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THE MASOIIC MIRROR . MASONIC MEMS . The Lodge of Friendship ( No . 1230 ) , Petersfield , Hants , will
Tie consecrated on the 27 th inst ., by Bro . Beach , P . Prov . S . AV . Hants and Oxfordshire . The Old Concord Lodge Ball takes place at the Queen's Concert Rooms , Hanover-square , on Tuesday next , the 20 fch inst . It is well worthy of support , the proceeds being devoted to charity .
DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evenidg , Jan . 12 , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane . Bro . Henry AVilson , AV . M . presided , supported by Bros . Henry Thompson , S . W ., Osborne , J . AV ., Russell , Brett , Haydon , and Elmes , P . M . 's and the rest of the officers . The lodge was opened at four o'clock , and the minutes having been received and confirmed , Bros . Woolf and Stephenson being
candidates for the second degree were questioned as to their proficiency in the science , and their answers being considered satisfactory they were in due form advanced to a higher degree . The making of this degree was performed by the AV . M . in a manner that elicited great approbation . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , and some unimportant business having been disposed of it was closed in due form ancl with solemn prayer . The brethren then adioumed . for refreshment , and about fort v
sat down to a very ample fare , provided in Bro . Ireland ' s usual liberal manner . The cloth having been drawn , the usual formal toasts were given and responded to , after which the AV . M . in very apjiropriate terms proposed " the health of the visiting brethren , " and assured them that it was always with sincere pleasure they received brethren who honoured them by visiting the Domatic Lodge . The toast was very warmly responded to . Bro .
Denton , AV . M . of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 1139 , in returning thanks on behalf of the visitors , said it was with extreme pleasure he had had the opportunity of visiting the Domatic Lodge that evening , and was delighted with the able manner in which its working had been carried on by the whole of the officers , and he regretted to say that in the part of the country from which he came they fell far short of the
orthodox way iu which that working should be performed . He resided in Leeds , but every month he went thirty miles to attend to his duties , as well as of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , held at Ripon , and he was sorry to say that they were but scantily supplied with brethren who were able to perforin the ceremonies . He frequently came to London , and he certainly never lost an oportunity of attending a lodge of instructfon ,
where he had met many members of the Domatic Lodge , which fully accounted for the excellent manner in which their officers had discharged their duties . He would just mention that last week they had held a Provincial Grand Lodge of the province in which he presided , at which the Earl De Grey and Ripon , Prov . G . M . and D . G . M . of England , presided , and as that eminent brother was to take the chair at the Pestival on behalf of the Boy ' s School in March next , it was the
determination of the West Riding of Yorkshire to stand by him on that occasion , and unless Middlesex or any other county came forward with something very handsome , they would be a long way behind . ( Cheers . ) He thanked the brethren cordially for the way in which the visitors had been received amongst them . The health of the AV . M . was proposed by Bro . Rnssen , P . M ., to which the W . M . replied in very warm- terms . On the health of the G . M . ' s of the Domatic Lodge being proposed , Bro . Russen took the opportunity of reminding the brethren that he
was to be their Steward at the approaching Pestival for the aged Freemasons and their AVidows , and hoped that more brethren who had not already subscribed would do so , so that the contributions of the Domatic Lodge might be the largest that had ever come from them on any similar occasion . A considerable additional sum was subscribed to be put down to Bro . Eussen ' s list . The health of the officers was proposed , for which . Bros . H . Thompson , Osborne , Meekham , Simpson , and Smith ,
severally returned thanks , all expressing a determination to support the W . M . during his year of office to the best of their ability ; some other toasts were given , and the evening was passed in the most complete harmony . LODGE or JOEPA ( No . 223 ) . —On Monday evening , the Sth instant , the members of the above lodge assembled at the Albion , in Aldersgate Street , when the AV . M ., Bro . S . V . Abraham raised Bro . Goodwin to the sublime degree of a Master
Mason , and initiated into the Order Mr . Israel Russell , Captain Stanhope Byrne , Mr . Elkan , and Mr . Nathan . This being the night of installation , after some routine business , the W . M . proceeded to install the S . W ., Bro . Benjamin Alexander , who had been duly elected into the chair according to ancient form ; and the manner this , as well as the other ceremonies of tbe lodge , were performed by him , elicited the warm eulogiums
of the many visitors and brethren present , who expressed their approbation of his conduct in the chair , by presenting him with a most elegant and valuable P . M . ' s jewel , subscribed for hy the members of the lodge . In presenting it , Bro . Selig , P . M .,
