Article INDIA. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article TURKEY. Page 1 of 2 →
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our discussions to those motions of which due notice has been given as above suggested . I have nothing further to add but the expression of a fervent hope that we may be long spared to enjoy each other ' s society , and that we may have many happy meetings together as brethren in Freemasonry . The PEOV . G . MASTER—Brethren , my next duty is to appoint Provincial Grand Officers . In making the appointments , I have endeavoured to abide bthe relative positions in which I found
y the brethren to stand . My effort , in this respect , will be generally to distribute the honours of the District Grand Lodge impartially , and to promote those who are working zealousl y for the good of the Craft , and who enjoy the confidence and esteem of their brethren . My wish is to act upon the principle laid down by Bro . Oliver , in his Masonic Jurisprudence , that every brother who is ambitious of being raised to the Purple
should show himself to be a zealous and worthy Mason in his private lodge , have held some of its chief o & ces , and enjoyed the favourable report of his brethren . The Prov . G . M . then invested the following brethren , accompanying each investiture with a short appropriate speech : — Bros . AA'illiam Clark , D . Prov . G . M . ; AA'illiam J . Judge , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Peter Anderson , Prov . J . G . AA ' . ; James AA . Browne ,
Prov . G . Reg . ; AA'illiam H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec . ; AVilliam Clark , Prov . S . G . D . ; C . J . Evans , Prov . J . G . D . ; AA ' alter Bourne , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Louis A . Emanuel , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . H . Linton , Assist . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Jeremiah King . Prov . G . S . B . ; C . Kelvey , Prov . G . Org . ; AV . M . Benwell , Prov , G . Purs . ; J . B . Knight , F . Powell , J . W . Payne , Hugh McLardy , A . Simson , and AValter Bourne , Prov . G . Stewards ;
D . J . Daniel , Prov . G . Tyler . The PROV . G . MASTER stated that it rested with the brethren to elect a Prov . G . Treas ., and that he had ascertained that Bro . AVilliam Clark , who had so long and successfully filled that post , was willing to continue in the office . It was then proposed by Bro . Anderson , Prov . J . G . AV ., and seconded by Bro . Judge , Prov . S . G . AV ., that Bro . Clark he elected by acclamation . There being no other nomination , Bro . Clark was unanimously elected .
The following brethren were appointed to act in the Finance Committee by the Prov . G . M . under rule 10 of the bye-laws of the District Grand Lodge : — President—R . AA . Bro . AVilliam Clark , D . Prov . G . M . ; members--R . AV . Bros . AVilliam Judge , Prov . S . G . AV . ; P . Anderson , Prov . J . G . AV . ; James AA ' . Browne , P . M . So . 265 ; J . B . Knight , W . M . No . 279 ; John AV . Brown , P . M . No . 715 ; ex-offieio—V . W . Bros . AVilliam Clark , Prov . G . Treas . ; AVilliam H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec .
The PEOV . G . MASTER announced to the brethren that the usual precession to St . John ' s Church would take place on St . John's Day , Saturday , the 27 th December next . The PROV . G . MASTER then reported to the District Grand Lodge an unfortunate disagreement in Lodge Himalayan Brotherhood ( No . 673 ) , at Simla , which had resulted in the punishment of two of its members . Bro . ABBOTT gave notice that he would , at the next quarterly
communication of the District Grand Lodge , propose that , in future , the use of the Freemasons' Hall be not given for religious purposes . Bro . DAVIS gave notice that lie would , on the same evening , propose that our Scottish brethren be recognised as brethren in Masonry . All business being concluded , the District Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned to the banquet , where the Town Band was in attendance .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE . LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 310 ) . —This Chapter was opened in the Temple , Hope-street , on the 9 th of January , by P . Z . Comps . James Hamer , Z . ; P . Z . P . Maddox , H . ; and John Pepper , J . ; assisted by P . Z . T . AVylie ; P . Z . AV . Laidlow ; P . Z . C . J . Banister ; Comps . R . Langley , Thomas Marsh , J . R , Gopel , E . Roberts , W . AVoods , Rev . J . Porter ( 21 , Belfast ) , E . Slee , J . Robinson ( 267 ) , Smith , & c . The minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Thomas Dean , of Lodge 1125 , and , being unanimous , he was prepared and presented to the M . E . Z ., who performed the ceremony in his usual effective manner , Bro . R . Langley taking
Royal Arch.
