retiring from Freemasonry , after a continuous ana aborious service of thirty-seven years . The name of this deservedly respected brother is so familiar to every Indian Mason , and his labours for the good of our Order so well known to every brother , that it would be quite superfluous on my part to
attempt , in any way , to dwell upon or to praise the great merits and the Masonic zeal which have so justly entitled him to our gratitude and fraternal love . Suffice it to say , in proof of the general esteem in which ha is held , that ho lias obtained the rank of a Grand Warden in the Grand Lodge of England as a reward for his services , and that he is an honorary member of not less than fourteen lodges in Bengal , as ' well as of others in the Districts of Bombay and Madras . It would , I am certain ,
not be pleasing to the large society of Masons which exists in Bengal , if our right worshipful brother were to be allowed to retire from the Craft without carrying with him some substantial proof of their admiration of those excellent qualities which have been the means of obtaining for him so justly the general affection and esteem of his brethren in Freemasonry . With this end in view , I have taken upon myself to appoint a committee in Calcuttawith R . AV . Bro . HowePast Dep . Prov .
, , G . M ., at its head , to consider the best form in which a fitting and handsome testimonial might be conveyed to our excellent brother . I know that the proposition to present Bro . Hoff with a testimonial , will be well received everywhere , and that the Mofussil Lodges will also be glad of the opportunity of subscribing to it . Should , therefore , the members of . your lodge be desirous of taking part in the presentationeither collectively
, or individually , I request that you will kindly remit any amounts that may be subscribed , at as early a date as possible , to Capt . Howe , 3 , Middleton-street , Calcutta . It is desirable that the presentation ( in whatever form the committee may decide upon ) should be made on St . John's Day , the 27 th December . "
CALCUTTA . LODGE ; INDUSTRY AND PERSEVERANCE . —This lodge had a regular meeting on the 17 th day of October , inst ., Bro . John AA'illiam Brown , Honorary P . M ., presiding ; Bros . Dr . Frank Powell , S . AV . ; Peach , as . J . AV . ; Baxter , Master of Lodge Saint Andrew ( Ko . 401 ) , of Scotland , Secretary and Treasurer ; Strong , as S . D . ; Charles Linton , as J . D . ; Campbell , as I . G . ; Daniel , as Tyler . Of the brethren pvestnt , we noticed Bros .
Doctor John Smith , Master of Lodge Saint David in the East ( No . 371 ) , of Scotland ( Bro . Smith was initiated in No . 126 in the early part of the year 1856 , and is now the oldest ; subscribing member of the worshipful lodge ); John Cameron , P . M . of