said , that the pleasure he had in doing so , on the part of the lodge , was increased b y the knowledge that the Master had not only striven in every way to conduct the business of the lodge in a proper way , and raise its position in the Craft , hut that he had succeeded in his endeavours ; and he paid a hig h , compliment to Bro . Abraham for his meekness in the chair , for while he held the rod of authority , it was administered , in such a way as to enforce obedience by kindness and not
by power . After a very eloquent and able address , he concluded by wishing , in the name of the lodge , that the Brother might wear it for many years in the enjoyment of good health and happiness , and hand it down as an heir loom to the members of his family . Bro . S . V . Abraham said , that he might with confidence ask the indulgence of the brethren if he were not able to acknowledge in suitable terms this additional mark of their kindness , for , said lie , for
the first time since he was elevated to the chair he found himself incapable of performing the task which devolved on him , and he trusted he might avail himself of the true spirit or an Englishman , who in one genuine and trite remark will express what otherwise would acquire a lengthy address . If he had succeeded in his duties it was only owing to the assistance the Brethren at all times accorded him , and he thanked them for that as well as the generous liberality they had evinced in presenting him with so beautiful a Jewel . He certainly should hand it down as an heirloom in his family , and assured them that while he wore it on his breast in
acknowledgment of their liberality , there was yet another Jewel beneath which would ever reflect the kindness and attention he had . received at their hands . The Lodge being called off , the brethren , numbering about ninety , sat down to a most sumptuous banquet , provided by the excellent caterers , ° the Messrs . Staples ; and the manner the newly-installed AV . M ., Bro . Benjamin Alexander , fulfilled the duties of the chair fully bore out the expectation , of the Lod brief but apt in his remarks when proposing the
ge ; various toasts , he was particularly happy in that of the Queen , a also the Newly Initiated , and the Visitors . In responding to the toast of the Initiates , Bro . Israel Russell said he was in possession of a glass cap , beautifully engraved , and formerly in the collection of the late G . M . the Duke of Sussex , used on the occasion of the banquets , which he should be happy to present to tbe Lodgeand the AV . M . accepted it on the part of the Lod .
, ge The W . M . Bro . E . Sydney ( 218 ) , also P . M . H . A . Isaacs ( 218 ) , and Bro . the Rev . M . B . Levy acknowledged the toasts of the Visitors . The officers appointed by the AV . M .: —Israel Abrahams , S . AV . ; H . Levy , J . W . ; " Lyons , S . D . ; Hamilton , J . D ., P . M ., B . AV . ; Aarons , Treasurer ; P . M . Seliz , Secretary ; A . Eskell , I . G . ; A . Blumenthal , D . C ; D . Louri , Steward ; and P . E . Van NoordenOrganist ; and the visitorswhich were numerous
, , , included E . A . Sydney , W . M . ( 218 ); H . A . Isaacs , P . M . ( 218 ) ; Hart , P . M . ( 218 ); S . La Mert ( 12 ); L . La Mert ( 12 ); Rev . M . B . Levy Noorden , Albion Grahams Town ; Hart ( 91 ) , and several other brethren . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . P . E . Van Norden ( Organist ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASOIIC MIRROR . MASONIC MEMS . The Lodge of Friendship ( No . 1230 ) , Petersfield , Hants , will
Tie consecrated on the 27 th inst ., by Bro . Beach , P . Prov . S . AV . Hants and Oxfordshire . The Old Concord Lodge Ball takes place at the Queen's Concert Rooms , Hanover-square , on Tuesday next , the 20 fch inst . It is well worthy of support , the proceeds being devoted to charity .
DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evenidg , Jan . 12 , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane . Bro . Henry AVilson , AV . M . presided , supported by Bros . Henry Thompson , S . W ., Osborne , J . AV ., Russell , Brett , Haydon , and Elmes , P . M . 's and the rest of the officers . The lodge was opened at four o'clock , and the minutes having been received and confirmed , Bros . Woolf and Stephenson being
candidates for the second degree were questioned as to their proficiency in the science , and their answers being considered satisfactory they were in due form advanced to a higher degree . The making of this degree was performed by the AV . M . in a manner that elicited great approbation . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , and some unimportant business having been disposed of it was closed in due form ancl with solemn prayer . The brethren then adioumed . for refreshment , and about fort v
sat down to a very ample fare , provided in Bro . Ireland ' s usual liberal manner . The cloth having been drawn , the usual formal toasts were given and responded to , after which the AV . M . in very apjiropriate terms proposed " the health of the visiting brethren , " and assured them that it was always with sincere pleasure they received brethren who honoured them by visiting the Domatic Lodge . The toast was very warmly responded to . Bro .