the part of P . S . with great care and judgment . M . E . J . Comp-J . Pepper delivered the first Historic Lecture , P . M . E . Z . Thos . AVylie the second , and M . E . Z . J . Homer the Symbolic and Mystic Lectures . Comp . Rev . J . N . Porter delivered a Lecture on the Degree , comparing it with the Holy Bible , which was listened to with marked attention . Business of the Chapter over , it was closed in due and solemn form . At refreshments the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were proposed and responded
to . Comp . Pepper returned thanks for the three principals in a spirited speech , giving the companions excellent advice . Comp . Rev . J . N . Porter returned thanks for the visitors . C . J . Banister , for the Masonic Charities , obtained a few subscribers . Comp . Meyer Goudsmit , United Pilgrims Chapter ( No . 745 ) , was also a visitor , and returned thanks . After spending a very happy evening , which was enlivened by songs from ¦ Comps . MarshHamer & cthe companions separated at ten
, , , o ' clock . SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . — Boyal Sussex Chapter ( No . 522 ) . —At the quarterly convocation held at the Great AVhite Horse Hotel on AVednesday Dec . 3 rd , the three Principals chosen at the last meeting were regularlinstalled into their respective offices
y , viz . —Comps . Luff , Z ., Head , P . P . Z . ; Girling , H . ; Townsend , P . P . Z . ; Comp . Sanderson , J . ; Comp . Franks , P . P . Z . The Companions voted the sum of Five Pounds from the chapter funds to a companion in distress who was formerly a member of this chapter . After the transaction of some important private business the chapter was closed in ancient form , and the companions adjourned to refreshments provided by comp . Guiver .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . AVATEORD . —Stuart Encampment . —An encampment was hold on Monday , the Sth of January , in the Freemasons' Hall , AVatford . Present , Sir Knts . C . M . Layton , E . C , ; George Lambert , 1 st Capt . ; H . E . Finch , 2 nd Capt . ; also the M . E . AA'illiam Stuart , Sup . G . Master ; G . E . George Francis , G . Com . of Herts ; II . H . Burchell Heme , Thomas Rogers , John Goodyear , J . Barton , F . C . Humbertand others . Comp . T . A . Brettof tbe
, , Watford Chapter was installed into the Order , Sir Knt . J . How , P . E . C ., acting as Expert . A ballot was taken for the choice of E . C . and Treasurer , and Sir Knt . John Goodyear , P . 1 st Capt ., was elected E . G ., and Sir Knt . Thomas Rogers , Treasurer . The usual pleasant banquet followed the proceedings , the M . E . Sup . G . M . presiding .
CONSTANTINOPLE . —Oriental Lodge ( No . 988 ) . —Saturday , the 27 th December , 1862 , being the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of AV . M ., this lodge was held at Batzer's Hotel , Pera of Constantinople , and opened by the retiring AA' . M . aud his officers , at half-past four p . m . The minutes of the last regular meeting having been confirmed , the AV . M ., before leaving the chair , gave a short resume of the past year's workand in a feeling manner acknowledged and thanked
, his I . P . M ., AVardens , Officers , and brethren , for their regular attendance and cordial assistance rendered to him personally , and for the welfare of the lodge during his year of office ; and trusted the same support would be tendered to his successor . Several unattached brethren ancl deputations , consisting of the AV . M ., oflicers , and members of the French Lodge , L'Union d'Italia , the English LodgesNo . 1121 Deidcher Bundand No . 1192
, , , , Buhver , were respectively admitted in form and welcomed . The installation ceremony was performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Silly , P . M . ( the founder of the lodge ) , in the presence of AV . Bros . P . M . s Hahnel , Aznavour , Pulman , AV . M . s Brackett and Brown , who paid the installing Master deserved euconiums for the correct and praiseworthy manner the same was conducted . Bro . Alfred W . Mountain , S . AA ' ., the AV . M . elect for 1863 , was
duly installed in the chair of K . S ., in accordance with ancient custom , and the landmarks of the Order , and proclaimed aud saluted by the MM . ' s , F . C . 's , and B . A . ' s respectively . The W . M . then invested his officers , as follows : —Bros . Smorfit