Denton , AV . M . of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 1139 , in returning thanks on behalf of the visitors , said it was with extreme pleasure he had had the opportunity of visiting the Domatic Lodge that evening , and was delighted with the able manner in which its working had been carried on by the whole of the officers , and he regretted to say that in the part of the country from which he came they fell far short of the
orthodox way iu which that working should be performed . He resided in Leeds , but every month he went thirty miles to attend to his duties , as well as of the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , held at Ripon , and he was sorry to say that they were but scantily supplied with brethren who were able to perforin the ceremonies . He frequently came to London , and he certainly never lost an oportunity of attending a lodge of instructfon ,
where he had met many members of the Domatic Lodge , which fully accounted for the excellent manner in which their officers had discharged their duties . He would just mention that last week they had held a Provincial Grand Lodge of the province in which he presided , at which the Earl De Grey and Ripon , Prov . G . M . and D . G . M . of England , presided , and as that eminent brother was to take the chair at the Pestival on behalf of the Boy ' s School in March next , it was the
determination of the West Riding of Yorkshire to stand by him on that occasion , and unless Middlesex or any other county came forward with something very handsome , they would be a long way behind . ( Cheers . ) He thanked the brethren cordially for the way in which the visitors had been received amongst them . The health of the AV . M . was proposed by Bro . Rnssen , P . M ., to which the W . M . replied in very warm- terms . On the health of the G . M . ' s of the Domatic Lodge being proposed , Bro . Russen took the opportunity of reminding the brethren that he
was to be their Steward at the approaching Pestival for the aged Freemasons and their AVidows , and hoped that more brethren who had not already subscribed would do so , so that the contributions of the Domatic Lodge might be the largest that had ever come from them on any similar occasion . A considerable additional sum was subscribed to be put down to Bro . Eussen ' s list . The health of the officers was proposed , for which . Bros . H . Thompson , Osborne , Meekham , Simpson , and Smith ,
severally returned thanks , all expressing a determination to support the W . M . during his year of office to the best of their ability ; some other toasts were given , and the evening was passed in the most complete harmony . LODGE or JOEPA ( No . 223 ) . —On Monday evening , the Sth instant , the members of the above lodge assembled at the Albion , in Aldersgate Street , when the AV . M ., Bro . S . V . Abraham raised Bro . Goodwin to the sublime degree of a Master
Mason , and initiated into the Order Mr . Israel Russell , Captain Stanhope Byrne , Mr . Elkan , and Mr . Nathan . This being the night of installation , after some routine business , the W . M . proceeded to install the S . W ., Bro . Benjamin Alexander , who had been duly elected into the chair according to ancient form ; and the manner this , as well as the other ceremonies of tbe lodge , were performed by him , elicited the warm eulogiums
of the many visitors and brethren present , who expressed their approbation of his conduct in the chair , by presenting him with a most elegant and valuable P . M . ' s jewel , subscribed for hy the members of the lodge . In presenting it , Bro . Selig , P . M .,
said , that the pleasure he had in doing so , on the part of the lodge , was increased b y the knowledge that the Master had not only striven in every way to conduct the business of the lodge in a proper way , and raise its position in the Craft , hut that he had succeeded in his endeavours ; and he paid a hig h , compliment to Bro . Abraham for his meekness in the chair , for while he held the rod of authority , it was administered , in such a way as to enforce obedience by kindness and not
by power . After a very eloquent and able address , he concluded by wishing , in the name of the lodge , that the Brother might wear it for many years in the enjoyment of good health and happiness , and hand it down as an heir loom to the members of his family . Bro . S . V . Abraham said , that he might with confidence ask the indulgence of the brethren if he were not able to acknowledge in suitable terms this additional mark of their kindness , for , said lie , for
the first time since he was elevated to the chair he found himself incapable of performing the task which devolved on him , and he trusted he might avail himself of the true spirit or an Englishman , who in one genuine and trite remark will express what otherwise would acquire a lengthy address . If he had succeeded in his duties it was only owing to the assistance the Brethren at all times accorded him , and he thanked them for that as well as the generous liberality they had evinced in presenting him with so beautiful a Jewel . He certainly should hand it down as an heirloom in his family , and assured them that while he wore it on his breast in
acknowledgment of their liberality , there was yet another Jewel beneath which would ever reflect the kindness and attention he had . received at their hands . The Lodge being called off , the brethren , numbering about ninety , sat down to a most sumptuous banquet , provided by the excellent caterers , ° the Messrs . Staples ; and the manner the newly-installed AV . M ., Bro . Benjamin Alexander , fulfilled the duties of the chair fully bore out the expectation , of the Lod brief but apt in his remarks when proposing the
ge ; various toasts , he was particularly happy in that of the Queen , a also the Newly Initiated , and the Visitors . In responding to the toast of the Initiates , Bro . Israel Russell said he was in possession of a glass cap , beautifully engraved , and formerly in the collection of the late G . M . the Duke of Sussex , used on the occasion of the banquets , which he should be happy to present to tbe Lodgeand the AV . M . accepted it on the part of the Lod .
, ge The W . M . Bro . E . Sydney ( 218 ) , also P . M . H . A . Isaacs ( 218 ) , and Bro . the Rev . M . B . Levy acknowledged the toasts of the Visitors . The officers appointed by the AV . M .: —Israel Abrahams , S . AV . ; H . Levy , J . W . ; " Lyons , S . D . ; Hamilton , J . D ., P . M ., B . AV . ; Aarons , Treasurer ; P . M . Seliz , Secretary ; A . Eskell , I . G . ; A . Blumenthal , D . C ; D . Louri , Steward ; and P . E . Van NoordenOrganist ; and the visitorswhich were numerous
, , , included E . A . Sydney , W . M . ( 218 ); H . A . Isaacs , P . M . ( 218 ) ; Hart , P . M . ( 218 ); S . La Mert ( 12 ); L . La Mert ( 12 ); Rev . M . B . Levy Noorden , Albion Grahams Town ; Hart ( 91 ) , and several other brethren . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . P . E . Van Norden ( Organist ) .