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our discussions to those motions of which due notice has been given as above suggested . I have nothing further to add but the expression of a fervent hope that we may be long spared to enjoy each other ' s society , and that we may have many happy meetings together as brethren in Freemasonry . The PEOV . G . MASTER—Brethren , my next duty is to appoint Provincial Grand Officers . In making the appointments , I have endeavoured to abide bthe relative positions in which I found
y the brethren to stand . My effort , in this respect , will be generally to distribute the honours of the District Grand Lodge impartially , and to promote those who are working zealousl y for the good of the Craft , and who enjoy the confidence and esteem of their brethren . My wish is to act upon the principle laid down by Bro . Oliver , in his Masonic Jurisprudence , that every brother who is ambitious of being raised to the Purple
should show himself to be a zealous and worthy Mason in his private lodge , have held some of its chief o & ces , and enjoyed the favourable report of his brethren . The Prov . G . M . then invested the following brethren , accompanying each investiture with a short appropriate speech : — Bros . AA'illiam Clark , D . Prov . G . M . ; AA'illiam J . Judge , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Peter Anderson , Prov . J . G . AA ' . ; James AA . Browne ,
Prov . G . Reg . ; AA'illiam H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec . ; AVilliam Clark , Prov . S . G . D . ; C . J . Evans , Prov . J . G . D . ; AA ' alter Bourne , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Louis A . Emanuel , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . H . Linton , Assist . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Jeremiah King . Prov . G . S . B . ; C . Kelvey , Prov . G . Org . ; AV . M . Benwell , Prov , G . Purs . ; J . B . Knight , F . Powell , J . W . Payne , Hugh McLardy , A . Simson , and AValter Bourne , Prov . G . Stewards ;
D . J . Daniel , Prov . G . Tyler . The PROV . G . MASTER stated that it rested with the brethren to elect a Prov . G . Treas ., and that he had ascertained that Bro . AVilliam Clark , who had so long and successfully filled that post , was willing to continue in the office . It was then proposed by Bro . Anderson , Prov . J . G . AV ., and seconded by Bro . Judge , Prov . S . G . AV ., that Bro . Clark he elected by acclamation . There being no other nomination , Bro . Clark was unanimously elected .
The following brethren were appointed to act in the Finance Committee by the Prov . G . M . under rule 10 of the bye-laws of the District Grand Lodge : — President—R . AA . Bro . AVilliam Clark , D . Prov . G . M . ; members--R . AV . Bros . AVilliam Judge , Prov . S . G . AV . ; P . Anderson , Prov . J . G . AV . ; James AA ' . Browne , P . M . So . 265 ; J . B . Knight , W . M . No . 279 ; John AV . Brown , P . M . No . 715 ; ex-offieio—V . W . Bros . AVilliam Clark , Prov . G . Treas . ; AVilliam H . Hoff , Prov . G . Sec .
The PEOV . G . MASTER announced to the brethren that the usual precession to St . John ' s Church would take place on St . John's Day , Saturday , the 27 th December next . The PROV . G . MASTER then reported to the District Grand Lodge an unfortunate disagreement in Lodge Himalayan Brotherhood ( No . 673 ) , at Simla , which had resulted in the punishment of two of its members . Bro . ABBOTT gave notice that he would , at the next quarterly
communication of the District Grand Lodge , propose that , in future , the use of the Freemasons' Hall be not given for religious purposes . Bro . DAVIS gave notice that lie would , on the same evening , propose that our Scottish brethren be recognised as brethren in Masonry . All business being concluded , the District Grand Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned to the banquet , where the Town Band was in attendance .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE . LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 310 ) . —This Chapter was opened in the Temple , Hope-street , on the 9 th of January , by P . Z . Comps . James Hamer , Z . ; P . Z . P . Maddox , H . ; and John Pepper , J . ; assisted by P . Z . T . AVylie ; P . Z . AV . Laidlow ; P . Z . C . J . Banister ; Comps . R . Langley , Thomas Marsh , J . R , Gopel , E . Roberts , W . AVoods , Rev . J . Porter ( 21 , Belfast ) , E . Slee , J . Robinson ( 267 ) , Smith , & c . The minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Thomas Dean , of Lodge 1125 , and , being unanimous , he was prepared and presented to the M . E . Z ., who performed the ceremony in his usual effective manner , Bro . R . Langley taking
Royal Arch.
the part of P . S . with great care and judgment . M . E . J . Comp-J . Pepper delivered the first Historic Lecture , P . M . E . Z . Thos . AVylie the second , and M . E . Z . J . Homer the Symbolic and Mystic Lectures . Comp . Rev . J . N . Porter delivered a Lecture on the Degree , comparing it with the Holy Bible , which was listened to with marked attention . Business of the Chapter over , it was closed in due and solemn form . At refreshments the usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were proposed and responded
to . Comp . Pepper returned thanks for the three principals in a spirited speech , giving the companions excellent advice . Comp . Rev . J . N . Porter returned thanks for the visitors . C . J . Banister , for the Masonic Charities , obtained a few subscribers . Comp . Meyer Goudsmit , United Pilgrims Chapter ( No . 745 ) , was also a visitor , and returned thanks . After spending a very happy evening , which was enlivened by songs from ¦ Comps . MarshHamer & cthe companions separated at ten
, , , o ' clock . SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . — Boyal Sussex Chapter ( No . 522 ) . —At the quarterly convocation held at the Great AVhite Horse Hotel on AVednesday Dec . 3 rd , the three Principals chosen at the last meeting were regularlinstalled into their respective offices
y , viz . —Comps . Luff , Z ., Head , P . P . Z . ; Girling , H . ; Townsend , P . P . Z . ; Comp . Sanderson , J . ; Comp . Franks , P . P . Z . The Companions voted the sum of Five Pounds from the chapter funds to a companion in distress who was formerly a member of this chapter . After the transaction of some important private business the chapter was closed in ancient form , and the companions adjourned to refreshments provided by comp . Guiver .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . AVATEORD . —Stuart Encampment . —An encampment was hold on Monday , the Sth of January , in the Freemasons' Hall , AVatford . Present , Sir Knts . C . M . Layton , E . C , ; George Lambert , 1 st Capt . ; H . E . Finch , 2 nd Capt . ; also the M . E . AA'illiam Stuart , Sup . G . Master ; G . E . George Francis , G . Com . of Herts ; II . H . Burchell Heme , Thomas Rogers , John Goodyear , J . Barton , F . C . Humbertand others . Comp . T . A . Brettof tbe
, , Watford Chapter was installed into the Order , Sir Knt . J . How , P . E . C ., acting as Expert . A ballot was taken for the choice of E . C . and Treasurer , and Sir Knt . John Goodyear , P . 1 st Capt ., was elected E . G ., and Sir Knt . Thomas Rogers , Treasurer . The usual pleasant banquet followed the proceedings , the M . E . Sup . G . M . presiding .
CONSTANTINOPLE . —Oriental Lodge ( No . 988 ) . —Saturday , the 27 th December , 1862 , being the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and the installation of AV . M ., this lodge was held at Batzer's Hotel , Pera of Constantinople , and opened by the retiring AA' . M . aud his officers , at half-past four p . m . The minutes of the last regular meeting having been confirmed , the AV . M ., before leaving the chair , gave a short resume of the past year's workand in a feeling manner acknowledged and thanked
, his I . P . M ., AVardens , Officers , and brethren , for their regular attendance and cordial assistance rendered to him personally , and for the welfare of the lodge during his year of office ; and trusted the same support would be tendered to his successor . Several unattached brethren ancl deputations , consisting of the AV . M ., oflicers , and members of the French Lodge , L'Union d'Italia , the English LodgesNo . 1121 Deidcher Bundand No . 1192
, , , , Buhver , were respectively admitted in form and welcomed . The installation ceremony was performed by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Silly , P . M . ( the founder of the lodge ) , in the presence of AV . Bros . P . M . s Hahnel , Aznavour , Pulman , AV . M . s Brackett and Brown , who paid the installing Master deserved euconiums for the correct and praiseworthy manner the same was conducted . Bro . Alfred W . Mountain , S . AA ' ., the AV . M . elect for 1863 , was
duly installed in the chair of K . S ., in accordance with ancient custom , and the landmarks of the Order , and proclaimed aud saluted by the MM . ' s , F . C . 's , and B . A . ' s respectively . The W . M . then invested his officers , as follows : —Bros . Smorfit